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Tranquility Connectivity Issues - 23:15 UTC - June 15, 2013

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Johnnie Miles
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#561 - 2013-06-16 01:36:48 UTC
Sofia Feenat Atreides wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:
The Tranquility cluster is currently experiencing several network issues that began at approximately 23:15 UTC on Saturday June 15th, 2013.

Our engineers are currently working on resolving these issues, please keep an eye on this thread for further updates regarding the current issues.

UPDATE - 23:30 UTC - We are currently diagnosing connectivity issues with Tranquility.
UPDATE - 00:00 UTC - We are now working on restoring full connectivity to Tranquility.
UPDATE - 00:20 UTC - Our engineers are currently still working on resolving login issues.
UPDATE - 00:30 UTC - We will be rebooting Tranquility after a 10 minute countdown.
UPDATE - 01:10 UTC - Our engineers are currently investigating ongoing issues while Tranquility is offline.

well, at least our training queues do not stop Straight

Well at last you had one that went for more that 5 hours
#562 - 2013-06-16 01:36:56 UTC
C'mon guy's,

Don't post so fast, by time I finish reading1 pages, there are 2 new onesRoll

Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honour matters. Their silence is your answer.

flying and dying in EVE since 2004

Blue Absinthe
Wardec U
#563 - 2013-06-16 01:36:58 UTC
Adam Gamel wrote:
Lodius Armantos wrote:
I gues i can no longer finish my mission in less then 4 hour now. Should i open a ticket for this becouse im losing the opportunity to get the bonus reward?

Its also 1:41 in the night here so i can no longer fninsh this anymore or wait hours for the server to get back on.

Open a ticket for one mission's bonus reward? Why?

dude! it's a level 2 mission! you can't be wasting that isk!
Nemhain Cadelanne
#564 - 2013-06-16 01:37:01 UTC
Guess i'm not a very important person.
Black Market Ops
#565 - 2013-06-16 01:37:03 UTC
Yelizaveta wrote:
Regra Stark wrote:
After only having this game for a month, this much downtime is very unattractive... Especially since most downtime has been on the weekend. Hope you guys get this taken care because Star Citizen is looking better and better every day.

The last time the servers went down due to a DDOS attack. You can't blame CCP for that.

They're racking in untold thousands every day and cant even maintain the service they're SUPPOSED to be providing, if it was a business app instead there'd be riots but instead everyone goes "its just a game, chill out" and continues to happy pay to sit there watching a loading screen.

Yep not CCP's fault at all they cant maintain their security or data stability Twisted
Jarghul Nightowl
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#566 - 2013-06-16 01:37:23 UTC
Sooo..all you people who wanna quit...Can I have your stuff?Shocked
Ahead Industries and Contracting
#567 - 2013-06-16 01:37:29 UTC
The Eve Galaxy has been sucked into the black whole HEHEHEHE, time to migrate back to Earth guys.
Verra Keyne
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#568 - 2013-06-16 01:37:41 UTC
blam11 wrote:

seem dust514 is down with the ps3 network out too Sad

the crash of the servers is linked with sony network too Oops

i have problems with logon with sony network ...

logon 5mn stable ... and logged out after that

maybe the server of ccp is locked down or crashed by sony network ? Evil

I don't even want to think about this :(
imahayhead Maricadie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#569 - 2013-06-16 01:37:42 UTC
There are too many children on here complaining that they're losing some game time or losing out on bonus mission rewards. Grow up and be thankful the devs are working on whatever issue this is.
Frankie DooSpace
Evefleet Canada
#570 - 2013-06-16 01:38:01 UTC
Shadow Plyclaw wrote:
Frankie DooSpace wrote:
Aldo Bozza wrote:
ATM Bancomat wrote:
Aldo Bozza wrote:
Gotta say, I'm pretty impressed with this game's community. In every other online game I've played, any event like this would result in 99% of people bitching and complaining, asking for refunds. Here, it seems only a minority of subscribers are idiots about stuff like this.

we need to get busy in some way...

PS r u Italian?

