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[Odyssey 1.1] Skill group name changes

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#121 - 2013-07-04 03:46:26 UTC
All the skill names are just so confusing. You should really dumb everything down such that there is no imagination or flavor involved anymore. New player confusion will be immediately fixed this way. Suggestions:

Frequency Modulation -> EW Falloff Improvement
Sensor Linking -> Sensor Module Capacitor Use
Signal Dispersion -> ECM Strength
Energy Pulse Weapons -> Smartbombs
Tactical Shield Manipulation -> Low Shield Armor Protection
AWU -> Weapon Powergrid Usage
Controlled Bursts -> Turret Capacitor usage
Gunnery -> Turret Damage
Sharpshooter -> Turret Optimal Range
Surgical Strike -> Advanced Turret Damage

I could keep going, but you get the idea. Dumb everything down to take the flavor out.

Also, I suggest changing all ship names to their ship class and a number, it's way too hard to remember all those ships. for example, Amarr Frigate I, II, III. Or you could do Amarr Light Cruiser, Amarr Heavy Cruiser, Amarr EW Cruiser. This would help a lot.

Remember, the goal is to prevent any confusion or learning for new players. Gotta focus on that.
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#122 - 2013-07-04 03:54:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Maldiro Selkurk
Sarkelias Anophius wrote:
These changes are moronic and cater to people too illiterate and incapable to be playing this game to begin with. I do not approve of any of these changes and hope they are withdrawn.

This smells of the homogenization and nerfing that has sent every other MMO into the dirt. This game is what it is because it requires attention and some reading skills. I do not want to lose this to the crybaby masses.

Stomping your feet and crying 'I want 10 years ago", doesn't seem to separate you much from those crybaby masses you so seem to hate.

1. it takes a lot of money to properly develop a video game long term, CCP has failed at this and that is why this game feels so "10 years old", when other games have done a much better job of keeping up with the times because they have the financial resources to do it.

2. As CCP brings in outside management talent i can assure you it isn't because they felt like they were on the right path with their past development ideology and resultant cash flow problem and small player base (no, i dont have access to CCPs financial records but i do understand the concept of 'lost opportunity costs' and CCP has lost out on millions if not tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars they could have used to keep this now antiquated game current).

3. The only hope this game has for a better tomorrow doesn't lie in the hands of players or developers that would shun casual players so stomp your feet and huff and puff all you like but we casuals will win because there are more of us in the gaming world and we have a lot more money to offer CCP if it plays to our desires and in the final analysis investors don't care if you like the changes or not they care about their quarterly profits and that is precisely what we casuals will give them.

4. btw, this response is appropriate to about 10 other respondents that are wondering why CCP cannot seem to keep up with necessary changes to their game, its simple EVE has been mismanaged and until the management starts making some serious changes CCPs financial constraints will have this game falling farther and farther behind other games in terms of its development.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#123 - 2013-07-04 03:56:59 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
this is eve online, where we fit Alumel Omni ECCM Sensor Array to our ships. a little less clarity in the name of a skill is a fair price to pay for not feeling like an idiot while talking about it. multiple targeting sounds like multiple sclerosis and has to go away.


I can't get too worked up about these changes because they aren't that big a deal but I can't shake the feeling that this is a lot of effort that could have gone into things that are actually broken.
Sarkelias Anophius
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2013-07-04 04:13:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarkelias Anophius
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
Sarkelias Anophius wrote:
These changes are moronic and cater to people too illiterate and incapable to be playing this game to begin with. I do not approve of any of these changes and hope they are withdrawn.

This smells of the homogenization and nerfing that has sent every other MMO into the dirt. This game is what it is because it requires attention and some reading skills. I do not want to lose this to the crybaby masses.

Stomping your feet and crying 'I want 10 years ago", doesn't seem to separate you much from those crybaby masses you so seem to hate.

1. it takes a lot of money to properly develop a video game long term, CCP has failed at this and that is why this game feels so "10 years old", when other games have done a much better job of keeping up with the times because they have the financial resources to do it.

2. As CCP brings in outside management talent i can assure you it isn't because they felt like they were on the right path with their past development ideology and resultant cash flow problem and small player base (no, i dont have access to CCPs financial records but i do understand the concept of 'lost opportunity costs' and CCP has lost out on millions if not tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars they could have used to keep this now antiquated game current).

3. The only hope this game has for a better tomorrow doesn't lie in the hands of players or developers that would shun casual players so stomp your feet and huff and puff all you like but we casuals will win because there are more of us in the gaming world and we have a lot more money to offer CCP if it plays to our desires and in the final analysis investors don't care if you like the changes or not they care about their quarterly profits and that is precisely what we casuals will give them.

