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[IDEA] Give skill points as a reward for completing PvE missions/Ratting/Bounty's

First post
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#101 - 2013-07-03 14:56:32 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

So the first character I had trained no support skills, my new character is training almost nothing but support skills, how am I making the same mistake?

How indeed?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#102 - 2013-07-03 14:58:40 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
XXSketchxx wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Well several space sim games are currently in production that could blow the market open and if EVE is gonna survive that, then it's needs to change the experience for new users. The same old tired formula will not work forever.

Translation: eve is still dying.

News at 11.

Nah I don't think EVE is dying. It is a niche game that appeals to a relatively small market and CCP have done an amazing job at keeping it going for so long, but it's never going to gain the broad appeal of the other main stream MMO's and maybe that's not not a problem. But it will die if it doesn't become easier and faster for new players.

EVE has grown every year since it launched. Why is it going to die if you don't get what you want?

It might be growing but at it's highest point it has around half a million subs, that's not even close to other games in it's category. Anyway I'm not gonna argue for this idea anymore, I thought it would be good for all new players and not just me but clearly I am wrong.

Amongst the open world PvP sandboxes, EVE seems to stand head and shoulders above Darkfall, Perpetuum, Mortal Online... is there another such MMO I'm missing?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#103 - 2013-07-03 15:04:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Sephira Galamore
Malcanis wrote:
Amongst the open world PvP sandboxes, EVE seems to stand head and shoulders above Darkfall, Perpetuum, Mortal Online... is there another such MMO I'm missing?

Tibia :p
(But while they have bout half a million active accounts, they only have <100k subscribers/payed accounts )

Worth noting I suppose... in Tibia, along with the ability to grind for skill, you also loose skills _every_ death(in addition to gold/equipment). It made me notably more risk averse there, than here.
In Eve I can adjust the risk by flying what I can afford to loose.
Anna Djan
Banana Corp
#104 - 2013-07-03 15:24:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Anna Djan
malcanis wrote:

Amongst the open world PvP sandboxes, EVE seems to stand head and shoulders above Darkfall, Perpetuum, Mortal Online... is there another such MMO I'm missing?

Mortal is a disgrace. After speaking with the devs first hand due to GM abuse of power. They've resorted to begging for donations.
DF is declining due to their ridiculous grind and time invested = iwin
Perpetium, interesting eve clone.

In fairness, not many about but the declining ones have one thing in common.

Poor development and developers choices.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#105 - 2013-07-03 15:32:28 UTC
Idea is always welcomed.

You just can't prevent people from posting stupid idea though.
Pandemic Legion
#106 - 2013-07-03 16:27:06 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
But it will die if it doesn't become easier and faster for new players.

New characters should just start with 20m sp.

Increase this starting amount by no less than 5m sp each year that Eve continues to stay alive.
Pandemic Legion
#107 - 2013-07-03 16:27:17 UTC
Otherwise, Eve will die.
Pandemic Legion
#108 - 2013-07-03 16:27:41 UTC
Pretty much dead as it is really. There's like no content in this game at all.
Balthazar Lestrane
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#109 - 2013-07-03 17:08:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Balthazar Lestrane
It might be growing but at it's highest point it has around half a million subs, that's not even close to other games in it's category. Anyway I'm not gonna argue for this idea anymore, I thought it would be good for all new players and not just me but clearly I am wrong.

There are no other games like EVE.
DataRunner Attor
#110 - 2013-07-03 17:19:55 UTC
XXSketchxx wrote:
Pretty much dead as it is really. There's like no content in this game at all.

Yelp, game dead despite the growing numbers.... Roll

“Point out to me a person who has been harmed by an AFK cloaker and I will point out a person who has no business playing this game.”

Sunt Sclava
Caldari State
#111 - 2013-07-03 17:24:25 UTC
DataRunner Attor wrote:
XXSketchxx wrote:
Pretty much dead as it is really. There's like no content in this game at all.

Yelp, game dead despite the growing numbers.... Roll

thats just a random fact told by ccp.anyway.a form of getting extra sp/rewarded for mission etc.i support this ideea.
Daniel Plain
#112 - 2013-07-03 17:45:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniel Plain
XXSketchxx wrote:
Pretty much dead as it is really. There's like no content in this game at all.

i want to die the same way eve did: become ever more rich and beautiful and have an own forum for sperglords who can't handle my awesome.

edit: and getting ****** by goons

I should buy an Ishtar.

Commander Ash McCloud
The New Eden People's Front
#113 - 2013-07-03 17:47:09 UTC
Noriko Mai
#114 - 2013-07-03 17:47:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Noriko Mai
I'm so sad that it's only possible to play in 0.0 if you can fly a titan CryCryCry

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#115 - 2013-07-03 18:07:27 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:

Yea well a daily cap would be good as well as a permanent cap at 10-15 million SP's as well so you don't **** off all the older players. But if you could get to 10-15 million SP's in maybe 4-6 months rather than the current 12-18 months wouldn't that be much more user friendly? You could also get the system to auto allocate the SP's for you based off what role you want to do (combat, mining, etc..) or at least give much better advice as to what skills new players should be going for.

EVE works differently SP; are not like XP or levels.

