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CCP stll needs to do something about cloaks

First post
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#141 - 2013-06-14 17:06:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Sometimes, the EVE forum community reminds me of jail.

Back when my career started, I worked in a county jail as a Guard so I got to deal with inmates daily. 1st day of training my training officer took me around the various units with a cart to do "Med Call" where we'd give the inmates pain relievers, cold/sinus pills, anti-tich cream, whatever.. The inmates were in open bays rather than cells and us guard would walk the hallways between bays. At med call a line would form at the window to the hallway.

I asked the 1st inmate in line what he wanted and he said "Asprin and Cold Busters". I started to hand them to him and the training officer stopped me. He said "never hand it to them, pour a cup of water, put the pills in the water, wait 30 seconds then give it to them, Make sure they drink down the pills before you move on to the next". After Med call I asked him why.

He told me that the inmates would take the pills and hoard them and make stronger drugs, or crush them up, mix them with tobacco, roll it up and smoke it to get high......

Later I watched inmates make grilled cheese sandwich with Clothes Irons, watched one dude make a coffee heating element out of a broken light bulb and a piece of wire (the coffee given to inmates for breakfast was usually cold by the time it made it to the last bays), I saw all kinds of creativity and ingenuity, as well as scams, lying and complaining. mostly complaining, about the "man", the police, society, the laws, etc etc.

I learned something about them. If those same creative inmates put that creativity to good use rather than being freaking criminals, every single one of them would not only be free, they'd be rich, and not just regular rich, but BILL GATES rich..

If these people complaining about some game feature that negatively affects them spent more time on figuring things out and less time complaining about it on a forum, there'd be no cloaky camping because it would be less than useless.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#142 - 2013-06-14 17:09:10 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Sometimes, the EVE forum community reminds me of jail.

Back when my career started, I worked in a county jail as a Guard so I got to deal with inmates daily. 1st day of training my training officer took me around the various units with a cart to do "Med Call" where we'd give the inmates pain relievers, cold/sinus pills, anti-tich cream, whatever.. The inmates were in open bays rather than cells and us guard would walk the hallways between bays. At med call a line would form at the window to the hallway.

I asked the 1st inmate in line what he wanted and he said "Asprin and Cold Busters". I started to hand them to him and the training officer stopped me. He said "never hand it to them, pour a cup of water, put the pills in the water, wait 30 seconds then give it to them, Make sure they drink down the pills before you move on to the next". After Med call I asked him why.

He told me that the inmates would take the pills and hoard them and make stronger drugs, or crush them up, mix them with tobacco, roll it up and smoke it to get high......

Later I watched inmates make grilled cheese sandwich with Clothes Irons, watched one dude make a coffee heating element out of a broken light bulb and a piece of wire (the coffee given to inmates for breakfast was usually cold by the time it made it to the last bays), I saw all kinds of creativity and ingenuity, as well as scams, lying and complaining. mostly complaining, about the "man", the police, society, the laws, etc etc.

I learned something about them. If those same creative inmates put that creativity to good use rather than being freaking criminals, every single one of them would not only be free, they'd be rich, and not just regular rich, but BILL GATES rich..

If these people complaining about some game feature that negatively affects them spent more time on figuring things out and less time complaining about it on a forum, there'd be no cloaky camping because it would be less than useless.

Im in love with you

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Toshiro Hasegawa
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#143 - 2013-06-14 17:10:13 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:

See the bolded text. Dont be so obtuse

You said you feared being hot dropped while on your own

Would YOU waste the fuel to kill your single ship?

i wouldnt - you wouldnt .. but amazingly some people do - and i think its just for giggles.

its amazing how many cyno fit cloakies are rolling around in my kneck of the woods.. maybe they are all looking for carriers rating .. not 100% sure what they are thinking about

on a side note i do sometimes mine with one mackinaw - never gets touched as the hostiles assume its a trap

History is the study of change.

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#144 - 2013-06-14 17:11:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Ramona McCandless
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:

See the bolded text. Dont be so obtuse

You said you feared being hot dropped while on your own

Would YOU waste the fuel to kill your single ship?

i wouldnt - you wouldnt .. but amazingly some people do - and i think its just for giggles.

its amazing how many cyno fit cloakies are rolling around in my kneck of the woods.. maybe they are all looking for carriers rating .. not 100% sure what they are thinking about

on a side note i do sometimes mine with one mackinaw - never gets touched as the hostiles assume its a trap

If you did it in a retriever, not only would they think it was a trap, it would be cheaper to replace if your worst worries came true

AND it would be the FC who would probably get in trouble for risking an AC or Carrier fleet on a retriever kill

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Typhis Deterious
#145 - 2013-06-14 17:12:06 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Sometimes, the EVE forum community reminds me of jail.