4. btw, this response is appropriate to about 10 other respondents that are wondering why CCP cannot seem to keep up with necessary changes to their game, its simple EVE has been mismanaged and until the management starts making some serious changes CCPs financial constraints will have this game falling farther and farther behind other games in terms of its development.

masterfully trolled. Or searingly ignorant. Either way, you go, girl.

Edit: Or possibly much too aware of the truth and not interested in trying to change the course of things.
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#125 - 2013-07-04 04:21:14 UTC
Branorr wrote:
All the skill names are just so confusing. You should really dumb everything down such that there is no imagination or flavor involved anymore. New player confusion will be immediately fixed this way. Suggestions:


Remember, the goal is to prevent any confusion or learning for new players. Gotta focus on that.

We could also focus on players that refuse to evolve along with a game. The irony of an advanced civilization game where a huge chunk of the player base cannot seem to evolve along with the game just kills me.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Binary Aesthetics
#126 - 2013-07-04 04:24:49 UTC
Defiant Blessings wrote:
  1. Spaceship Command +1
  2. Target Acquisition / Advanced Target Acquisition +1
  3. Subsystem skills independent category +1
  4. Planetary Interaction skills independent category +1

My personal thoughts:
Thanks alot, I just started a video series using all these old names. Big smile

Nail and head. Right there.

Emphatically no.1. Brings this to mind : ...not the understanding, commanding, maintaining, and maneuvering of multiple-kilometre dimensioned starships of increasing complexity and size.
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#127 - 2013-07-04 04:27:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Maldiro Selkurk
Sarkelias Anophius wrote:

masterfully trolled. Or searingly ignorant. Either way, you go, girl.

Edit: Or possibly much too aware of the truth and not interested in trying to change the course of things.

1. Thanks for the edit, that was quite decent of you.

2. I don't post troll, if i post it i believe it to be true (although you are entitled to disagree as you see fit)

3. um....why am i a girl?

4. I am very keenly interested in changing the face of EVE, just not in the direction you apparently prefer.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Khanid Propulsion Systems
Local Is Primary
#128 - 2013-07-04 04:38:47 UTC
Multiple targeting and spaceship piloting sound dumb.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#129 - 2013-07-04 04:40:05 UTC
Yeah,,, do not want. Old system is fine
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#130 - 2013-07-04 04:43:47 UTC
I would rename the Electronic System group to Electronic Warfare

Then change the electronic warfare skill to "Counter Measure Harmonizing" or something else which sounds ECM-specific.

I would also move cloaking out of this group and put it in to either engineering or scanning, as cloaking clearly doesn't belong with the rest of the offensive electronic warfare skills.
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#131 - 2013-07-04 04:47:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Maldiro Selkurk
Kumduh wrote:
I would leave Weapon Upgrades and AWU in Gunnery since their primary/secondary stats are more in line with that group. They would be the only ones in the new Engineering group that would be Perception/Willpower.

The problem with them remaining where they are under gunnery is that WU and AWU both apply to missiles as well and as someone that started the game as a missile pilot i didnt know these skills even existed until one day someone asked a question about them in English help chat, really a player shouldnt have to rely on help chat to find missile skills when there is a category dedicated to missiles.

One possible solution would be a skill split with WU-turrents, WU-missiles, AWU-turrets and AWU-missiles but as a CSM pointed out they are actually fitting skills and he argued that made them fit best under engineering, so perhaps they will just have to change the supporting stats if they go with their current idea.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#132 - 2013-07-04 04:52:00 UTC
There is no rule that says all skills in a group have to have the same stats. In the groups we have now, spaceship command, subsystems, science, corporation management - allow have variation in stats.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Bardos Skylifter
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry.
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#133 - 2013-07-04 04:58:45 UTC
"Spaceship Command" is much more aligned with the lore, for as a capsuleer, you are not piloting the ship in the traditional sense. Instead, you're actually controlling it will your will, you literately command the vessel with your mind.

Also, Missile Launcher Operation sounds better
Brie DeMarllene
#134 - 2013-07-04 05:09:47 UTC
Branorr wrote:
All the skill names are just so confusing. You should really dumb everything down such that there is no imagination or flavor involved anymore. New player confusion will be immediately fixed this way. Suggestions:

Frequency Modulation -> EW Falloff Improvement
Sensor Linking -> Sensor Module Capacitor Use
Signal Dispersion -> ECM Strength
Energy Pulse Weapons -> Smartbombs
Tactical Shield Manipulation -> Low Shield Armor Protection
AWU -> Weapon Powergrid Usage
Controlled Bursts -> Turret Capacitor usage
Gunnery -> Turret Damage
Sharpshooter -> Turret Optimal Range
Surgical Strike -> Advanced Turret Damage

I could keep going, but you get the idea. Dumb everything down to take the flavor out.