The skill simply enable your character to use some equipment. Learning to us it and to play a role well is another matter, requires experience (active gameplay, not time spent iship spinning) and time, more time than what you need to train the skill.

This mean, for instance, you can have all your gunenry at 5 but if you don't know how to manage range, speed, trasversal and so on you will always loose to someone with less SP and inferior "equip".

Please point any MMORPG system where a 2 months old character can beat a 10 years old one.

If every experienced players say the same things to you, sure, could be, as you think, a plot of old players to prevent new ones to catch up them. However I suggest you also to consider the option they simply understand the game better, are more experiencesd and are right.

EVE is a game where game experience is very relevant, and listening to what older players says is generally useful.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#116 - 2013-07-03 18:14:13 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
I'm talking about giving player s a reason to PLAY the game and not just sit in a station and slowly watch there SP's tick over one at a time.

If you cannot find a reason to log in and play Eve on your own, all the code changes in the world won't help. Eve is not a game that holds your hand and gives you goals. Eve requires you to be able to set your own goals and then go out there and get them. In short, it is not the fault of the game or its mechanics that you are sitting in stations idly spinning ships.

The fault is yours.

De'Veldrin's Corollary (to Malcanis' Law): Any idea that seeks to limit the ability of a large nullsec bloc to do something in the name of allowing more small groups into sov null will inevitably make it that much harder for small groups to enter sov null.

Daedra Blue
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2013-07-03 18:50:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Daedra Blue
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
brb, quitting my job to grind my char 23/7.

Well quitting your job would be a bit of an over-reaction but it'll give you a reason to log in and actually play the game.

here is the reason i log in to play the game: i want to play the game.

Well good for you, but think of what it's like for a new player that starts to play the game cause they have heard of all the fun you can have out in null-sec but then realizes that he has to wait for 18 months before he can start to have fun in this game.

Actually your statement here is wrong and here are the things people should learn from your statement.

  • EvE is probably the fairest game in terms of skill progression. A change to this WILL **** off a lot of people.
  • You know what its like for REAL new players? -> Wow so much to discover!!
  • You know what it's like for LEET Assholes from other games that think they can come in here and DD in titans in 3 days. -> Well you already know this.
  • I truly think eve's skill gain is way to fast IMO. Half the people flying **** around don't know how to fit and fly them.
  • I would argue that somebody should just grant you the SP so we can have some ALOD's with you in them.
  • What you don't know is that after 18 months people go back to flying frigates because it's so much more awesome then AFK-ing in a supercap.
  • Null-sec isn't as fun as you read.
  • You can get into null-sec without having to wait 18 months, dunno who told you you had to. I was in null-sec belt ratting in a thorax with 2.5M sp.
  • EvE is not WoW -> DEAL WITH IT!!!
  • If you moan too much, people will find ways to harvest your tears.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2013-07-03 19:14:07 UTC
I don't think it has been said yet, but how do you feel this will help new players and not just benefit experienced players?

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#119 - 2013-07-04 00:04:21 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
brb, quitting my job to grind my char 23/7.

Well quitting your job would be a bit of an over-reaction but it'll give you a reason to log in and actually play the game.

here is the reason i log in to play the game: i want to play the game.

Well good for you, but think of what it's like for a new player that starts to play the game cause they have heard of all the fun you can have out in null-sec but then realizes that he has to wait for 18 months before he can start to have fun in this game.

I'm gonna stop you right here, I'm gonna stop reading the thread right here too, and call you out on a massive load of stinky catshit. Or bullshit. Whichever one the forum doesn't censor. Newbies are able to have fun in the game until you start shoving high-SP fleet doctrines down their throat and excluding them from doing anything because they can't fly a fully T2 Rokh.

Go talk to TEST or Goons who have things that even low-SP characters can do. Ask them how much fun their newbies have.

Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#120 - 2013-07-04 01:25:14 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Frank Pannon wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
brb, quitting my job to grind my char 23/7.

Well quitting your job would be a bit of an over-reaction but it'll give you a reason to log in and actually play the game.

OP, I think the core of your problem is that you define this game by it's PVE content. "Actually play the game" is not only running missions or ratting. There so much more to do and experiment with!

You got bored with missions. Currently missions earn you ISK+LP, or cherry+cream. Earning choco crisps on top will not give your appetite back.

AND it is against one of the fundamental aspects of this game.... so no, thanks.

I'm not defining the game by it's PvE content. I'm saying that there needs to be a way for new players to be able to catch up with the older players a lot quicker than there currently is. I think there needs to be a way to speed up the process and make sure you can get a good character that can actually do stuff in this game faster than the 18 months it currently takes.

Hey, i know several rookies, that have gone down to null after bascially no time, and yoined our CAS roams, where everyone flies T1 stuff, fitted with cheap fits, scrap metal fleets, plenty of things a rookie can contribute with, people in CAS ewen help rookies get jump clone, since we have a rorq or two... get a tristan drone boat, a atron tackler, or a kestrel missile pew pew er, plenty of options for rookies...

The bad thing with Eve, is big corps reluctance to help out new player, due to the risk of getting spies/saboteurs wich hinders new players to yoin older experienced people, if you start in CAS, thats a exception...

As for your idea, i personally think its a bad idea, enjoy the road, and not the goal, in any case, good luck out there !