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Intergalactic Summit

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Making the derailment it's own thread.

Andrea Okazon
Laurentson INC
#61 - 2013-06-23 12:54:55 UTC
Bai'xao Meiyi wrote:
Entering into debate and discussion on a topic, gives the illusion that the other side is a) capable of changing their mind. b) has any amount of worth to their point and c) is of any more worth in speaking with then a personal data assistant that will not comply with orders.

This is especially true for an opponent that not only refuses to accept evidence, refuses to listen to first hand testimony and has the nerve to demand that you submit evidence to prove your point, offering none in return regardless of how they're pressed.

Nationites should be dealt with by ignoring their mewling, pushing back their incursions and finally; wiping every last whining piece of disgusting scrap from the face of existence and using their rotten, shrapnel ridden corpses to do something of worth.

Capsuleers are proving to be highly efficient at this, to the point that Nation militias are farmed for resources. Similar to a particularly stupid, violent and hard shelled breed of cattle.

Hm. Oh my. Is it a bit... warm in here? Anyone? Just me?
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2013-06-23 12:59:08 UTC
I was saying we needed to deal with the Nation before it was cool.

Now, on an unrelated note, I need to find my scarf and get to a concert for a band you guys have probably never heard of.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

The Crucible.
#63 - 2013-06-23 13:22:51 UTC
Vikarion wrote:
You seem awfully desperate for my attention. Sadly, you simply aren't pretty enough.

And this is all the rebuttal you manage. I might remember this wrong but I do believe there was a time when you had something more going for you than a joking and incorrect evaluation of my sexual preferences and any interest in you in that regard.

I did laugh however when I recalled an identical taunt from my basic education days, back home. I was 12 at the time.

I have to hand it to you though, if this is how your going to counter-argue any accusation cast on you by others, I should pay more attention to what you say in return, it could provide allot of entertainment.
#64 - 2013-06-23 18:07:32 UTC
BloodBird wrote:
And this is all the rebuttal you manage. I might remember this wrong but I do believe there was a time when you had something more going for you than a joking and incorrect evaluation of my sexual preferences and any interest in you in that regard.

I remember a time when you might have been worth the effort. P
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#65 - 2013-06-23 19:05:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Samira Kernher wrote:
Ours is for the purpose of providing spiritual education to the faithless.

Yours is about turning them into mindless, Godless cogs in your machine nation.

This is why the Empire turned on Nation. What you are doing is despicable.

Actually, the Empire knew all about what the Nation was doing for a long while before any of the other sovereignties did - it was part of the reason they sold so many slaves to Kuvakei. Kuvakei needed the slaves for his experiments and the Amarr wanted access to the various technologies Kuvakei was developing to control their own slave populations.

The real reason the Empire turned on Nation was because once the other three major sovereignties cottoned on to what Sansha was actually doing, it became deeply unfashionable to be seen to be Sansha's friend.

Not, you understand, that I think the Empire ultimately made the wrong decision, but they only made it because they were afraid the other sovereignties would tar them with the same brush as Sansha. It certain'y wasn't made out of any moral or ethical concerns.

I am aware of the history. And with the utmost respect for the elements of the Empire's leadership involved in such deals, I believe they were wrong. The sale of slaves to non-Holders, non-faithless, and for the purpose of developing such heretical methods of control, should have never been done. That Nation was later shown to be vile and depraved was surely Divine retribution, revealing the wrongness of such arrangements having ever been made.

That does not change the fact that Kuvakei was lying about the progress of his research, and hiding the extent of the evil that he was doing. Had we known these things at the beginning, I'm sure we would have never made the arrangements.
Shiho Weitong
Yeet and Yoink Inc.
Heirs To The Pleasurehub
#66 - 2013-06-25 13:58:11 UTC
This discussion is actually more interesting than it's pretending to be.
I'll risk my neck and ask some of the questions that's bound to get me labelled.

