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Pilots playing on "Shader Quality : Low" Graphic Settings at a disadvantage in W-Space.

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Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#41 - 2013-06-27 22:44:53 UTC
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
how about in the show info stating "this wormhole leads to a class X system"

this is a horrible idea.
get out.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

State War Academy
Caldari State
#42 - 2013-06-27 22:54:20 UTC
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
chris elliot wrote:
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
how about in the show info stating "this wormhole leads to a class X system"

That strikes me as a bit too easy.

i agree ccp always has to make things complicated and find the hard way to stuff instead of using an elegant solution half of this info is in the "show info" window anyway why not just "make is so" ccp stop over complicating **** you allready have the 4 digi code on the entrance side of a wh the stupid part is that i have to go look up what that 4 digi code on a wh inf tool/site why not just put it in the info window HERPADERP

Are you seriously complaining about having to look up what the WH signature names mean? Just because the game doesn't hand you information on a silver platter, doesn't mean the rest of us are incapable of remembering what the hell a B274 is.

And for what its worth a simple Google search of B274 returns the eve wiki page for a B274 as the first result...

This is starting to sound like a "Make this game easier for me because I'm horribly incompetent" thread.
chris elliot
#43 - 2013-06-27 22:59:34 UTC
Ellahan Vhektor.... right click show info.....

Why in the faq is an ex-ANGST guy complaining about moving around in wormholes? I'd expect it from some nub bear pubbie but for some reason I thought you guys were a bit better than that?
Ellahan Vhektor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#44 - 2013-06-28 00:40:44 UTC
Ayeson wrote:
chris elliot wrote:
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
how about in the show info stating "this wormhole leads to a class X system"

That strikes me as a bit too easy.

While were making WHes easier, how about adding a line in show info that says "XXX amount of mass can be put through this hole for it to close"

*grumbles about making eve too easy*

dude i don't think you get what's going on in this thread you can tell what class a wh leads to by LOOKING please see here at it so i should be able to look at a show info window for the wh and get the same exact info there too there is no way to look at a wh and tell exactly how much mass has gone through it the idea of putting a mass counter on a wh has no leg to stand on in this debate sry same as the timer you only get a rough idea of these counters by looking at the wh itself and the info window i hope this clears things up for you

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Ellahan Vhektor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#45 - 2013-06-28 01:21:09 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
how about in the show info stating "this wormhole leads to a class X system"

this is a horrible idea.
get out.


Ayeson wrote:

Are you seriously complaining about having to look up what the WH signature names mean? Just because the game doesn't hand you information on a silver platter, doesn't mean the rest of us are incapable of remembering what the hell a B274 is.

And for what its worth a simple Google search of B274 returns the eve wiki page for a B274 as the first result...

This is starting to sound like a "Make this game easier for me because I'm horribly incompetent" thread.

no i'm complaining about having to tab out of game to look up info that is already there in game it does hand you information on a silver platter via the wormholes colour tabbing out to google crap is immersion breaking and not to mention a safety risk of getting exploded could you imagine if you were playing a multiplayer first person shooter and had to tab out of game to look up some info to help you progress through the map like a door code or somthing like that how long befor you get pissed off how long till you get owned while tabbed out i also know what a b274 is but there 69 different wh codes do you remember exactly all the stats for each one i didn't think so but i'm sure you're used to just messing about with low lvl whs since you've probably never seen anything higher then a c2 in high sec due to a lack of skill in playing eve nothing would be made easier by making such a small change don't be so dense

chris elliot wrote:
Ellahan Vhektor.... right click show info.....

