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If Eve goes Nerf, what is left?

Blnukem 192
Death By Design
#21 - 2011-11-08 04:05:35 UTC
Corina Jarr wrote:
Wait, no more high sec wardecks?!


Evidence please?

Blnukem 192 wrote:
Terminal Insanity wrote:
...Infiltrate a corp... ...gank their orca... ...Cant do this anymore...

...You cant wardec people anymore...

#22 - 2011-11-08 04:05:57 UTC
It seems that Eve is heading down the road of becoming compartmentalized. Pvp and pve players are moving in diferent directions and this seems a necessary shift on CCP's part. It really is all about the money and CCP accounts receivables necessarily have a growing voice in the direction of the game. They know who pays the bills and holds their future and they don't like it anymore than you do. Isk might rule Eve but cash rules CCP.

Pvp players will be eventually pushed out of empire with their lawless ways and a division will grow between the play styles.
I never thought I would see another Berlin wall.. least of all in a game world.

I see the pvp going back to low and null and pve people will have less exposure to the pvp they choose not to play.. or pay for.

Eve will continue to be a cold hard place.. only not in empire.. Ganks will be very costly on both sides and scams will become an artform.

This is coming.. it has already begun.. it will continue.. it is the way of it if you only look.

It had to happen sooner or later and to whom goes the credit for it turning out this way?

Those who can not adapt or accept that they are being shown the door will leave. They will make room for the hordes of people who will take their place toasting weenies around campfires and telling scary stories about null and low and back in the day.

It will be a time for tears and celebrations.. just depends on which side you are on but money always wins in the end.

I would pity all of you if I cared more.

Be nice. If nice not work, be civil. If civil not work, beat with iron pipe till bloody and still.

Herr Wilkus
Aggressive Salvage Services LLC
#23 - 2011-11-08 04:18:11 UTC
In general agreement.

I also think the Orca swap 'tweak' was aimed directly at mission-runner gankers.
We've found excellent workarounds for this, so the Orca swap 'trick' is once again as effective as before (which is, incidentally, why complaints about this disappeared long ago...)

Still, its clear that CCP is now in the business of throwing up ever more barriers to those of us who bring the occasional explosion to high-sec - and even (OMG) try to profit from it.

Only policy changes that have encouraged hi-sec aggression in the last 4 years:

1. Projectile buff - (artillery alpha changes and damage purification were huge, extending ganking power to 1.0)
2. Orca introduction - revolutionized mission runner baiting and increased corp kills per encounter tenfold.

I also think the benefits to gankers in these two instances were incidental, especially in the case of the Orca.

3. Tornado (possibly)
This is big one. Should the Tornado clear a 12K Alpha for a reasonable price......say 50M per attempt after recovering your fittings....the math does not change.

Tornados replace Tempests, and the cost/benefit ratio remains EXACTLY the same.
Myself, I plan to grab at least 2 or 3 BPOs and keep Dodixie swimming in them.

My fear? The 'nerf Minmitar/gankers' whine brigades on the SISI feedback thread will prevail and we end up with
a six-gun Tornado with pointless 'utility high slots' or a tiny Powergrid that won't fit a full brace of T2 1400MM without 2-3 low-slot fitting mods. Roll
Elric Astrius
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2011-11-08 04:22:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Elric Astrius
I made some comments on this issue already during this post

Now lets really approach this like mature adults instead of consistently debating what is fair and what isnt.. Now most of these postings are very true when it comes to the "adaption" one poster was dead on... "Adapt or die" this is the way with all games and life... if you dont like how something is changed than you bring it to CCP but dont shoot the people who are trying to enjoy this game without involvement in PVP. I mean if you take a look at my postings in the link above I provide both perspectives and I think i address them just fine, however some may disagree... Its human nature we wont all get along and its not a hug and kiss fest, sure back in 2006 things were ALOT different.... I'll admit I left EVE after finding the cruelty too much to bear around here but now that the changes have taken place to make EVE more PvE friendly... Its become a more enjoyable experience for me, and though I may not agree with being brutally agressive, I do know that you will have to learn to defend yourself in some fashion during the course of your existence here.