1. How is the Nation agenda more dangerous and/or wrong than the other aggressively expansionistic empires?

2. How can concord be granted jurisdiction outside their signatories' sovereign space, and why is this not considered oppression?

3. I'd really like an explanation from the people trying to justify what was essentially a religious and political purge of several regions of space. How can this ever be acceptable by gallente or minmatar standards for example?

4. Implants for control shouldn't be needed from loyal subjects. Good leaders inspire loyalty. Are there no capable leaders in the nation, seeing how these implants are supposedly needed?

5. Might be tied to bad leadership. Why, oh why is the nation making horribly planned, and even worse executed incursions into the empires?

I'd like to wrap this up with a few statements.

I am not a supporter of nation, though i find them less of a threat than I do the minmatar.
I do not accept concord jurisdiction outside signatory sovereignity.
I believe we should label the pirate factions as independent states outside of concord jurisdiction.
I think the Empire, the federation and the State should open free trade with nation. I couldn't care less what the minmatar want, as they have proven clearly to be the biggest threat against cluster stability.
Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#67 - 2013-06-25 16:10:15 UTC
Why even bother trying to have a discussion with an opponent who ignores facts, blatantly spreads lies and propaganda and whose view you have no hope of influencing? Better to turn your energies to destroying Sansha's minions rather than talking with them.

As to Pilot Weitong; if you truly believe the crap you're spouting you're a damned fool. While the Republic may have recently committed some very questionable acts, we've never kidnapped people by the tens of millions and turned them into zombie armies to be used against the other empires. We've never waged aggressive wars for the purpose of subjugating all of humanity. We've never produced a megalomaniac like Kuvakei.

You should stop being so blindly biased and appraise the situation rationally. No one in their right mind would place the Matari on the same level as the Nation. Hell, as much as I oppose the Amarr I don't even see them as the same threat level as Nation. At least there's some evidence to suggest that more liberal views will come to the fore in the Empire and make changes for the better. There's not a single reason to believe that to be the case for Nation.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Shiho Weitong
Yeet and Yoink Inc.
Heirs To The Pleasurehub
#68 - 2013-06-25 16:29:32 UTC
Anabella Rella wrote:

As to Pilot Weitong; if you truly believe the crap you're spouting you're a damned fool.

I do believe we should acknowledge the pirate factions as independent states. That would make them much easier to deal with from a state point of view.
I also believe we should trade with the Nation, as their knowledge of implant technology is interesting to say the least, though mostly the networking stuff.

Which one of these make me a damned fool?

I knew i'd get labelled, but i was expecting at least some kind of attempt at an intelligent answer to my questions.
No one have been willing to address these issues with anything else than: "We got scared and decided to commit genocide"
Are you able to address at least some of the questions or should I assume you have no capability for discussion?

And don't worry about my rationality. I don't Place nation anywhere near the Republic.
They're far above them considering diplomatic leniency. Openly invading a sworn ally pretty much placed the republic on the lowest tier of existence. Denying duty and abandoning honor makes for an animal at best and a monster at worst. They are worse than the unrecognized pirate factions who at least are honest about who they mean to fight.

While Kuvakei certainly is a megalomaniac, I see nothing bad in this in itself.
Great personalities will drive great works.
Shakor is pretty full of himself.
So is the gallente Mob-ruler.
Ollie Rundle
#69 - 2013-06-25 19:19:34 UTC
Shiho Weitong wrote:
1. How is the Nation agenda more dangerous and/or wrong than the other aggressively expansionistic empires?

You will need to be more specific. Which 'aggressively' expansionist empires, factions or other forces are you referring to? Do you have one in mind, are you generalising or are you speaking hypothetically? What is your personal understanding of the 'Nation agenda'?

2. How can concord be granted jurisdiction outside their signatories' sovereign space, and why is this not considered oppression?

