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What do we want from the Tech 3 rebalance?

First post
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#101 - 2013-07-04 08:51:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
Onomerous wrote:

I don't see it as a good trade off at all. If you play solo as in exploration then maybe. But remember, there are many people who don't. As stated before, if the trade off is a nerf of performance for fit in space... I'm absolutely 110% against it.

No, that's exactly why it's so cool.

T3 are vastly overpowered right now. Some at least. And that's why they're in dire need of a nerf. They've been flying around with big red nerf hammer bullseye on their backs for years, and now it seems like it'll finally hit them (soon TM).

The "refitting themselves" in space... or lets rethink that, lets say You could store a certain number of configurations of modules and sub systems in Your T3 and activate them like You would activate some kind of module, module activation timer etc all included.

It'd make them fairly unique and it wouldn't cut too deeply in other ships domains, but at the same time an ability like that would also ensure that T3 Cruisers won't become obsolete.

Onomerous wrote:
And as stated: If the reason to fly the new t3 (after any nerf which might happen) is because you fit in space then why fly it?? You are missing my point completely. The reason to fly the damn thing would be the fit in space. Your argument is similar to saying if you don't like flying Amarr ships because of the lazor bonus on the hull then just put projectiles on them... you lose the value of the ship.

And that now really was little difficult to understand... So You don't want to fly them (after the rebalance) because they (presumably) won't be the absolute top notch of the niche You fitted them for anymore?

Well, here's a secret: They were never supposed to be the best at what they do. They were supposed to be able to do everything but never be the best at anything.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Naomi Knight
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#102 - 2013-07-04 09:21:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Naomi Knight
Where is the downvote button?:O

Whats the point of a ship which is much more expensive and isnt as good as other specialized ships? Nothing
Even if you could refit it who cares maybe some % of the playerbase,and making the rest of the players these ships useless.

Right now they are only op cause they can tank a lot and blob friendly due to lame rr+very good resists and sigtanking.

oh and make every role viable , who uses tengu for jamming or rail sniping ? nobody

oh and remove rigs or make them removable ---> we can change the systems
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#103 - 2013-07-04 09:31:18 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:

no its dumb and should not be possible is what it is... if you want to reship a ship you need a fitting service from another ship that ship must be a capital as only capital ships have fitting service and you cant use your own!

if a carrier cant refit himself in space (if alone) it would be beyond ret*rderd to let a T3 ship do that.

A carrier is a completely different class of ship that touches T3 Strategic Cruisers only marginally, at best. I really don't get why You bring that one up all the time.

Seems a little dumb to me...

because a carrier is a ship with a fitting service and it has a fitting service (just like all the other capitals) because its a part of their role... now you get it? a ship cant refit out of thin air that is my point you need a ship like a carrier to refit period

Still seems dumb.

By Your logic I could claim that no other ship than the golem should be allowed to use T2 Torpedos because that's just what the golem specializes in and if You want to launch torpedoes, You should get a Golem.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#104 - 2013-07-04 12:28:01 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:

no its dumb and should not be possible is what it is... if you want to reship a ship you need a fitting service from another ship that ship must be a capital as only capital ships have fitting service and you cant use your own!

if a carrier cant refit himself in space (if alone) it would be beyond ret*rderd to let a T3 ship do that.

A carrier is a completely different class of ship that touches T3 Strategic Cruisers only marginally, at best. I really don't get why You bring that one up all the time.

Seems a little dumb to me...

because a carrier is a ship with a fitting service and it has a fitting service (just like all the other capitals) because its a part of their role... now you get it? a ship cant refit out of thin air that is my point you need a ship like a carrier to refit period

Still seems dumb.

By Your logic I could claim that no other ship than the golem should be allowed to use T2 Torpedos because that's just what the golem specializes in and if You want to launch torpedoes, You should get a Golem.

ofc not every ship that has the slots and power/cpu to fit it can fit it you ofc need the skills but well... your completly ret*rded idea to make a T3 able to refit in space goes against all the current rules and for good reasons.

there is only one type of ship that has fitting service and that is CAPITAL you see the diffrence between a capital and a T3 cruiser i hope

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#105 - 2013-07-04 12:34:34 UTC
Naomi Knight wrote:
Where is the downvote button?:O

Whats the point of a ship which is much more expensive and isnt as good as other specialized ships? Nothing
Even if you could refit it who cares maybe some % of the playerbase,and making the rest of the players these ships useless.

