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NPC loot underminds the mining and production professions!!

First post
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#121 - 2013-06-26 02:36:50 UTC
Darth Kilth wrote:
This topic has some great ideas, not from the OP mind you, but ideas by Malcanis and others are pretty decent.

The OPs main problem seems to be that he believes forcing people to mine and produce more is actually going to make it happen and more people will while in reality people will either quit the game, keep doing it despite nerfs or find something else thats more interesting.
Or maybe that's what the OP hopes as it would increase his profits.

Eitherway, Meta modules are not the source of most of the resources, dozens of bot operations are the problem, and just making mining more profitable is only going to get more botters into the game anyway.
IMHO they should remove the Meta 1 and 2 tough, nobody ever uses them.

In my original post i suggested a system similar to the 'Integrated' and 'Augmented' drone creation style. Do you even know how those are made? And if so, why do you think that is a bad idea? This also does bring up a big question about Drone regions and module drop balance don't you think?

Second, I don't believe it's "forcing" anyone to do anything. Currently mission running and ratting are the most profitable profession. Nobody is "Forced" to do it, but because of the opportunity the vast majority of people do that. Fixing this would give more opportunity to the people that want to mine and/or produce. In fact the reason so many people stop mining is because its profitability is so lacking compared to mission running.

Saying people are going to quit the game is so cliche. And what information leads you to believe bot operations are the problem? How do you know they're bots and not afk or non-english speaking? It's not our responsibility to fight botting, it's CCP's. You can't create or stifle content because of how it maybe be affected by botting.
Nick Bete wrote:
Posting in yet another nerf missions thread... Roll

"Gun mining" in missions has already been addressed. You have no hard data to back up your simple assumptions. CCP does have that data and has not deemed it necessary to make further changes.

Obviously drone poo and the previous levels of meta reprocessability were way out of line, and they were pulled down quite a bit. The overwhelming imbalance was addressed, the issue itself was not. Any amount of "gun mining" you do still impacts mining. And any amount of desirable modules you loot, lets call it **"Combat building" impacts production.
**Terms like "Gun Building" don't really work there because it can be misinterpreted as building guns etc.
Verity Sovereign wrote:
They've already nerfed the NPC loot while buffing the mining profession...
and here you are shortly after, whining for more.

What I'd like to see, is meta0 loot return, and the meta 1-4 loot dramatically scaled back - then add meta 1-4 BPCs as posible invention outcomes (the chance to make T2 would stay the same, but instead of T2 bpc or fail, you have some intermediate outcomes where you invent a meta BPC instead of failing completely)

With Odyssey they didn't buff mining so much as they buffed Capital ship production. I do agree with the BPC stuff in place of invention failures. But I also think they need to remove Tech II BPOs. As far as meta0 loot drop, no. If you want meta0 modules go buy them from a player or make them yourself with minerals you mine.
Johan Toralen wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out what the issue is. Npc loot drops out of thin air. Asteroids for mining drop out of thin air. Both are equally means to purchase minerals. Mining doesn't stop you from purchasing mission loot and vice versa. To the contray miners have more time then most players to adjust orders as a side profession.

Mission loot is better then the t1 equivalent? Then purchase and trade said mission loot instead of producing the t1 item.
Minerals on the market are too expensive to produce certain items with a profit margin? Then find bargains in the mission loot market and produce from them. etc. etc. Just have to think a little out of the box and see the opportunity instead of the threat in everything.

In the first part you're comparing two different things. You're comparing module drop to ore. Dropped modules are good to go, where as ore needs to be refined then produced with a blueprint that needs to be researched to be profitable only to make an item that is not as good as the dropped module. If the module didn't drop then you still get an Isk bounty potential salvage and if you're doing a mission you also get mission reward isk and LP. If you still can't "figure out what the issue is." then you're probably not really thinking out of the box, you just have your head up your ass.
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#122 - 2013-06-26 02:51:13 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Arya Regnar wrote:
NPC loot underminds the mining and production professions!!

Just a late reminder about a typo in the title.

I'm not sure what is worse:

That I didn't see that typo and begin twitching immediately,

or that I now can't stop looking at it and have begun to twitch uncontrollably.

Bonus points on the typo occurring in a sentence about mining, and still getting Undermine wrong.

To be honest, the fact that the word Undermine is (or supposed to be) in a sentence about mining made me think about it enough to be like "wait it's gotta be minds". In fact, if you do go look up undermind and undermine you would see that there is a New Word Suggestion for undermind with this meaning, and also the world undermine has many definitions with direct implications on mining. Having it as undermind would make it more clear what the intentions of this thread are.

