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EVE Online: Odyssey Feedback

First post
Carol Krabit
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#621 - 2013-06-10 20:02:15 UTC
Carol Krabit wrote:
Maul555 wrote:
Edit: There is also lag when clicking the target icons to switch between ships.

I just noticed this aswell. This has to be fixed. Makes fighting against multiple targets feel extremely flimsy and broken.

UPDATE: In my case, this was caused by setting the radial menu delay to close to 0. Setting it higher solved most of the sluggishness, as radial menu expanding clicks apparently do not count as regular clicks.
Kor Kilden
Thukker Tribe Holdings Inc.
#622 - 2013-06-10 20:13:03 UTC
Carol Krabit wrote:
Carol Krabit wrote:
Maul555 wrote:
Edit: There is also lag when clicking the target icons to switch between ships.

I just noticed this aswell. This has to be fixed. Makes fighting against multiple targets feel extremely flimsy and broken.

UPDATE: In my case, this was caused by setting the radial menu delay to close to 0. Setting it higher solved most of the sluggishness, as radial menu expanding clicks apparently do not count as regular clicks.

Where is this option?
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#623 - 2013-06-10 20:35:52 UTC
Claire Raynor wrote:
About Exploration.

I think it is important that people continue to press for what they feel gives EVE it's edge over the infantile offerings of other games out there. Exploration was difficult. And the skills to do it and enjoy it were personal and not entirly from in-game skill books and SP. As people have said above - it was patience and knowledge.

The new system is good. It offers a lower bar to entry. Which in and of iteslf is a good thing. The minigames are here and can be expanded upon. . But we will get used to them. Lots of things can be reduced to a mini game. Planetary Interaction as an example and that has value. Even applying paste and managing heat could be considered a mini game. They we will get used to. What I feel has happened is that "Exploration" and that relating to it has been made more approachable by moving the whole niche closer to easy - rather than introducing something that bridged the gap.

I was dissapointed by the removal of the Deep Space probes. I felt that removing them burnt a bridge.

What I would propose for Exploration, moving forward, would be for some classes of sites to not show up on the overview. Hidden or Cloaked sites in effect. Ones that are a fair way out of the system. The overveiw visible site could be considered the core sites - but if a Probe-only set of sites could be added to the game. . . . If configured correctly with the right balance of reward and difficulty. . might staisfy our needs. This is my hope anyway. It might address some of the worries of WSpace miners too.

I don't think it would be too difficult to put these hidden sites in? What do you think?

What you suggest can be a start but it will not bring back the feeling of real exploration. The minigame is stupid clicking and useless. The loot spew has nothing to do with exploration. It is just a childish catch me if you can game.

To make it easier for players to enter in the explorer business is a good thing but what actually happened is that CCP removed real exploration from the game.

Data and relic sites are very annoying now. Also that NPC rat´s have been taken away is another bad approach in my opinion.

There is a lot more needed now to make exploration fun again. But let´s start with your suggestion which does not seem to be too much effort to implement. At least to see that CCP is willing to do something for the former explorers whose business was destroyed by Odyssey.
Xen Investments
#624 - 2013-06-10 20:48:17 UTC
Carol Krabit wrote:
Carol Krabit wrote:
Maul555 wrote:
Edit: There is also lag when clicking the target icons to switch between ships.

I just noticed this aswell. This has to be fixed. Makes fighting against multiple targets feel extremely flimsy and broken.

UPDATE: In my case, this was caused by setting the radial menu delay to close to 0. Setting it higher solved most of the sluggishness, as radial menu expanding clicks apparently do not count as regular clicks.

There is a setting for that? Where? Why would a radial menu I don't use be effecting the whole of the UI?
Bad Pennyy
Abraxas Rising
#625 - 2013-06-10 22:58:23 UTC
Over all, disappointing. The various changes in game logic effectively wipe out small scale T2 production in High Sec. For folks who can't commit r/l time to 0.0 headaches, the changes seem to unfairly target an under represented segment: less fuel, easier to high sec gank (sec status tags) and new goos. These changes all benefit a certain segment of players. Why would ccp choose to demotivate paying customers? Had changes been evenly applied it would be a different matter. I remain invested in Eve, but I doubt I'll be continuing the majority of my subscriptions for a while.
Pleasure Bound
Futanari on Safari
#626 - 2013-06-11 02:24:13 UTC
After 8 years of being a care bear, I gave up.

What attracted me to eve was the backdrop and the ambience.

Right now, in my overview I have blinkies, blips, squares, rectangles, sweeps and dots. And I'm not even being jammed.

I never cared for solitaire, and I'm above being reduced to a loot whore (seriously, it feels too much like the bread being tossed to plebs at the coliseum, and no I'm not that old)

And I'm currently flying a shuttle.

