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EVE General Discussion

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Tranquility Connectivity Issues - 23:15 UTC - June 15, 2013

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Pheona Black
Moons Of Mercury Mining
#741 - 2013-06-16 01:54:46 UTC
Hey Guys,

Whats the matter with you?? I have been playing EVE since 2004, and since that time, I have never seen a more consistent game on the internet, unless it was some simple role playing game with a limited possible number of players.

If you only had any idea what it takes to run a game as complex as this one, you would realize all the possibilities of equipment failure there are. The failure can be caused by a number of things. Since I have been playing eve they have updated and modified the game to keep it interesting. How many other games can you count that do that.

If you remember some time ago, there was a game called Beyond Earth by EA. As soon as that became popular, and was overloading the servers, they took the easy way out and shut it down.

But not CCP, they increased the number of connections and updated their system.

Are there any other good space games that can say that.?

Quit knocking the people who brought your favourite game to you. A day or two of not playing won't hurt you. If you don't like the idea, go find another game to play and leave the serious players to EVE.

Your doing a good Job CCP, don't let these people put you down.

Ultrasneaky's lover thesneakys
Synapse Angels
#742 - 2013-06-16 01:54:52 UTC
i vote for 250k SP Big smile
Spock Baby
#743 - 2013-06-16 01:54:55 UTC
I especially like this thread when people say:-

"I am not one to complain ..."

... and then they proceed to complain.

Obviously you ARE one to complain, hence why you are.

I love internet type people.
Eva Thorsten
Vertex Industries Inc.
#744 - 2013-06-16 01:55:08 UTC
Daviz Skinner wrote:
Tauren Tom wrote:
imahayhead Maricadie wrote:
There are too many children on here complaining that they're losing some game time or losing out on bonus mission rewards. Grow up and be thankful the devs are working on whatever issue this is.

You do realize that if this was ISP like AT&T, ComCast, Virgin, AOL etc that they would be having their asses chewed out and fines levied against them by now for excessive down time right? There's something called "reasonable expectation of services".

You do realize that you don't know what you're talking about, right?

Internet service isn't regulated as strictly as POTS (plain old telephone service). They don't pay fines every time service goes out for a couple hours.

Head Crusher
Amarr Empire
#745 - 2013-06-16 01:55:17 UTC
Dont Cry,
The Staff work on them !Blink
styx chaa'el
#746 - 2013-06-16 01:55:33 UTC
Hiu Dark wrote:
Krazynikomo wrote:
TEST is going into its second round of downtime-TF2 now.

Lol, our fleet has been doing poetry readings and interpretations in mumble

and .... HODOR!

how is the war going for test?
Space Scooterman
Caldari State
#747 - 2013-06-16 01:55:33 UTC
Khaos Li Ronuken
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#748 - 2013-06-16 01:55:37 UTC
I'm in!
Ima Spaiiiii
#749 - 2013-06-16 01:55:37 UTC
Alexander Methany wrote:
i just love all these noobs giving CCP love for the down time in prime time

What's wrong with us respecting CCP for their work and giving us a game we love and adore? We aren't a bunch of kids here who whinge when things don't go our way.. [well, most of us anyway]..
Lord Hamlett
Va'Learen Nation
#750 - 2013-06-16 01:55:42 UTC
I hope it stays down for a full day again. I like free SPs, since I dont have anything that finishes anytime soon Cool
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#751 - 2013-06-16 01:55:43 UTC
#752 - 2013-06-16 01:55:44 UTC
I have been playing 6 years and this is a rare issue, however lately it has become more of an issue. This was supposed to be ten minutes now going on about 45. I hope with the launch and a little time this will not be an issue. I am getting frustrated.
Mordraug Stangaferro
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#753 - 2013-06-16 01:55:49 UTC
Killrog Killdare wrote:
Dear CCP,

If you folks don't get the servers up like right now my wife is going to think I'm available and want me to spend time with her watching another dang chick flick. I reiterate, HELP!!!!!


CCP this is on your heads. This man needs help NOW.
Loh Elenas
Project Venture
#754 - 2013-06-16 01:56:00 UTC
Yes, that's it, keep whining, while I log back in.
Vin Ott
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#755 - 2013-06-16 01:56:01 UTC
All I know is everytime we've had a "major" timer in the fountain war so far CCP takes the server down. Anyone else wanna go in and split the bulk tinfoil pack from Costco?

Seriously though please figure this junk out cause it's ruining the game.
Flargen Dingle
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#756 - 2013-06-16 01:56:11 UTC
I'm dancing while I type this, I love doing some downtime w/my EVE peeps! Big smile
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#757 - 2013-06-16 01:56:35 UTC
Eagle's Talon's
#758 - 2013-06-16 01:56:36 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington

I am wearing a name tag that says "Hi My Name is Dryson"

Flargen Dingle - Your character looks like it needs to take a crap.
Tauren Tom
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#759 - 2013-06-16 01:56:47 UTC
And it's up... now to log in, finish my siege on the station and jump out :D
In the grand scheme of things... You're all pubbies. So HTFU.   "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." - Elwood Blues
Resilan Bearcat
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#760 - 2013-06-16 01:57:05 UTC
The servers have been down for 1 hour and counting and the last update was now 30 minutes ago that the servers were up in testing mode. This is getting old. Sad Weren't the servers down during prime time US the last two weekends?