Back when my career started, I worked in a county jail as a Guard so I got to deal with inmates daily. 1st day of training my training officer took me around the various units with a cart to do "Med Call" where we'd give the inmates pain relievers, cold/sinus pills, anti-tich cream, whatever.. The inmates were in open bays rather than cells and us guard would walk the hallways between bays. At med call a line would form at the window to the hallway.

I asked the 1st inmate in line what he wanted and he said "Asprin and Cold Busters". I started to hand them to him and the training officer stopped me. He said "never hand it to them, pour a cup of water, put the pills in the water, wait 30 seconds then give it to them, Make sure they drink down the pills before you move on to the next". After Med call I asked him why.

He told me that the inmates would take the pills and hoard them and make stronger drugs, or crush them up, mix them with tobacco, roll it up and smoke it to get high......

Later I watched inmates make grilled cheese sandwich with Clothes Irons, watched one dude make a coffee heating element out of a broken light bulb and a piece of wire (the coffee given to inmates for breakfast was usually cold by the time it made it to the last bays), I saw all kinds of creativity and ingenuity, as well as scams, lying and complaining. mostly complaining, about the "man", the police, society, the laws, etc etc.

I learned something about them. If those same creative inmates put that creativity to good use rather than being freaking criminals, every single one of them would not only be free, they'd be rich, and not just regular rich, but BILL GATES rich..

If these people complaining about some game feature that negatively affects them spent more time on figuring things out and less time complaining about it on a forum, there'd be no cloaky camping because it would be less than useless.

And here I thought the jail analogy was about the forums being full of sodomy and random shanking...
Carebears with Attitude
#146 - 2013-06-14 17:12:44 UTC
Funny how everybody is against AFK playstyles when we're talking mining, missioning and ratting etc. but almost nobody is against the cloakers playing the game, AFK.

One would think that the argument used against miners and ratters - that if you play this game (when in your ship in Space), you should always be at the keyboard, would have to be an argument that in generel applied to every player, nomatter what ship they sat in. But as always, it only applies to the other players and there playstyle, not to you and your playstyle.

But I don't make ISK being AFK one would assume would be the next argument - but its not about making ISK or not - its about playing the game. You might not gain free ISK but you do gain a free advantage.
The whole qustion also clash with another principle argument in the game - Risk vs. reward. You, your corp and alliance get a reward at almost no risk.

But hey. I don't live in null and frankly don't really care about the whole mess. I just made some opservation reading forum threads about the thing and just wanted to put forward my thoughts.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#147 - 2013-06-14 17:13:46 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:

Preparing for the worst does not include sitting in a station.

Preparing for the worst means getting all of your corp/alliance mates operating within a couple of systems radius to be in gang, organized and ready to PVP while they are going about their normal business. When word comes that a hot drop is in progress they need to be able to respond instantly, with a designated FC ready to take command.

I'll say this as gently as possible, you really need to start thinking like a predator instead of thinking like prey.

I go the other route. I go the "Super-Bear" route.

I don't rat in fleet with my corp mates usually, I don't rely on being able to call for help. I use ships and modules that allow me to escape from traps. I use warp core stabs, I use ECM bursts, I use FoF missiles or drone boats (so i can use warp core stabs lol). I assign fights to ships with built in stabs like Impels and here lately the Venture, I use Micro Jump drives etc etc.

This game literally has hundred of tools and tactics that can be used to survive hostile action. And these complainers use exactly NONE of them no matter if they are in null or high.

I find that utterly ridicules.
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2013-06-14 17:14:04 UTC
oh **** not this mumbo-jumbo again.

never so many people cried so much at a ship that has nobody at the controls.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#149 - 2013-06-14 17:14:30 UTC
Typhis Deterious wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Sometimes, the EVE forum community reminds me of jail.

Back when my career started, I worked in a county jail as a Guard so I got to deal with inmates daily. 1st day of training my training officer took me around the various units with a cart to do "Med Call" where we'd give the inmates pain relievers, cold/sinus pills, anti-tich cream, whatever.. The inmates were in open bays rather than cells and us guard would walk the hallways between bays. At med call a line would form at the window to the hallway.