How are we really going to turn this concept into something with beneficial motiavtion that will help make the adjustments easier, I mean there are going to be alot of people who "hate" or "loathe" what I say and how I percieve New Eden but lets face it everything will change based on the "demands" nothing can change the course we are going in unless there is an influx of millions who beg for more PVP... Since there isnt that substancial number CCP is doing what they can to help bring more people into New Eden without having to have people consistently bang their heads on the desk wondering how they are going to survive or even deal with the trainings and concepts needed. The tutorials and everything has changed dramatically there used to not be tutorials on how to use things and EVE used to be a very "huge" learning curve... but now its become more digestable... and in doing so they are bringing fresh blood for you hardcore PVP players sure they are making it harder for you to play "cat and mouse" with your victims but honestly i think CCP sees the PVP community as being cyberbullies in a way and they are trying to protect the interests of all involved so that they dont get sued or provide content that is only based on a specific genre of player...

Would you rather 35,000 PVP players and thats it or would you like to see more people joining and adding diversity to a game that has existed for years and is consistently trying to change to help create a more stable enviornment. I refuse to believe that behind these monitors that people can be that heartless to say PVP is the be all end all of EVE... Its a game people not a religion this isnt scientology or atheism or anything inbetween the sooner you guys realize that this is a sandbox MMORPG that includes "everyone" and avoid those who you butt heads with and just do what you want to do and not care what others think then the better... these postings are getting old... If you dont like the changes... get in your ship and leave... go back to reality and then talk about pain.... Life is a struggle in itself we come here to enjoy ourselves however WE want it to be, and no one can tell us otherwise...

Sorry guys, but facts are facts... nothing will ever change that.
Russell Casey
#25 - 2011-11-08 04:36:05 UTC
Saying there's a gap between PvE and PvP players is false because highsec people cross into low/null on evening pvp roams, while there's no shortage of low/null pvpers who get their money with carebear alts in highsec. It would be more accurate to say that people want a safe zone to grind out isk for their pvping which they will do when they're good and ready, damn it!
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#26 - 2011-11-08 04:38:37 UTC
Would you rather 35,000 PVP players and thats it or would you like to see more people joining and adding diversity to a game that has existed for years and is consistently trying to change to help create a more stable enviornment.

Sorry, but 35000 PvP players would be awesome*. Instead of 5k PvP players, their 20k alts (most carebear alts), 5k reasonable carebears, and the rest being twits who post continual crap on the forums and whine continually.

Personal opinion of course.

*As an industrialist, I would love this much PvP.
Written Word
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2011-11-08 04:43:45 UTC
Elric Astrius wrote:
I made some comments on this issue already during this post

Now lets really approach this like mature adults instead of consistently debating what is fair and what isnt.. Now most of these postings are very true when it comes to the "adaption" one poster was dead on... "Adapt or die" this is the way with all games and life... if you dont like how something is changed than you bring it to CCP but dont shoot the people who are trying to enjoy this game without involvement in PVP. I mean if you take a look at my postings in the link above I provide both perspectives and I think i address them just fine, however some may disagree... Its human nature we wont all get along and its not a hug and kiss fest, sure back in 2006 things were ALOT different.... I'll admit I left EVE after finding the cruelty too much to bear around here but now that the changes have taken place to make EVE more PvE friendly... Its become a more enjoyable experience for me, and though I may not agree with being brutally agressive, I do know that you will have to learn to defend yourself in some fashion during the course of your existence here.

How are we really going to turn this concept into something with beneficial motiavtion that will help make the adjustments easier, I mean there are going to be alot of people who "hate" or "loathe" what I say and how I percieve New Eden but lets face it everything will change based on the "demands" nothing can change the course we are going in unless there is an influx of millions who beg for more PVP... Since there isnt that substancial number CCP is doing what they can to help bring more people into New Eden without having to have people consistently bang their heads on the desk wondering how they are going to survive or even deal with the trainings and concepts needed. The tutorials and everything has changed dramatically there used to not be tutorials on how to use things and EVE used to be a very "huge" learning curve... but now its become more digestable... and in doing so they are bringing fresh blood for you hardcore PVP players sure they are making it harder for you to play "cat and mouse" with your victims but honestly i think CCP sees the PVP community as being cyberbullies in a way and they are trying to protect the interests of all involved so that they dont get sued or provide content that is only based on a specific genre of player...

