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Skill Discussions

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Skill help

Dread legionaire
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2011-11-03 04:10:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Dread legionaire
Hi Guys,

Been playing eve for a few months flying a Dominix got my t2 sentrys supprt skills where i want them and ive been getting them up to a certain standard over the last month to do a remap and focus on weapon based and spaceship command skills.

I have a plan set out that will take around a year and get me into a carrier.

The problem i have now is im doing around 500dps but still losing a dominix here and there and figure once i get my drone skills and gunnrey skills up hopefully i will chew through enemy ships faster and i wont level 4's wont be so hard. Think at times im putting the wrong hardeners on but getting there.

Before i do a remap im wondering if i should train a few skills to 5 now which would all take 8 days+ or focus on getting my dps up.


Long range targeting V
Energy Grid upgrade V
Evasive Manuvering V
Energy management V
Signature anaysis V

Worth doing now or should i do a remap and just worry about these guys later and focus on getting my dps up

I have 2 hours before Evasive 4 is done and if these skills arent so important now i would just do a remap character hasnt even hot 9mil sp yet getting close.
Shivus Tao
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2011-11-03 11:18:26 UTC
Energy management, signature analysis, long range targeting are musts.

Evasive maneuvering and Energy grid upgrade 5 are nice to have.

I'd just bite the bullet and get them now. Evasive maneuvering could wait since navigation skills are perc secondary you wouldn't lose much time training it with a perc/will build.

Before going for carrier though I'd make sure that's what you really want.
Dread legionaire
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2011-11-03 11:57:08 UTC
well carrier is where my heads at atm but i dont really know what the natural progression is from Domi. Ive been playing for 3 months constantly mission running on my own and figured a carrier would be a good jump also factored in dreadnaughts to the plan.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-11-03 13:50:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyniac
Drone boats go something like this:

Vexor -> Myrm -> Dominix ...

Then you decide what you want to do here are the new options:

-> Navy Dominix

The way of the Perfectionist - optimize all of the Domi skills to get every sliver of performance out of it, including not only drone but also gunnery skills, tanking skills (armor AND shield) etc. If you want to push the envelope here you would add things like using the Domi in a fleet (spider tanking) and as a PVP boat.

-> Ishkur -> Ishtar

The Tech 2 way -> for high native resists, small ships which tank and spank well above their size, good option if you want to operate in low/null

-> Worm -> Gila -> Rattlesnake

The way of the Guristas - opens up the best subcapital passive tankers - useful for many things including lvl 5 missions

-> Arbitrator -> Pilgrim

The way of the Amarr - also the cloaky way. Best cov-ops drone platform. Simply excellent in lowsec, nice in null too.

-> Thanatos -> Nyx

Way of the Capital ships - The differences between these and subcap ships are significant, for one thing they are not so good used solo (some would say it's downright suicidal) for another they are as much logistics platforms as drone boats.

-> Sin

Black ops ... You will know when you are ready for the Sin. If you need to ask, you are not ready.
Shivus Tao
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2011-11-03 22:07:35 UTC
The issue with carriers is they practically rely on having a dual box cyno alt to have any sort of flexibility in deployment. Dreads, don't bother with unless you're in an alliance regularly involved in POS bashes. Cross training to different races and ships will make you more flexible in the long run.
Dread legionaire
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2011-11-04 02:17:18 UTC
Well taking a look at the rattlesnake it would only take me around 5 days to be in one but am i right in assuming i would have to train missiles. Which doesnt seem that bad because railguns really do give me the *****. Looking at my current plan im spending the next 18 days getting drone interfacing to level 5 then Gallente battleship to level V another 20 something days.

Then i would be trainning my gunngery skills i dont even have gunnery 5 yet i have focused on drones using eft i will spend forever training rails to get a decent amount of dps out of it just doesnt seem worth it. Maybe cross training would be a better idea .

Dread legionaire
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2011-11-04 02:36:44 UTC
Plus shield skills need what missile skills should i be looking at to be effective. Any way i can post my character sheet to give you guys a better idea where i stand.
#8 - 2011-11-04 22:59:26 UTC
Dread legionaire wrote:
Plus shield skills need what missile skills should i be looking at to be effective. Any way i can post my character sheet to give you guys a better idea where i stand.

You can post it to very useful site :)
Dread legionaire
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2011-11-04 23:47:29 UTC
Lillena wrote:
Dread legionaire wrote:
Plus shield skills need what missile skills should i be looking at to be effective. Any way i can post my character sheet to give you guys a better idea where i stand.

You can post it to very useful site :)

Thanks for that

What do you guys think any help would be appreciated thinking Rattlesnake but open to suggestions
Shivus Tao
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2011-11-05 00:50:29 UTC
For starters you need armor comp skills if you want to fly gallente well, also you need to get your remaining navigation skills to 4.

Since you already have sentry drone interfacing at 5, and are training drone interfacing to 5 you only need large hybrids to fly a good PVE domi, at which point looking to cross over into a rattlesnake would be a good goal since that would take you through all the shield and missile support skills before going for caldari battleship.
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#11 - 2011-11-07 22:39:34 UTC
I fly the rattlesnake and love it.