Why in the faq is an ex-ANGST guy complaining about moving around in wormholes? I'd expect it from some nub bear pubbie but for some reason I thought you guys were a bit better than that?
i'm not complaining about moving around in a wh i'm complaining about the same things op is that pilots can't tell a wh class by looking at it on low shader settings also i learned a great many things from my time in angst unfortunately i am no longer a member of their esteemed organization and would like to take this opportunity to say


if he runs again he will have all my votes again

you guys are a joke the info is right there staring you in the face nothing new or game breaking would be introduced by doing this the information is right there this is an elegant solution for those of us that play on low shader settings where is the problem with this please tell me what am i missing here or are you just being stupid trolls (i know jack milton is a mega troll) but be serious for once

deal with it

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Ellahan Vhektor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#46 - 2013-06-28 01:23:18 UTC
and i thought i was a bitter vet lol

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Ellahan Vhektor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#47 - 2013-06-28 01:53:08 UTC
Chitsa Jason wrote:
I think that it is a huge bug especially because I live in wspace and I use low shader setting. I think it should get fixed and I do not feel that is feature working as intended.

hey bro last time i checked jita 4-4 was not in a wh hehe jk dudeBig smile

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Ellahan Vhektor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#48 - 2013-06-28 02:01:25 UTC
CCP Mannbjörn wrote:
It is working as intended for the moment, not to say that it is not something we can consider finding a better solution for in the future if it is causing a lot of user pain. We would need to investigate possible solutions.

The reason for the removal of the second nebula when looking through the wormhole was to reduce the memory consumption for the min spec machines. The nebulae textures are fairly large and hungry for memory so loading two of them plus what ever game-play you decide to engage in was deemed a bit excessive at that time for the low end machines.


how about using a lower rez texture for the inside of a wh on low settings i'm sure you guys can make this happen

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Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#49 - 2013-06-28 04:16:43 UTC
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
Chitsa Jason wrote:
I think that it is a huge bug especially because I live in wspace and I use low shader setting. I think it should get fixed and I do not feel that is feature working as intended.

hey bro last time i checked jita 4-4 was not in a wh hehe jk dudeBig smile

hey bro last time i checked it was i that was the brunt of the jita 4-4 jokes

as if you don't look uninformed enough already...

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#50 - 2013-06-28 04:27:36 UTC
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
dude i don't think you get what's going on in this thread you can tell what class a wh leads to by LOOKING please see here at it so i should be able to look at a show info window for the wh and get the same exact info there too

if you think being able to tell through observation and being told in an info window is the same thing then you REALLY don't get what people like about wormholes.

wormholes are (well, were/should be) about the unknown. yes, i KNOW it's a cliche at this point but it's still valid.
you should not be told exactly where a wh goes (definately not the mass).
hell, the show info already tells you too much info. c6 is certain, c5-4 is 50/50 and c1-3 is 1 in 3.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

#51 - 2013-06-28 05:30:42 UTC  |  Edited by: astrolabus
Dear trolls i come to remind you that this topic was about the difference between the low shader and the medium shader and not about jita,show info button and your various complexes.

To the ccp bjork that says it works as intended i want to remind him that the low shader setting is an option in his game,its not a modification from my side and they should try to deliver the similar (i know it cant be the same) experience of gameplay to both low and medium shader users.

I dont care use microsoft paint or minmatarian blood and color me a red k162 c6 for my red k162 c6 i dont want to see every k162 the same color as my system.Lol
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#52 - 2013-06-28 06:14:57 UTC
I should get less intel because your computer sucks?

**** it, im downgrading to C-64 and now YOU cant have ANY intel.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Zara Arran
Overload This
Escalation Theory
#53 - 2013-06-28 10:11:42 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:
I should get less intel because your computer sucks?

**** it, im downgrading to C-64 and now YOU cant have ANY intel.

FFS.. of course not. But CCP shouldn't have made a difference in intel between low and medium graphics. Colour of a WH is used for intel, and by removing this for only a few settings but not for all, there is a clear disadvantage! Low settings should indicate the same intel as medium settings, just "less pretty".
State War Academy
Caldari State
#54 - 2013-06-28 15:56:48 UTC
Using my deductive observation powers, I've detected that this thread is just people with bad computers whining.
Ellahan Vhektor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#55 - 2013-06-28 22:02:37 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
dude i don't think you get what's going on in this thread you can tell what class a wh leads to by LOOKING please see here at it so i should be able to look at a show info window for the wh and get the same exact info there too

if you think being able to tell through observation and being told in an info window is the same thing then you REALLY don't get what people like about wormholes.

