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Tranquility Connectivity Issues - 23:15 UTC - June 15, 2013

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Eternal Darkness.
The Initiative.
#61 - 2013-06-16 00:05:31 UTC
TQ... R.I.P. ?????

srsly... ccp stop partying in the server room >.>
Lucian Thorundan
House Of Serenity.
#62 - 2013-06-16 00:05:42 UTC
Major Lunartik wrote:
If this continues, I wont bother paying any longer, there are far more reliable on-line games that don't go pissy and not let us play, and have ****.

Geez guys honestly, as stated above numerous times, you can get into the game via the direct exefile.

CCP run a pretty tight ship, i've been playing this game for 2-3 years now and only this month have i seen the servers down when they shouldnt be, they deserve congratulations for that, not a bunch of people complaining.

It happens sometimes, most of the previous problems have not been their fault and i'm betting this will turn out to be not them either but in any case, load via the exefile or just go outside, play LoL / Tanks / any other game you have while you wait.

@Maxx Kilbride 3 times in a whole month does not equal "almost every day"

If you have a genuine issue getting the game loaded via the exefile post here, somebody will be happy to assist though I think the provided instructions a little while ago pretty much covered it.
Talon Krendraven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2013-06-16 00:06:32 UTC
I can't get in on my PC's But the MAC client is working fine.
Adrian Didlymeister
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#64 - 2013-06-16 00:07:46 UTC
oh...and I just bought plex....timing is awesome and all that.
Lieutnant Crane
That Little Neptune Foundation
#65 - 2013-06-16 00:08:17 UTC
people who were connected before the issue still can play, my friend is playing next to me, makes my day ^^
Samantha Avalon
Spark Enterprises
#66 - 2013-06-16 00:08:59 UTC
AFLACK wrote:
you guys complaining about the loss of a couple hours 3 times in one month... LMFAO

should have played year 1 2 and 3 :)

CCP, these last few years is the smoothest I have seen this game run and I Thank you for that. also the fact that you guys keep updating your systems as much as you do where as most others dont...

Oh yeah 10 years and it keeps getting better! I love this game! I can put up with a bit of DT

I have to agree with you, they have gotten so much better then back in the day where it took a day to upgrade the server then a week of lag and bugs. CCP has come a far way.
Xa Ra Shi
State War Academy
Caldari State
#67 - 2013-06-16 00:09:04 UTC
Some ghosts in the machine perhaps?
Black Box Enterprise
#68 - 2013-06-16 00:09:09 UTC
Down again...........
It's a shame as the reliability has bee so good of late.......Roll
Cascade Hellcats
Rote Works
#69 - 2013-06-16 00:09:13 UTC
Private Pineapple wrote:
Anya Klibor wrote:
I'm not one to complain about the servers being down, but this is getting ridiculous. How often are your servers going to do this?

Meh, deal with it.

Play some World of Tanks or something.

thts what im doing Lol
Infinity Bay.
Pandemic Horde
#70 - 2013-06-16 00:09:33 UTC
you know eventually people are going to want their time added back onto their account time due to the inconvenience of YOUR server problems
and for the fact that everyone is paying to play this game per month a few hours of time is millions of isk to miners and mission runners...

lets just all get a faction ship this time or some sort of ship maybe another gnosis gift or something cool for the loss of our time
Cat Harkness
Twilight Labs
The Serenity Initiative
#71 - 2013-06-16 00:09:44 UTC
Major Lunartik wrote:
If this continues, I wont bother paying any longer, there are far more reliable on-line games that don't go pissy and not let us play, and have ****.

Yea, like WoW, SWToR, Rift, those games are rock solid (NOT!!!). They have more downtime in one day, then EvE has been down all month...

Cat Harkness


Twilight Labs

Reese Kanjus
Space Dogs Heavy Mining Corp
#72 - 2013-06-16 00:10:01 UTC
Damn oh well means i get some sleep now i'll try again in a few hrs night all
Aldo Itmyselph
Aldo's Aerospace Technologies
#73 - 2013-06-16 00:10:21 UTC
Lacaedaeimon Artus wrote:
Ellendras Silver wrote:
well its offline so i cant play Oops its weekend Oops

The exefile in the Bin directory works about half the time right now for connecting, but the launcher is showing the server as being offline and refuses to try to connect.

Just ran the repair utility, but launcher is still acting like it is borked.

Confirmed working... Launcher still down but I managed to connect using the .exe file. Thanks for the tip.
Bidair Hakoke
The Institute for Swine Astronautics
#74 - 2013-06-16 00:11:13 UTC
I was just able to log in by launching the program with C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE\bin\ExeFile.exe (default install location for 64-bit windows).

This has worked in the past for launcher-related issues, so try this first if you're not having luck.
Agape Holdings School of Applied Gifts
Band of Wanderers
#75 - 2013-06-16 00:11:50 UTC
Roid Duster wrote:
I logged in through the /bin/exefile.exe file, easy peasy. But yeah I'd like my launcher back please. Twisted

Me2 :))))
Hilfy Na
#76 - 2013-06-16 00:12:12 UTC
Oblivion Deadspace wrote:
Everytime launcher gets broke you give us free skillpoints.

they do?????? didn't get anything from the last time Sad
#77 - 2013-06-16 00:12:29 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
The Tranquility cluster is currently experiencing several network issues that began at approximately 23:15 UTC on Saturday June 15th, 2013.

Our engineers are currently working on resolving these issues, please keep an eye on this thread for further updates regarding the current issues.

UPDATE - 23:30 UTC - We are currently diagnosing connectivity issues with Tranquility.
UPDATE - 00:00 UTC - We are now working on restoring full connectivity to Tranquility.

r u under ddos attack (dedicated denial of service)

if so will that person be punished?
Knights of the British Empire
#78 - 2013-06-16 00:13:19 UTC
Actually, if you were playing 7 yrs ago, this used to happen all the time...CCP has got a lot better so.....although it with it!
Erwin lRommell
Samurai Panzer Brigade
#79 - 2013-06-16 00:13:27 UTC
All in all EVE does a great job. Weekend just got done with work just want to play javascript:insertsmiley('Ugh','/Images/Emoticons/ccp_ugh.png') Hope they get it solved soon
DetKhord Saisio
Seniors Clan
#80 - 2013-06-16 00:13:34 UTC
May want to consider changing the name to Eve Offline. lol j/k