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Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#21 - 2013-06-13 19:33:30 UTC
Kijo Rikki wrote:
We'd all be sitting around a dinner table like that Family Guy bit about The Wasps Family.

lol indeed!

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Drax Concrilla
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2013-06-13 19:42:53 UTC
You might hate it, but it seems like a good move for EVE. Get some more streams going. /shrug. Not sure how I feel about it personally but if it helps EVE grow I'm alright with it...until facebook/twitter buttons pop up and take a SS of you in game. Then I will vomit.
uncooperative freight company
#23 - 2013-06-13 19:46:32 UTC
Aidan Brooder wrote:
I don't think you understand what they are likely talking about there. The reason is because probably none of the people posting here so far ever streamed anything on Twitch.

1) There's probably a reason why most people here have not streamed anything yet. -Not everybody that has a wheener wants to show it to everyone he/she knows and/or doesn't know.

2) There is more than enough crappy content on the internets. I don't think we need more crappy content from people that are to effing stupid to install, setup and use XSPLIT/OBS.

3) FFS why do we need a twitch-button hardcoded in the game, besides ccp's background deals with twitch. -Of 'course it's all about the money.

4) A 10 minute how-to to OBS would have been way cheaper and would use no development time from ccp. And on top of that: With software like OBS you are able to us whatever streaming provider there is. -Don't like twitch, use something else. -Provider A is no more, use another one.

But yeah, why not. Add a twitch button and maybe some more shirts and boots to the N.E.X.-Shop, integrate KINECT and Wii-Mote control and achievments. -Go with the flow... why not annoy your customers like any other company...
Endeavour Starfleet
#24 - 2013-06-14 06:52:47 UTC
Drax Concrilla wrote:
You might hate it, but it seems like a good move for EVE. Get some more streams going. /shrug. Not sure how I feel about it personally but if it helps EVE grow I'm alright with it...until facebook/twitter buttons pop up and take a SS of you in game. Then I will vomit.

Again the thing is. Unless they address the ability to go away from the client while cloaked. A good chunk if not most of the new streams will be Intel streams of enemy systems with no real possibility of removing them. It won't even be people "playing" EvE and I doubt folks will be convinced to join EvE watching a staging system.
space submarine
#25 - 2013-06-14 07:13:57 UTC
How could someone watch an EVE stream? I can see stuff like the Alliance Tournament but just normal gameplay? What? If people do this and enjoy it that's great but it really confuses me.
Endeavour Starfleet
#26 - 2013-06-14 07:24:38 UTC
space submarine wrote:
How could someone watch an EVE stream? I can see stuff like the Alliance Tournament but just normal gameplay? What? If people do this and enjoy it that's great but it really confuses me.

Watching newer players first days of EVE and asking questions would be healthy for EVE in my opinion. And help identify the remaining confusing aspects for newer players that can be addressed,

That assumes of course that the EVE Channel is not buried under a bunch of "CL0AKY INTEL DIS SYSTEM WITH MAh Music lol" Channels due to the current ability of the Cloaking module to go away from you computer for extended periods while cloaked.
uncooperative freight company
#27 - 2013-06-14 07:36:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Zxays
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
cloaking this... cloaking that... mimimimimimi...

there are more than enough "i-got-ganked-by-somebody-who-isn't-even-playing-the-game-threads" don't you think? -there are more than 8000 Systems in eve, you should be able to find one where nobody is streaming your mining-session.
Mashie Saldana
#28 - 2013-06-14 07:40:45 UTC
CCP needs an official killboard with full Facebook integration.
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#29 - 2013-06-14 08:01:42 UTC
Kijo Rikki wrote:
Actually, I think I feel him.


(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Endeavour Starfleet
#30 - 2013-06-14 08:24:55 UTC
Zxays wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
cloaking this... cloaking that... mimimimimimi...

there are more than enough "i-got-ganked-by-somebody-who-isn't-even-playing-the-game-threads" don't you think? -there are more than 8000 Systems in eve, you should be able to find one where nobody is streaming your mining-session.