I answered this earlier in the thread. It has to do with CONCORD's mandate which concerns all of humanity. The sovereign space of its signatories is irrelevant to that mandate.

3. I'd really like an explanation from the people trying to justify what was essentially a religious and political purge of several regions of space. How can this ever be acceptable by gallente or minmatar standards for example?

This isn't for me to answer definitively as I'm not personally trying to justify a conflict more than 70 years in the past. The historical facts are that the events leading up to and occurring around YC37 constituted a formally-declared war on a scale that, to my knowledge, hadn't been witnessed before. Each side of the argument tries to cast that in different shades of 'right' or 'wrong', but at the ground level it's really quite straight forward - war is a destructive way to resolve any conflict.

Which explains why diplomacy was repeatedly attempted by CONCORD and the empires with a desire to avoid this outcome.

4. Implants for control shouldn't be needed from loyal subjects. Good leaders inspire loyalty. Are there no capable leaders in the nation, seeing how these implants are supposedly needed?

5. Might be tied to bad leadership. Why, oh why is the nation making horribly planned, and even worse executed incursions into the empires?

Again, these are perhaps questions for someone else to answer.

As for the opinions implied by your statements you're welcome to them. To me they seem superficial and poorly rationalised but I'll admit that as you didn't spend much time explaining your reasoning I may not fully understand why you hold them.
Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#70 - 2013-06-25 19:42:47 UTC
Shiho Weitong wrote:

4. Implants for control shouldn't be needed from loyal subjects. Good leaders inspire loyalty. Are there no capable leaders in the nation, seeing how these implants are supposedly needed?

5. Might be tied to bad leadership. Why, oh why is the nation making horribly planned, and even worse executed incursions into the empires?

4: Nation is a civilization apart from all the rest. She addresses problems in alien ways that she does not expect others to understand. The simplest way I could explain it is as follows. Outsiders deal withbad behavior reactively. Nation does so proactively. What others see as a loss of choice, we see as a unification of purpose. One stick can be broken. Three is difficult. One thousand is a Foundation.

In the Federation a man is free to assassinate Midular and is restrained after it is far too late. In Nation, we safeguard our valuable people from the broken minds of some of our less fortunate members.

5: You misunderstand the situation. Nations goals are not what you seem to think they are. What do we lose? Ships are easily replaced. There are orders of magnitude more ships in Nation's armada then you would believe. Before joining the Foundations I was one of those capsuleers who actively fought Nation. There is no end to her shipyards. Crew too are not an issue. Nation's Rebirth facilities see to that.

Also keep in mind at most one out of ever three constellations under assault are ever even defended against.

If you have any further questions please feel free to ask me over mail or on comms. This forum is a horrible place for discussions between a small number of people.
Shiho Weitong
Yeet and Yoink Inc.
Heirs To The Pleasurehub
#71 - 2013-06-25 20:05:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Shiho Weitong
Ollie Rundle wrote:
Snipped for ease

1. 3 empires have agressive expansionistic agendas. The difference lies in vector of approach.
The State is a very aggresive expansionist in a mercantile manner, where as the Amarr Empire and the gallente federation have an agenda of turning all humans to their cause. Being either religious or secular.
All 3 of these empires would love nothing more than a cluster wide domination of their spheres of interest.
How these dominations would work in practise I'll let your imagination sort out.
Let's just say that the State has absolutely no interest in what you do in private.

I'm not actually entirely sure what the Republic agenda is anymore, as it seems to have deviated greatly from the matari I once knew and called friends.

2. Concordes mandate is not protecting humanity. That is a very nice, but very naive thought.
Concorde protects it's signatories and nothing else. Proven in part by the attempted eradication of Nation. Proven in part by the fact that we as capsuleers can still buy a legal license to kill baseliner crew on other capsuleer vessels.
If concordes mandate stretches all over the cluster, then so does their responsibility. If this is the case they have already failed and should be removed from their position of power.

