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[IDEA] Give skill points as a reward for completing PvE missions/Ratting/Bounty's

First post
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris
Republic Military Tax Avoiders
#21 - 2013-07-03 12:15:54 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Secondly, it adds immersion as every time you get a kill you learn how to be better at it (most games grant XP for getting kills so why not grant SP's in EVE).

How is killing red crosses making you better at mining or industry?
Also by your idea: how will you balance SP gain for PvP kills? If you make it loss-dependent (the only factor you can use) - it'll become Plex for SP feature.

By buying character worth 500 pounds you lost several years of fun of developing your own

Well I only come up with the ideas, it's up to the dev's to figure out how to balance it.

So I lost several years worth of 'fun' spinning my ship in a station waiting 45 days for my Caldari battleship skill to get to level 5? Trust me that never was and never will be fun.
Thats your suggestion in a nutshell. Is it fun playing game this way? Well, certainly not for me and not for a lot of other players i think.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.

Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2013-07-03 12:16:39 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
i'm done with this guy.
go back to WoW

Didn't realise you even started. You should also read everything before you post as I'm pretty sure I said earlier that I don't play WoW.
Frank Pannon
Emerald Swine Escavations
#23 - 2013-07-03 12:16:51 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
brb, quitting my job to grind my char 23/7.

Well quitting your job would be a bit of an over-reaction but it'll give you a reason to log in and actually play the game.

OP, I think the core of your problem is that you define this game by it's PVE content. "Actually play the game" is not only running missions or ratting. There so much more to do and experiment with!

You got bored with missions. Currently missions earn you ISK+LP, or cherry+cream. Earning choco crisps on top will not give your appetite back.

AND it is against one of the fundamental aspects of this game.... so no, thanks.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2013-07-03 12:22:22 UTC
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Secondly, it adds immersion as every time you get a kill you learn how to be better at it (most games grant XP for getting kills so why not grant SP's in EVE).

How is killing red crosses making you better at mining or industry?
Also by your idea: how will you balance SP gain for PvP kills? If you make it loss-dependent (the only factor you can use) - it'll become Plex for SP feature.

By buying character worth 500 pounds you lost several years of fun of developing your own

Well I only come up with the ideas, it's up to the dev's to figure out how to balance it.

So I lost several years worth of 'fun' spinning my ship in a station waiting 45 days for my Caldari battleship skill to get to level 5? Trust me that never was and never will be fun.
Thats your suggestion in a nutshell. Is it fun playing game this way? Well, certainly not for me and not for a lot of other players i think.

Yea not seeing the connection there.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2013-07-03 12:26:34 UTC
Frank Pannon wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
brb, quitting my job to grind my char 23/7.

Well quitting your job would be a bit of an over-reaction but it'll give you a reason to log in and actually play the game.

OP, I think the core of your problem is that you define this game by it's PVE content. "Actually play the game" is not only running missions or ratting. There so much more to do and experiment with!

You got bored with missions. Currently missions earn you ISK+LP, or cherry+cream. Earning choco crisps on top will not give your appetite back.

AND it is against one of the fundamental aspects of this game.... so no, thanks.

I'm not defining the game by it's PvE content. I'm saying that there needs to be a way for new players to be able to catch up with the older players a lot quicker than there currently is. I think there needs to be a way to speed up the process and make sure you can get a good character that can actually do stuff in this game faster than the 18 months it currently takes.
Matari Recreation
#26 - 2013-07-03 12:29:55 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
I'm not defining the game by it's PvE content. I'm saying that there needs to be a way for new players to be able to catch up with the older players a lot quicker than there currently is. I think there needs to be a way to speed up the process and make sure you can get a good character that can actually do stuff in this game faster than the 18 months it currently takes.

Perhaps you can start by telling us what it takes 18 months to do. I can't think of anything other than cap ships, which aren't intended for noobs anyway.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2013-07-03 12:32:11 UTC
OK so this topic didn't really get the response that I was expecting so how about we change the idea a bit.

Make it so you can earn SP's by mission running/ratting etc. up to say 10 million SP's. If you want to sit in a station and just log in every few days to add a new skill to your queue then you can but you can also speed up the process to say 3 months if you do the missions and other activity's.

I think by the time you get to 10 million SP's you have a pretty well rounded character (or at least you should have) that can at the very least challenge opponents even if you can't beat them.

It should lower the brutally high learning curve that EVE currently enjoys and make the entire experience better for new or returning players.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2013-07-03 12:33:54 UTC
Zor'katar wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
I'm not defining the game by it's PvE content. I'm saying that there needs to be a way for new players to be able to catch up with the older players a lot quicker than there currently is. I think there needs to be a way to speed up the process and make sure you can get a good character that can actually do stuff in this game faster than the 18 months it currently takes.

Perhaps you can start by telling us what it takes 18 months to do. I can't think of anything other than cap ships, which aren't intended for noobs anyway.

Well I was being figurative not literal but the point was it takes a f**king long time to be able to get anywhere in this game and I think there need to be a way to speed up the process.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#29 - 2013-07-03 12:34:22 UTC
This is an awful idea, full stop, and there isn't an argument in the world that can change that.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Balthazar Lestrane
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#30 - 2013-07-03 12:36:34 UTC
Zor'katar wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
So I lost several years worth of 'fun' spinning my ship in a station waiting 45 days for my Caldari battleship skill to get to level 5? Trust me that never was and never will be fun.