This is a direct aspect of streaming that is already happening. This is not a "what if" People are already making use of the cloaking system to broadcast enemy staging systems while not having to be at the computer. What I would like to know is if they intend for a good chunk if not most of the EVE streaming to be something that isn't gameplay in the least or even has the streamer there to interact with the viewers for more than a few mins after downtime as the cloak is set back up.

So again CCP will you please answer this? Do you intend this? If not. Will you address the abilities of the cloaking modules to discourage people from being away from their client (and streaming) while cloaked?
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2013-06-14 10:12:53 UTC
Streaming deployment systems for intel is part of the meta game. If you were smart you'd use it to your advantage and spread misinformation through it :) The fact that the technology exists outside the game, and CCP are bringing it (partly) inside the game should be applauded, not whined at.

Can you imagine fighting a war without an intelligence department...? Why do you want to believe capsuleers wouldn't have 'eyes on the enemy'? Intelligence and info are part of warfare - the person with the least, usually lo(oo)ses,

Of course there are plenty of people that hate the meta game. But eh, Eve is probably not for you.

One thing I want is for the streaming to be in my CQ. I want to be able to watch the AT in my CQ, sat on my couch, drinking space-quafe and smoking space-weed. Being able to flick through twitch channels on my CQ telly would finally give me a reason to get out of my pod.

Endeavour Starfleet
#32 - 2013-06-14 19:54:39 UTC
They would have to also find a way to program in the feed playing ads. That would really break the immersion you are trying to achieve by watching in the CQs in my opinion.
Zircon Dasher
#33 - 2013-06-14 20:55:02 UTC
Remember how people use to ask for a video/overview feed to be piped into station.... and how people LOVED (no sarcasm) idea? Google will refresh your memory if not.

Nice of CCP to finally get around to player requested features!

also: lol

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Endeavour Starfleet
#34 - 2013-06-15 14:02:16 UTC
Again the issue with any kind of "Twitch tv or other video site to Station or Captain's quarters" Is that they would have to implement the way those sites serve ads. Not exactly easy (The site itself uses flash) Also they would have to implement an H264 decoder. (As it is a commercial game they would have to get a license to do this from the MPEG)

CCP any response to my question earlier?
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2013-06-15 14:27:58 UTC
This is really good news.

Hoping we can stream without the clunky UI or with custom UI's too.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Steve WingYip
#36 - 2013-06-15 15:16:02 UTC
Zxays wrote:
What's next? -Facebook and Twitter integretion? The EVE-Client then twitters and facefarts how many boring hours you spent mining veldspar?

I may sound bitter, but I despise this social media crap.

EDIT: Oh... and what if google suddenly decides to massively push "google hangouts" and goes the way of the dodo like own3d did?

To be fair, most people have Twitch in the background watching other E-sports streams anyway. I personally welcome this. I would not welcome twitter or facebook because they are not gaming sites. However, twitch is a pure gaming site and what harm could come from this?
Endeavour Starfleet
#37 - 2013-06-15 15:30:45 UTC
Well the "harm" would be an ingame one due to the current abilities of the cloaking series of modules. If those could be addressed so that it is no longer really an option to go AFK for an extended period of time in an enemy system then yes more Twitch.TV would be great for the game in my opinion.
Aidan Brooder
Dynasphere Ltd.
#38 - 2013-06-15 15:43:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Aidan Brooder
Zxays wrote:
Aidan Brooder wrote:
I don't think you understand what they are likely talking about there. The reason is because probably none of the people posting here so far ever streamed anything on Twitch.

1) There's probably a reason why most people here have not streamed anything yet. -Not everybody that has a wheener wants to show it to everyone he/she knows and/or doesn't know.

2) There is more than enough crappy content on the internets. I don't think we need more crappy content from people that are to effing stupid to install, setup and use XSPLIT/OBS.