3. I understand that diplomacy was attempted. And it was given up upon. Then we attacked
How can you claim that nation have done anything else than fight a war we started with them some 70 years ago.
Let me reiterate. WE started the war. Not nation. How is it, that we started a war and almost completely eradicated a way of life, yet still claim moral high ground?
We agree that war is destructive, but again I do need to underline that the war was not Nations choice.

The real question, that you so very eloquently dodged is this:
Why was Nation not allowed to exist, and why are we still trying to destroy it, forcing them into a desperate fight for survival?
Fear-mongering and racism. And here 70 years later they are still our greatest foes.

4 and 5 was directed at the representatives of nation and as such I didn't much expect an answer from others.

My opinions seem superficial and poorly rationalised?

I'd like rational reasons for how any faction have done more damage to cluster stability than the Republic. Even our own mad dictators play for power was fueled by Republic actions.

I'd like rational reasons why accepting the pirate factions as individual independent states is a bad idea. Accepting them as full states gives more options for sanctions and the like.

I'd like rational reasons why we shouldn't trade with Nation and try to get this ridiculous war done with. Peace is after all marginally more profitable than war.

These are the only 3 opinions I have stated. If you felt I implied anything else I am sorry for the misunderstanding I might have caused.
The rest are merely questions that neither side of the discussion have elaborated upon or actively tried to dodge.
Shiho Weitong
Yeet and Yoink Inc.
Heirs To The Pleasurehub
#72 - 2013-06-25 20:10:41 UTC
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Shiho Weitong wrote:

4. Implants for control shouldn't be needed from loyal subjects. Good leaders inspire loyalty. Are there no capable leaders in the nation, seeing how these implants are supposedly needed?

5. Might be tied to bad leadership. Why, oh why is the nation making horribly planned, and even worse executed incursions into the empires?

4: Nation is a civilization apart from all the rest. She addresses problems in alien ways that she does not expect others to understand. The simplest way I could explain it is as follows. Outsiders deal withbad behavior reactively. Nation does so proactively. What others see as a loss of choice, we see as a unification of purpose. One stick can be broken. Three is difficult. One thousand is a Foundation.

In the Federation a man is free to assassinate Midular and is restrained after it is far too late. In Nation, we safeguard our valuable people from the broken minds of some of our less fortunate members.

5: You misunderstand the situation. Nations goals are not what you seem to think they are. What do we lose? Ships are easily replaced. There are orders of magnitude more ships in Nation's armada then you would believe. Before joining the Foundations I was one of those capsuleers who actively fought Nation. There is no end to her shipyards. Crew too are not an issue. Nation's Rebirth facilities see to that.

Also keep in mind at most one out of ever three constellations under assault are ever even defended against.

If you have any further questions please feel free to ask me over mail or on comms. This forum is a horrible place for discussions between a small number of people.

I appreciate, what I read, as a seemingly straight answer. I might contact you at some point for some other inquiries.
Nicolas Merovech
#73 - 2013-06-25 21:41:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolas Merovech
If Kuvakei's intentions were to peacefully create a utopian state outside of empire territory, then he wouldn't frequently and blatantly violate empire sovereignty by invading it. He is a despot, and a persuasive one; I'll give him that. However, his goal is to subjugate the human race, rather than guide it to its potential. This cannot be allowed.

Dr. Nicolas A. Merovech, Ph. D, M.D.

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#74 - 2013-06-25 23:16:08 UTC
Nicolas Merovech wrote:
If Kuvakei's intentions were to peacefully create a utopian state outside of empire territory, then he wouldn't frequently and blatantly violate empire sovereignty by invading it. He is a despot, and a persuasive one; I'll give him that. However, his goal is to subjugate the human race, rather than guide it to its potential. This cannot be allowed.

If the Federation wishes to resolve its disagreement with her member entity the Caldari, then they wouldn't be invading Black Rise.