Right now they are only op cause they can tank a lot and blob friendly due to lame rr+very good resists and sigtanking.

oh and make every role viable , who uses tengu for jamming or rail sniping ? nobody

oh and remove rigs or make them removable ---> we can change the systems

you think its logical that a T3 is MUCH and MUCH better then any commandship as it has 5% bonus to ALL links per lvl where the commandship only gets 3% to 1 type per lvl and 0% to the others! but to train one race (which only makes you able to use 1 type of gang links properly) and you need a ton more training to fly the commandship.

you think its correct that a T3 fullfils EVERY role better then a specialized T2 ship? if so you realy miss something.

it would make sense that a T3 is like 90% effective (or something like that) to all the roles it can be, you hardly need any training to fly them (in comparisson) and they are highly adaptable because of that they also have the bonus that you dont know what role it has when you see it on Dscan

that is more then enough, the way it is now they are just OP period

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Crazy KSK
Tsunami Cartel
#106 - 2013-07-04 12:51:59 UTC
I want
every subsystem to be useful
no skill loss
in space refitting
no rigs or removable rigs

Quote CCP Fozzie: ... The days of balance and forget are over.

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#107 - 2013-07-04 12:55:23 UTC
Crazy KSK wrote:
I want
every subsystem to be useful

that isnt impossible i guess

no skill loss

i support that

in space refitting
no rigs or removable rigs

no and no i explained this more then once.

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#108 - 2013-07-04 13:22:17 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
Paikis wrote:
T3s cannot be balanced. In EVE, either you're the best at what you do, or you don't get flown. End of.

Even if true it's not an obstacle to the balancing T3. The ability to do many things with a good level of profiency is extremely valuable at times. It allows you to handle a wider range of targets and situations on a single ship. Slightly lower EFT numbers won't make them obsolete in actual combat situations, where an additional ability/bonus set can turn the situation in your favor again. Therefore they can easily remain better then specialized ships in many areas, but that advantage has to be gained through abilitites and stats, that fall outside the individual T2 specializations.

Indeed but lets start by removing what is out of whack and see what happens:

-fix over sized modules to mach their respective category ship

-get rid of off grid links (eventually transfer those abilities to respective skill trees and then it's up to player to do it or not)

-fix the current completely OP DED shield boosters and balance them correctly with DED ARs

-balance faction DED/officer modules: all advantages and no drawback, this needs to be addressed. better fittings and no specialization skills required is way out of wack, they need either to get a higher cap consumption on activation or huge CPU/PG kicks to match their performances and thus limit fittings

Now, about Tengus: 200K EHP and 700dps at....25km I see no problem here, HAC's will eat them at this distance with as much if not more dps once they go through the balance spot, because yes they need more dps/range, smaller signature and higher mobility (not much more tank)

Notice that without touching a single point of any T3 we're already fixing about 80% of what makes them so powerful and still keep the interest on flying them.

There's only one or two roles where each T3 is good, some 1 more others one less but with my proposed changes this already removes a lot if not most of the points making them excel in various combat situations.

Of course this is not an exhaustive list, there are far more little changes needed but none directly related to the T3 hulls.
If something, with these simple proposals and after changes the other T3 subs would require huge boosts to be able to compete or become interesting with T2 counter parts without being better at their job.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#109 - 2013-07-04 13:43:00 UTC
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
Indeed but lets start by removing what is out of whack and see what happens:

-fix over sized modules to mach their respective category ship

-get rid of off grid links (eventually transfer those abilities to respective skill trees and then it's up to player to do it or not)

-fix the current completely OP DED shield boosters and balance them correctly with DED ARs

-balance faction DED/officer modules: all advantages and no drawback, this needs to be addressed. better fittings and no specialization skills required is way out of wack, they need either to get a higher cap consumption on activation or huge CPU/PG kicks to match their performances and thus limit fittings

Now, about Tengus: 200K EHP and 700dps at....25km I see no problem here, HAC's will eat them at this distance with as much if not more dps once they go through the balance spot, because yes they need more dps/range, smaller signature and higher mobility (not much more tank)

Notice that without touching a single point of any T3 we're already fixing about 80% of what makes them so powerful and still keep the interest on flying them.