Sooo bonus points accepted. The typo was unnoticed by people that were successfully communicated with. And the whole language system every one uses is designed for the sole purpose of communication. So in this situation, English language success. ;) wah hahahaha
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#123 - 2013-06-26 03:10:25 UTC
Sigras wrote:
how would this in any way be a nerf to missions? if the drops were changed to upgrade modules and were allowed to be used in invention like the normal meta items are now there would be very little change at all.

Unless their role in "invention" required no skill whatsoever and would allow players with no training towards R&D/invention to make named weapons that much would change. That would in turn reduce, potentially significantly, the customer base from anyone who might want to use/reprocess the named items to only those with the skills to do something with them. If the consumer base gets small enough while the provider base remains the same it could potentially create a scenario where it's a buyer's market and the manufacturers set the price for all items and not just the low-meta items.

I'd say that that's some pretty significant change right there even if it's only a couple things.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
Saying people are going to quit the game is so cliche. And what information leads you to believe bot operations are the problem? How do you know they're bots and not afk or non-english speaking? It's not our responsibility to fight botting, it's CCP's. You can't create or stifle content because of how it maybe be affected by botting.

From a moral perspective it's about as much our responsibility to do something about botting as it is for a person to do something if they see illegal activity IRL. Here's another cliche for you, "All that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing." Players have just as much right to want to stamp out botting, and take reasonable actions to do so, as CCP does.

Introducing or attempting to introduce new or altered content with a complete disregard for how it might be misused or abused is irresponsible bordering on stupidity.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
In the first part you're comparing two different things. You're comparing module drop to ore. Dropped modules are good to go, where as ore needs to be refined then produced with a blueprint that needs to be researched to be profitable only to make an item that is not as good as the dropped module.

While a perfectly valid point for the most part it does ignore the fact that when it comes to modules where there are only T1/T2 variants and named variants are either extremely rare or completely non-existent item and ore drops are both identical. "Mine," reprocess, build. With the introduction of named capital modules that group took a hefty population cut, but it's still not something that should really be entirely ignored.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
If the module didn't drop then you still get an Isk bounty potential salvage and if you're doing a mission you also get mission reward isk and LP.

Personally, it'd be better to significantly reduce the isk payouts rather than reduce or remove NPC drops. It's a lot easier to remove those excess modules/minerals from the game than it is to remove the excess isk. It might up the learning curve a bit for new players and force them to train up some trading skills and learn the market, but I'd rather lose liquid isk than realism/loot.
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2013-06-26 04:11:14 UTC
Shereza wrote:
Erutpar Ambient wrote:
Saying people are going to quit the game is so cliche. And what information leads you to believe bot operations are the problem? How do you know they're bots and not afk or non-english speaking? It's not our responsibility to fight botting, it's CCP's. You can't create or stifle content because of how it maybe be affected by botting.

From a moral perspective it's about as much our responsibility to do something about botting as it is for a person to do something if they see illegal activity IRL. Here's another cliche for you, "All that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing." Players have just as much right to want to stamp out botting, and take reasonable actions to do so, as CCP does.

Introducing or attempting to introduce new or altered content with a complete disregard for how it might be misused or abused is irresponsible bordering on stupidity.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
In the first part you're comparing two different things. You're comparing module drop to ore. Dropped modules are good to go, where as ore needs to be refined then produced with a blueprint that needs to be researched to be profitable only to make an item that is not as good as the dropped module.

While a perfectly valid point for the most part it does ignore the fact that when it comes to modules where there are only T1/T2 variants and named variants are either extremely rare or completely non-existent item and ore drops are both identical. "Mine," reprocess, build. With the introduction of named capital modules that group took a hefty population cut, but it's still not something that should really be entirely ignored.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
If the module didn't drop then you still get an Isk bounty potential salvage and if you're doing a mission you also get mission reward isk and LP.

Personally, it'd be better to significantly reduce the isk payouts rather than reduce or remove NPC drops. It's a lot easier to remove those excess modules/minerals from the game than it is to remove the excess isk. It might up the learning curve a bit for new players and force them to train up some trading skills and learn the market, but I'd rather lose liquid isk than realism/loot.

We are not given the tools to fight botting. But also saying more people will bot because it's more profitable is the same thing as saying people will quit the game because their profession loses profitability. People bot because they're lazy. The people that will bot are already doing so. New botters arn't just going pop up over night because one profession got slightly more productive. Infact all you will see is potentially some bots switch from ratting to mining if anything. This is not a valid argument against this concept.

