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Gate Guns in Low-Sec

Vin Ott
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-11-02 17:53:06 UTC
Why? It seems to hamper a lot of the pvp in low sec, and provides a air of escalation. Due to the accuracy, and hull punching power of these guns you can't engage a target on a gate unless you are in a battlecruiser sized class ship or higher.

I understand its there because it is a mark of separation between low and null, however that line is continually blurred, if not non-existent now, save for gate guns and bubbles. But wouldn't the removal of these ship eating leviathan guns help promote low sec for what it is supposed to be? A playground for small gangs and ships?

It just seems to penalize small gang pvp that could thrive in low sec by saying "you must fly this big or die" on the gates and stations.

Karl Planck
Caldari State
#2 - 2011-11-02 18:02:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Karl Planck
Vin Ott wrote:
Why? It seems to hamper a lot of the pvp in low sec, and provides a air of escalation. Due to the accuracy, and hull punching power of these guns you can't engage a target on a gate unless you are in a battlecruiser sized class ship or higher.

I understand its there because it is a mark of separation between low and null, however that line is continually blurred, if not non-existent now, save for gate guns and bubbles. But wouldn't the removal of these ship eating leviathan guns help promote low sec for what it is supposed to be? A playground for small gangs and ships?

It just seems to penalize small gang pvp that could thrive in low sec by saying "you must fly this big or die" on the gates and stations.

Its to allow movement through low sec. Frigates can tackle much of anything quickly, especially inties. With gate guns though you have to use a gang that remote sensor boosts to get the same effect, which has its own weaknesses.

The gate guns promote traffic but making it more difficult for frigs to stop people at gates/stations. This is why much of null is a wasteland and why lowsec has moderate activity spread throughout.

I has all the eve inactivity

Tamiya Sarossa
Resistance is Character Forming
#3 - 2011-11-02 20:19:24 UTC
Karl Planck wrote:

Its to allow movement through low sec. Frigates can tackle much of anything quickly, especially inties. With gate guns though you have to use a gang that remote sensor boosts to get the same effect, which has its own weaknesses.

The gate guns promote traffic but making it more difficult for frigs to stop people at gates/stations. This is why much of null is a wasteland and why lowsec has moderate activity spread throughout.

I've lost count of the times I've thought 'screw these gateguns, if I could bring an inty on this roam we'd totally have caught that DST/frig/cruisers/nanoed bc/whatever else'. But then I realize that if the gateguns weren't there, said ship most likely wouldn't even be in lowsec. Fights on gates are generally dull in that either it's a gank or one side can deaggro and leave before they take crippling losses - in the long run anything that discourages combat on gates in lowsec is fine by me.

On the other hand, there need to be more incentives to be off belts, but I've recently had a series of excellent fights in gated plexes that have been a ton of fun. (neither side being able to get backup in a reasonable timeframe makes for some excellent battles - forcing someone off the field from a superior force is actually a tactical win since they can't return without burning 200k through accel gates, which makes it much easier to engage larger forces).

Okay random aside over, gateguns are good because they discourage people from flying light tackle and thus let you actually solo in a nanobc or something without automatically dying to every gang you jump into. If you want frigate ~wulfpax~ on gates join FW, it's like a custom lowsec ecosystem of your own.
Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#4 - 2011-11-02 22:43:13 UTC
Exactly what the above posters said- gate guns actually promote solo and small gang roams in lowsec. InsteAd of thinking that gate guns deter frig roam consider that this is what makes solo roam viable in anything bigger than a frig
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#5 - 2011-11-05 09:11:29 UTC
Nothing more ausum than frigs catching a lone -5.0 sec status BS on a gate in lowsec. Sure, if you're a piwate they will deter you from attacking in a frigate, but if you are that pirate and you jump into the middle of a gang of assault frigates, you'll be wishing gate guns would do more for you.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2011-11-05 20:06:28 UTC
As a blinky red bastard I have to say the gate guns are needed. If you diden't have them it would be stupid to ever jump in to low sec. This is just you lacking the skills to fit fast tackle and a tank or having the people to support you. Get in to some recons.
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#7 - 2011-11-07 17:18:46 UTC
I love gatetguns, makes piracy a challenge and keeps people coming into low sec so I can murder/death/kill them.

nom nom

Andrea Griffin
#8 - 2011-11-07 22:36:03 UTC
Tamiya Sarossa wrote:
I've lost count of the times I've thought 'screw these gateguns, if I could bring an inty on this roam we'd totally have caught that DST/frig/cruisers/nanoed bc/whatever else'. But then I realize that if the gateguns weren't there, said ship most likely wouldn't even be in lowsec.
Bingo. Low sec already suffers from the "you die as soon as you jump in" reputation among high sec players. The gate guns exist to provide a bit of safety to these people who otherwise wouldn't try low sec out at all.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#9 - 2011-11-08 12:14:56 UTC
I don't spend much time in LowSec so I can't say for certain. But 4/5 fights I have had in Low were gate camps (one of the reasons I avoid that part of eve). So I do not think that the gate guns are working as a deterrent....

90% of of the time my posts are about something I actually find interesting and want to learn more about. Do not be alarmed.

Cunane Jeran
#10 - 2011-11-08 18:48:22 UTC
I believe the gate and station guns provide an important feature of Low-sec and I'm speaking from both a outlaw standpoint and a bear standpoint.

Without the guns, low sec would be even emptier than it already is, camping the chokes and entry points would become so trivial with insta-lockers being able to stand on the field permanently it would discourage the few newer players who would venture out into lowsec, and the last thing it needs is even less population than it currently has. Seriously. Do you know how hard it is to get your average newer player into lowsec, the newbie corp old-timers put the fear of God into them over it. And actually while I'm at it, a fear of PvP. This really needs to change.

Anyway! sidetracked. The guns allow some free movement and protection without being able to completely shut down outlaws, its a perfect balance of risk vs reward.
Zircon Dasher
#11 - 2011-11-08 18:58:22 UTC
Cunane Jeran wrote:
Seriously. Do you know how hard it is to get your average newer player into lowsec, the newbie corp old-timers put the fear of God into them over it. And actually while I'm at it, a fear of PvP.

Cannot be quoted enough.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Ignotis Imperium
#12 - 2011-11-09 04:28:28 UTC
Sentries are a big part of what makes PVP in low sec different. I wouldn't want to see it change because it allows for different tactics than null sec.

Besides, it's a good laugh when you drop a BS or BC with a T1 frig on a gate because you have sentries helping you.

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tofucake prime
The Hatchery
RAZOR Alliance
#13 - 2011-11-09 09:49:08 UTC
It's funny when people think they are safe because "surely that Rifter won't point me under gate guns and I will have plenty of time to warp off before those Drakes can get point wait wtf the Rifter pointed me long enough for the Drakes to get tackle oh god oh god I'm dead!"