By far my favorite mission ship. (( Can run with well over 800 dps that lands on cruisers at very far ranges ))
I tested v.s. top fit golems and CNR's and the rattlesnake makes more isk per hour. (( Can fit omni tank so you don't waste time changing for mission specific ))
Can run incurssion effectively in it too. ((High sp required and be ready to always be the anchor))
I also enjoy it for pvp as it is the cheapest cross faction ship since I've been playing.
Makes it easy to do cheap pvp too as you can fly a regular scorp or domi with the skills needed.
If your budget ends up a bit more in the middle you can go navy domi or scorp too.

Great ship and I highly recommend it if your willing to put in the time as it takes a lot more sp then most if not all other high sec ships to max out all effecting skills.
Dread legionaire
Goonswarm Federation
#12 - 2011-11-07 23:05:28 UTC
Atm i have nearly enough isk to buy the rattlesnake itself could grind missions for a couple of days and would have enough to buy it outright.

I have 13 days till drone interfacing 5 is completed and im throwing up if i should get battleship 5 of go straight to training missiles or get Caldari battleship to fly the rattlesnake.

Ive run eft on large rails for the dominix and i can train them up but all i will get is range and very little difference in dps. I would need to train surgical strike and rapid firing etc to see a bigger difference and its just not enough when i consider it would only be worth it if i was sticking to my Domi.

Battleship 5 is another tricky one its 28 days to get to 5 but would benefit both ships but i dare say 5 days to train Spaceship command skills to fly the Rattlenake and 23 days in missiles might give me a little more atm.Maybe a few more days to get Caldari spaceship command to 4.

Or with the upcoming railgun rebalance it might be worth training rails and maxing out my Domi.
Jesse Draco
Blue Dragon Enterprises of Missions
#13 - 2011-11-08 15:11:08 UTC

-> Worm -> Gila -> Rattlesnake

The way of the Guristas - opens up the best subcapital passive tankers - useful for many things including lvl 5 missions

My type of ships

Worm great for pvp and null rats (Great for killing Dramiel (if you have the right fit))

Gila great for pve (up to some lv 4 missions) and null rats

Rattlesnake (useful for many things including lvl 5 missions) can solo most null rat sites (I test it with an active tank)
good in pvp too if you have right fit

Dread legionaire
Goonswarm Federation
#14 - 2011-11-09 08:01:30 UTC
OK runing into a mental block planning this out in evemon planning cruise missile operation to 5 plus all the skills i need to get me there . Cruise missile specialization to 4. Caldri battleship to 4 what shield skills should i be aiming for.
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#15 - 2011-11-28 02:40:27 UTC
Make the fit you want in EFT.
Look at what skills the mods on the fit need and train them.
Passive or Active will make a differance to what skills are needed.
Lord Calus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2011-11-28 14:25:42 UTC
If you want to trim some time, most of the DPS off a rattlesnake comes from the drones, the missiles don't add too much. THe big allure of the Rattler is you can MASSIVLY passive tank it, we are talking baby carrier levels of tank. The massive passive tank makes it a superb AFK boat.
Dread legionaire
Goonswarm Federation
#17 - 2011-11-30 22:21:41 UTC
A CNR seems to be in the same line for training so considering going that way as well i want an incursion boat getting a little bored of soloing level 4's are these a good incursion ship or should i be looking for something else.

Going to take me around 2 months to get all shield skills Cruise missiles to 5 And Battleship on Caldari and Gallente to IV Then thought i would work on tackling skills and others etc seems like a good base to start from. But need out of Level 4's time to start playing well with others and find a decent corp.
Linda Shadowborn
Dark Steel Industries
#18 - 2011-12-02 19:46:34 UTC
Dread legionaire wrote:
A CNR seems to be in the same line for training so considering going that way as well i want an incursion boat getting a little bored of soloing level 4's are these a good incursion ship or should i be looking for something else.

Going to take me around 2 months to get all shield skills Cruise missiles to 5 And Battleship on Caldari and Gallente to IV Then thought i would work on tackling skills and others etc seems like a good base to start from. But need out of Level 4's time to start playing well with others and find a decent corp.

Missile boats in general are kinda meh for incursions. You want guns, top runners are in my oppinion, Nightmare, machariel and vindicator. The delay until missiles land is a killer and will waste dps.
Dread legionaire
Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2011-12-06 06:27:19 UTC
Decided to go straight onto a nightmare training i just did on shields and Caldara cruiser not going to waste at all considering ill have to go that way. Have been told if i want to fly the nightmare to get into a corp if i take it out with unknowns there is a good chance someone will try and gank me and damn i have 1.1 bil atm 2-3 months before ill set foot in it so hopefully i will have the cash to fit it out decently by the time i do.

Going to be a bit of a killer for a while over level 4 missions and dying for something different. Wishing Gallente wasnt my first choice now. So many skill points into drones and seems like they are a good mission ship but cant work out what else they are good for.