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Broteau to be extradited

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#101 - 2013-06-09 19:05:51 UTC
We strive towards a more wonderous and peaceful world. A world where everyone, regardless of race or flag, is gathered in a perfect union of mind and body. To free your self from the shackles of the shell you are trapped in. There is unlimited scientific and industrial potential. To climb among the stars and truly master them as one species, wholy bound to a single purpose. Advance.

If we have to drag you kicking and screaming into a better future, then so be it. It is the most humane of all actions. There are plenty of voices who say the Outsiders should be killed. That you are not worthy of the Master's plan. But I dissent. I wish to take every one of you with me into the light of the future.

My apologies to the readers of this thread. I have let myself become distracted by Bloodbird and derail the thread momentarily. Once again please accept my apologies.
Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#102 - 2013-06-09 22:14:34 UTC
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Lyn Farel wrote:
CONCORD incoherent discrepancies in most of their recent armed reactions are disturbing.

That's what I've been saying for a while but no one listens. Too busy judging books by their covers to see the content.

You have been saying more than that.
Katarina Musana
Clan Leshya Offworld Venture Enterprise
#103 - 2013-06-10 02:49:05 UTC
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
Ahhhh, and here it is in all it's naked glory: The fundamental belief within the Republic that justifies invading an ally and killing tens of thousands. The Republic was justified in sending in that fleet and killing all those people because Midular had been killed on Federation soil, yet the Federation should not object to those tens of thousands of deaths because they were not as important as Karin Midular. It sounds suspiciously like the philosophies espoused by certain Amarr.

Hon, you're smarter than that. He said nothing about justification.

However, military actions against another military do fall under a different system than the actions of the man who killed Midular, because they are not civilians.

Lyn Farel wrote:
Are you equating the Minmatar with rabid dogs ?

Not sure where you get rabid from, hon. Neither the original analogy nor my extension of it had anything to do with rabies or any other behavior-influencing disease.

Felsusguy wrote:
1. Broteau was a Federation citizen and committed the crime in Federation territory. According to the Gallente judicial law, he should thus be prosecuted by the Federation. Would you like the Gallente Federation to break it's own law so the Republic can have its man? The Federation did not insult your judicial system. They could not extradite them without insulting their own.[quote]

First off, if you read what you quoted, I noted the fact that they did prosecute him and then hand him over, and they could have simply told us from the beginning that that is what they would do, thus satisfying both their law and our law.

As for your claim that they did not insult our judicial system, they most certainly did. They did not simply say "We won't extradite him because our law does not allow for it." They said "We won't extradite him because we believe you're incapable of giving him a fair trial because you're incompetent children."

[quote]2. The Colelie Incident was ugly and the aggression that started it was unwarranted. The Federation told the Republic that they were not going to extradite him at the moment. The Republic should have been patient with its own ally. It wouldn't even matter if they didn't extradite him at all, the blatant (you like that word, don't you? now watch as I actually use it in context) and demanding invasion of Federation territory in an attempt to take Broteau will always be a ugly stain on the already imperfect fabric of the Republic.

The Colelie incident was indeed ugly. However, the Federation said nothing along the lines of "at the moment." They flatly refused to extradite him at all while also making very clear insults against our judicial system and tribal system.

Our "fabric" is no more imperfect than the Federation's. And, while I do not currently see any justification for the events at Colelie, until the Tribal Council reveals their reasons for Colelie, it can't be known if it was justified or not. Our Elders know patience. It seems very unlikely that this was simple "impatience" on the part of the Council, and they had been attempting to negotiate with the Federation, but the Feds were continuing to refuse any extradition at all.

The fact that they would so actively antagonize their own allies, and then go ahead and give us what we asked for anyway speaks very negatively about the Federation and will forever be an ugly stain on the "already imperfect fabric" of the Federation.
Katarina Musana
Clan Leshya Offworld Venture Enterprise
#104 - 2013-06-10 02:59:57 UTC
Anslo wrote:
And Katarina where the flying **** do you get off saying 'well it wouldn't have happened if you obeyed us' to your own allies? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? And where's your evidence to back the claim that the Fed PURPOSEFULLY antagonized its ally instead of, ya know, trying to do things their way, by their laws, in their space? So because they didn't yield to Republic demands they deserved to have a few thousand people killed? Arrogance deserves DEATH? Are you serious right now?