I asked the 1st inmate in line what he wanted and he said "Asprin and Cold Busters". I started to hand them to him and the training officer stopped me. He said "never hand it to them, pour a cup of water, put the pills in the water, wait 30 seconds then give it to them, Make sure they drink down the pills before you move on to the next". After Med call I asked him why.

He told me that the inmates would take the pills and hoard them and make stronger drugs, or crush them up, mix them with tobacco, roll it up and smoke it to get high......

Later I watched inmates make grilled cheese sandwich with Clothes Irons, watched one dude make a coffee heating element out of a broken light bulb and a piece of wire (the coffee given to inmates for breakfast was usually cold by the time it made it to the last bays), I saw all kinds of creativity and ingenuity, as well as scams, lying and complaining. mostly complaining, about the "man", the police, society, the laws, etc etc.

I learned something about them. If those same creative inmates put that creativity to good use rather than being freaking criminals, every single one of them would not only be free, they'd be rich, and not just regular rich, but BILL GATES rich..

If these people complaining about some game feature that negatively affects them spent more time on figuring things out and less time complaining about it on a forum, there'd be no cloaky camping because it would be less than useless.

And here I thought the jail analogy was about the forums being full of sodomy and random shanking...

The Sodomy and random shanking happens in game.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#150 - 2013-06-14 17:15:51 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Fonac wrote:

You dont pve in pvp fitted ships, if you do, you're wasting your time.

So much effort to bung a point or two on an armour Cane

Flying a suboptimal ship(for the job) is no good either.
Typhis Deterious
#151 - 2013-06-14 17:16:31 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Typhis Deterious wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Sometimes, the EVE forum community reminds me of jail.

Back when my career started, I worked in a county jail as a Guard so I got to deal with inmates daily. 1st day of training my training officer took me around the various units with a cart to do "Med Call" where we'd give the inmates pain relievers, cold/sinus pills, anti-tich cream, whatever.. The inmates were in open bays rather than cells and us guard would walk the hallways between bays. At med call a line would form at the window to the hallway.

I asked the 1st inmate in line what he wanted and he said "Asprin and Cold Busters". I started to hand them to him and the training officer stopped me. He said "never hand it to them, pour a cup of water, put the pills in the water, wait 30 seconds then give it to them, Make sure they drink down the pills before you move on to the next". After Med call I asked him why.

He told me that the inmates would take the pills and hoard them and make stronger drugs, or crush them up, mix them with tobacco, roll it up and smoke it to get high......

Later I watched inmates make grilled cheese sandwich with Clothes Irons, watched one dude make a coffee heating element out of a broken light bulb and a piece of wire (the coffee given to inmates for breakfast was usually cold by the time it made it to the last bays), I saw all kinds of creativity and ingenuity, as well as scams, lying and complaining. mostly complaining, about the "man", the police, society, the laws, etc etc.

I learned something about them. If those same creative inmates put that creativity to good use rather than being freaking criminals, every single one of them would not only be free, they'd be rich, and not just regular rich, but BILL GATES rich..

If these people complaining about some game feature that negatively affects them spent more time on figuring things out and less time complaining about it on a forum, there'd be no cloaky camping because it would be less than useless.

And here I thought the jail analogy was about the forums being full of sodomy and random shanking...

The Sodomy and random shanking happens in game.

I dunno Jenn. I have been involved in a few conversations on here where I am pretty sure someone got nailed.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#152 - 2013-06-14 17:21:11 UTC
Fonac wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Fonac wrote:

You dont pve in pvp fitted ships, if you do, you're wasting your time.

So much effort to bung a point or two on an armour Cane

Flying a suboptimal ship(for the job) is no good either.

What do you put in the mid slots of your Canes?

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#153 - 2013-06-14 17:22:28 UTC
Fonac wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Fonac wrote:

You dont pve in pvp fitted ships, if you do, you're wasting your time.

So much effort to bung a point or two on an armour Cane

Flying a suboptimal ship(for the job) is no good either.

The choice is fly "suboptimal ship" and make some isk or explode (or stay docked) and make none. Choose one.
Hans Zwaardhandler
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#154 - 2013-06-14 17:23:18 UTC
Fonac wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Fonac wrote:

You dont pve in pvp fitted ships, if you do, you're wasting your time.

So much effort to bung a point or two on an armour Cane

Flying a suboptimal ship(for the job) is no good either.

