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Crime & Punishment

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so tell me about...

gaijiin pok
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-07-02 12:13:13 UTC
1) so... who's the pirate with the most longevity, aka as that rat bastard that has been in eve foreverBig smile

are you "that" guy, the one everyone loves to hate? who when shows up in system everyone gives out a painful groan and packs up n moves out or prepares for a battle.

*not including those that gate camp, am looking for the small gang or the solo artist - you know... the guy(s) that do more than sit in a web waiting for the fly to appear.

2) am looking to satisfy my curious nature as how long your bloodthirstiness has kept you coming back for more - how long did you play before you decided on your path? did you try mercenary work? did you just fall to the dark side? ever have any regrets?

3) and for the kicker... were you ever a minerTwisted - yeah, I know, this is over the top a touch, but I am operating on a lack of sleep and off work ill .... maybe I can blame it on the medicine!! Shocked

and please for those "rat bastards" who haven't been a pirate long, sing out and lets hear how long you have been haunting others - you don't need to be neg 10 to be a right nasty pirate, but I hear it helps.

I honestly would like to know.

Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#2 - 2013-07-02 12:22:09 UTC
Chribba has a rather mysterious past, once you get down to it.

Also, he is a Grand Master at multiboxing, and has around 50 or more alts.

.............I am in no way implying Chribba is a Secret Pirate Overlord, of course.

Chribba is an Honest And Trustworthy Internet Spaceship Pilot. You can trust him.


No, I really mean it.

*begins to get nervous*

Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Katsumoto Moliko
Players vs. EVE
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2013-07-02 12:39:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Katsumoto Moliko
gaijiin pok wrote:
1) so... who's the pirate with the most longevity, aka as that rat bastard that has been in eve foreverBig smile

are you "that" guy, the one everyone loves to hate? who when shows up in system everyone gives out a painful groan and packs up n moves out or prepares for a battle.

*not including those that gate camp, am looking for the small gang or the solo artist - you know... the guy(s) that do more than sit in a web waiting for the fly to appear.

2) am looking to satisfy my curious nature as how long your bloodthirstiness has kept you coming back for more - how long did you play before you decided on your path? did you try mercenary work? did you just fall to the dark side? ever have any regrets?

3) and for the kicker... were you ever a minerTwisted - yeah, I know, this is over the top a touch, but I am operating on a lack of sleep and off work ill .... maybe I can blame it on the medicine!! Shocked

and please for those "rat bastards" who haven't been a pirate long, sing out and lets hear how long you have been haunting others - you don't need to be neg 10 to be a right nasty pirate, but I hear it helps.

I honestly would like to know.


I used to fly with a bunch of people who roamed lowsec all day looking for good fights. More often than not, they got what they were looking for, and fairly successful fights at that.

There was an old corp known as The Bastards who were absolute monarchs at ransoming. Haven't a clue if they are still active.

There are members of mo0 who are still active (I think), but only a handful. mo0 was probably the most famous piracy corp in eve.

I also heard Cannibal Kane has a fairly huge taste for blood...
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-07-02 12:53:25 UTC
Katsumoto Moliko wrote:

I also heard Cannibal Kane has a fairly huge taste for blood...

I don't count. November this year I would have been playing for 3 years.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2013-07-02 20:09:32 UTC

Ginger Magician, oh how I miss you