Not quite sure what you're talking about with the "ignored fact" about T1/T2 named varients stuff. They idea you had while writing that didn't translate very well. I'm curious about what you're saying there, please provide some examples too.

And as for that last part. Yeah i agree with the point that losing the ISK would be ideal for mission/ratting. But at the same time if you increase mineral/loots then you infringe on the role of the other professions even more. It's kind of like Heavy Assault Cruisers vs Strategic Cruisers. The T3 can fill the same role as the HACs only much better. And cost does not equal balance because you have to lose the ship to really incur cost. Like i said before, if enough people were running missions in high sec and reprocessing the drops then you could potentially eliminate the need for mining through shooting unlimited NPCs.

Why don't we look at it from this point of view. We are able to create all of these Tech I weapons and etc modules.

Who is the intended consumer of those items? - Weapons go on combat ships.

Are these items used by the intended consumer on a regular basis? - I would venture a guess as no.

If the items are not used on a regular basis, why? - They are abundantly available in better form.

What profession causes the lack of this item usage? - Weapons come from combat ships too?

Yeah this is really nonsense. The only thing you should get from a Wrecked ship is salvage.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#125 - 2013-06-28 02:07:20 UTC
Erutpar Ambient wrote:
We are not given the tools to fight botting.

You aren't given the tools to file petitions and report potentially bot-like behavior? You aren't given the tools to get into a cheap ship, sacrifice your security standing, and blow them up?

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
People bot because they're lazy. The people that will bot are already doing so. New botters arn't just going pop up over night because one profession got slightly more productive. Infact all you will see is potentially some bots switch from ratting to mining if anything. This is not a valid argument against this concept.

If you think that people run bots only because they're lazy then you don't know much about people.

That said even if it's just a 1:1 shift from mission/rat bots to mining bots it will still make for a larger impact on straight up miners as they have to compete with more bots and it will make the botting, or its effects, more visible to players at large with either or both likely result in more people complaining about it.

Whether that's good or bad I'll leave up to anyone reading this topic.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
Not quite sure what you're talking about with the "ignored fact" about T1/T2 named varients stuff. They idea you had while writing that didn't translate very well. I'm curious about what you're saying there, please provide some examples too.

I don't know why any translation would be needed. With regards to producing items where named variants might be a bit on the rare side (capital mods) or utterly non-existent (warp disruption field generators, T1/faction ships) there is no functional difference between "mining" NPCs and mining asteroids. Shoot something, loot it, reprocess/refine the loot, build something else. With the recent changes to exploration the analogy fits even better given that you can more easily mine zydrine (haven't seen anything bearing megacyte yet, don't expect to either though, at least not outside of an odd L4 mining mission) in high-sec now.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
But at the same time if you increase mineral/loots then you infringe on the role of the other professions even more.

I never said a thing about increasing drops though. I said that minerals and items, especially non-production items (named weapons, etc.) which specifically pertain to this topic, are more easily removed from the game than isk is. The modules and minerals invested in a ship can, and do, get removed from the game environment when a ship is blown up, but the isk used to purchase the ship and the modules on it do not leave the game. In fact more isk enters the game via the insurance payout.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
Why don't we look at it from this point of view. We are able to create all of these Tech I weapons and etc modules.

Who is the intended consumer of those items? - Weapons go on combat ships.

Are these items used by the intended consumer on a regular basis? - I would venture a guess as no.

If the items are not used on a regular basis, why? - They are abundantly available in better form.

What profession causes the lack of this item usage? - Weapons come from combat ships too?

Yeah this is really nonsense. The only thing you should get from a Wrecked ship is salvage.

Of course on the flip side every meta 1+ module dropped is one more item that doesn't need to be made by minerals which in turn means more minerals used to build capital ship parts, ships in general, ammo, T1 items for faction item conversion, and the aforementioned T1/T2-only and named-poor items.

Yes, it means T1 items are less likely to be used and subsequently that making them is less valued, but part of the problem is with the concept that T1 should be bottom of the rung when it often has a higher "value" than any sub-meta 5 item. I just looked at tachyon beams which would "cost" roughly 1.5m apiece to make, are being sold for 2m in Domain, and compete against the named variants which all have a sizable stock in the 800k-1m range.

There are a few ways to help with that though. Bump T1 items up to meta 2 and the meta 1/2 items down a grade with corresponding stat reductions. Then lower the drop rate of meta 3/4 items as a percentage of the whole, not an absolute value, to help drive up their price some due to rarity. Afterwards it might also be worth considering to increase the percentage of their total "value" that is devoted to rare minerals thereby making them more likely to be reprocessed rather than used, though I'll admit that this last idea could have some balance issues in devaluing no/low-sec mining more than it already is.