There's only one or two roles where each T3 is good, some 1 more others one less but with my proposed changes this already removes a lot if not most of the points making them excel in various combat situations.

Of course this is not an exhaustive list, there are far more little changes needed but none directly related to the T3 hulls.
If something, with these simple proposals and after changes the other T3 subs would require huge boosts to be able to compete or become interesting with T2 counter parts without being better at their job.

you have some valid points i do think DED shield modules are OP and the DED armor reps are realy not used that much. but one problem wil remain, that is that the T3s have an i win button.

they still would kick every T2 ships arse that is totaly out of whack and needs fixing, its not for nothing that every WH and 0.0 corp wants their members to be able to fly T3s hell its pretty much all they use ICM with a few capitals and logi. reason is simple they are too good to be true and that makes nearly the entire T2 ship range useless.

but the problem is that many people trained accounts to fly T3s only and they do not wanna see changes because they need to train the T2 ships then. same for people that are setup to build T3 hulls and subs they dont want the change because the prices will drop to the ground.

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#110 - 2013-07-04 13:58:42 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:
they still would kick every T2 ships arse that is totaly out of whack and needs fixing, its not for nothing that every WH and 0.0 corp wants their members to be able to fly T3s hell its pretty much all they use ICM with a few capitals and logi. reason is simple they are too good to be true and that makes nearly the entire T2 ship range useless.

Only because T2 ships aren't balanced yet.

Once those are balanced and without even touching T3's T2 hulls will be a lot better to use and performing.

Only then and after a couple months leaving players play with their new tows we can definitively say if T3's are at some point still out of whack and eventually if they need a total revamp or simple make minor changes.

The perception of T3's "opness" is already biased and often without real experience or objective point of view for several reasons.

This perception WILL change and become moderate as soon as T2 ships are balanced like command ships and HACs, not respectively to T3's but to T1, and only then we will be able to have a better understanding of what needs changes and if eventually they will need changes at all, until then we can only note HAC's and Command ships under perform for many other reasons and T3's argument just comes on last and add gaz to the fire.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#111 - 2013-07-04 14:48:17 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:

in space refitting
no rigs or removable rigs

no and no i explained this more then once.

Still doesn't make it right tho.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#112 - 2013-07-04 14:53:13 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:

in space refitting
no rigs or removable rigs

no and no i explained this more then once.

Still doesn't make it right tho.

you cant refit a single ship in space without a ship that has a fitting service those are ONLY found in capitals that has an reason it falls under support and that is their role. its not so hard to understand the fact that i need to point that out 5 times and you still dont seem to get it and cant do more then say uhhh but i want it makes you look dumber then a bag of rocks plz proof me wrong on that last part

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#113 - 2013-07-04 14:58:52 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:

you cant refit a single ship in space without a ship that has a fitting service those are ONLY found in capitals that has an reason it falls under support and that is their role. its not so hard to understand the fact that i need to point that out 5 times and you still dont seem to get it and cant do more then say uhhh but i want it makes you look dumber then a bag of rocks plz proof me wrong on that last part

Keep talking, I understand what You're saying, it's just quite narrow minded and it makes You sound as if You were afraid Your shiny cap could become useless for some enigmatic reason. But keep talking, I don't mind.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2013-07-04 15:03:18 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:

you cant refit a single ship in space without a ship that has a fitting service those are ONLY found in capitals that has an reason it falls under support and that is their role. its not so hard to understand the fact that i need to point that out 5 times and you still dont seem to get it and cant do more then say uhhh but i want it makes you look dumber then a bag of rocks plz proof me wrong on that last part

It has already been brought up (by Commander Ted) that it is almost as, if not more, cost effective to have all the T2 counterpart ships of the T3 subsystems. Without the ability to be truly modular there is little point in calling the ship "modular" letting them refit modules and subsystems in space would be a niche role that only a T3 ship could fill.
There should be restrictions, such as:

It takes 1 minute per subsystem to refit.
All modules need to be turned back online.