Canadian - but I'm aware my character's name is Italian :P

Yay! Another Canadian!! \\// Live long & prosper fellow country citizen! =P

We Canadians are so rare around here

Haha!! Agreed!
Sofia Feenat Atreides
#571 - 2013-06-16 01:38:16 UTC
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
[quote=Kewso][quote=Trolly McForumalt]'UPDATE - 01:25 UTC - Tranquility is back online in VIP Mode for testing.'

Yea, there must be some kind of mistake because I'm still not able to log in.

only those of us who pay for VIP accounts can get in


it's a perk

oh, I thought the VIP meant the CCP people, I have not even read anywhere about this VIP "perk"
Heywood Djiblomi
#572 - 2013-06-16 01:38:16 UTC
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
Kewso wrote:
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
'UPDATE - 01:25 UTC - Tranquility is back online in VIP Mode for testing.'

Yea, there must be some kind of mistake because I'm still not able to log in.

only those of us who pay for VIP accounts can get in


it's a perk


Do you *know* who I am?

Holy ****! I think we were separated at birth...
W Anzomi
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#573 - 2013-06-16 01:38:16 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
The Tranquility cluster is currently experiencing several network issues that began at approximately 23:15 UTC on Saturday June 15th, 2013.

Our engineers are currently working on resolving these issues, please keep an eye on this thread for further updates regarding the current issues.

UPDATE - 23:30 UTC - We are currently diagnosing connectivity issues with Tranquility.
UPDATE - 00:00 UTC - We are now working on restoring full connectivity to Tranquility.
UPDATE - 00:20 UTC - Our engineers are currently still working on resolving login issues.
UPDATE - 00:30 UTC - We will be rebooting Tranquility after a 10 minute countdown.
UPDATE - 01:10 UTC - Our engineers are currently investigating ongoing issues while Tranquility is offline.
UPDATE - 01:25 UTC - Tranquility is back online in VIP Mode for testing.

Equinox WhiteWolf
Interstellar Dust Control and Relocation
#574 - 2013-06-16 01:38:17 UTC
Take your time and do your best CCP. I'll log in when I'm able to.

Amazing how quickly people turn on you
Victor Bastion
Danger Management
#575 - 2013-06-16 01:38:26 UTC
Sragir wrote:
C'mon guy's,

Don't post so fast, by time I finish reading1 pages, there are 2 new onesRoll

Tranquility is not actually broken. CCP is testing updates to their forums to see how well the forums can handle a Threadnaught. What?
Mars Starforge
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#576 - 2013-06-16 01:38:30 UTC

Eagle's Talon's
#577 - 2013-06-16 01:38:36 UTC
Well, having been around since a bit before rmr being released, i have to say that eve has made leaps and bounds in their performance and overall up time, just that lately their unscheduled down times seem to be happening at more inconvenient times lately.

Anyone here remember rmr and the weeks of lag after lol, this is nothing kids! cheer up sit back pop a brew or make some coffee, and it if is another extended downtime im sure that ccp will be generous again, i have appreciated the 50k sp's.

Keep up the good work dev's i am sure these unscheduled downtime's are as frustrating to you as it is to the pod community.

This is correct. Before the server would crash at least ten to twenty times a day maybe every other day because of cluster problems.

Bryson hand me the bong.....

Gurgle Gurgle Gurgle - This is all I can do to deal with Anuirison.
Laura Ravencroft
#578 - 2013-06-16 01:38:36 UTC
Mmm PLEX is easy to do. Works better with a Rorqual 8 skiffs and an over tanked Orca running 2 warfare links and a T-2 Cloaker. If you don't understand the use of an Orca as a oversized indy ship like back in the good old days before the Orca existed. I won't bother to explain it to you now. Just know it works. Less Yo Yo ing to pos.
Syndicate Enterprise
Sigma Grindset
#579 - 2013-06-16 01:38:41 UTC
CaptSummers wrote:
Time to take a shower and bang the girlfriend :D see you in 5 hours...

Bang me hard baby ;-)
ATM Bancomat
#580 - 2013-06-16 01:38:44 UTC
imahayhead Maricadie wrote:
There are too many children on here complaining that they're losing some game time or losing out on bonus mission rewards. Grow up and be thankful the devs are working on whatever issue this is.

You know is their job right? i mean you know they are paid to do so right???????