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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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#61 - 2013-06-22 00:01:49 UTC
Nullsec ratting: 150m per hour before escalations (biggest drop I got was 1bil but I only do crappy sites) with the added predictability of doing the same site over and over against the same damage types.

Nerf everything!

Recruitment Officer: What type of a pilot are you? Me: I've been described as a Ray Charles with Parkinsons and a drinking problem.

Josef Djugashvilis
#62 - 2013-06-22 00:02:08 UTC
If CCP were to nerf everything some one has issues with, there would be no Eve Online.

This is not a signature.

#63 - 2013-06-22 00:49:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Avon
I'm not saying that things couldn't do with a tweak ... but this occurs to me:

If you ramp up the payout of lower level missions, the people who already run level 4 missions could probably make more money switching down to lvl3 missions because they could blitz them in their superpimp mission mobiles.

What higher level missions need are rewards that other players would pay for rather than oodles of ISK being injected - but that would take very complicated loot tables in order to ensure those items don't become too common (otherwise no-one wants to pony up much for them).

Bah - I can see why CCP can't be bothered with it - I can't.
Amarra Mandalin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2013-06-22 00:55:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarra Mandalin
I've personally never understood many nerf high-sec threads, so I'm not being smart-mouthed when I ask:

What is the benefit to the rest of EVE if you lower LV 4 mission payouts?

While it would be nice to see more people in low sec, if not null, will these people even progress there and if they do won't they just become a nullbear that strains resources making null less attractive?

Or do we simply want these players to quit the game because it is even more grindy? Or do we really want them to pay for the game with cash?

The "mining problem " has essentially been resolved and continues to provide opportunities for other players to police. Why not take a more proactive approach to mission runners -- because it's not as easy to gank a Tengu or costs money to wardec someone?

I get that it's easy money. What I don't get (due in part to my lack of attention/time on the matter) is the benefit of making high sec an island for newbies.

What about restricting missions to .05-.07 systems and maybe interjecting certain mandatory missions (courier/scout that requires a frig perhaps) that involves low sec and if the player doesn't complete these every X mission the player receives a penalty of sorts that affects future payouts.

Something like this (or a variety of ) could pose a scalpel vs. sledgehammer solution to the evil known as high sec mission runners.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#65 - 2013-06-22 00:58:18 UTC
Amarra Mandalin wrote:
What is the benefit to the rest of EVE if you lower LV 4 mission payouts?
A better balanced economy and better balanced gameplay ecology.
Amarra Mandalin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#66 - 2013-06-22 01:03:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarra Mandalin
Tippia wrote:
Amarra Mandalin wrote:
What is the benefit to the rest of EVE if you lower LV 4 mission payouts?
A better balanced economy and better balanced gameplay ecology.

I know you know a lot about this Tippia but that doesn't tell me a lot. That's more like a campaign slogan, no offense.

I get that is what people seem to be aiming for, but I don't see how this would come into effect, exactly, given some of the potential cons: More drain on null sec and fewer players for example.

What part am I missing?

ETA: More like I don't get why a sledgehammer to high sec. is needed. I get the balanced part more or less.
Skill Training Online
#67 - 2013-06-22 01:08:06 UTC
Amarra Mandalin wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Amarra Mandalin wrote:
What is the benefit to the rest of EVE if you lower LV 4 mission payouts?
A better balanced economy and better balanced gameplay ecology.

I know you know a lot about this Tippia but that doesn't tell me a lot. That's more like a campaign slogan, no offense.

I get that is what people seem to be aiming for, but I don't see how this would come into effect, exactly, given some of the potential cons: More drain on null sec and fewer players for example.

What part am I missing?




inflation KILLS New Players.

Level 1 through 3 missions DO NOT PAY ENOUGH to pay ship replacement costs in PVE.



If I didn't spend a few hours a week begging in local, I would never be able to keep playing this game.


Thank You Obama!

Amarra Mandalin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2013-06-22 01:15:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarra Mandalin
Skill Training Online wrote:
[quote=Amarra Mandalin][quote=Tippia]


Do I dare take ship toasting serious? OK, space economists, is this true that LV 4 mission payouts are responsible for the bulk of EVE's inflation?