So min/maxing the amount of cash that you can get in a span of time is better than a touch more safety and a fighting chance if need be? Sounds rather pointless if you are going to possibly lose that ship if the AFK cloaker in the local area is not indeed AFK.
Toshiro Hasegawa
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#155 - 2013-06-14 17:26:24 UTC
thing i find funny is most of the "hostiles" in local never fight, i am guessing they must be risk adverse too. they want their pvp kills on a platter, and in that reagrd the afk claoky is actually a problem .. to that end i think all the player rats should support the anti afk cloaky movement.

if there wernt afk cloakies .. then all the nullbears would be out and about at their nullbear picnics, providing more targets of opportunity for the hostiles.

perahps afk cloakers are actually in place due to blue alliance leadership to keep their nullbears safe and not living in ignorance of their true danger out in null sec from the roaming pvp wolves.

just saying ...

History is the study of change.

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#156 - 2013-06-14 17:29:33 UTC
Bears would suffer too.

Would be a real shame for that Blockade Runner's cloak to fail just after jumping into a camped system, eh

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

James 420
EVE Corporation 98188875
#157 - 2013-06-14 17:30:38 UTC
bbb2020 wrote:
Funny how everybody is against AFK playstyles when we're talking mining, missioning and ratting etc. but almost nobody is against the cloakers playing the game, AFK.

One would think that the argument used against miners and ratters - that if you play this game (when in your ship in Space), you should always be at the keyboard, would have to be an argument that in generel applied to every player, nomatter what ship they sat in. But as always, it only applies to the other players and there playstyle, not to you and your playstyle.

But I don't make ISK being AFK one would assume would be the next argument - but its not about making ISK or not - its about playing the game. You might not gain free ISK but you do gain a free advantage.
The whole qustion also clash with another principle argument in the game - Risk vs. reward. You, your corp and alliance get a reward at almost no risk.

But hey. I don't live in null and frankly don't really care about the whole mess. I just made some opservation reading forum threads about the thing and just wanted to put forward my thoughts.

You are wrong, people complain about afk isk income, that has nothing to do with being afk in game.
Using your flawed logic CCP should implement an anti afk timer (let's say 10 min) that kick you from the game if you don't move/shoot something right?
There is nothing wrong with people being afk just fot the sake of being afk.

Proud enforcer of 420 BLAZE IT

Venerated Stars
#158 - 2013-06-14 17:32:37 UTC
Walton Simons wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Removing local would solve the cloak issue.

Or putting a 1 hour max time depending on skills works too, lol ace menda, nice 5 kills past 3 months,talk about carebear

A better solution would be making them scannable with special probes and a good deal of time. That would prevent the AFK cloaking but still allow active players the benefit of cloak.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#159 - 2013-06-14 17:34:38 UTC
Toshiro Hasegawa wrote:
thing i find funny is most of the "hostiles" in local never fight, i am guessing they must be risk adverse too. they want their pvp kills on a platter, and in that reagrd the afk claoky is actually a problem .. to that end i think all the player rats should support the anti afk cloaky movement.

if there wernt afk cloakies .. then all the nullbears would be out and about at their nullbear picnics, providing more targets of opportunity for the hostiles.

perahps afk cloakers are actually in place due to blue alliance leadership to keep their nullbears safe and not living in ignorance of their true danger out in null sec from the roaming pvp wolves.

just saying ...

You have a backwards wauy at looking at things.

The cloakers are doing EVE a service by slowing the rate at which new isk and materials are added to the game (ie cloakers are anti-inflationary). They occasionally kill unwary ratters and that's WAY more valuable to the EVe economy than some dude crunching rocks or killing npcs. The cloakers for people to innovate to counter them (as I have) etc etc.

Those cloakers (afk or not) do way more for EVE Online than the people they are "forcing" (lol) to stay docked. As a mostly PVE player I hate them for disrupting my comfort zone, while loving them...for disrupting my comfort zone.


Yesterday a guy came in a Cloaked in my ratting system in Catch. I fit a MWD+ cloak , found a non-upgraded system with natural/random anoms and did a sanctum and 2 havens. The last haven escalated to a 10/10 and I made almost 2 bil from the drop....I drop I might not have gotten if i hadn't had to leave my upgraded system.

Thanks for the isk AFK CLOAKER, this Buds for you.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#160 - 2013-06-14 17:35:05 UTC
Shizuken wrote:
Walton Simons wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Removing local would solve the cloak issue.

Or putting a 1 hour max time depending on skills works too, lol ace menda, nice 5 kills past 3 months,talk about carebear

A better solution would be making them scannable with special probes and a good deal of time. That would prevent the AFK cloaking but still allow active players the benefit of cloak.

No it wouldnt.

Even AFK ships can move

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann