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Broteau found guilty and executed by Sebiestor Tribe

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#21 - 2013-06-15 16:34:56 UTC
Short sighted fools....

Anyone who thinks that Broteau acted alone is blind. And now thanks to bloodthirsty tribal vengeance after what was most assuredly a sham of a trial, the truth of the whole matter will be that much harder to discover. He needed to be properly interrogated and have his mind dredged for truth. Rather then a day and a half of being prodded by a judge then being shot in the face.

Of course, I am a fool to think that anyone in either government would want to put the real culprits on trial. They just want to appease the masses. You, Capsuleers, should know better then to buy in to this obvious shadow play.
Endeavour Starfleet
#22 - 2013-06-15 16:35:16 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Another gallentean died. What could be better?

Heth perishing without any more innocents following him would be better.
Repentence Tyrathlion
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#23 - 2013-06-15 16:49:34 UTC
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Short sighted fools....

Anyone who thinks that Broteau acted alone is blind. And now thanks to bloodthirsty tribal vengeance after what was most assuredly a sham of a trial, the truth of the whole matter will be that much harder to discover. He needed to be properly interrogated and have his mind dredged for truth. Rather then a day and a half of being prodded by a judge then being shot in the face.

Of course, I am a fool to think that anyone in either government would want to put the real culprits on trial. They just want to appease the masses. You, Capsuleers, should know better then to buy in to this obvious shadow play.

Whether Broteau acted alone or not has little bearing on the immediate situation. The political upheaval and what happens next will occur whether or not he was a lone madman or an assassin with some group agenda. Both governments have taken the incident and are trying to make it play their tune. Currently, unless the Matari have some trick up their sleeve, the Feds are winning. It doesn't take much cynicism to see that publically expecting Broteau's return, in complete contrast to all probability, just earns the Gallente more points.

We're not privy to the internal wranglings of the two superpowers, and nor are you. The discussions of the consequences have been hashed out a dozen times over in public, and many more in private. Enough with the sniping toaster routine, it got old a while ago.

Actually, the whole Nation thing got old a really long time ago, but let's not go into that derailment.
Derek Quaid
#24 - 2013-06-15 16:53:50 UTC
I like what you did there, Tyrathlion:

"You're not flavor of the month anymore, but now that I've gotten my word in, let's not discuss it further."


CEO, Discreet Bounties In-game Channel: Discreet Bounties

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#25 - 2013-06-15 16:56:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Evi Polevhia
I'll comment on Empire affairs about as long as Empire Capsuleers comment on mine. My estimations put that at roughly two centuries short of forever.

And despite my opposition to the current governments, I still have high hopes and concerns for the people of said governments. What negatively affects them bothers me.
Jotunn Risi
#26 - 2013-06-15 17:48:00 UTC
Lucas Raholan wrote:
Given the...eagerness shown by the Republic to get hold of him I would have thought the execution to be a more brutal affair.

Contrary to the cynicism of some, the Minmatar cried out for appropriate justice, not brutality.

We made our voices heard, he was delivered to the people he wronged so deeply and an appropriate sentence was carried out.

The Jotunn Risi are now recruiting, Brutor ancestry required in order to best represent the Brutor interest.  Join channel JORIS to learn more!

Steffanie Saissore
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#27 - 2013-06-15 17:58:32 UTC
Ugleb wrote:
Lucas Raholan wrote:
Given the...eagerness shown by the Republic to get hold of him I would have thought the execution to be a more brutal affair.

Contrary to the cynicism of some, the Minmatar cried out for appropriate justice, not brutality.

We made our voices heard, he was delivered to the people he wronged so deeply and an appropriate sentence was carried out.

Unfortunately, there was a promise that the criminal would be returned to the Federation. Now, I am not privy to the exact wording of the agreement, but I believe the expectation from the Federation was that he be returned alive.

We travel in the dark of the new moon,

A starry highway traced on the map of the sky

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#28 - 2013-06-15 18:15:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
Steffanie Saissore wrote:
Unfortunately, there was a promise that the criminal would be returned to the Federation. Now, I am not privy to the exact wording of the agreement, but I believe the expectation from the Federation was that he be returned alive.

Then the Federation had poor expectations.

This was an appropriate punishment.

Eve Polevhia wrote:
Short sighted fools....

Anyone who thinks that Broteau acted alone is blind. And now thanks to bloodthirsty tribal vengeance after what was most assuredly a sham of a trial, the truth of the whole matter will be that much harder to discover. He needed to be properly interrogated and have his mind dredged for truth. Rather then a day and a half of being prodded by a judge then being shot in the face.

He was interrogated and investigated and trialed for over two to three months in the Federation. You are thinking that just because the Republic trialed him in a day--which they could easily do seeing as they could draw on the proceedings undertaken during the Federation trial--that it means he has only been investigated and interrogated for a day, which shows a lacking understanding of the course of these events.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2013-06-15 18:47:38 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Another gallentean died. What could be better?

I like your hair.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#30 - 2013-06-15 18:52:52 UTC
You're of course right. I am sure the Federation gave the Republic all of the data they had. They have had such a wonderful record of friendly cooperation on this case so far. And there was absolutely nothing more to be learned from the man such as true means or motive. Execution in shorter time then it takes to file proper change of address paperwork doesn't seem at all out of place. Not at all a blatant example of sweeping a problem under the rug as fast as possible.
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2013-06-15 20:02:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
I like how some Gallentees in this thread could not help but express their disappointment in the Sebiestior justice system. Compare to Anvent Eturrer I'll say that his death sounded more humane.