wormholes are (well, were/should be) about the unknown. yes, i KNOW it's a cliche at this point but it's still valid.
you should not be told exactly where a wh goes (definately not the mass).
hell, the show info already tells you too much info. c6 is certain, c5-4 is 50/50 and c1-3 is 1 in 3.

i agree i just feel that a solution for this issue needs to be created and instead of telling people "no stfu and gtfo" i'm at least trying to be constructive

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Ellahan Vhektor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#56 - 2013-06-28 22:04:07 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
Chitsa Jason wrote:
I think that it is a huge bug especially because I live in wspace and I use low shader setting. I think it should get fixed and I do not feel that is feature working as intended.

hey bro last time i checked jita 4-4 was not in a wh hehe jk dudeBig smile

hey bro last time i checked it was i that was the brunt of the jita 4-4 jokes

as if you don't look uninformed enough already...

woops got Jason and Jameson confused oh well mahbad

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Ellahan Vhektor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#57 - 2013-06-28 22:07:34 UTC
Ayeson wrote:
Using my deductive observation powers, I've detected that this thread is just people with bad computers whining.

yes my computer is bad and i do like to whine

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Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2013-06-28 22:31:51 UTC
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
no i'm complaining about having to tab out of game to look up info that is already there in game it does hand you information on a silver platter via the wormholes colour tabbing out to google crap is immersion breaking and not to mention a safety risk of getting exploded could you imagine if you were playing a multiplayer first person shooter and had to tab out of game to look up some info to help you progress through the map like a door code or somthing like that how long befor you get pissed off how long till you get owned while tabbed out i also know what a b274 is but there 69 different wh codes do you remember exactly all the stats for each one i didn't think so but i'm sure you're used to just messing about with low lvl whs since you've probably never seen anything higher then a c2 in high sec due to a lack of skill in playing eve nothing would be made easier by making such a small change don't be so dense

Except you don't have to. Nobody is making you "alt tab out to google". You could umm, figure out the colors all by yourself, like others did in order to give you something to google. It is part of what makes this game fun.
Xana Tati factory inc
#59 - 2013-06-29 03:50:31 UTC
CCP Mannbjörn wrote:
It is working as intended for the moment, not to say that it is not something we can consider finding a better solution for in the future if it is causing a lot of user pain. We would need to investigate possible solutions.

The reason for the removal of the second nebula when looking through the wormhole was to reduce the memory consumption for the min spec machines. The nebulae textures are fairly large and hungry for memory so loading two of them plus what ever game-play you decide to engage in was deemed a bit excessive at that time for the low end machines.


It seems a bit wonky to link it to something entirely unrelated (shader settings). If anything you should link it to the texture settings or even give it its own setting. Shaders tend to be one of the most intensive performance-related settings graphics-wise, so it seems rather foolish to link something that probably doesn't eat up all that much GPU to something that does.

I could simply turn my shaders up and down to get intel, but it's really a hassle considering that it takes 5-10 seconds for the shader settings to apply themselves, so it's really just easier (and in a way, safer) to pop through to see what's on the other side if I'm close to it.

Whilst my computer is fairly new, it's a bit unfair to make my laptop dualbox in 1080p at medium settings. P
Ellahan Vhektor
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#60 - 2013-06-29 08:07:31 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Ellahan Vhektor wrote:
no i'm complaining about having to tab out of game to look up info that is already there in game it does hand you information on a silver platter via the wormholes colour tabbing out to google crap is immersion breaking and not to mention a safety risk of getting exploded could you imagine if you were playing a multiplayer first person shooter and had to tab out of game to look up some info to help you progress through the map like a door code or somthing like that how long befor you get pissed off how long till you get owned while tabbed out i also know what a b274 is but there 69 different wh codes do you remember exactly all the stats for each one i didn't think so but i'm sure you're used to just messing about with low lvl whs since you've probably never seen anything higher then a c2 in high sec due to a lack of skill in playing eve nothing would be made easier by making such a small change don't be so dense

Except you don't have to. Nobody is making you "alt tab out to google". You could umm, figure out the colors all by yourself, like others did in order to give you something to google. It is part of what makes this game fun.

let me state again i know what the colours mean i just can't see them on low shader settings

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