Tell me, hon, where did I say "if you obeyed us"? I said if the Federation hadn't antagonized us, unless there's more reason than just what can be seen for why we would launch such an invasion.

And the evidence is in the statements of the Supreme Court, Anslo. They started off by simply saying "Our laws require us to prosecute this individual." But instead of leaving it at that, they chose to continue on with direct insults against the Republic, our Tribal system, and our judicial system.

As far as arrogance deserving death? No, not inherently. It does tend to result in death, though. "Pride comes before a fall."

And no, the antagonism alone doesn't justify the invasion at Colelie. However, a complete lack of antagonis combined with the presence of actual, polite, considerate diplomacy in the refusal of extradition would've gone a long way to preventing the events at Colelie. Regardless, I do not see the Republic as blameless in this situation, and if you see the Federation as blameless in these events, you're blind as a bat. Mistakes have been made on both sides and both sides need to learn from their mistakes.
Katarina Musana
Clan Leshya Offworld Venture Enterprise
#105 - 2013-06-10 03:31:34 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
I'm sorry, but you couldn't be further off.

The Republic tried TWICE to seize Broteau by force and failed. Once at the hands of our mighty navy. Both failures have made The Republic look like a nation gone rouge.

We didn't say we would have given him to you after the trial, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't have. Secondly, we didn't insult your courts or judicial system. That end of the debate has been addressed by several people including myself many times. If a mere "No" is considered an insult, then the Republic Government really do think like children.

No, you didn't say you would give him to us after the trial. In fact, you explicitly said "We won't give him to you at all because you're incompetent children." Then you continued to antagonize us, rather clearly spoiling for a fight, then proceeded to give him to us anyway after all of that which could have easily been avoided by simply refraining from insults and saying from the beginning we can have him after you put him on trial.

And, hon, it was far more than a mere "No," but nice to see your reading comprehension hasn't improved. I assume you're going to throw a tantrum and start accusing me of having no honor or pride now, and of being a coward? That's what you did last time I pointed out everything that was wrong with your claims.

The first time the Republic Fleet barged into Federation space without authorization, CONCORD showed up and told them to **** right off - which, thankfully, they did.

That was also an RSS fleet, not the Republic Fleet.

Morwen Lagann wrote:
Something smells really really bad in your post. I think it's your failed logic.

Why the hell would the Navy "buy off" CONCORD so that they could lose ships to an illegal invasion force? One would think it would be preferable for the Navy if the Republic's fleet had been annihilated immediately when they opened fire.

Not saying the Fed Navy did do so, as it does seem counterproductive for the most part, and would speak very negatively about the Federation.

However, if they did, it would be because they wanted the fight and knew they could win the fight, and both of those factors seem likely based on the way the commander of the Moros fleet was talking that day.

Also, isn't CONCORD supposed to intervene in illegal warfare activities between the four empires?

Evi Polevhia wrote:
The tensions between the Federation and the Republic are being engineered by a faction inside the Federation. Time will prove me right.

As much problem as I have with you because of your defection to Nation, I am inclined to agree with you on this.

I do not buy this"they stepped in because the result of the battle was obvious so no further fighting was needed" crap and neither should anyone else.

I don't buy this either, considering that the result of the battle was clear quite some time before the last Naglfar fell. If CONCORD stepped in because the result was clear, then why wouldn't they have stepped in far sooner and saved a lot more lives?
Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2013-06-10 06:08:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Shintoko Akahoshi
Katarina Musana wrote:

Hon, you're smarter than that. He said nothing about justification.

However, military actions against another military do fall under a different system than the actions of the man who killed Midular, because they are not civilians.

He didn't, no. He didn't have to. He stated that Broteau killing Midular was different (than Colelie) because she was a tribal leader. He added that the Republic judicial system is different than the Federation. He didn't say anything about justification, but he sure as hell implied it.