He got a trial and was found guilty and was given a quick death. I'm guessing you guys must be irate because we did not made it into a public spectacle for all to see like you have done in the past (

Here are my reference:

Sorry but the Sebiestior's and yours are but two different systems.

About him returning to the Federation, was the agreement that the Federation had with the Repubic that he should be return back alive?. No I am not talking about what that senator said. What I mean is that was there a signed agreement between the Republic & the Federation?. Also there is nothing from the article that stated that the body of Broteau wont be return to the Federation.

Honestly stop beating a dead horse. Everyone and the mother had to know that the moment that this man was handed over to the Republic that he was dead man. Even a mentally ******** person would know that!. Hell even your current President and Blaque must have known that. If you didn't want him dead , 'logic' would imply that you kept him in the Federation. I mean it is the only logical thing to do if you expected this outcome but did not wish it. But if the Federation did not want this outcome but still pursue said action and act surprise when their prediction came true. Well that would be dumb.

In my opinion, I do not think that the Federation would be that dumb. So therefore, based on what I said earlier , I would presume that the Federation was fully aware that he was a DEAD man.

If not, well the Feds are [insert your own words here]....

By the way, anyone knows how long did the trial for Anvent Eturrer lasted?. If you do please let me know , and also if possible provide me with a proper source or reference or proof. Thank you. I will be grateful.

Have a nice day!
Cyrus Alabel
Azure Wrath
#32 - 2013-06-15 20:16:35 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Another gallentean died. What could be better?

And if I said, "Another Caldari died, what could be better?" about a certain admiral, or a certain terrorist, you would be frothing at the mouth about how I'm just another Gallentean devil insulting good, honest Caldari, or somesuch nonsense.
Rioghal Morgan
Pixel Navigators
#33 - 2013-06-15 21:16:58 UTC
I'm glad he's dead.

Too bad the Republic murdered tens of thousands of allied citizens and spit on our century old alliance in the process of getting him though.
Brandi Wiseman
Den Sorte Loge
#34 - 2013-06-15 21:43:26 UTC
I am disgusted by this news. What was the point of standing firm against a Minmatar fleet invading Gallente space if you were only going to hand over the prisoner and allow him to be executed?

Fly Caldari!

Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#35 - 2013-06-15 21:54:27 UTC
All else aside, I commend the Republic of its efficiency in this matter.

I can only assume that all available intelligence had already been extracted by FIO operatives, and the Republic saw no further need for interrogation.

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Istvaan Shogaatsu
Guiding Hand Social Club
#36 - 2013-06-15 22:10:38 UTC
Aurora Fatalis wrote:
This wasn't justice. This was vengeance.

There's a difference?
Steffanie Saissore
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#37 - 2013-06-15 22:46:08 UTC
Samira Kernher wrote:
Steffanie Saissore wrote:
Unfortunately, there was a promise that the criminal would be returned to the Federation. Now, I am not privy to the exact wording of the agreement, but I believe the expectation from the Federation was that he be returned alive.

Then the Federation had poor expectations.

This was an appropriate punishment.


I do not disagree with the punishment. I merely have an issue in how it was all carried out

We travel in the dark of the new moon,

A starry highway traced on the map of the sky

Repentence Tyrathlion
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#38 - 2013-06-16 00:03:51 UTC
Derek Quaid wrote:
I like what you did there, Tyrathlion:

"You're not flavor of the month anymore, but now that I've gotten my word in, let's not discuss it further."


Technically I was referring to our failed attempt to eliminate the technovermin eighty years ago. I just have no interest in getting into an argument with the toasters about it, and nor is it on topic.
Blaise Cadelanne
The Synenose Accord
#39 - 2013-06-16 00:23:26 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Alexis Valentyne wrote:
This says more about the Republic than we realize. Following their initial invasion in Federation space, they've further undermined the Federation with his execution. He was sent there on the understanding that he would be returned. Perhaps they are more than happy to sever all ties.

They will find themselves with few allies. The Federation will be more than happy to sever ties to a rouge nation and enjoy the benefits of reduced strain with the Amarr while also enjoying their ability to work with the Caldari now that Heth is no longer screwing everything up.

If the Amarr press this advantage the Republic can count of folks like me and many others in Federation NOT offering even a single isk of support.

The Republic definitely mishandled the situation, which makes their position all the weaker with the Federation. The Amarr will press this advantage while public opinion is against the Republic.

Blaise Cadelanne

They bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla! Where the brave may live forever!”

Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#40 - 2013-06-16 01:40:26 UTC
Istvaan Shogaatsu wrote:
Aurora Fatalis wrote:
This wasn't justice. This was vengeance.

There's a difference?

Never has been, never will be.

While I was pleased to learn of the death of the race traitor and Amarr-appeaser and apologist Midular, and equally pleased to see the swiftness with which the Sebiestor acted, I do not approve of this man's execution...
Midular is the one who should've been tried and executed, years ago, for crimes against our people.

This bold soul did us a service, snuffing out Midular and a handful of others unworthy of their Blood and Heritage.

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

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