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Unable to play EVE anymore due to the new target death animation

Luc Chastot
#21 - 2013-06-12 00:32:21 UTC
DeLindsay wrote:
Luc Chastot wrote:
You can say you don't like them, it's not necessary to make stuff up so people takes you more seriously.

OR, the OP actually has some medical condition that is triggered by exactly what they say. WTF is wrong with people who constantly want proof that a person is disabled or isn't as "healthy" as they are. My Father is disabled and it ticks me off to no end when "healthy" people turn their nose up at him when he has difficulty doing a particular task. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you open your mouth!!

For those of you who are healthy and have no medical issues, be happy. There are conditions that exist where 99% of your life you have no damn clue that you even have it, then one day and some strange occurrence and it rears it's ugly head.

EVE is full of flashy effects, yet only this affects the OP; this means the OP is either lying about his medical condition to justify the fact he doesn't like the effect, or has a psychological condition, maybe some form of hypochondria and he's somatizing his dislike of the effect. Going by Occam's Razor I'd say the truth is that the OP is lying, as it is the simplest explanation.

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Galaxies Fall
#22 - 2013-06-12 00:50:56 UTC
Luc Chastot wrote:
DeLindsay wrote:
Luc Chastot wrote:
You can say you don't like them, it's not necessary to make stuff up so people takes you more seriously.

OR, the OP actually has some medical condition that is triggered by exactly what they say. WTF is wrong with people who constantly want proof that a person is disabled or isn't as "healthy" as they are. My Father is disabled and it ticks me off to no end when "healthy" people turn their nose up at him when he has difficulty doing a particular task. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you open your mouth!!

For those of you who are healthy and have no medical issues, be happy. There are conditions that exist where 99% of your life you have no damn clue that you even have it, then one day and some strange occurrence and it rears it's ugly head.

EVE is full of flashy effects, yet only this affects the OP; this means the OP is either lying about his medical condition to justify the fact he doesn't like the effect, or has a psychological condition, maybe some form of hypochondria and he's somatizing his dislike of the effect. Going by Occam's Razor I'd say the truth is that the OP is lying, as it is the simplest explanation.

Lyme Disease... It is nearly impossible for MEDICAL DOCTORS to diagnose early on and yet if it isn't caught early enough there is zero chance of survival. The very fact that there are well known diseases that simply baffle modern doctors invalidates your argument. We have no way to tell if the OP has a medical condition or not. We have no way of knowing what specific flashy thing would set the OP off. You and all the rest of the people making fun of or calling to OP a liar just because you can't believe they have what they say have pigs are horrible human beings.

The Operative: "There are a lot of innocent people being killed in the air right now".

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: "You have no idea how true that is".

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#23 - 2013-06-12 01:06:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
Be careful that you don't stray from "legitimate defense" into "whiteknighting".

I played around a bit on Singularity, since it's pretty easy to get targets on demand there (read: "infinite supply of 100-isk drones") and paid more attention than usual to the flashing on target-death. That has got to be one of the smoothest, least-harsh effects in the whole game. It doesn't even flash; it fades in and out rather than the staccato appear/disappear typically associated with the description of something that flashes.

How a person can manage to have a row of targets locked and steadily emitting light but can't handle the gradual flash that we've got now, I'm not sure. I suppose I could see it, given that when my light sensitivity kicks in everything is terrible, but the only thing I can say to OP is probably "It's time to stop living in denial and accept that EVE is really not the game for you." There is literally no way to accommodate everyone and unless fifty or one hundred people come forward saying they all need the same thing, I don't anticipate CCP spending the time to code it and test it and then test it again. Even something seemingly small like this will turn out to be a larger project code-wise than it looks like.

If that makes me a horrible human being and a pig, I've certainly been called much, much worse over much less (and much more) important things by people whose opinions meant much more to me.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#24 - 2013-06-12 01:11:21 UTC
DeLindsay wrote:
We have no way of knowing what specific flashy thing would set the OP off.