As for wrecked ships I believe we'll have to agree to disagree. I see it as an all or nothing issue. Either PC and NPC ships function the same in that they drop a randomized assortment of modules that were in use, or presumably in use in the case of NPCs, or they all drop nothing, and my vote's on all ships being able to drop modules. In the event that no wreck drops anything and can only be salvaged I would imagine that even PvP'ers would scream bloody murder. Likewise it would rather fly in the face of probability which the New Eden universe has, more or less, if no ship wreck ever had a remaining module or two that were (almost) functional. I'm willing to cop to some, perhaps even most, of the modules being damaged, and in fact I'm even willing to cop to a secondary "repair" method for meta 3/4 modules needing a bit of salvaged materials thrown in with the isk to repair them to help drive up their price in excess of T1 pricing while retaining "realism."

I just don't see that entirely removing module drops from NPC wrecks would be good for the game though. Removing them from just NPCs breaks realism, and removing them from everyone will just tick off a lot of people.
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#126 - 2013-06-28 04:45:20 UTC
Shereza wrote:
etc etc

First of all we have no idea how extensive botting is right now. Much less how they would impact/ be impacted by changes like this.

You apparently do seem to understand the basic concept of the issue. But you fail to see it as an issue.

You said that by having a module drop, it doesn't need to be made by minerals. This is exactly the problem. The problem is demand is stifled by these activities. If that module did need to be made then there would be more competition on the market for the minerals. And miners and producers could be compensated better for their work. Demand is what gives value, not supply. Look at the price of minerals after the big Ore overhaul they did for odyssey. Not only is there no significant change, but it actually seems like high end minerals are worth less. All they did was put a band-aid on the high end ore by supplementing them with the low end ore so null-sec mining isn't actually worse than high-sec. The only way to increase the value of high end ores is to increase demand for the high end minerals. Say for instance building meta gear requires additional nocxium(small), zydrine(medium) or megacyte(large) in it's material needs.

Here's a question of opinion for everyone.

Do you think the mining profession is one of the core professions in eve?

I do believe mining is a core profession in eve. Just like production and combat.
Without combat there's no eve. Without production there's no ships. Without mining, then everyone has to rat endlessly. (In it's current state)

As long as i can't have "Mining Laser/Strip Miner Combat" i don't think we should allow "Gun Mining" to exist either.

Also, if you're argument is on the side of mission running, you really shouldn't bring up realism.

On the other hand, if we could get combat with mining lasers then i'd give up all of this ;D
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#127 - 2013-07-10 04:12:01 UTC
Shameless self bump.

Also think we need a new megacyte sink. Add this to meta building!
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#128 - 2013-07-10 07:29:56 UTC
I repeat what I said in another thread this is idiotic, including the BPC ideas, oh Mr Rat goes out on operations, better tuck those BPC's on the ship so people can loot them when they shoot us, I can see it now,,, But that is a trolling type reply by me.

Funny enough I can see where you are coming from because I can see why you want this removed to benefit mining and make it something that has to be done, but on the other hand gun mining offers people a way to build stuff without having to mine, I can stand about an hour or two mining, before I want to commit suicide. So what will your idea do to many players that like building stuff and hate mining. Spend more ISK on buying minerals from those mad enough to mine and a hugely inflated price for the high ends which will become very very expensive as there is nothing to keep their price in check.

One of the things I like about this game is there is often more than one way to skin a cat, though until they pushed alchemy Tech was a issue, so instead of sitting there mining I shoot stuff and grab the odd hauler spawn, this enables me to add a BS here and there, bluntly Zydrine is always the issue for me.

With the removal of the need to probe grav sites ninja mining in low sec and NPC 0.0 is out, so no high ends there, you remove gun mining and no way to get high ends apart from joining the herd in 0.0 or paying a huge amount of ISK so your grind gets even worse, without being a cry baby about it, whats the point in continuing, I like a challenge, but beating your head against an impossibly thick wall is not fun, which is why I called it idiotic in another thread.

It is not a smart move to make people do more of the boring stuff, hell I don't do missions much as I find them boring, I belt rat in NPC 0.0 and gather the stuff there as I want the thrill of someone failing to kill me, so in my case I would look at the lack of loot to refine and say, nah, its like getting drone missions in High Sec...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Shun Makoto
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#129 - 2013-07-10 08:06:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Shun Makoto
You would have to what...increase the yields or amount of minerals in the game somewhere between 5-10 times what they are now to keep prices at what they are (which are stupid high compared to years past). If you simply took away meta loot from rats then you'd be looking at all prices on the market going up a significant amount.