EVE is a player-driven economy...does CCP need to fix a bad economy or do the players? or both, maybe?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#69 - 2013-06-22 01:17:17 UTC
Amarra Mandalin wrote:
I know you know a lot about this Tippia but that doesn't tell me a lot. That's more like a campaign slogan, no offense.

I get that is what people seem to be aiming for, but I don't see how this would come into effect, exactly, given some of the potential cons: More drain on null sec and fewer players for example.

What part am I missing?

More drain on null sec is a good thing, and it's rather unlikely that people would quit the game — they'd just move on to some other activity that satisfies their demand for income. That is also a good thing.

The problem with L4s has always been that it's ridiculously out-of-whack effort/reward ratio has had two very bad effects: one is that it spews massive amounts of ISK into the economy; the other is that it obsoletes or overshadows other gameplay. Much like highsec industry, it provides such an unreasonably high benchmark for earning that you'd be stupid not to take advantage of it, and it leaves no room for additions because to make them sensible and balanced, they have to be made a worse choice than missions. The first incarnation of the post-dominion nullsec anomalies illustrated this: finally, there was something that was unquestionably better to do than L4s in highsec, and they soon had to be scaled back because they were just breaking the game in terms of how much ISK they rained over everyone.

…and that's the entire trick: if L4s are made more sensible, it would open up for different (both new and existing) activities to take over that high-end segment, which allows for more granular approaches to income balancing.
Amarra Mandalin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2013-06-22 01:25:29 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Amarra Mandalin wrote:
I know you know a lot about this Tippia but that doesn't tell me a lot. That's more like a campaign slogan, no offense.

I get that is what people seem to be aiming for, but I don't see how this would come into effect, exactly, given some of the potential cons: More drain on null sec and fewer players for example.

What part am I missing?

More drain on null sec is a good thing, and it's rather unlikely that people would quit the game — they'd just move on to some other activity that satisfies their demand for income. That is also a good thing.

The problem with L4s has always been that it's ridiculously out-of-whack effort/reward ratio has had two very bad effects: one is that it spews massive amounts of ISK into the economy; the other is that it obsoletes or overshadows other gameplay. Much like highsec industry, it provides such an unreasonably high benchmark for earning that you'd be stupid not to take advantage of it, and it leaves no room for additions because to make them sensible and balanced, they have to be made a worse choice than missions. The first incarnation of the post-dominion nullsec anomalies illustrated this: finally, there was something that was unquestionably better to do than L4s in highsec, and they soon had to be scaled back because they were just breaking the game in terms of how much ISK they rained over everyone.

…and that's the entire trick: if L4s are made more sensible, it would open up for different (both new and existing) activities to take over that high-end segment, which allows for more granular approaches to income balancing.

Thanks for explaining this. I don't know that it answers all my questions but it clarifies a good bit. So +1
I"m still not really sure how many people will move on to other things but if enough do that would be a good thing, I agree.
#71 - 2013-06-22 01:26:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Avon
Tippia, the problem isn't that you can make lots of safe ISK - the problem is that there is no reason to pass it around.
There need to be more things that you can only get in lo or null sec that people in high sec need.

Let the easy ISK flow to the players who are willing to take more risk. (like when if you wanted to be rich you mined rare mins in 0.0 because the industrialists in high sec needed it and were willing to pay well, because they had lots of ISK).

There is nothing wrong with earning tons of ISK in relative safety, per se, the problem is that it doesn't flow.

Oh ... and more ISK sinks
Amarra Mandalin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2013-06-22 01:51:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarra Mandalin
Avon wrote:
Tippia, the problem isn't that you can make lots of safe ISK - the problem is that there is no reason to pass it around.
There need to be more things that you can only get in lo or null sec that people in high sec need.

I agree with this. There are many safe ways to make money and even though I'm a PvPer I am sitting on billions from character sales. I did the market/PvE a bit when I had more time. I don't lose a lot of bling (even in lo and null when I was there) and it's too easy to run to Jita for what I want, even as dangerous as Jita is.

PLEX sales in low sec?
Or nerf Jita?
Knights Armament
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#73 - 2013-06-22 06:06:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Knights Armament
If I carebear in level 4's and make 300 million isk for the day, I am going to fit a rokh or something and get it blown up in pvp anyway out of boredom.

I don't see the argument really. More isk = more willingness to pvp, less isk = less pvp.