In any case, you're right about military actions against another military falling under a different system. Broteau killing Midular (and killing or harming all his other victims) is typically called things like "a terrible tragedy", while military actions against other militaries (especially allied militaries) are typically called "acts of war".

Oh, and please. Don't call me "hon". Especially if you're going to call the next three or four people you attempt to rebut the same thing. It cheapens it.

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)

Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg
Like Oh My Gosh I Totally Have A Corp Now
#107 - 2013-06-10 08:12:41 UTC
You know what is good to calm down?

A Quafe with just a touch of frentix.

But you didn't hear this from me. ♥

Chilled Quafe™, accept no refreshment substitute. For all of you affluent Capsuleer-types, Quafe Elite™ restaraunts can be found at many stations! Only got a few minutes to spare before that fleet-op? Swing by QuafeSnacks™ for the full taste-experience you've come to expect from Quafe, on the go!

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#108 - 2013-06-10 08:21:10 UTC
Both sides screwed up, who screwed up more is hindsight.

Those two fleets should never lock each other.

An RSS fleet moving thru Fed space shouldn't cause a security response.

An RSS fleet shouldn't be moving thru Fed space without co-operative planning.

Federal officials should never say things like "No, you can't have him, because your justice system is a joke" or "You'll just lynch him, because you're a bunch of animals/children/whatever."

We don't accept an alliance based on being someone's child or animal.

We accept an alliance based on equality.

Based on Fed statements, they broke that alliance first (an alliance based on equality) by treating the Republic as an inferior.

While I don't think that justifies an attack, it's a slap in the face, which the incident was kind of a counter-slap.

So great, we slapped each other.

Now what.

Bruteau being extradited is an olive branch from the Federation.

Hence, we owe them also an olive branch.

My 2 isk
Laurienne 'Quafegirl' Cherbourg
Like Oh My Gosh I Totally Have A Corp Now
#109 - 2013-06-10 08:30:45 UTC
Cipher7 wrote:

My 2 isk


You should read the post above you...

Chilled Quafe™, accept no refreshment substitute. For all of you affluent Capsuleer-types, Quafe Elite™ restaraunts can be found at many stations! Only got a few minutes to spare before that fleet-op? Swing by QuafeSnacks™ for the full taste-experience you've come to expect from Quafe, on the go!

Katarina Musana
Clan Leshya Offworld Venture Enterprise
#110 - 2013-06-10 08:48:15 UTC
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
Katarina Musana wrote:

Hon, you're smarter than that. He said nothing about justification.

However, military actions against another military do fall under a different system than the actions of the man who killed Midular, because they are not civilians.

He didn't, no. He didn't have to. He stated that Broteau killing Midular was different (than Colelie) because she was a tribal leader. He added that the Republic judicial system is different than the Federation. He didn't say anything about justification, but he sure as hell implied it.

In any case, you're right about military actions against another military falling under a different system. Broteau killing Midular (and killing or harming all his other victims) is typically called things like "a terrible tragedy", while military actions against other militaries (especially allied militaries) are typically called "acts of war".

Oh, and please. Don't call me "hon". Especially if you're going to call the next three or four people you attempt to rebut the same thing. It cheapens it.

I apologize for the "hon," it's a habit that comes with age.

As for his comments, I disagree that he implied. You certainly inferred it, but I do not agree that he was implying it.

As for "acts of war," that is something for diplomats to deal with and acts of war don't necessitate going to war or even the dissolution of alliances. Also, until the reasons of the Council are known, we can't know whether or not it really was justified.
Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#111 - 2013-06-10 19:51:29 UTC
In any case, it really sounds like we're both on the same page, here. You don't care for how the Federation treats the Republic and feel that the Republic would be better off without the Federation as an ally. I don't care for how the Republic treats the Federation, and feel that the Federation would be better off without the Republic as an ally. The nature of the relationship between the Federation and the Republic are certainly something that the various diplomats and politicians can work out, but I think we both agree that we'd rather they work it out in a manner that results in a cessation of the alliance.