This is besides the point because making it so rats drop absolutely nothing is a stupid proposition. If EVE were reality the people fighting Guristas and the like would be salvaging loot off wrecks in the first place. What I've always thought Meta loot to be, is modified Meta 1 gear, illegal modifications or otherwise. This fits with why pirates would be carrying such things.

"But we aren't making it so it shouldn't exist." Who said you had to make it? Obviously the industrial arms of the Pirate groups are making the gear that we loot off the ships, OR its been previously stripped off Naval or Capsuleer vessels and then adapted to suit the pirate's needs.

This is a non-issue, because if you take away loot from NPCs you're going to cause a bad reaction in the market and lore does not support this.

Kaalakiota-Kaatso Taokeruu Kaltiovon ArK. (Kalaakiota Business Research Corporation)

Head of Security


Kaalakiota Corporation

Patriot Faction

Atelierele Grivita
#130 - 2013-07-10 10:37:48 UTC
Erutpar Ambient wrote:
You think that miners who only get ore/minerals from their extremely SP intensive profession that does not overlap any other profession in any way should not have the sole access to minerals?

I could only read up to page 2 until I got annoyed by the obssesive repetition of "SP intensive profession". Boy are you on drugs? Mining is one the LOWEST SP intensive profession, with only fw plexing (if you can call it profession), exploration and (ninja) salvaging being lower.

To get close to 90% efficiency in high-sec mining (T2 crystals, mining barge IV, astro IV etc.) you need 3 weeks of training with +2/+3 implants. That's it. And the bulk of that efficiency increase is in the first week.

To get close to 90% efficiency on L4 mission-running (racial BS 4, T2 tank, T2 weaps) you would need 2-3 months at the very least. FFS, for T2 large guns alone you need 2 months!! If you chose the "easy" route of cruise missiles/torps you still look at 1 month of training WITHOUT any support skill. T2 sentries? 1 month just for that.

So what exactly are you smoking when you say mining is "SP intensive"? Are you perhaps referring to refining? How about social skills needed for missioning? What about salvaging, and also scrapmetal processing (which beats the whole refining needs of mining) to make the best of the loot you get. Or you believe that L4s are even remotely competitive with mining, without having social, salvaging, loot reprocessing trained?

A friend of mine that's 2 months old in the game is afk-mining 100 mil/day while he runs missions on another char, because mining is boring as ****. Still, even though his combat char was trained straight towards L4s, he still can't pull more from missioning than from mining, and that's with all the know-how I readily gave him about LP, blizting, etc.
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris
Republic Military Tax Avoiders
#131 - 2013-07-10 11:43:25 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
I repeat what I said in another thread this is idiotic, including the BPC ideas, oh Mr Rat goes out on operations, better tuck those BPC's on the ship so people can loot them when they shoot us, I can see it now,,, But that is a trolling type reply by me.

Funny enough I can see where you are coming from because I can see why you want this removed to benefit mining and make it something that has to be done, but on the other hand gun mining offers people a way to build stuff without having to mine, I can stand about an hour or two mining, before I want to commit suicide. So what will your idea do to many players that like building stuff and hate mining. Spend more ISK on buying minerals from those mad enough to mine and a hugely inflated price for the high ends which will become very very expensive as there is nothing to keep their price in check.

One of the things I like about this game is there is often more than one way to skin a cat, though until they pushed alchemy Tech was a issue, so instead of sitting there mining I shoot stuff and grab the odd hauler spawn, this enables me to add a BS here and there, bluntly Zydrine is always the issue for me.

With the removal of the need to probe grav sites ninja mining in low sec and NPC 0.0 is out, so no high ends there, you remove gun mining and no way to get high ends apart from joining the herd in 0.0 or paying a huge amount of ISK so your grind gets even worse, without being a cry baby about it, whats the point in continuing, I like a challenge, but beating your head against an impossibly thick wall is not fun, which is why I called it idiotic in another thread.

It is not a smart move to make people do more of the boring stuff, hell I don't do missions much as I find them boring, I belt rat in NPC 0.0 and gather the stuff there as I want the thrill of someone failing to kill me, so in my case I would look at the lack of loot to refine and say, nah, its like getting drone missions in High Sec...

Now swap BPC in your post with "broken meta modules" and rethink everything you just typed. Those broken modules could still be refined but will yield much less minerals (1/3rd of current amount or 1/2), then introduce a way to repair broken module where you need meta0 (for spare parts) and it'll become a nifty system. Lets say after repair you get functional meta1+ module and broken meta0 or several metal scraps. Does that sound idiotic now?