Notice how a statement makes little sense when you take and old intention and pair it up with a modern day action? As has been stated a hundred times already, current hostilities are merely the continuation of the war started aroung eighty years ago by the big four. Nation cannot be assured of her survival when presented by the threat of genocide and so she takes actions against those who have taken actions against her.
N'maro Makari
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#75 - 2013-06-26 14:39:06 UTC  |  Edited by: N'maro Makari
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Nicolas Merovech wrote:
If Kuvakei's intentions were to peacefully create a utopian state outside of empire territory, then he wouldn't frequently and blatantly violate empire sovereignty by invading it. He is a despot, and a persuasive one; I'll give him that. However, his goal is to subjugate the human race, rather than guide it to its potential. This cannot be allowed.

If the Federation wishes to resolve its disagreement with her member entity the Caldari, then they wouldn't be invading Black Rise.

Notice how a statement makes little sense when you take and old intention and pair it up with a modern day action? As has been stated a hundred times already, current hostilities are merely the continuation of the war started aroung eighty years ago by the big four. Nation cannot be assured of her survival when presented by the threat of genocide and so she takes actions against those who have taken actions against her.

This idea that Kuvakei has returned because he's under threat, well that may be true, but instead of using his technology to take his people away from this cluster to find safety, he's brought them back to fight a war over his bruised ego.

Stirling leadership there.

**Vherokior **

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#76 - 2013-06-26 15:08:08 UTC
N'maro Makari wrote:
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Nicolas Merovech wrote:
If Kuvakei's intentions were to peacefully create a utopian state outside of empire territory, then he wouldn't frequently and blatantly violate empire sovereignty by invading it. He is a despot, and a persuasive one; I'll give him that. However, his goal is to subjugate the human race, rather than guide it to its potential. This cannot be allowed.

If the Federation wishes to resolve its disagreement with her member entity the Caldari, then they wouldn't be invading Black Rise.

Notice how a statement makes little sense when you take and old intention and pair it up with a modern day action? As has been stated a hundred times already, current hostilities are merely the continuation of the war started aroung eighty years ago by the big four. Nation cannot be assured of her survival when presented by the threat of genocide and so she takes actions against those who have taken actions against her.

This idea that Kuvakei has returned because he's under threat, well that may be true, but instead of using his technology to take his people away from this cluster to find safety, he's brought them back to fight a war over his bruised ego.

Stirling leadership there.

Actually, to fight a war to assure our safety, rather than to simply run away and hide. I think you'll find that part of the Nation ideology is to take an active stance rather than a passive one, given most circumstances.
Nicolas Merovech
#77 - 2013-06-26 18:16:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolas Merovech
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Nicolas Merovech wrote:
If Kuvakei's intentions were to peacefully create a utopian state outside of empire territory, then he wouldn't frequently and blatantly violate empire sovereignty by invading it. He is a despot, and a persuasive one; I'll give him that. However, his goal is to subjugate the human race, rather than guide it to its potential. This cannot be allowed.

If the Federation wishes to resolve its disagreement with her member entity the Caldari, then they wouldn't be invading Black Rise.

Notice how a statement makes little sense when you take and old intention and pair it up with a modern day action? As has been stated a hundred times already, current hostilities are merely the continuation of the war started aroung eighty years ago by the big four. Nation cannot be assured of her survival when presented by the threat of genocide and so she takes actions against those who have taken actions against her.

Do not think that comparing our disagreement to contemporary political stupidity will win you this argument; the two are hardly related. Caldari, Gallente, Minmatar, and Ammarians are all human, and eventually will recognize their commonality to resolve their disputes. Nation slaves are less than human. "Perfect" in every since of the word, they will cease to change, evolve, improve and thrive. Your cause believes it is liberating humanity, but in fact you are stunting it. As a teacher, and a human being, I will not tolerate this.

Dr. Nicolas A. Merovech, Ph. D, M.D.