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)

Katarina Musana
Clan Leshya Offworld Venture Enterprise
#112 - 2013-06-11 16:20:38 UTC
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
In any case, it really sounds like we're both on the same page, here. You don't care for how the Federation treats the Republic and feel that the Republic would be better off without the Federation as an ally. I don't care for how the Republic treats the Federation, and feel that the Federation would be better off without the Republic as an ally. The nature of the relationship between the Federation and the Republic are certainly something that the various diplomats and politicians can work out, but I think we both agree that we'd rather they work it out in a manner that results in a cessation of the alliance.

Not really. I don't like the Federation, as an ally or otherwise; but would the Republic be better off without them as an ally? Right now, sadly, probably not. Though we are much stronger and more capable of independence now than we have been in the past, we need allies in case the Amarr Empire decides to launch a full reclaiming/invasion against us, and I don't trust the Amarr not to invade if we end up with no allies.

What I would prefer is either for the Federation to get their heads out of their asses and stop being condescending pricks (something they are to everyone, not just the Republic) or for us to find an ally that has an easier time understanding our culture and won't just dismiss it as "primitive" and "savage."

And, quite frankly, Shintoko, even if the events at Colelie are completely unjustified and a massive mistake on the part of the Tribal Council, the negative behavior of the Republic towards the Federation is still far exceeded by decades of negative behavior towards the Republic by the Federation. And if you think an alliance should be broken off because of one mistake, you'd best never apply to become a diplomat, for the Federation or any corporation or alliance you're in. Not to mention that by that reasoning, the Republic should've broken off the alliance decades ago.

Now, if the Federation actually learned to live by the policy it tries to force onto everyone else, and exhibited true tolerance and understanding of cultural diversity rather than pretending tolerance and treating other cultures as quaint little sideshows to be dismissed whenever that culture is inconvenient to the Federation...
Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2013-06-11 17:10:03 UTC
And I rest my case.

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)

Repentence Tyrathlion
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#114 - 2013-06-11 18:29:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Repentence Tyrathlion
Cipher7 wrote:
Both sides screwed up, who screwed up more is hindsight.

Those two fleets should never lock each other.

An RSS fleet moving thru Fed space shouldn't cause a security response.

An RSS fleet shouldn't be moving thru Fed space without co-operative planning.

Federal officials should never say things like "No, you can't have him, because your justice system is a joke" or "You'll just lynch him, because you're a bunch of animals/children/whatever."

We don't accept an alliance based on being someone's child or animal.

We accept an alliance based on equality.

Based on Fed statements, they broke that alliance first (an alliance based on equality) by treating the Republic as an inferior.

While I don't think that justifies an attack, it's a slap in the face, which the incident was kind of a counter-slap.

So great, we slapped each other.

Now what.

Bruteau being extradited is an olive branch from the Federation.

Hence, we owe them also an olive branch.

My 2 isk

I agree that some kind of gesture is required on the part of the Republic (although unfortunately, I'm not holding my breath). Nor am I going to argue that there isn't some fault on both sides.

I feel obligated to point out, though, that if a reasonable and rational approach to a 'slap' in the form of some ill-judged racist remarks and military chest beating is a 'slap' in the form of opening up with the artillery, causing a massive incident and increasing the overall death count from this sorry mess around a thousandfold...

...well, no offence, but I'm rather glad that we're not allies. I'm sure that there's going to be more than a few voices in the Federation demanding heads (probably metaphorical) for that idea. 'Reasonable escalation' is not a word that can be applied here. Although frankly, the blame really lies with whatever imbecile thought that sending a battlefleet in in the first place was a sane and clever idea.

Now I'll await with baited breath the storm of eager denunciation for being an Imperial who dares to voice an opinion...
Katarina Musana
Clan Leshya Offworld Venture Enterprise
#115 - 2013-06-11 21:15:21 UTC
Cipher7 wrote:
Both sides screwed up, who screwed up more is hindsight.

Hindsight is important for learning from mistakes, though, so it is relevant.

We don't accept an alliance based on being someone's child or animal.