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#132 - 2013-07-10 12:14:08 UTC
Kirimeena D'Zbrkesbris wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
I repeat what I said in another thread this is idiotic, including the BPC ideas, oh Mr Rat goes out on operations, better tuck those BPC's on the ship so people can loot them when they shoot us, I can see it now,,, But that is a trolling type reply by me.

Funny enough I can see where you are coming from because I can see why you want this removed to benefit mining and make it something that has to be done, but on the other hand gun mining offers people a way to build stuff without having to mine, I can stand about an hour or two mining, before I want to commit suicide. So what will your idea do to many players that like building stuff and hate mining. Spend more ISK on buying minerals from those mad enough to mine and a hugely inflated price for the high ends which will become very very expensive as there is nothing to keep their price in check.

One of the things I like about this game is there is often more than one way to skin a cat, though until they pushed alchemy Tech was a issue, so instead of sitting there mining I shoot stuff and grab the odd hauler spawn, this enables me to add a BS here and there, bluntly Zydrine is always the issue for me.

With the removal of the need to probe grav sites ninja mining in low sec and NPC 0.0 is out, so no high ends there, you remove gun mining and no way to get high ends apart from joining the herd in 0.0 or paying a huge amount of ISK so your grind gets even worse, without being a cry baby about it, whats the point in continuing, I like a challenge, but beating your head against an impossibly thick wall is not fun, which is why I called it idiotic in another thread.

It is not a smart move to make people do more of the boring stuff, hell I don't do missions much as I find them boring, I belt rat in NPC 0.0 and gather the stuff there as I want the thrill of someone failing to kill me, so in my case I would look at the lack of loot to refine and say, nah, its like getting drone missions in High Sec...

Now swap BPC in your post with "broken meta modules" and rethink everything you just typed. Those broken modules could still be refined but will yield much less minerals (1/3rd of current amount or 1/2), then introduce a way to repair broken module where you need meta0 (for spare parts) and it'll become a nifty system. Lets say after repair you get functional meta1+ module and broken meta0 or several metal scraps. Does that sound idiotic now?

The idea that you have stated here is well thought out and is not idiotic, but I am stepping back and looking at it in terms of the game whole, PvE in this game is boring as hell, mining in this game is boring as hell, why make it so people have to grind more, or spend a ton more ISK which they have to grind up or buy plex for, or to try to do the impossible and be easy kills by mining in unsecured space where everyone can warp straight to you.

After 30 hours of ratting in NPC 0.0 belts and salvaging I do not yet have enough Zydrine to make a BS, that is hardly broken is it? Reduce this much further and I see no value in doing it, its borderline as it is, so my option to get the Zydrine and other high end ore will be join a 0.0 alliance or buy it at the soon to be huge price due to it being available from one area only.

GAME BALANCE on top of broken unengaging PvE...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#133 - 2013-07-10 18:45:25 UTC
Erutpar Ambient wrote:

You said that by having a module drop, it doesn't need to be made by minerals. This is exactly the problem. The problem is demand is stifled by these activities. If that module did need to be made then there would be more competition on the market for the minerals. And miners and producers could be compensated better for their work. Demand is what gives value, not supply.

Problem: Miners aren't making "enough" from T1 module production when there is an abundance of named modules in the market.
Cause: Years and years of people doing missions with fewer people reprocessing or PvP-lossing these items than have been entering the economy are partly at fault. CCP's nerf to the amount of minerals named modules yield upon reprocessing also didn't help this as people are now unlikely to reprocess all but the worst named modules thereby resulting in an even greater glut in the market for the higher meta modules.

Cause: By incorporating T1 modules into named module construction and/or repair miners will get the profits they so richly deserve.
Problem: T1 modules still won't be any more useful in their given role(s) than they are now. Furthermore by incorporating the cost of T1 modules into the cost of every named module you're going to introduce a significant amount of price inflation over current costs. This in turn could potentially drive the price of named modules up into the realm of faction pricing if handled improperly.

Problem: Removing loot drops will raise the price for any and every T1 item that does not have a named variant on the market or for which the named variants are rare. See ships, heavy interdictor bubbles, and capital ship modules.
Cause: Named modules and ore are functionally identical to one another when it comes to creating these items. The primary difference is in the skills necessary to convert these items into the minerals needed to construct ships, no-named-variant modules, and capital modules. By removing named modules from NPC drops you would effectively cause a significant drop in the mineral inflow for these items resulting in potentially significant price hikes. Even if it's only a massive increase on the short term when the market settles out pricing will still likely be higher.