1: Yeah, well, I heard some rumors about certain large alliances posting their actual wheeners.

2: If they really want to, they can learn to install XSPLIT/OBS quite quickly.

On the content note, there are many things you can do. Crappy stuff, good stuff.

Look at YT: Day of Darkness II, The three "Clear Skies" machinimas. They are excellent works. That all took a lot of time to produce.
There are very well made Alliance ads on YT. etc.
There is also a truckload of crap EVE videos, with people showing off their oh-so-brave kills. All fine. Don't watch them. Be selective.

The thing is YT, Twitch, Vimeo, Wordpress, Flickr, Amazon (self-published EBooks) etc give all of us the ability to produce very easily. They cannot give all of us the talent or time. So there will always be a lot of crap. And there will always be something mediocre and some few masterpieces.

If you want to go back to the days where you had to beg someone to pleeease consider your book, music, video in their publishing house/label/TV station you are either a music producer with nostalgic remembrance of free favors given or you are a very much anachronistic example citizen of our confused global world (like myself... ;)).

Back on topic:
I don't see many reasons to stream normal gameplay on either. Mostly I use it sometimes when I play Blood Bowl or Guns of Icarus Online, and then only for select games. But others might e.g. create an EVE News Channel, or sell a password to others for certain intelligence service (Twitch allows for passworded channels) etc.

In short, like anything else, there will be smart uses for it and dumb uses for it.

As far as twitter goes: It has it uses.
Facebook: I personally hate it so much, I would be banned from the forum if I gave my opinion on FB.

Just to show you I'm not comfortable with all forms of "social media" either.

Blog: My EVE Playlist on YouTube:

Amarra Mandalin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2013-06-15 16:51:57 UTC
Aidan Brooder wrote:
I don't think you understand what they are likely talking about there. The reason is because probably none of the people posting here so far ever streamed anything on Twitch.

There is a number of games that has direct support from Twitch. Meaning, you can stream them directly without the use of e.g. XSPLIT.

If that's the case, I support this addition as long as the technical side doesn't cause any problems (e.g. wasted resources, performance etc.).
Aidan Brooder
Dynasphere Ltd.
#40 - 2013-06-15 17:07:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Aidan Brooder
Amarra Mandalin wrote:
Aidan Brooder wrote:
I don't think you understand what they are likely talking about there. The reason is because probably none of the people posting here so far ever streamed anything on Twitch.

There is a number of games that has direct support from Twitch. Meaning, you can stream them directly without the use of e.g. XSPLIT.

If that's the case, I support this addition as long as the technical side doesn't cause any problems (e.g. wasted resources, performance etc.).

There will be, but on the client side. You need a computer fast enough and enough bandwidth to handle it.
You can scale it down of course. But as an example, the computer I'm playing EVE on is a 2 years old HP Media computer atm. So truly not state of the art. My internet connection is fast and has a decent upload rate, but it is not exactly a semi-industrial line.

I think most people will be fine. If you work with a 56K modem out of a trailer, you will not.

And of course all that only applies when you turn streaming on. (You should also make sure you check how much bandwidth you use per hour or so, unless you have an ISP that gives you unlimited bandwidth.)

For me, streaming 3 hours in decent HD quality using XSPLIT and costs me about 1gig of my monthly allowance.
I never tried with EVE to be honest, but e.g. Guns of Icarus Online. And I could of course downtune it a lot. And still get good results.

When I record EVE with FRAPS though, which uses a much larger uncompressed format, I don't feel any impact on the game at all. (With FRAPS of course you don't have to worry about bandwidth, you are just recording... But the impact on your local hardware is harsher.)

Guess the answer would be: You can either use it, you can use it in a limited way. Or you try and never touch that button again afterwards. (Or upgrade...). Still, as said, I think for most it will work fine, unless they have very restrictive ISP or use antique hardware.)

Actually, I think I'll test an EVE Stream one of these days and see what I get out of it.

Blog: My EVE Playlist on YouTube:

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