If I can't afford to pvp, it isn't going to entice me to pvp.

The idea of a game with no hisec intrigues me, but like ultima online I'd only adventure in groups, eve online isn't too friendly for grouping when you're new. Most pvp would be the bare minimum with corps controlling the good space and dominating everything through production, new players would be forced to join a corp and pvp from day 1, it would be fun, but I think it could have a negative effect on the games population, carebears are exactly that, they cannot control their emotions, they are irrational feelers while the majority of pvpers are introverted thinkers who probably are able to not allow themselves to get depressed or feel emotions that are negative, such is the power of positive thinking. Carebears on the other hand tend to be emotionally bi-polar, they like the rush they get from pvp, but can't accept the downs they get from losing everything.

I guess eve is one big sociology experiment in a sense, everyones basic instinct is fight or flight, hi security space doesn't give people that sense of danger which creates the emotional response that makes these games so intense, to be the hunted or to be the hunter. EvE being the way it is however gives a significant advantage to the hunters, wolves outclass the sheep in skills and resources, thus corporations like EvE University would be almost a requirement in order for any new players to be able to survive, and prosper, assuming corps like that would not be overwhelmed by spies.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#74 - 2013-06-22 06:33:36 UTC
Skill Training Online wrote:



I put together a punisher for 600k.
Kult Altol
The Safe Space
#75 - 2013-06-22 06:38:57 UTC
I mission all the time, can someone show me how to make 60 mil/hour.

I fly a t2 fit paladin with some faction mods too. So yeah, the whole 60 mil an hour, is such BS.

Probably 20 mil an hour. Maybe 10 mil from bounties, 3 mil from reward, and some LP and Loot.

But certainly not 60 mil an hour

[u]Can't wait untill when Eve online is Freemium.[/u] WiS only 10$, SP booster for one month 15$, DPS Boost 2$, EHP Boost 2$ Real money trading hub! Cosmeitic ship skins 15$ --> If you don't [u]pay **[/u]for a product, you ARE the [u]**product[/u].

Knights Armament
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#76 - 2013-06-22 06:41:11 UTC
Kult Altol wrote:
I mission all the time, can someone show me how to make 60 mil/hour.

I fly a t2 fit paladin with some faction mods too. So yeah, the whole 60 mil an hour, is such BS.

Probably 20 mil an hour. Maybe 10 mil from bounties, 3 mil from reward, and some LP and Loot.

But certainly not 60 mil an hour

Listen G thug home skillet, we don't appreciate your facts
Kult Altol
The Safe Space
#77 - 2013-06-22 06:50:35 UTC
Knights Armament wrote:
Kult Altol wrote:
I mission all the time, can someone show me how to make 60 mil/hour.

I fly a t2 fit paladin with some faction mods too. So yeah, the whole 60 mil an hour, is such BS.

Probably 20 mil an hour. Maybe 10 mil from bounties, 3 mil from reward, and some LP and Loot.

But certainly not 60 mil an hour

Listen G thug home skillet, we don't appreciate your facts

Yo Dawg, I aint frontin,

But all these chumps be stuntin,

60 mil an hour is wack,

but, I got my carebear hommies back.

[u]Can't wait untill when Eve online is Freemium.[/u] WiS only 10$, SP booster for one month 15$, DPS Boost 2$, EHP Boost 2$ Real money trading hub! Cosmeitic ship skins 15$ --> If you don't [u]pay **[/u]for a product, you ARE the [u]**product[/u].

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#78 - 2013-06-22 06:59:06 UTC
Kult Altol wrote:
I mission all the time, can someone show me how to make 60 mil/hour.

I fly a t2 fit paladin with some faction mods too. So yeah, the whole 60 mil an hour, is such BS.

Probably 20 mil an hour. Maybe 10 mil from bounties, 3 mil from reward, and some LP and Loot.

But certainly not 60 mil an hour

Its not BS. You don't run them very efficiently.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#79 - 2013-06-22 07:07:03 UTC
Skill Training Online wrote:
inflation KILLS New Players.

I think it hurts the veterans more than it hurts the new players.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#80 - 2013-06-22 07:10:12 UTC
Remove L4 and Incursions from highsec.

Problem solved.

The Tears Must Flow