We accept an alliance based on equality.

Based on Fed statements, they broke that alliance first (an alliance based on equality) by treating the Republic as an inferior.

It's rare that I agree with anything Cipher says, but I do agree with him here. The problem with our alliance with the Federation is that they have never seen us as, nor treated us as, equals. We are not their vassal state.

Regarding Shintoko's previous comments, I would add that I would be perfectly happy with an alliance with the Federation if they were to actually treat us as equals and treat the alliance as an actual alliance and not us just being a vassal state to be told what to do and how to do it.
Seriphyn Inhonores
Elusenian Cooperative
#116 - 2013-06-11 21:36:23 UTC
Can we bring examples to the table of a century's worth of mistreatment towards the Republic by the Gallente, preferably on the scale of an unlawful border incursion, and taking in mind the trillions invested into economic development by Federation-based corporations and the massive volume of aid.?

Also, I am unsure as to why Minmatar pilots here are playing the victim considering the Sanmatar was equally derisive of the Gallentean justice system.
James Syagrius
Luminaire Sovereign Solutions
#117 - 2013-06-11 21:37:48 UTC
Cipher7 wrote:
We don't accept an alliance based on being someone's child or animal.
Then stop acting like children and responding like animals. As to allies, by all means go... find another.
Shintoko Akahoshi
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2013-06-11 21:41:24 UTC
Katarina Musana wrote:
Regarding Shintoko's previous comments, I would add that I would be perfectly happy with an alliance with the Federation if they were to actually treat us as equals and treat the alliance as an actual alliance and not us just being a vassal state to be told what to do and how to do it.

Are you trying to argue that the Republic was justified in attacking the Federation because Shakor's feelings were hurt? I don't exactly have a high regard for the man, but that's a bit much for even me to accept.

Bio and writing

(Nothing I say is indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated)

Rioghal Morgan
Pixel Navigators
#119 - 2013-06-12 03:00:35 UTC
What exactly are these incidents of disrespect and contempt from the Federation that the Republican apologists keep bringing up? I've seen little to corroborate any of these complaints.

I'm not enough of a fool to say that racism or anti-Republican sentiment towards the Minmatar is non-existent in the Federation but these proclamations that the Gallente hold nothing but contempt for the Minmatar seems like little more than fevered imaginings. I would remind the embittered Republicans here that the Federation has been plowing money, training, and no small amount of men and women into helping your people for over a century. All for little to no gain. so unless you imagine us stupid as well as arrogant and imperialistic, I fail to see the ulterior motives.
Katarina Musana
Clan Leshya Offworld Venture Enterprise
#120 - 2013-06-12 03:03:23 UTC
Shintoko Akahoshi wrote:
Katarina Musana wrote:
Regarding Shintoko's previous comments, I would add that I would be perfectly happy with an alliance with the Federation if they were to actually treat us as equals and treat the alliance as an actual alliance and not us just being a vassal state to be told what to do and how to do it.

Are you trying to argue that the Republic was justified in attacking the Federation because Shakor's feelings were hurt? I don't exactly have a high regard for the man, but that's a bit much for even me to accept.

So when are you going to give up on this rather tired ploy, Shintoko? How many times do I have to remind you that I have repeatedly said that none of this has anything to do with justification of Colelie.

Also, even if I were saying such a thing, it would have nothing to do with Shakor's feelings individually, but that of the Matari as a whole.

Seriphyn Inhonores wrote:
Can we bring examples to the table of a century's worth of mistreatment towards the Republic by the Gallente

How about the fact that ever since we regained our freedom, the Federation has tried to use its influence as our "rescuers" and "supporters/allies" to convince us to drop the traditions we were finally able to resume practice of after so many centuries of slavery because they're "primitive" and "barbaric" by your supposedly enlightened principles? You've also tried to force your precious democratic system on us despite the fact that, at least without some major reworking and modification, it doesn't really work with our tribal culture? But of course you guys think we should just do away with our tribal culture, our heritage that the Amarr tried to take from us and stamp out, that we fought so hard to be able to have back. You want us to just throw that away.