Would you rather 35,000 PVP players and thats it or would you like to see more people joining and adding diversity to a game that has existed for years and is consistently trying to change to help create a more stable enviornment. I refuse to believe that behind these monitors that people can be that heartless to say PVP is the be all end all of EVE... Its a game people not a religion this isnt scientology or atheism or anything inbetween the sooner you guys realize that this is a sandbox MMORPG that includes "everyone" and avoid those who you butt heads with and just do what you want to do and not care what others think then the better... these postings are getting old... If you dont like the changes... get in your ship and leave... go back to reality and then talk about pain.... Life is a struggle in itself we come here to enjoy ourselves however WE want it to be, and no one can tell us otherwise...

Sorry guys, but facts are facts... nothing will ever change that.

Everything in this game is PvP.





Nobody in EVE is just innocently minding their own business and not competing with other players for something. If they mine, less minerals for another player. If they mission run, they compete with other mission runners to sell salvage/loot/LP goods. If they do trade/industry they compete with each other. If they do exploration, only they got the site rather than another person. You don't have your mystical "grown-up mature adults who are not bothering anybody" and they shouldn't be protected like they are special.

You play this game. You are PvPing

Also, nobody is going to get sued about what happens in a videogame. Even if you blew somebody's kestrel packed with PLEXs, they lost all their value and became property of CCP the very instant that person got them.
Good Time Family Band Solution
#28 - 2011-11-08 04:47:01 UTC
IMO you don't measure how "nerfed" a game is by how hard it is for starting players to get started in the game. To me, a nerfed game is one where high level, high reward, play that is engaged in by experienced players doesn't really require much more skill and knowledge than the low level, low reward play engaged in by new players. The goal should be to have a pretty learning steep curve where the highest reward activities in the game requires radically more capability than the lowest reward activities. To measure how nerfed a game is, you need to look at how tough the end game is, not how tough the entry level is.

I think that distinction gets lost in a lot of discussions on here.
Trainwreck McGee
#29 - 2011-11-08 04:47:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Trainwreck McGee
a) no body cares that you cant gank carebears anymore

b) you are a monocle wearing fart face idiot head

c) EVE is dead stop posting

d) carebears have been in EVE since the dawn of time just like peeveepee

e) i hope someone farts on your pillow before you go to sleep tonight


edit - i didnt say fart enough so fart fart fart fart fart fart

CCP Trainwreck - Weekend Custodial Engineer / CCP Necrogoats foot stool

Sanguine Belroth
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2011-11-08 04:47:55 UTC
Blnukem 192 wrote:
Corina Jarr wrote:
Wait, no more high sec wardecks?!


Evidence please?

Blnukem 192 wrote:
Terminal Insanity wrote:
...Infiltrate a corp... ...gank their orca... ...Cant do this anymore...

...You cant wardec people anymore...


Yeah - what about this no High Sec Wardecs? I don't believe it.
In other terms, I think the kick from corp - die to concord mid gank is a great change.
IMO joining someones corp, and then ganking them is about as low as you can go. And bitching that they call the police on you is pathetic in the extreme. Good trusting people should not be punished because you are quite frankly scum.
Don't get me wrong, gank, pirate, whatever. But baldface lying really pisses me off.

No insurance after ganking makes perfect sense. Killing iceminers out of spite with a disco phoon will no longer be worthwhile. Maybe you'll have to search for targets a little better.

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#31 - 2011-11-08 04:48:21 UTC
Abuse a particular game play mechanic too far where people start cancelling subscriptions en masse and you force CCP to take action or go out of business. Why would you be surprised that CCP would take measures in order to protect their revenue stream?

Apparently, they agree that suicide ganking has become too prevalent should no longer be subsidized by NPC insurance.

If that doesn't tone it down enough, they will probably take further steps.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2011-11-08 04:48:52 UTC
non judgement wrote:
Hardcore EVE people are better than any other type. Why does CCP continue to make EVE easier for the non hardcore?

It's like they've sucked the hardcore right out of the game when non hardcore people are catered for. EVE is only about hardcore people, everyone knows this. It's starting to move toward an EVE that just is not hardcore enough for hardcore people. I can't believe CCP are willing to give up on the only people that matter in EVE.

They seem to be making it harder for ganking. Harder for people one shooting battleships in a titan.