Also, I suggest changing all ship names to their ship class and a number, it's way too hard to remember all those ships. for example, Amarr Frigate I, II, III. Or you could do Amarr Light Cruiser, Amarr Heavy Cruiser, Amarr EW Cruiser. This would help a lot.

Remember, the goal is to prevent any confusion or learning for new players. Gotta focus on that.

I've heard all employees at CCP have switched to drinking Coors Light as well.
Sarkelias Anophius
Gallente Federation
#135 - 2013-07-04 05:18:56 UTC
Maldiro Selkurk wrote:
Sarkelias Anophius wrote:

masterfully trolled. Or searingly ignorant. Either way, you go, girl.

Edit: Or possibly much too aware of the truth and not interested in trying to change the course of things.

1. Thanks for the edit, that was quite decent of you.

2. I don't post troll, if i post it i believe it to be true (although you are entitled to disagree as you see fit)

3. um....why am i a girl?

4. I am very keenly interested in changing the face of EVE, just not in the direction you apparently prefer.

It's true, I don't prefer it. I enjoyed WoW for awhile and then this happened to it and ruined the elitist aspects I personally find most enjoyable. It's only natural that I would react defensively.

I do see that you're interested in changing the face of the game. As I said I don't like it, but my opinion isn't likely to be relevant in the end. I'm keenly aware of it.

Also, you're a girl because it's a churlish and petty way of being offensive on the internet, obviously. Or in grade school. They're the same thing, anyway.
Maldiro Selkurk
Radiation Sickness
#136 - 2013-07-04 05:40:00 UTC
Sarkelias Anophius wrote:

It's true, I don't prefer it. I enjoyed WoW for awhile and then this happened to it and ruined the elitist aspects I personally find most enjoyable. It's only natural that I would react defensively.

I do see that you're interested in changing the face of the game. As I said I don't like it, but my opinion isn't likely to be relevant in the end. I'm keenly aware of it.

Also, you're a girl because it's a churlish and petty way of being offensive on the internet, obviously. Or in grade school. They're the same thing, anyway.

Perhaps we are both asking for to much, how about we split servers, you guys keep tranquility and we casuals migrate to Carebear Candyland.

Yawn,  I'm right as usual. The predictability kinda gets boring really.

Nick Ahashion
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#137 - 2013-07-04 05:49:12 UTC
Rayzilla Zaraki wrote:
marVLs wrote:
Cool but "Spaceship Piloting" ? Spaceship Command sounds better

I'm with this guy.

"Spaceship Piloting" is a little too limp-wristed.

Although Spaceship Piloting makes sense, I feel the same way. I Attribute Spaceship Command to the inherent nature of eve, to be bold, to be brave, and to Push every ship I fly beyond its limits. Not simply pilot it.

Everything else looks great, keep up the good work CCP.
Daenna Chrysi
Omega Foundry Unit
Southern Legion Alliance
#138 - 2013-07-04 06:05:50 UTC
its about time the skill tree gets some love but the names....

"multiple targeting" nah, keep it as "Targeting" multiple makes it just sound ********.
for "multitasking" calling it "Advanced Targeting" would sound better and give the idea that this extends the targeting skills just like advanced lab operations extends the number of labs.

"Spaceship piloting" that just doesnt work, makes it sound like we are just doodling around with the ships, "Spaceship Command" is more fitting for the immortal demigods we are commanding the most powerful machines ever built =)

Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#139 - 2013-07-04 06:17:43 UTC
Defiant Blessings wrote:
  1. Spaceship Command +1
  2. Target Acquisition / Advanced Target Acquisition +1
  3. Subsystem skills independent category +1
  4. Planetary Interaction skills independent category +1

Big smile

Agreed with the above!
Ugly Eric
Fistful of Finns
#140 - 2013-07-04 06:19:51 UTC
basis are good, but why rename spaceship command to piloting? Its just ******** for old players, as anyone keep talking of it as spaceship command in anycase. Why change missile launcher operation to missiles?

But even more I keep this as a waste of time, as there would be much more important things to do. The corp management skills are outdated really badly. Starbase defence management having to have anchoring V as prereq, the skill itself being x7, it giving control to only 1 gun per level. They may have been good in the ye old days, but in modern eve, when ppl siege a pos, you need to have control of LOT of guns to be any use at all.

also the attributes certain skills require are bit .. interesting atleast. Once again I mention the starbase defence management as charisma skill, the lack of training to full year in the times of remapping for example navigations, leaderships, drones to mention few.