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CSM townhall and T3's

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Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-06-21 11:34:42 UTC
The last bit of consequence was the T3 rebalance. Citing a post CCP made about looking into a nerf, someone asked the CSM what they thought. Ripard and Chitsa agreed that cloaky T3s are overpowered in their present configuration, and Chitsa added that boosting T3s are unbalanced as well. I said I'd like it if they scaled worse, so they were a good small gang option but HAMgus were less attractive. James said that he thought the T2 cruiser balancing should come before any serious T3 rebalance, as the big issue for k-space is how the two ship classes interact. Chitsa lamented the potential effect on W-space income if T3 demand was nerfed, and mynnna suggested that the T3s would fit better in the utility role they were advertised for. We could have gone on for longer (and the conversation continued after), but the time demanded we move on.

Can someone explain to me why our representatives think cloaky T3's are OP?

Also, i see very little activity from Chitsa and James on these forums. Does anyone know if either of these two have a list somewhere, of features/changes that they are trying to get CCP to implement?
stup idity
#2 - 2013-06-21 12:10:34 UTC  |  Edited by: stup idity
I think it's because they simple have no equal in what they can do.

You get a heavy tackler with 400 - 500 dps or nullified scan ship (which still can have some dps) with a very heavy tank. High resists and the ability for most of them to fit into armor fleet doctrines let them stay on field when the battle escalates - something that is much harder to do with Arazus or Rapiers.

I think the whole "t3 is op" discussion has to do with the immense tanks they can fit that overshine those of most other sub-caps (and of course the obvious boosting capabilities, but I guess nobody is questioning that).
Much too blame is the ability to fit dual 1600mm plates on some fittings and the high hitpoint gain with the defensive buffer subs. Fix those things and bring tech2 cruisers up a little and all will be good - hopefully.

I am the Herald of all beings that are me.

Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-06-21 12:31:35 UTC
cloaky T3s might be OP because they can be cloaky and have both higher dps and tank than a HAC...

Hopefully T3s will get rebalanced only after HACs and CSs are done. Until then it seems pointless and silly to me.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-06-21 12:32:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
^^ I see what you are saying but i don't buy that argument. Yeah it's a good heavy tackler but without the support of a fleet a cloaky T3 can't do much. Two drakes could probably kill a solo cloaky Proteus in under 2 mins.

Axloth Okiah wrote:

Hopefully T3s will get rebalanced only after HACs and CSs are done. Until then it seems pointless and silly to me.

Agreed, CCP and the CSM shouldn't even be discussing a T3 "nerf" until they have balanced T2 ships.
Talon Reese
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2013-06-21 13:19:42 UTC
Also, a T3 costs 3-5 times what a HAC costs, and you risk some skill loss. It ought to be at least a bit better than a HAC. But I agree that the t2 changes should be made 1st, it wouldn't make sense to try and balance the t3's without knowing what the t2 changes will be.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#6 - 2013-06-21 13:33:53 UTC
Bit confused about the desire to nerf cloaky t3s thats gonna hit some of the more pro-active wormholers who like to hunt solo or in very small numbers when the rest of the corp isn't active, etc.

Also think any changes to T3s other than bugfixes is a bit silly when T2s are still in need of considerably attention and T3s mostly work.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-06-21 14:08:03 UTC
First off I have to say I am extremely disappointed with our WH CSM members on this topic. There is already lots of public outcry over the "OP T3" situation and that they have to be nerfed into the ground. Some may be justified, much of it is not. Part of this problem is that many who are screaming nerf often do not even fly T3's. And many who do seem to understand that for HAC's as an example, the bigger issue is the T2 HAC's and not just the T3's

By having our CSM members basically agreeing publicly on this subject so early on, it lends more weight than it should to the nerf idea. It's one thing to have the uneducated masses crying out, but another when our "elected officials" agreeing with them.

At the very least I think the appropriate answer should be "yes there are balance issues, but we should all hold judgement until the T2 balance pass and go from there"

As to the actual issue, it is a tough call. As a cloaky HAC, the T3 has nothing to compare it to, as there is no T2 HAC variant.

As to the cloaky T3 "recon" vs T2 recons, I honestly haven't played around to feel comfortable comparing. I will say as an example at all 5, a cloaky tengu "falcon" gets a longer jam range, but the jam strength is half that of a falcon. So while there may be an imbalance, I'm sure in time those can be adjusted appropriately.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-06-21 14:11:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
Rek Seven wrote:
Can someone explain to me why our representatives think cloaky T3's are OP?

cos zomg, T3s cant be better than T2!!!!
in all seriousness though, the probe bonus on a T3 should be less than on a covops.

To the CSM, I highly urge you to take an exaggerated 'do not nerf' stance because CCP are very clearly taking an exaggerated 'T3s are LOL op stance'.

basically, T3s are not op, T2s are just junk atm.
compare t2 to any and all other shipe, including t1, and they are severely under performing as they are. when the whole class needs a buff, it's not hard to see the T3s are op by comparison.
T3s need balancing among themselves, T2s need a buff.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Antagonistic Tendencies
#9 - 2013-06-21 14:16:57 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:

As to the cloaky T3 "recon" vs T2 recons, I honestly haven't played around to feel comfortable comparing. I will say as an example at all 5, a cloaky tengu "falcon" gets a longer jam range, but the jam strength is half that of a falcon. So while there may be an imbalance, I'm sure in time those can be adjusted appropriately.

