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EVE General Discussion

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Tranquility Connectivity Issues - 23:15 UTC - June 15, 2013

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#841 - 2013-06-16 04:15:13 UTC
Gave my stuff away - EVE uninstalled - I am happy - good bye forever

I tried EVE 3 times - it's still one of the most aggravating games EVER, even more so than the new SimCity, and that was really bad. Oh well, live and learn, paid only $15 bucks to give it another last try. EVE = FAIL

And flame somebody else -I will not be reading it....

If you like it, play it...
Subrahmaya Chandrasekhar
#842 - 2013-06-16 04:28:44 UTC
Seems to me I had plenty of notice things were going down. I'm on quite a bit and I don't feel that the system has been down that much in the last month. Most of the time it's up.
Anyway, I went over to Sisi and used the time to get some experience with some things I didn't know.
Bruggen Raiders
#843 - 2013-06-16 04:32:12 UTC
CaptSummers wrote:
Time to take a shower and bang the girlfriend :D see you in 5 hours...

Would hate to see your utility bills if you take 4 hour 58 minute showers.
Lady Areola Fappington
#844 - 2013-06-16 04:43:17 UTC
OK, take this with a massive tinfoil hat here, but...

*IF* this string of emergency downtimes is in any way related to the current big war and "tactical DDoSing", whoever is doing it really needs to cut it the hell out. I'm not going to point at a coalition, alliance, corp, group of players. I'm specifically pointing at the asshat doing it. Your actions are no better than the common scumbag bot miner, using an out of game exploit for in-game advantage. Win or lose by your own skill and merits, not by the size of your botnet.

Now, while I do not blame the alliances involved as a group, I will say this: the behaviour you walk past is the behaviour you accept. If you know someone in your corp is doing this, call them out. If you have solid proof, report it to CCP.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Lauren Abbey Industries
#845 - 2013-06-16 07:04:25 UTC
Wibble Wibble Wibble flamb, mibble mible moble plob.Big smile
Maximus Aerelius
#846 - 2013-06-16 07:44:39 UTC
Subrahmaya Chandrasekhar wrote:
Seems to me I had plenty of notice things were going down. I'm on quite a bit and I don't feel that the system has been down that much in the last month. Most of the time it's up.
Anyway, I went over to Sisi and used the time to get some experience with some things I didn't know.

Well I don't know about others but I have experienced at least one Socket Closed error per day since Odyssey was deployed. Had two yesterday. I honestly haven't seen EVE this bad since my first couple of years of playing (2003-2004).
Presidente Gallente
Best Kept Dunked
#847 - 2013-06-16 08:37:39 UTC
The most scary place of EVE is the forums.
Goran Konjich
#848 - 2013-06-16 08:49:34 UTC
Presidente Gallente wrote:
The most scary place of EVE is the forums.

Agreed. Also the most useless place of EVE is the forums. Have not read usable thing on forums in years. But still coming back for daily dose of uselessness.

I'm a diplomat. Sometimes i throw 425mm wide briefcases at enemy. Such is EVE.

#849 - 2013-06-16 09:30:38 UTC
Drunco wrote:
Gave my stuff away - EVE uninstalled - I am happy - good bye forever

I tried EVE 3 times - it's still one of the most aggravating games EVER, even more so than the new SimCity, and that was really bad. Oh well, live and learn, paid only $15 bucks to give it another last try. EVE = FAIL

And flame somebody else -I will not be reading it....

If you like it, play it...

Then why you're still here?? Since page 24/25 you're whining like a toddler....about leaving EVE
STFU and be gone

and I know you read this, anyway

Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honour matters. Their silence is your answer.

flying and dying in EVE since 2004

Theodore Giumbix
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#850 - 2013-06-16 10:15:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Theodore Giumbix
poor guy... Cry

Still, the most affected people in the game during this downtime were AFK cloakers.

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

soldieroffortune 258
Soldier of Fortune Inc.
#851 - 2013-06-16 12:23:23 UTC
Anya Klibor wrote:
I'm not one to complain about the servers being down, but this is getting ridiculous. How often are your servers going to do this?

There's this really awesome video game called "Real Life", it has even better graphics than EVE, and the sandbox is SOOOO MUCH bigger its ridiculous.
Dante Burke
Practical Applications
#852 - 2013-06-16 13:52:06 UTC
This 'Socket Closed' is getting slightly out of hand. I'm having this issue about once every five minutes. All I want to do is shoot internet spaceships :(

I solo warped into Asakai, and all I got was this stupid t-shirt. - Dante Burke

Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#853 - 2013-06-16 14:57:46 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:

Now, while I do not blame the alliances involved as a group, I will say this: the behaviour you walk past is the behaviour you accept. If you know someone in your corp is doing this, call them out. If you have solid proof, report it to CCP.