The skill queue is something that happens while you're doing other things. It's not CCP's fault if you couldn't be bothered to find something to do before reaching any given skill level.

Well put. I motion for CCP to temporarily re-open the EVE Gate to hurl this thread and all it's insanity back to wherever the hell it came from.

If I wanted to play an MMO with experience-based progression, I would. But I play EVE because it let's me login and pew pew my heart out and still make progress when I'm busy in real life.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2013-07-03 12:37:32 UTC
mynnna wrote:
This is an awful idea, full stop, and there isn't an argument in the world that can change that.

Mind telling me why? and coming from a bunch of elitist griefers, I can understand you wouldn't want to improve the game for new players so your opinion matters very little to me.
Azn Empire
#32 - 2013-07-03 12:39:41 UTC
Hell no. We do not need an SP grind mechanic in Eve. The lack of having to grind, one of the best things about Eve's SP system. There was an SP grind system in the game at one time, but it was abused. Just like your idea would be abused.

If you are really that focused on bypassing the learning how to play stage, then use the current time bypass, either grind or trade for lots of ISK and buy a high SP char.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Matari Recreation
#33 - 2013-07-03 12:39:53 UTC
The only sort of "I need more SP plox" idea I might consider supporting is one that gives people a one-time set amount of extra XP either at the start or after some criteria are met, and only if the same amount is given to everyone in the game who's already met the requirements. But the amount would have to be pretty modest, because we don't need to encourage new players to be taking bigger losses as they fly more ship than they know how to handle yet.

Providing SP for certain activities encourages grinding, and that's not a good thing.
Matari Recreation
#34 - 2013-07-03 12:41:31 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Well I was being figurative not literal but the point was it takes a f**king long time to be able to get anywhere in this game and I think there need to be a way to speed up the process.

You still need to define "anywhere". There's a ton of things to do in this game that require little to no SP. Open your mind a bit. I remember being a noob... there were a lot of barriers to get over, but SP was never one of them.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2013-07-03 12:42:25 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Hell no. We do not need an SP grind mechanic in Eve. The lack of having to grind, one of the best things about Eve's SP system. There was an SP grind system in the game at one time, but it was abused. Just like your idea would be abused.

If you are really that focused on bypassing the learning how to play stage, then use the current time bypass, either grind or trade for lots of ISK and buy a high SP char.

But you do grind, you grind for ISK, you grind for LP's. And I'm not talking about bypassing the game, I'm talking about giving player s a reason to PLAY the game and not just sit in a station and slowly watch there SP's tick over one at a time.
Matari Recreation
#36 - 2013-07-03 12:42:38 UTC
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Mind telling me why? and coming from a bunch of elitist griefers, I can understand you wouldn't want to improve the game for new players so your opinion matters very little to me.

The "why" can be found in any of the myriad threads in here and in Skill Discussions about this topic or any other form of alternative SP gain (especially "SP for Plex").
Vesan Terakol
Trollgrin Sadface
Dark Taboo
#37 - 2013-07-03 12:45:02 UTC
What if I tell you, that 2 noobs in tech 1 frigates, not more than a moth old, have a decent chance of breaking the shiny toy you trained all that time for? And if PvE is your domain, couple of weeks later, same noobs might even be running missions as good as you do with your pimped out marauder or pirate BS.

I might be slightly exaggerating in my examples, but ranks 5 of skills doesn't offer that much of a benefit over rank 4 and each rank takes exponentially more time to train. No, you don't need your skills maxed to be competitive - someone lied to you pretty badly.
Chilli-Con Carnage
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2013-07-03 12:47:06 UTC
Zor'katar wrote:
Chilli-Con Carnage wrote:
Well I was being figurative not literal but the point was it takes a f**king long time to be able to get anywhere in this game and I think there need to be a way to speed up the process.

You still need to define "anywhere". There's a ton of things to do in this game that require little to no SP. Open your mind a bit. I remember being a noob... there were a lot of barriers to get over, but SP was never one of them.

'Anywhere' being nearly any corp in this game that does anything fun. Look at the recruitment channel and see just how many null-sec corp's require a 15 million SP requirement to get in. Certainly the good ones do. And now think of just how long it takes to get 15 million SP's in this game, yea a damn long time. And what can you do prior to getting those SP's? Mission running? Faction Warfare maybe. Not a whole hell of a lot else for the first year of playing the game.
Anna Djan
Banana Corp
#39 - 2013-07-03 12:48:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Anna Djan
I think this is the worst idea I've seen in this section....

I smell a troll.

The one thing that keeps me playing and subbed is that I work for a living, can choose to log in once in a month to swap skill training around and I gain the same as anyone else.

Now as for gaining ISKies, pvping for tears, I miss out on this, but hayhoo:

Life > Grind in all instances.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#40 - 2013-07-03 12:50:12 UTC
Reason 1, skill for running missions implies that you are learning something from them, after you've launched your 500th Torpedo at a big red + you really aren't learning that much, in fact the only thing you'd possibly learn is that you don't fire Torpedoes at little +'s, but YOU are already learning that, your character probably already knows this.

Also is spending 10 minutes pressing a key every time your target goes pop more of a learning experience than spending 4 hours running around in a cloaked ship looking for targets that you most likely won't kill yourself, how would giving SP count toward that?