All of the changes are balanced around pvp. Just because the changes make YOUR life harder does not mean they are making it easier for carebears.

making a double tempest high sec gank cost a whole 20-40 mil more expensive will not make people stop ganking.

Hurting capital ships so smaller classes of ships can serve a role in pvp, is a chance directed right at pvp players. People do not want capital ships online. The hardcore PvP playerbase has been yell from the rooftops about this for years.

i haven't hear anything about not being able to wardec.

just grow up and be a man. Sorry if CCP is making you grow a pair, and the game too "hardcore" for you. You want a free pass, free war dec, free suicide gank mmo, play another game eve is for the hardcore.

Charlotte The Harlot
La Villa Strangiato
#33 - 2011-11-08 04:50:55 UTC
"If Eve goes Nerf, what is left?"

We there will always be the total douche-bags that play the game,in fact...most post in this very forum...
Treo 'Ssard
Hangar 55
#34 - 2011-11-08 04:59:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Treo 'Ssard
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Cant wardec highsec corps anymore.

Citation needed.
Pok Nibin
#35 - 2011-11-08 05:18:25 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Honestly, eve is the only game in the market that provides a truly brutal, ruthless environment. Why is CCP willing to give this niche up, just to have access to the PvE kids who dont want any risk at all? Those kids will get bored and move on to one of the hundreds of games that cater to their style.
What in the world is stopping you from your brutality and ruthlessness? Seems like that's not too hard to find. Maybe you're not looking in the right spot.

Terminal Insanity wrote:
There is not a single game on the market that provides what eve does. This is why eve has had such a hardcore / cult following. It has catered to a specific play style that demanded absolute freedom and lawlessness. And now that is being taken away, bit by bit.
EVE has never specifically catered to you. You may choose to ignore or slight other aspects of the game, but explain why they're there. May I assume you never buy from the market...or sell?

Terminal Insanity wrote:
With all the nerfs to PvP'res lately, eve's hostile environment is rapidly turning into a friendly hugs-n-kisses type of game. It might not ever reach the point where it looks like WOW, but the current trend is absolute proof that CCP is siding with the PvE camp.
See point one. PvP is rampant in EVE. You can't find it? Or, were you calling PvP ganking Hulks?

Terminal Insanity wrote:
I think this is absolute evidence that CCP is siding with the carebears, and screwing the hardcore PvP crowd that allowed eve to progress as far as it has. Nearly every change has benefited the bears, and screwed the PvP people over. CCP thinks they can throw us a few battlecruisers to keep us quiet while they gimp eve down into WOW-In-Space.
Now, the idea the PvP "crowd" as you call yourself, is the sole reason EVE continues to succeed just shows how far up your @$$ you've poked your head. All these other sub-paying players are just freeloading off your...brutality? I need a map now.

Terminal Insanity wrote:
I've seen videos of CCP employees talking about them never gimping eve down, but from all these patch changes, it seems they're saying what we want to hear as they walk away from us
PvP-er tears. There's someone on this forum with an appetite for those...forget the name though...

The right to free speech doesn't automatically carry with it the right to be taken seriously.

Herr Wilkus
Aggressive Salvage Services LLC
#36 - 2011-11-08 05:35:14 UTC
Treo 'Ssard wrote:
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Cant wardec highsec corps anymore.

Citation needed.

Read and learn.

Try to keep up.

Wardecs, already a weak an ineffective tool vs individuals, is now worthless. Why spend the 50-100-200M ISK when it is wiped immediately via alliance hopping?

Or more more fun: Wardec a POS, have hours of fun getting it into Reinforced with sub-cap assets, then get the dec wiped before it comes out of reinforcement.

You can declare war, but the war can be unilaterally ended at anytime for no cost, before or after corp assets are threatened, making them a waste of money.

Understand now?
Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#37 - 2011-11-08 05:35:56 UTC
I wouldn't mind if they super-tanked the industrials/mining barges etc. Significantly reduce concord... make them only show up when the ship is at Structure. This would give other players a chance to assist the industrials, make it harder for gankers, but ALSO make it more fun (at least, i think it would)

Anyways, i doubt any of that would happen. I just dont want to see any of the many ways to kill people in eve, vanish and dwindle. I dont want pirating shoved to the fringes. Pirating is supposed to be the key feature of eve...