You can't even make a proper T3 version of the falcon as the jam strength sub-system is the same slot as the cloaky one.

The prot doesn't have as long point range bonus as an arazu and neither does the loki get the web range of a rapier, can't remember the legion v pilgrim off the top of my head.

Unless the price of the ships drops hugely (and I don't think thats a good thing at all) then any significant nerf to their survivability will reduce their useage a lot also which isn't a good thing either.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2013-06-21 14:19:34 UTC
Rroff wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:

As to the cloaky T3 "recon" vs T2 recons, I honestly haven't played around to feel comfortable comparing. I will say as an example at all 5, a cloaky tengu "falcon" gets a longer jam range, but the jam strength is half that of a falcon. So while there may be an imbalance, I'm sure in time those can be adjusted appropriately.

You can't even make a proper T3 version of the falcon as the jam strength sub-system is the same slot as the cloaky one.

The prot doesn't have as long point range bonus as an arazu and neither does the loki get the web range of a rapier, can't remember the legion v pilgrim off the top of my head.

Unless the price of the ships drops hugely (and I don't think thats a good thing at all) then any significant nerf to their survivability will reduce their useage a lot also which isn't a good thing either.

Legion can have a much bigger tank, but cannot field any drones, so while it can neut well it cannot apply any DPS.
Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2013-06-21 14:26:46 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
First off I have to say I am extremely disappointed with our WH CSM members on this topic...
...At the very least I think the appropriate answer should be "yes there are balance issues, but we should all hold judgement until the T2 balance pass and go from there"
"James said that he thought the T2 cruiser balancing should come before any serious T3 rebalance"

Have you unplugged your Reading hardwiring or what just happened there?
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2013-06-21 14:29:33 UTC
Axloth Okiah wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
First off I have to say I am extremely disappointed with our WH CSM members on this topic...
...At the very least I think the appropriate answer should be "yes there are balance issues, but we should all hold judgement until the T2 balance pass and go from there"
"James said that he thought the T2 cruiser balancing should come before any serious T3 rebalance"

Have you unplugged your Reading hardwiring or what just happened there?

Chitsa agreed that cloaky T3s are overpowered in their present configuration,

So sorry. I forgot the word "some".
stup idity
#13 - 2013-06-21 14:29:44 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:

Legion can have a much bigger tank, but cannot field any drones, so while it can neut well it cannot apply any DPS.

Of course it can. Neuting-sub is electronic and can be combined with the drone offensive sub or the cloaky one.

I am the Herald of all beings that are me.

Antagonistic Tendencies
#14 - 2013-06-21 14:31:42 UTC
stup idity wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:

Legion can have a much bigger tank, but cannot field any drones, so while it can neut well it cannot apply any DPS.

Of course it can. Neuting-sub is electronic and can be combined with the drone offensive sub or the cloaky one.

The comparison was of the cloaky recons so the cloaky sub-system takes the slot of the drone offensive one.
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#15 - 2013-06-21 14:32:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Onomerous
Axloth Okiah wrote:

Hopefully T3s will get rebalanced only after HACs and CSs are done. Until then it seems pointless and silly to me.

Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-06-21 14:33:24 UTC
stup idity wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:

Legion can have a much bigger tank, but cannot field any drones, so while it can neut well it cannot apply any DPS.

Of course it can. Neuting-sub is electronic and can be combined with the drone offensive sub or the cloaky one.


Chitsa agreed that cloaky T3s are overpowered in their present configuration

Rroff wrote:
You can't even make a proper T3 version of the falcon as the jam strength sub-system is the same slot as the cloaky one.

The prot doesn't have as long point range bonus as an arazu and neither does the loki get the web range of a rapier, can't remember the legion v pilgrim off the top of my head.

We are talking about cloaky here. Rroff wasn't talking about Legion vs Curse.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#17 - 2013-06-21 14:52:20 UTC
From looking at more general posts on the subject of cloaky T3s it seems a lot of the reason people are asking for a wholesale nerf to cloaky T3s is due to small areas of the game where they are overpowered, just that small area of the game makes up a large part of those people's day to day life in Eve. i.e. people who like to camp null entry gates see dozens of cloaky nullified t3s escape them daily and are bitter about it.
Icarus Able
#18 - 2013-06-21 15:36:46 UTC
Only T3 that needs a bit of balancing is the Tengu imo. Its DPS output and its potential to tank seems to outweigh the other T3s.
Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#19 - 2013-06-21 19:29:33 UTC
Icarus Able wrote:
Only T3 that needs a bit of balancing is the Tengu imo. Its DPS output and its potential to tank seems to outweigh the other T3s.

Not really, no, especially not in cloaky form. A cloaky Proteus will do ~100dps more than a cloaky Tengu. The Tengu also can't fit anywhere near as obscene a buffer tank as the armor T3s can.
Nix Anteris
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#20 - 2013-06-21 20:00:44 UTC
The goal with T3 was versatility - the ability to change subsystems depending on the situation encountered.

They were introduced at the same time as wormholes.

CCP never expected people to live in wormholes permanently.

T3s are not versatile for many wormholers because subsystems cannot be changed at a POS.

Before any nerfs can occur (and I agree there should be some), refitting at a POS must be implemented first.

Otherwise they will be sub-par to T2 and not versatile.
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