Occam's Razor.
Galaxies Fall
#25 - 2013-06-12 01:27:16 UTC
I suppose I could see it, given that when my light sensitivity kicks in everything is terrible, but the only thing I can say to OP is probably "It's time to stop living in denial and accept that EVE is really not the game for you." There is literally no way to accommodate everyone and unless fifty or one hundred people come forward saying they all need the same thing, I don't anticipate CCP spending the time to code it and test it and then test it again. Even something seemingly small like this will turn out to be a larger project code-wise than it looks like.

I certainly agree that there is no way to accommodate everyone. All I am saying is that people need to shut their mouth and stop trying to "youtube arm chair expert" everything on THIS forum. I can 100% guarantee there is not one person on this forum who is not only a Medical Doctor that specializes in the particular problems the OP claims to have, but that even if there was they certainly haven't personally examined the OP to determine if they are truthful, therefore no amount of saying "Occam's Razor" will validate anyone's response. As I previously stated, Lyme Disease. Medical Doctors will claim this or that is wrong with the patient for YEARS (because that's what it appears to be) only to realize too late that it was always Lyme Disease causing everything else to happen.

I would never expect CCP or any other game Dev to change a game for ONE person, but that doesn't make the OP a liar. It makes people pigs that harass the OP saying he/she is a liar just because they themselves cannot PROVE the condition exists (like they're even Doctors anyway).

The Operative: "There are a lot of innocent people being killed in the air right now".

Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: "You have no idea how true that is".

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#26 - 2013-06-12 02:34:02 UTC
Does OP have Lyme Disease? That's terrible.
Luc Chastot
#27 - 2013-06-12 04:22:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Luc Chastot
DeLindsay wrote:
Lyme Disease... It is nearly impossible for MEDICAL DOCTORS to diagnose early on and yet if it isn't caught early enough there is zero chance of survival. The very fact that there are well known diseases that simply baffle modern doctors invalidates your argument. We have no way to tell if the OP has a medical condition or not. We have no way of knowing what specific flashy thing would set the OP off. You and all the rest of the people making fun of or calling to OP a liar just because you can't believe they have what they say have pigs are horrible human beings.

The stimulus the OP is getting is not compatible with the kind of medical condition he's describing, while other stimuli that does match does not seem to be affecting him in any way. I might not be a medical expert, but I'm a photographer and I do know how light works. There is always the chance he's somatizing his opinion somehow; although the mere thought is stupid, so I rather go with the simplest explanation: EVE is full of bitter vets and people who love to cry for the stupidest things, and anonymity makes lying easier.

Also, there's no need to appeal to ad hominems when you're losing an argument; you always have the option to be a true gentleman/gentlewoman and accept it.

Edit: Oh, and regarding Lyme, if it isn't diagnosed early on it usually means the patient will need to use antibiotics the rest of his life. Chances of survival are rarely that slim.

Edit 2: And because I trust you are relatively intelligent and will argue that if Lyme is not diagnosed it is lethal, let me be clear and explain that when you say "if it isn't diagnosed early", it means that there has indeed been a diagnosis, although a late one.

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#28 - 2013-06-12 05:10:11 UTC
Wow, Lyme Disease is really terrible. I hope everyone in this thread who has Lyme Disease gets proper treatment!
Caldari State
#29 - 2013-06-14 23:15:29 UTC
Luc Chastot wrote:
DeLindsay wrote:
Luc Chastot wrote:
You can say you don't like them, it's not necessary to make stuff up so people takes you more seriously.

OR, the OP actually has some medical condition that is triggered by exactly what they say. WTF is wrong with people who constantly want proof that a person is disabled or isn't as "healthy" as they are. My Father is disabled and it ticks me off to no end when "healthy" people turn their nose up at him when he has difficulty doing a particular task. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you open your mouth!!

For those of you who are healthy and have no medical issues, be happy. There are conditions that exist where 99% of your life you have no damn clue that you even have it, then one day and some strange occurrence and it rears it's ugly head.

EVE is full of flashy effects, yet only this affects the OP; this means the OP is either lying about his medical condition to justify the fact he doesn't like the effect, or has a psychological condition, maybe some form of hypochondria and he's somatizing his dislike of the effect. Going by Occam's Razor I'd say the truth is that the OP is lying, as it is the simplest explanation.

