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Amarr Empire Quafegate

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#41 - 2013-06-22 21:16:55 UTC
Repentence Tyrathlion wrote:

And people wonder why I stopped dating men...

I don't think the people you're referring to deserve that appellation.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2013-06-23 03:01:05 UTC
Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg wrote:
I put you down too! ♥

This just proves the little legitimacy of this failed attempt. In any case, do proceed, I'd like to know if you find any willing federal senator to join your cause and fail miserably in such an empty and void attempt to interfere in the complex net that imperial politics is when it comes to how a Holder can handle his slaves. Do go on and fail miserably, it'll be fun to watch. Better than all this gross and empty drooling anyway.

Sepherim Catillah Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris Liuteneant Ex-Imperial Navy Imperator Commander

Frawst Caldun
Clean Cut Co.
#43 - 2013-06-23 03:06:27 UTC
Sepherim wrote:
Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg wrote:
I put you down too! ♥

This just proves the little legitimacy of this failed attempt. In any case, do proceed, I'd like to know if you find any willing federal senator to join your cause and fail miserably in such an empty and void attempt to interfere in the complex net that imperial politics is when it comes to how a Holder can handle his slaves. Do go on and fail miserably, it'll be fun to watch. Better than all this gross and empty drooling anyway.

Finally, another sound mind. O7

Caldun ~

No end shall be too severe an end to meet.

Aurora Fatalis
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2013-06-23 09:33:41 UTC
Forget the slaves and the Amarr. Did you know that many paranoid schizophrenics aren't allowed to drink Quafe by their own brains?

If Chribba told you not to trust him, would you?

Frawst Caldun
Clean Cut Co.
#45 - 2013-06-23 13:12:42 UTC
Aurora Fatalis wrote:
Forget the slaves and the Amarr. Did you know that many paranoid schizophrenics aren't allowed to drink Quafe by their own brains?

Maybe we should start a petition.

Caldun ~

No end shall be too severe an end to meet.

Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg
Like Oh My Gosh I Totally Have A Corp Now
#46 - 2013-06-23 14:25:02 UTC
Frawst Caldun wrote:

Maybe we should start a petition.

Good idea! ♥

Isn't it better being happy and nice?

Chilled Quafe™, accept no refreshment substitute. For all of you affluent Capsuleer-types, Quafe Elite™ restaraunts can be found at many stations! Only got a few minutes to spare before that fleet-op? Swing by QuafeSnacks™ for the full taste-experience you've come to expect from Quafe, on the go!

Brandi Wiseman
Den Sorte Loge
#47 - 2013-06-23 22:24:11 UTC
Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg wrote:
Frawst Caldun wrote:

Maybe we should start a petition.

Good idea! ♥

Isn't it better being happy and nice?

I've expanded my original endorsement for you!

Fly Caldari!

Cipher Deninard
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2013-06-24 02:55:57 UTC
While I strongly dislike the way in which you put forward your ideas and that... ridiculous use of your looks to gain the attention of other males, I do however support freedom and any small liberty the slaves can be granted.
Frawst Caldun
Clean Cut Co.
#49 - 2013-06-24 05:33:35 UTC
Cipher Deninard wrote:
While I strongly dislike the way in which you put forward your ideas and that... ridiculous use of your looks to gain the attention of other males, I do however support freedom and any small liberty the slaves can be granted.

I don't know for sure whether you're just bandwagoning this or not. I have a question for you, how many chicks have dumped you? Ahaha, oh I crack myself up. Naw just kidding bud, but seriously dude cut the crap we know you like those jugs ;) Hell I'd even say I liked em if they weren't attached to that bubble of a head.

At the same time Cipher you have changed my mind on this. Throw my name up on the petition, quafe is an excellent treat and I'm sure the slaves would love to have some kicking around.

Caldun ~

No end shall be too severe an end to meet.

Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg
Like Oh My Gosh I Totally Have A Corp Now
#50 - 2013-06-24 07:31:38 UTC
Frawst Caldun wrote:
Hell I'd even say I liked em if they weren't attached to that bubble of a head.

Keep it on the down low but my passion is actually neurocybernetics~♥.

Chilled Quafe™, accept no refreshment substitute. For all of you affluent Capsuleer-types, Quafe Elite™ restaraunts can be found at many stations! Only got a few minutes to spare before that fleet-op? Swing by QuafeSnacks™ for the full taste-experience you've come to expect from Quafe, on the go!

Frawst Caldun
Clean Cut Co.
#51 - 2013-06-24 08:00:15 UTC
Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg wrote:
Frawst Caldun wrote:
Hell I'd even say I liked em if they weren't attached to that bubble of a head.

Keep it on the down low but my passion is actually neurocybernetics~♥.

You know something, that actually made a solid 75% sense, well done Bubbles! ;D

Caldun ~

No end shall be too severe an end to meet.

Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg
Like Oh My Gosh I Totally Have A Corp Now
#52 - 2013-06-24 08:11:09 UTC
Frawst Caldun wrote:

You know something, that actually made a solid 75% sense, well done Bubbles! ;D

Yaay~! Go me! ♥

Chilled Quafe™, accept no refreshment substitute. For all of you affluent Capsuleer-types, Quafe Elite™ restaraunts can be found at many stations! Only got a few minutes to spare before that fleet-op? Swing by QuafeSnacks™ for the full taste-experience you've come to expect from Quafe, on the go!

Aurora Fatalis
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2013-06-24 08:31:40 UTC
Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg wrote:
Frawst Caldun wrote:
Hell I'd even say I liked em if they weren't attached to that bubble of a head.

Keep it on the down low but my passion is actually neurocybernetics~♥.

Considering the existence of Phanta, I can understand why you would want to keep that low.

If Chribba told you not to trust him, would you?

Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg
Like Oh My Gosh I Totally Have A Corp Now
#54 - 2013-06-24 08:52:17 UTC
Aurora Fatalis wrote:

Considering the existence of Phanta, I can understand why you would want to keep that low.

Keep it secret, keep it safe. ♥

Chilled Quafe™, accept no refreshment substitute. For all of you affluent Capsuleer-types, Quafe Elite™ restaraunts can be found at many stations! Only got a few minutes to spare before that fleet-op? Swing by QuafeSnacks™ for the full taste-experience you've come to expect from Quafe, on the go!

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