This is exactly the reason why I call CCP out on their various game design, usability and poor testing challenges.

If we, as customers of CCP's EVE-O entertainment service, sit back and do nothing as CCP continues to dish out the crap, then we deserve every piece of dung-designed feature served up.

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

Andrea Okazon
Laurentson INC
#854 - 2013-06-16 15:02:18 UTC
Dante Burke wrote:
This 'Socket Closed' is getting slightly out of hand. I'm having this issue about once every five minutes. All I want to do is shoot internet spaceships :(

I'm having the same issue ;_; Always when I try to go through a jumpgate. Not every time, maybe 1 in 5 or so.
#855 - 2013-06-16 19:55:44 UTC
twiztid ditzwit wrote:
Keep up the good work CCP Blink I'm sure it isn't easy to maintain something that has never been done before. (Dust and EVE in the same universe) Nevermind all of the complainers out there... Just keep doing what you do and I'm confident that you will have all of the bugs worked out soon... Cheers everyone!

******* easy for you to say, try not being able to play.
Tiven loves Tansien
#856 - 2013-06-16 21:04:21 UTC
Sragir wrote:
Drunco wrote:
Gave my stuff away - EVE uninstalled - I am happy - good bye forever

I tried EVE 3 times - it's still one of the most aggravating games EVER, even more so than the new SimCity, and that was really bad. Oh well, live and learn, paid only $15 bucks to give it another last try. EVE = FAIL

And flame somebody else -I will not be reading it....

If you like it, play it...

Then why you're still here?? Since page 24/25 you're whining like a toddler....about leaving EVE
STFU and be gone

and I know you read this, anyway

why so hostile? toad.
Lilth Shandel
Brand Newbros
#857 - 2013-06-16 22:17:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Lilth Shandel
So, could I get a little bit of input on this issue here?

"Could not connect to the specified address. Odds are that you have not established an internet connection, the server isn't running, or the server address or port number was wrong."

Granted I feel that I have established a working internet connection. I know the server is running with over 4000+ players online right now. I don't have any third party programs running, and I didn't have this issue last night.

So wtf? EVE is a great game but its becoming ever more apparent that I am unable to play the game when I would like to play the game on my own time and that I have to magically know when the servers are working, or when they are having to get restarted, or if they are down. That is not worth $15 a month or the time and effort it takes to get a PLEX considering I can't log on to get a damn PLEX... End of mini-rant.

(Edit:) So it has been a few hours since I posted this, I just wanted to update that I ran the repair tool, updated the launcher, installed a patch, verified my client, and still no help with the issue of connecting and am still getting the above error message. I'm still hoping for some replies. Even if that is directing me to post this issue somewhere else, I'm a noob to the forums.
Aderothul Aiderron
Subsidy H.R.S.
Xagenic Freymvork
#858 - 2013-06-17 05:28:28 UTC
Your best bet is to try launching the game without the launcher. Try using the .exe locaeted in Drive/Program Files/CCP/EVE/bin The file name should be ExeFile. That worked for me when i had similar issues a while back.
Laura Ravencroft
#859 - 2013-06-17 05:39:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Laura Ravencroft
Frankie DooSpace wrote:
Laura Ravencroft wrote:
Mmm PLEX is easy to do. Works better with a Rorqual 8 skiffs and an over tanked Orca running 2 warfare links and a T-2 Cloaker. If you don't understand the use of an Orca as a oversized indy ship like back in the good old days before the Orca existed. I won't bother to explain it to you now. Just know it works. Less Yo Yo ing to pos.

Good info! Thank you for that! =D ^_^

The Best Multiboxer program on the market and approved by CCP is at
Going to need it to control 10 accounts and see what is going on, on all of them.
Set rorqual to Wing Command Set free move Orca as squad C. when you see reds enter local Use Orca to Warp Squad to PoS. Stop Orca cloak align to pos when Orca is aligned and at Maximum Velocity decloak warp to pos.
As Orca's are slow and Pokey.
Suggested Warfare Links:
T-2 Siege Warfare Link Shield Harmonization ( as this increases all shield resists and shield hp)
T-2 Armored Warfare Link Passive Defense (as this link increases all armor resists and armor hp)
Some people suggest the Skirmish link for reduced sig radius. Frankly your skiffs should have been gone long before your contact is made with a red in system. Increased resists = less likely to lose a ship while orca deals drone damage to spawned rats. 5 scouts and 5 med drones will handle the types spawning in Null Sec.