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Federation expresses dismay at Republic handling of Broteau

Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#141 - 2013-06-19 02:28:06 UTC
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso wrote:
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso wrote:
To all the Gallentee who believe that they will be fare better once the Republic is gone, can you answer me one question?

Do you believe that the Federation can fight a war on two opposite fronts?

History suggests that the Federation wouldn't have to.

First contact between the Federation and the Empire occurred during the first Caldari-Gallente war. The Amarr Empire was at the peak of its strength, having enslaved practically the entire Matari population and not yet having suffered its ignoble defeat at the hands of the Jove. Yet the Federation and the Empire arrived at a detente largely because both recognized that a war between them would go poorly for both.

Great answer!

Now let me follow up with this question.

Hypothetically speaking :

Why should the Empire follow the same policy again if the same exact scenario was to repeat itself , considering last time they use said policy, you guys paid them back by inciting a rebellion in its territories?

I'll see your hypothetical question, and I'll raise you a less hypothetical question:

Why should the Federation consider the Amarr Empire a greater threat than the Republic? The Empire has never, to my knowledge, broken a treaty that it has signed. The Republic, on the other hand...

Funny that you mentions this treaty, have you heard of something called Caldari-Amarr Declaration of Friendship? Did you also know that in it, the Amarrs regard you as an enemy and that it is still active till this day. And in it , they agreed to share any intelligence they have about you with the Caldari?

By the way, I have no problem with the Gallentee dissolving the alliance. As long as both the Republic and the Federation remains military capable individually, the Empire will stay at bay.

To James Syagrius, I am sorry to have offended your friendship with the Amarrs. Please forgive me.

Derin Phobos
Kinetic Technologies
#142 - 2013-06-19 02:45:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Derin Phobos
I find it disheartening that, instead of trying to recompense and apologize to their Federation allies, Republic capsuleers are instead essentially taking the line that the Republic has carte blanche to do whatever it wants, because if the alliance is dissolved the Amarr Empire will overrun the galaxy. This only serves to stir resentment and hostility. Coupled with the fact that State/Federation relations are on a clear rise due to the resolution of the Caldari Prime situation and the removal of Heth from power, this is an exceedingly unwise position to adopt.

It is also worth noting that the Empire-State relationship exists primarily to counter-balance the Federation-Republic relationship. Culturally, there is not much common ground between the Caldari and the Amarr. There is also the fact that the Caldari are not stupid; were the Republic to be reconquered and the Empire to turn its eyes on the Federation, the Caldari would have no illusions about who would be next.

Again, I would prefer the Republic stay allied with the Federation. Slaves do not have much purchasing power. Unfortunately, it seems that at every turn Republic capsuleers are determined to aggravate the situation.
James Syagrius
Luminaire Sovereign Solutions
#143 - 2013-06-19 03:43:55 UTC
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso wrote:

To James Syagrius, I am sorry to have offended your friendship with the Amarrs. Please forgive me.

Serenity and sarcasm aside, the thing as a whole is that simple.

You sir are forgiven though you gave no offense.

One would wish your government would show such wisdom, for many who think as I do, that simple statement would settle the matter.
Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2013-06-19 03:47:26 UTC
I'm just amused by pilot Affonso's alternating claims that a) the Amarr aren't a threat to the Federation because the Federation has a strong military and b) the Amarr are a threat to the Federation anyways.

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)

Katarina Musana
Clan Leshya Offworld Venture Enterprise
#145 - 2013-06-21 01:01:21 UTC
Rioghal Morgan wrote:
Cipher7 wrote:
10 pages of whining about Coleile (again) in 3....2......1.....

Yes, how dare we be upset at being backstabbed. How dare we!

Pray tell, where was it stated that we were supposed to give him back after the extradition? The court ruled he would be handed over to the Sebiestor Tribe for trial. It said nothing of handing him back afterwards. Just because a few idiotic senators thought he would be returned doesn't make it part of the deal.

But why should I be surprised at Gallenteans thinking their courts' sentencing should take precedence over another court's sentencing when they themselves handed him over to that court.
Rioghal Morgan
Pixel Navigators
#146 - 2013-06-21 02:59:03 UTC
Katarina Musana wrote:
Rioghal Morgan wrote:
Cipher7 wrote:
10 pages of whining about Coleile (again) in 3....2......1.....

Yes, how dare we be upset at being backstabbed. How dare we!

Pray tell, where was it stated that we were supposed to give him back after the extradition? The court ruled he would be handed over to the Sebiestor Tribe for trial. It said nothing of handing him back afterwards. Just because a few idiotic senators thought he would be returned doesn't make it part of the deal.

But why should I be surprised at Gallenteans thinking their courts' sentencing should take precedence over another court's sentencing when they themselves handed him over to that court.

Where did I mention anything at all about the execution of Broteau? I honestly think think it's fine he was executed.

I was referring to Coleile in that post...
Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#147 - 2013-06-21 06:54:26 UTC
The only thing that's surprising is that anyone would be surprised by Shakor's contempt.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2013-06-22 18:12:11 UTC
Initially? Yes. He's acting true to type, completely as expected now.

Which makes my own opinions - and those of many Federation hawks I've spoken with - all the more justified in my mind.

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)