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Do Level 4 missions pay too much compared to 1 through 3?

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Skill Training Online
#1 - 2013-06-21 15:24:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Skill Training Online
Level 1 mission... 2 million per hour.

Level 2 mission... 4 million per hour.

Level 3 mission... 8 million per hour.

Level 4 Mission... 60 million per hour

I believe the next in the pattern should have been 16 million per hour... not 60 million. The error is not with the mission rewards themselves but with the inflated bounties available in these missions.


round it up to say 5/15...


Bounty rewards need to be reduced by appropximately 66% or consequently adopt a new compensation ladder for level 1 - 3 missions.

Level 1 Mission... 7 million per hour.

Level 2 Mission... 15 million per hour.

Level 3 Mission... 30 million per hour.

Level 4 Mission... 60 million per hour.

Either a 66% decrease in one tier of missions or 350% increase in the level 1 through 3 missions.

Consider that it costs 5m isk to fit up a proper condor for level 1 missions, if you happen to lose the one from the tutorial, it would take you 2.5 hours of mission grinding to replace that condor. With the new system you could have it replaced in the better part of an hour.

As things are right now I make 15 times a level 1 income just begging in local averaging about 30m/hour.

This is an area that could really use some focus from the development team, the new player experience is dreadful immediately following the tutorial missions and the first epic arc for Sisters of EVE.

Thank You Obama!

Revman Zim
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2013-06-21 15:36:28 UTC
Replying in a stealth "nerf hi-sec" thread.
Adunh Slavy
#3 - 2013-06-21 15:39:53 UTC
I love these inflated numbers

If lvl 4s do too much of anything its drop mods

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#4 - 2013-06-21 15:41:00 UTC
Skill Training Online wrote:
As things are right now I make 15 times a level 1 income just begging in local averaging about 30m/hour.

This is an area that could really use some focus from the development team

I fully agree.

Begging needs a nerf.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-06-21 15:44:48 UTC
Skill Training Online wrote:
Level 4 Mission... 60 million per hour

Nice trolling attempt, come back with real numbers from a standing point of view considering normal average time spent playing per day how many days per week etc.

Until then all you've put there is a random number and a huge fake one anyone around doing missions 1 or 2 hours a day a couple days in the week will laugh at you and tell you to get a real life job instead.

Bounty rewards need to be reduced by appropximately 66% or consequently adopt a new compensation ladder for level 1 - 3 missions.

They don't, if you think it pays out too much because you have nothing else to do of your life time just stop doing them and do something more creative and interesting for your self culture.

Once you'll start playing 1h or 2 two or 3 times a week come back and tell me again mission pay out far too much.

Hard trolling is hard but you're doing well, I've even answered.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2013-06-21 15:49:15 UTC
If you're only pulling 60m an hour.... you're doing it wrong.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#7 - 2013-06-21 15:53:42 UTC
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
Skill Training Online wrote:
Level 4 Mission... 60 million per hour

Nice trolling attempt, come back with real numbers from a standing point of view considering normal average time spent playing per day how many days per week etc.
30M/h is trivial to attain and is even considered a very poor return for L4s… and at that level, it's still twice as much as what one might expect from that kind of progression, so the main point remains.
Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2013-06-21 15:58:06 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
Skill Training Online wrote:
Level 4 Mission... 60 million per hour

Nice trolling attempt, come back with real numbers from a standing point of view considering normal average time spent playing per day how many days per week etc.
30M/h is trivial to attain and is even considered a very poor return for L4s… and at that level, it's still twice as much as what one might expect from that kind of progression, so the main point remains.

Not really, no. When you consider the difference between the incoming dps of a level 3 and a level 4, you get rewarded for surviving and killing the higher-tanking rats in level 4s
Arcaus Rotrau Romali
Empyrean Enterprise Conglomerate
#9 - 2013-06-21 16:00:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Arcaus Rotrau Romali
We must be doing it wrong in ANV, we fleet up and take on L4's while talking and stuff so the payout doesn't seem that high.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#10 - 2013-06-21 16:02:10 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:
When you consider the difference between the incoming dps of a level 3 and a level 4, you get rewarded for surviving and killing the higher-tanking rats in level 4s

…and is that twice as hard as an L3? Four times as hard? Eight times as hard?
Or is it really just as easy, only with slightly more expensive equipment?
Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2013-06-21 16:07:00 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
When you consider the difference between the incoming dps of a level 3 and a level 4, you get rewarded for surviving and killing the higher-tanking rats in level 4s

…and is that twice as hard as an L3? Four times as hard? Eight times as hard?
Or is it really just as easy, only with slightly more expensive equipment?