Problem: By making mining more profitable you will make mining more difficult.
Cause: People flock to where there's money. Right now mining's low enough in profit per hour that while you see miners out in belts and while busier systems often get mined out once you get away from the hubs competition for belts tends to drop pretty significantly. If you increase the profitability of mining enough, beyond that of L4 mission since you'll also be nerfing the profitability of L4 missions in the process of the suggested changes, you'll get a significant increase in the number of miners out there. This will in turn increase competition for resources. This could in turn potentially make suicide ganking for ore a profitable endeavor and boost mining ship losses. All of which will contribute to further increase the cost of minerals, anything made by them, and continue to escalate the problems already outlined until homeostasis is once again reached. Good luck figuring out how long that will take.

The difference between you and me is not that I don't see your problem as a problem, it's that I see more problems than just the ones you're concerned with, and your idea(s) lead to a lot of them.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
As long as i can't have "Mining Laser/Strip Miner Combat" i don't think we should allow "Gun Mining" to exist either.

I don't have a problem with allowing mining lasers to damage ships, honestly. In fact while I'm not sure as to whether or not they should be able to penetrate shields I would most definitely agree that they should be capable of causing some pretty nasty, or at least decent, armor and/or hull damage.

Erutpar Ambient wrote:
Also, if you're argument is on the side of mission running, you really shouldn't bring up realism.

If nobody brings up realism then we might as well let the game go to chaos and anarchy as we fly around in titan-sized replicas of Applejack who has a Hello Kitty logo on both of her flanks that sparkle and flash as she shoots rainbow-trailed torpedoes out of her ass by the thousands. Blink
Caldari State
#134 - 2013-07-11 12:47:38 UTC
I've been doing missions and some production recently and have been thinking about this issue.

I really do think named items should be removed from loot drops and be replaced with raw materials for building those named mods. What could be done is production of named items could be a middle ground between basic t1 production, that requires almost no skills at all to do, and t2, which requires a fairly large number of skills including the prereqs. That would include an "invention lite" system for creating the BPC's for building the named modules.

A lot of named modules wouldn't be invented or built under this system because there is no demand for them (honestly a lot of meta 1 to 3 items are of virtually no improvement of base t1). However the better named modules for which significant demand exists would get built and that would drive demand for the raw materials the mission runners get as loot drops.

This would slightly raise mineral prices in the short term as reprocessed minerals would no longer enter the market but that would be balanced out fairly quickly by miners increasing production. Mission runner income would not take a hit if the new drops were in enough demand to build the named modules. Industry characters would gain a new path to specialize in or to do in while training for t2 production.
Silivar Karkun
#135 - 2013-07-11 14:07:15 UTC
Xessej wrote:
I've been doing missions and some production recently and have been thinking about this issue.

I really do think named items should be removed from loot drops and be replaced with raw materials for building those named mods. What could be done is production of named items could be a middle ground between basic t1 production, that requires almost no skills at all to do, and t2, which requires a fairly large number of skills including the prereqs. That would include an "invention lite" system for creating the BPC's for building the named modules.

A lot of named modules wouldn't be invented or built under this system because there is no demand for them (honestly a lot of meta 1 to 3 items are of virtually no improvement of base t1). However the better named modules for which significant demand exists would get built and that would drive demand for the raw materials the mission runners get as loot drops.

This would slightly raise mineral prices in the short term as reprocessed minerals would no longer enter the market but that would be balanced out fairly quickly by miners increasing production. Mission runner income would not take a hit if the new drops were in enough demand to build the named modules. Industry characters would gain a new path to specialize in or to do in while training for t2 production.

something like "prototyping" or the like, yes, keep the mineral requirements the same than the T1 version for those named modules and its done. mission runners would only have blitzing for LPs and salvaging for earning their isk, but it would go good for the industrials.

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#136 - 2013-07-11 14:14:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
Eh, laziness and lack of caffeeine led to quite a redundant and stupid post. just ignore it.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Caldari State
#137 - 2013-07-11 16:13:18 UTC
Silivar Karkun wrote:
Xessej wrote:
I've been doing missions and some production recently and have been thinking about this issue.

I really do think named items should be removed from loot drops and be replaced with raw materials for building those named mods. What could be done is production of named items could be a middle ground between basic t1 production, that requires almost no skills at all to do, and t2, which requires a fairly large number of skills including the prereqs. That would include an "invention lite" system for creating the BPC's for building the named modules.