Even if it was "somatizing" which you as a medical doctor obviously have full qualifications to diagnose, there's a whole disability based on "somatization" called Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Or maybe I do have an eye condition and it hasn't been affected by anything else in Eve because everything else in Eve I can just change the view or close my eyes temporarily WITHOUT IT AFFECTING GAMEPLAY. For instance, new jump animation everyone's complaining about? The lightning flickers partway through very brightly, but on that I can just close my eyes. It's not nearly as big a deal as closing my eyes in the middle of an incursion at every target death while constantly needing to look to lock new targets and make sure I'm still near the anchor.

Obviously since this affects me the same way as partially burned out fluorescent lighting flickering, I must have been kidnapped as a young child and held hostage in a damp basement, with no memory of this happening, only a "somatic" reaction as an adult. Lol

I didn't say only this affects me, I said only this affects me and is unavoidable, unlike everything else that's bright and flashy. I have all the effects off except turrets and camera shake. I have the brightness and contrast down on my monitor. I play in a decently-lit room. Even the new jump animation is avoidable and doesn't show up smack in the middle of all the fun parts of the game.

New target lock death animation problem #1 ^ eye strain and pain Temporary workaround found to one of these.

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#30 - 2013-06-14 23:30:13 UTC
I paid even more attention to the target flashing this time than I did before.

You say "bright and flashy" and "flashes brightly" and "broken neon light, all it needs now is the buzzer" as if the targets flicker suddenly, irregularly and harshly at full illumination strength, which they don't. A flashing target is only 50% as bright as a regular target, 75% at the very most.

Perhaps a visit to your local ophthalmologist to discus better treatment is in order, maybe followed up by changing your role in Incursions to be logi instead of DPS. Logi very rarely see flashing targets unless they aren't doing their job properly.
Caldari State
#31 - 2013-06-15 00:03:21 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
I paid even more attention to the target flashing this time than I did before.

You say "bright and flashy" and "flashes brightly" and "broken neon light, all it needs now is the buzzer" as if the targets flicker suddenly, irregularly and harshly at full illumination strength, which they don't. A flashing target is only 50% as bright as a regular target, 75% at the very most.

Perhaps a visit to your local ophthalmologist to discus better treatment is in order, maybe followed up by changing your role in Incursions to be logi instead of DPS. Logi very rarely see flashing targets unless they aren't doing their job properly.

The targets do flicker suddenly and randomly in an incursion when there may be multiple targets dying close to each other. You remember when the blink tag was new and tons of websites had blinking text everywhere? Yeah, it's still poor design.

Logi will take a few months of training, and I'd wanted that as an option not a permanent role.

The temp fix is unfortunately blocking off most of the targets with my inventory and only having to see the text flicker.

New target lock death animation problem #1 ^ eye strain and pain Temporary workaround found to one of these.

Caldari State
#32 - 2013-06-15 18:25:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Xeraphi
Salvaging a level 3 mission right now. The targets are blinking quickly 12 times. Even with most of the target covered by my inventory window I still have to close my eyes every couple of targets. I don't know where you're getting "soft blinks" from, or did they change it on the test server already?

New target lock death animation problem #1 ^ eye strain and pain Temporary workaround found to one of these.

Ines Tegator
Serious Business Inc. Ltd. LLC. etc.
#33 - 2013-06-15 18:31:28 UTC
Whether theres a relation to a medical problem or not (and we have no reason not to take OP at their word), it's really damned annoying. I hate the animation, simply because it's obnoxious.
Eagle's Talon's
#34 - 2013-06-15 18:35:35 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
Perhaps CCP should add ticker box to ESC Menu/General Settings where you are able to disable the graphic image of the targets on the screen similar to how you are able to diable drone models.

With the the ship models gone you could place the Overiew directly in the middle of your screen and lock targets in that manner.

Your condition does sound like epilepsy where the sudden flicker of lights on and off in rapid succession causes the brain to not be able to interpret what it is seeing.

No biggie. We'll just have to get CCP to create a work-around which many might see as very advantegous in large fleet combat where so many model cause the system to lag.

Once the high end combat is completed then the ship models could be turned back on to enjoy missions and other low end combat enviroments.