Everything's easy once you fit officer modules but there's doing a mission, and then there's doing a mission right. Do a mission correctly, and you can push 100m / hour.

Mess up the spawns, and you'll be the proud owner of a new pod.
Hulkageddon Orphanage
#12 - 2013-06-21 16:09:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Miilla
Missions should be dynamic, never static, that will reduce farming and make it more interesting and varied.

I should be able to do the same mission outcome, but with a different challenge each time.

Payouts on all missions should also scale (up and down) depending on grid activity and fleet activity, kind of like inursions.

Farming is ... by definintion, boring, if I wanted to farm, I would play a farming simulator or something.
Amarra Mandalin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-06-21 16:13:33 UTC
Revman Zim wrote:
Replying in a stealth "nerf hi-sec" thread.

I think someone(s) forgot to turn on their cloak.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#14 - 2013-06-21 16:30:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Everything's easy once you fit officer modules but there's doing a mission, and then there's doing a mission right. Do a mission correctly, and you can push 100m / hour.

Mess up the spawns, and you'll be the proud owner of a new pod.

Well, sure. But that's kind of the point, isn't it?

You can do L4s without any worry of spawns or getting blown up in a T2-fit BC, and still rake in the expected (according to the OP's progression) 15M. At that point, they're not just easy, but trivial. A better ship choice will increase the income, but keep them just as trivial. It's not until you really start pushing the envelope — sacrificing every ounce of survivability for damage output (which is what ultimately lets you raise the income level) that the risk starts to edge up from “none” to “at last a little”.

It's the zone between those two extremes — where you get many times higher income, but they remain as easy as ever — that's slightly problematic in terms of progression. 30M with a decent ship at a lackadaisical pace is at the lower end of that spectrum, and is probably already a bit off from where it should be.

Of course, given their secondary role as a learning path, it would probably be better to make adjustments at both ends rather than try to pile all the rocks onto just one side and hope it evens the whole thing out.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#15 - 2013-06-21 16:46:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Herzog Wolfhammer
Here is what I am wondering.

I can do LVL3s in a Navy Comet. For LVL 4s, I need a BC to have enough DPS to kill the BS-sized rats. I've yet to try an assault frigate though I have skills for them (it's a time thing).

The huge leap is the size of the rats. But because I'm using a BC it takes longer to run LVL 4s. 60M/hr is a blitzing figure, chaining one after the other. Using a marauder or leaving the loot behind.

(side note: if you don't loot, head over to the Free Wrecks channel and help a noob out)

So what I am wondering is, since I can blow through a LVL 3 even in a Comet, what's the payout for lowsec LVL 3?

One would imagine that lowsec payouts are better? So, I have pondered if I ran lowsec LVL 3s with a higher payout I could get more ISK per hour than running a highsec level 4. More risk for more ISK is OK of course but my time to play is limited. I see "per hour" and often an hour is all I have. For that I never saw the kind of LVL 4 highsec mission payout rate that the OP points out by playing for one hour running LVL 4 with a BC.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Mytai Gengod
#16 - 2013-06-21 16:50:59 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
When you consider the difference between the incoming dps of a level 3 and a level 4, you get rewarded for surviving and killing the higher-tanking rats in level 4s

…and is that twice as hard as an L3? Four times as hard? Eight times as hard?
Or is it really just as easy, only with slightly more expensive equipment?

Why is there an assumption or expectation of linear payouts? Everything else in the game increases or decreases exponentially. Prices of ships, skill training, etc. But mission payouts must be based on some linear progression?

Just curious why the initial assumption mission payouts must be linear.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#17 - 2013-06-21 17:00:29 UTC
The pay is fine; the risks are far too low.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Skill Training Online
#18 - 2013-06-21 17:01:13 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
The pay is fine; the risks are far too low.


That level 1 through 3 income be increased by 350%.

Thank You Obama!

Sunshine and Lollipops
#19 - 2013-06-21 17:07:20 UTC
Mytai Gengod wrote:
Why is there an assumption or expectation of linear payouts?
There isn't.
Mytai Gengod
#20 - 2013-06-21 17:09:57 UTC
Sure reads like it is to me.

Sorry I misunderstood!
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