A lot of named modules wouldn't be invented or built under this system because there is no demand for them (honestly a lot of meta 1 to 3 items are of virtually no improvement of base t1). However the better named modules for which significant demand exists would get built and that would drive demand for the raw materials the mission runners get as loot drops.

This would slightly raise mineral prices in the short term as reprocessed minerals would no longer enter the market but that would be balanced out fairly quickly by miners increasing production. Mission runner income would not take a hit if the new drops were in enough demand to build the named modules. Industry characters would gain a new path to specialize in or to do in while training for t2 production.

something like "prototyping" or the like, yes, keep the mineral requirements the same than the T1 version for those named modules and its done. mission runners would only have blitzing for LPs and salvaging for earning their isk, but it would go good for the industrials.

Not exactly. The mission runners would get some new raw materials needed to build named modules. Those mats would be combined with the appropriate t1 module based on the invented BPC. So the mission guys would get the new materials as loot and sell them for isk.
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#138 - 2013-07-11 17:44:02 UTC
I'd be willing to compromise for the time being. What if you could no longer refine anything higher end than isogen out of meta modules? This wouldn't really help the production players but would give a solid boost to low, null and wh miners.

As for the "realism" aspect. You have to look at it like this. If you're soloing missions, you're just 1 ship fighting off hordes of other ships and generally without much struggle. You also have and endless amount of ships to farm for minerals and salvage. How realistic is that?

Just because something is boring doesn't mean you should supplement it.

anishamora wrote:

To get close to 90% efficiency in high-sec mining (T2 crystals, mining barge IV, astro IV etc.) you need 3 weeks of training with +2/+3 implants. That's it. And the bulk of that efficiency increase is in the first week

What exactly do you mean by "90% efficiency"? So you're saying sitting in a retriever with T2 lasers with veld/scordite/plagioclase/pyrox crystals? What about us nullsec miners? What is the train time for 90% effeciency for us? What about mining boosters? How much training do they need for 90% effeciency?

Is a retriever really 90% as effecient as a mackinaw? Do you compare flying a BS to a retriever?

Its skill intensive because of all of the stand alone skills. If you train mining you can only mine.

If you train for combat you can run missions, pvp, gather modules and ore, gather salvage, collect LP, raise your faction standing and personal security rating. Did I leave anything else out?

For a miner you have to train all that other stuff on top of your mining skills. I guess the point one could make then would be "why even go into mining if that's the case?" That is a good question.
Loki Feiht
#139 - 2013-07-11 18:49:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Loki Feiht
NPC's drop specific loot taylored to their race and ship size I thought? I would lower the reproccesing value but up the % chance for invention, and maybe bring something new to the game like meta level ship hulls which could be used to increase % chance for tech 2 hull invention, this would decrease the mineral wealth of missions but make the loot valuable to true industrialists, especially new and old players frustrated at invention and tech 2 production. (meta level item bpc's could also be nice)

My opinion is that the semi afk professions should stay roughly the same and more content added that would allow more active players to get more out of eve (ie the mysterious ring mining/vien searching), I understand about a lot of players disapointment at Eve's unengaging pve (which is why I made a thread filled with basic concepts).

More NPC - Randomly Generated Modular Content thread

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#140 - 2013-07-11 19:26:34 UTC
Erutpar Ambient wrote:

What exactly do you mean by "90% efficiency"? So you're saying sitting in a retriever with T2 lasers with veld/scordite/plagioclase/pyrox crystals? What about us nullsec miners? What is the train time for 90% effeciency for us? What about mining boosters? How much training do they need for 90% effeciency?

Is a retriever really 90% as effecient as a mackinaw? Do you compare flying a BS to a retriever?

Its skill intensive because of all of the stand alone skills. If you train mining you can only mine.

If you train for combat you can run missions, pvp, gather modules and ore, gather salvage, collect LP, raise your faction standing and personal security rating. Did I leave anything else out?

For a miner you have to train all that other stuff on top of your mining skills. I guess the point one could make then would be "why even go into mining if that's the case?" That is a good question.

Nitpicking for a sec;

Boosters would be abit of a wash at best as a combat pilot can also benefit from those, you could claim that training for mining link bonused ships would give them the edge, but at the same time depending on the combat ship in use for PvE, more than one link type could become desirable.

Salvage isn't a combat skill, and getting the most from modules requires cross training into industrial skills. That being the case the worst offenders have shared some of your training burden.

Mining missions allow the accumulation of LP and standings. Combat storylines may have to be declined, but the majority seem to be haul x from y to z, often requiring both combat and miners to train industrials to complete reasonably.

Done now.