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

non judgement
Without Fear
Flying Burning Ships Alliance
#38 - 2011-11-08 05:38:32 UTC
MotherMoon wrote:
non judgement wrote:
Hardcore EVE people are better than any other type. Why does CCP continue to make EVE easier for the non hardcore?

It's like they've sucked the hardcore right out of the game when non hardcore people are catered for. EVE is only about hardcore people, everyone knows this. It's starting to move toward an EVE that just is not hardcore enough for hardcore people. I can't believe CCP are willing to give up on the only people that matter in EVE.

They seem to be making it harder for ganking. Harder for people one shooting battleships in a titan.

All of the changes are balanced around pvp. Just because the changes make YOUR life harder does not mean they are making it easier for carebears.

making a double tempest high sec gank cost a whole 20-40 mil more expensive will not make people stop ganking.

Hurting capital ships so smaller classes of ships can serve a role in pvp, is a chance directed right at pvp players. People do not want capital ships online. The hardcore PvP playerbase has been yell from the rooftops about this for years.

i haven't hear anything about not being able to wardec.

just grow up and be a man. Sorry if CCP is making you grow a pair, and the game too "hardcore" for you. You want a free pass, free war dec, free suicide gank mmo, play another game eve is for the hardcore.

I tried to make my post as sarcastic as I could.

I completely agree with you.
Good Time Family Band Solution
#39 - 2011-11-08 05:46:14 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:
I wouldn't mind if they super-tanked the industrials/mining barges etc. Significantly reduce concord... make them only show up when the ship is at Structure. This would give other players a chance to assist the industrials, make it harder for gankers, but ALSO make it more fun (at least, i think it would)

Anyways, i doubt any of that would happen. I just dont want to see any of the many ways to kill people in eve, vanish and dwindle. I dont want pirating shoved to the fringes. Pirating is supposed to be the key feature of eve...

I like your suggestion for how to improve ganking, but IMO ganking and pirating aren't the same thing. Pirating is a whole lot more challenging and interesting than just blowing up barges in hi sec. IMO the goal should be to make ganking at least as challenging, or probably more challenging, than low sec piracy. As goonswarm proved, it can be 100 times more profitable than low sec piracy, so I see no reason it should be 1% as hard. People are talking about the insurance change as a "nerf", but I think its the other way around. Ganking is too easy. Insurance payouts were part of what was making it too easy. It needs to be de-nerfed. Your idea to give the victims more of a chance to pull together a defense would be good step in that direction I think.
Herr Wilkus
Aggressive Salvage Services LLC
#40 - 2011-11-08 06:22:16 UTC
Teamosil wrote:
Terminal Insanity wrote:
I wouldn't mind if they super-tanked the industrials/mining barges etc. Significantly reduce concord... make them only show up when the ship is at Structure. This would give other players a chance to assist the industrials, make it harder for gankers, but ALSO make it more fun (at least, i think it would)

Anyways, i doubt any of that would happen. I just dont want to see any of the many ways to kill people in eve, vanish and dwindle. I dont want pirating shoved to the fringes. Pirating is supposed to be the key feature of eve...

I like your suggestion for how to improve ganking, but IMO ganking and pirating aren't the same thing. Pirating is a whole lot more challenging and interesting than just blowing up barges in hi sec. IMO the goal should be to make ganking at least as challenging, or probably more challenging, than low sec piracy. As goonswarm proved, it can be 100 times more profitable than low sec piracy, so I see no reason it should be 1% as hard. People are talking about the insurance change as a "nerf", but I think its the other way around. Ganking is too easy. Insurance payouts were part of what was making it too easy. It needs to be de-nerfed. Your idea to give the victims more of a chance to pull together a defense would be good step in that direction I think.

You know what is even easier than ganking a Hulk??
AVOIDING a high-sec gank in a Hulk. Roll (hint, its called a DC II - or simply staying aligned and alert)

Do you know what is EVEN easier than avoiding a highsec gank?
Bootstomping some poor **** 5 to 1 in lowsec, sending them back to highsec and then bragging about it.

Also: I've spent many, many long hours in low-sec looking for Hulks. Sadly, I found none. Maybe you know where they are hiding, smart guy?