The blinking sounds like a FPS issue where the server is emitting the image of the ship model at lower rate of rate of pixels per second that causes the ship images to blink like they are.

Basically if you place a image of ship on paper over a light and flick the light off and on every second your mind has trouble adjusting to the placement of the object.

But if the same lamp is set to flicker 100 times per second the image appears in a more consistent manner allowing the mind to track it without interuption.
Caldari State
#35 - 2013-06-15 19:01:47 UTC
If it was epilepsy it should have been obvious with other games and Eve should have been a problem before Odyssey as well shouldn't it? Although I do tend to avoid bright flashy lights, not a big fan of casinos or casino games, etc.

It just hurts my eyes. I'm not rolling on the floor in a seizure.

New target lock death animation problem #1 ^ eye strain and pain Temporary workaround found to one of these.

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2013-06-15 21:31:40 UTC
As always, I am strongly in favor of feature off options. I like the new target death but I don't expect everyone to agree with me. There are cool features I want to turn off (like the contextual menu) but can't.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Caldari State
#37 - 2013-06-18 02:12:33 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Perhaps CCP should add ticker box to ESC Menu/General Settings where you are able to disable the graphic image of the targets on the screen similar to how you are able to diable drone models.

With the the ship models gone you could place the Overiew directly in the middle of your screen and lock targets in that manner.

Your condition does sound like epilepsy where the sudden flicker of lights on and off in rapid succession causes the brain to not be able to interpret what it is seeing.

No biggie. We'll just have to get CCP to create a work-around which many might see as very advantegous in large fleet combat where so many model cause the system to lag.

Once the high end combat is completed then the ship models could be turned back on to enjoy missions and other low end combat enviroments.

The blinking sounds like a FPS issue where the server is emitting the image of the ship model at lower rate of rate of pixels per second that causes the ship images to blink like they are.

Basically if you place a image of ship on paper over a light and flick the light off and on every second your mind has trouble adjusting to the placement of the object.

But if the same lamp is set to flicker 100 times per second the image appears in a more consistent manner allowing the mind to track it without interuption.

It's the whole of the target that blinks though. The circle that shows damage done to do, the text below, even the icons of the guns you have on it, all of that blinks at once. Not just the ship model inside the target.

If you turned off the targets completely, you wouldn't know how much damage it's taken (which is the situation I'm in after blocking off the targets with my inventory box).

My mind has no trouble tracking the blinks, it blinks 12-15 times. Unless you mean something different from what you're saying.

Anyway, no dev response I guess this problem isn't sexy enough for them. My two accounts looking for another game now.

New target lock death animation problem #1 ^ eye strain and pain Temporary workaround found to one of these.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#38 - 2013-06-18 23:17:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Rinn
Astroniomix wrote:
DeLindsay wrote:
We have no way of knowing what specific flashy thing would set the OP off.

Occam's Razor.

You keep bandying Occam's Razor around like it's a magical sword. It's not: Occam's Razor is simply a statement that one should choose the simplest theory that satisfactorily explains all the available evidence.

I'll accept your opinion on whether someone has a particular medical condition or not when you can show me your medical credentials. In the meantime, insisting that someone is lying because of a situation that you have no problem with yourself is, quite simply, a display of bigotry.

I would suggest to you that there is no other "flashy" effect in game that works quite the same way as the target icons: they are in a fixed location that doesn't change when you move the camera, they are quite bright when present and take no cues from environmental lighting, and they flash from full brightness to darkness very quickly in contrast to, say, explosions.

My experience with light-triggered discomfort is sufficient to believe that someone could have a problem with this specific flashy effect.

Please only apply Occam's Razor when you have a better understanding of the situation than, "I've never seen this, therefore it can't be real."
Caldari State
#39 - 2013-06-24 17:17:07 UTC
Related idea here: skinnable ui would solve a lot of problems not just for me in this situation but also for colourblind people and stuffs.

New target lock death animation problem #1 ^ eye strain and pain Temporary workaround found to one of these.

Psychoactive Stimulant
#40 - 2013-06-24 20:10:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Psychoactive Stimulant
"Please fix before June 21 I'd like to keep playing EVE!"

Pls go away.
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