Special abilities for the T3 for this would be:
A 600m^3 Subsystem and Module Bay must be loaded in a POS or Station.
A 15% reduction in the capacitor needs for putting modules online.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#115 - 2013-07-04 15:07:23 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:

you cant refit a single ship in space without a ship that has a fitting service those are ONLY found in capitals that has an reason it falls under support and that is their role. its not so hard to understand the fact that i need to point that out 5 times and you still dont seem to get it and cant do more then say uhhh but i want it makes you look dumber then a bag of rocks plz proof me wrong on that last part

Keep talking, I understand what You're saying, it's just quite narrow minded and it makes You sound as if You were afraid Your shiny cap could become useless for some enigmatic reason. But keep talking, I don't mind.

being able to refit a ship in space would be highly overpowered if it could manage that out of thin air, its also very unrealistic. in my imagine a fitting service is NOT so small it fits in a cruiser. so unrealistic and overpowered. let me guess you also want a cargo bay of 5000 m3 so you can carry everything you can ever need on your T3

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#116 - 2013-07-04 15:08:39 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:

you cant refit a single ship in space without a ship that has a fitting service those are ONLY found in capitals that has an reason it falls under support and that is their role. its not so hard to understand the fact that i need to point that out 5 times and you still dont seem to get it and cant do more then say uhhh but i want it makes you look dumber then a bag of rocks plz proof me wrong on that last part

It has already been brought up (by Commander Ted) that it is almost as, if not more, cost effective to have all the T2 counterpart ships of the T3 subsystems. Without the ability to be truly modular there is little point in calling the ship "modular" letting them refit modules and subsystems in space would be a niche role that only a T3 ship could fill.
There should be restrictions, such as:

It takes 1 minute per subsystem to refit.
All modules need to be turned back online.

Special abilities for the T3 for this would be:
A 600m^3 Subsystem and Module Bay must be loaded in a POS or Station.
A 15% reduction in the capacitor needs for putting modules online.

still i vote for a big no

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#117 - 2013-07-04 15:27:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
Ellendras Silver wrote:

being able to refit a ship in space would be highly overpowered if it could manage that out of thin air, its also very unrealistic. in my imagine a fitting service is NOT so small it fits in a cruiser. so unrealistic and overpowered. let me guess you also want a cargo bay of 5000 m3 so you can carry everything you can ever need on your T3

Yeah You obviously ignored the part were i said "certain numbers of configurations stored in the ship" and "to be activated like some kind of module, module timer etc. included".

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#118 - 2013-07-04 16:55:12 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:

being able to refit a ship in space would be highly overpowered if it could manage that out of thin air, its also very unrealistic. in my imagine a fitting service is NOT so small it fits in a cruiser. so unrealistic and overpowered. let me guess you also want a cargo bay of 5000 m3 so you can carry everything you can ever need on your T3

Yeah You obviously ignored the part were i said "certain numbers of configurations stored in the ship" and "to be activated like some kind of module, module timer etc. included".

they should be able to refit sub systems on POS or capital fitting service which they cant do now. but it should stop there

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2013-07-04 17:56:10 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:

being able to refit a ship in space would be highly overpowered if it could manage that out of thin air, its also very unrealistic. in my imagine a fitting service is NOT so small it fits in a cruiser. so unrealistic and overpowered. let me guess you also want a cargo bay of 5000 m3 so you can carry everything you can ever need on your T3

Yeah You obviously ignored the part were i said "certain numbers of configurations stored in the ship" and "to be activated like some kind of module, module timer etc. included".

they should be able to refit sub systems on POS or capital fitting service which they cant do now. but it should stop there

They can already refit at a pos, the single use T3 has come from the unbearable logistics of trying to fill a generalized role without being able to have multiple options with you.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#120 - 2013-07-04 18:04:26 UTC
Omnathious Deninard wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:

being able to refit a ship in space would be highly overpowered if it could manage that out of thin air, its also very unrealistic. in my imagine a fitting service is NOT so small it fits in a cruiser. so unrealistic and overpowered. let me guess you also want a cargo bay of 5000 m3 so you can carry everything you can ever need on your T3

Yeah You obviously ignored the part were i said "certain numbers of configurations stored in the ship" and "to be activated like some kind of module, module timer etc. included".

they should be able to refit sub systems on POS or capital fitting service which they cant do now. but it should stop there

They can already refit at a pos, the single use T3 has come from the unbearable logistics of trying to fill a generalized role without being able to have multiple options with you.

NO. You should not have to carry all the stuff you might need in your hold. That's my entire point. The loss of the ship goes up because of it. Fit in space is not a good idea. The people who want this are the solo PVE peeps. It is and shall remain a terrible idea and you should feel terrible.