Yes you can have my stuff. Come to Jita 4. Then, donate your ISK to one of my many money-multiplying alts.
Jayden Demonia
Goonswarm Federation
#627 - 2013-06-11 09:51:20 UTC
I am not sure much about the ship changes, but I can say this.

1. I Dislike the way the new scanning system works its a pain in the ass, I could not even get my probes to seperate properly when scanning down anything compared to the old UI it is a mess.

2. I do not like the new IceField mining in high Sec I would rather have it back the old way.

3. I think the new UI Design is crap I want the ability to switch back to the old UI.

4. When renewing my subscription the EVE Launcher does not even work period, looks like CCP broke that too game itself works fine.

I am consider not resubbing to EVE until a new patch comes out that puts EVE Back to like it used to be UI Wise, I want a way to use my old UI instead of the new UI, and I want Ice mining back the way it used to be I don't like the oddesy patch much except for a few changes that don't really effect the game from other players opinions a lot of players based on what I hear did not ask for this patch and do not like a lot of different aspects of the patch and neither do I.

For now I am keeping both my accounts subscribed to DarkFall because its a TRUE sandbox MMO, EVE Online is no longer a TRUE sandbox MMO in my opinion when CCP starts doing things like setting Random scripted events and ICE Spawns, and then limiting ships via worm holes what size can enter and all these other crazy restrictions and things they do changes to ships it takes the SandBox out from the sandbox in other words its no longer a sandbox a TRUE sandbox allows players to take a MotherShip into high sec if they wish, or a freighter into a wormhole, a True Sandbox doesn't have any restrictions on what ships can enter what missions.

5. Oh and the biggest complaint I got was scanning PLAYERS DID not like how they constantly had to change ships to do scanning and fly with others just to do it good lord...

Please fix EVE

just my 2 cents.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#628 - 2013-06-11 10:00:26 UTC  |  Edited by: IonHammer
I played since 03 and I am pretty inactive atm, this patch was a decision gate for my eve life,

- I cant actually play now that much as all the camera shakes on warp and jump and auto points makes me feel really sick due to chop and laggy screen, do you guys actually check this stuff out b4 your add it makes me wonder sometimes. This is eve not flipping dust!

- I live in 0.0 mostly and seeing red and green squares and triangles is something i won't get used to and really takes my attention away from where its supposed to be. ( need to be able to turn that off of your not an exploration type guy)

- I have never used eve with sound on since 03 and don't use eve voice so those items are wasted on a lot of players.

- it doesn't matter how much you buff low sec null sec mining sites, barges die in these areas doesn't matter what you do a few 400 dps ships is going to ruin your day, the cycle time is too long still. All the mining areas and findable, lets face it 0.0 mining became shxx the day you removed hidden belts. Simply put there is no where safe to mine in low null sec you could in a dead end system put up a bubble camp, but now just one recon means black ops gang nails you.

-ice mining works a bit kind of makes it hard for the botters since the ice dies real fast in empire now see above for why you don't mine in low null sec.

-capital rigs hmm nough said 6 bill for t2 trimarks on a 25 bill ships is a big ask, 180 mill for a carrier with t1.

-some of the pos stuff with capitals is nice but i have hated pos in a bad way since they were introduced.

- I am sure there are other improvements that haven't hit me across the head and kicked me to the kerb as yet but i will find those out soon enough.

May be you should profile the eve game experience to the professions ie. pve pvp trade, mining ect. it must get hard to make a swiss army knife of a game.

Moving over to the bitter vet brigade.
Maybelater Headache
#629 - 2013-06-11 12:59:55 UTC
Frankly said i like nothing of this expansion.

- cheesy visual effects i can´t escape from
- ridiculous UI changes
- probing system (overall approach not too bad, but bad implementation)
- LOL mini games. Seriously, guys...
- lag, lag, lag

Did not dig that much into ship balancing, guess why...

And finally...silence. Don´t know if there is a mysterious outbreak of selective mutism in Iceland or what Cool
Delta Fight Club
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#630 - 2013-06-11 14:14:10 UTC

I experienced the following nasty problems:

1. "Look up on targets" effect burns my GPU, increasing lag:

2. no way to deactivate the windscreen wiper and the ballons (signatures) on my openspace rendering. The "hide sensor overlay" flag resets itself undocking and doesn't remove the windscreen wiper effect: I don't want pay for an arcade game and these new effects are slowing down my client. PvPers need to be competitive and your effects, useful for explorers only, limit my enjoy for this game.

The Partisan Brigade
#631 - 2013-06-11 20:04:17 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Too many pages to read.

I feel sorry for the Dev's, both for having to read through the endless posting of the same issues that's bugging the playerbase and for passing off this exploration contraction as an expansion.

Bottom line = WTF have you done to EVE? Where's the Commitment To Excellence?

The past few expansions have been rushed out with complete disregard to constructive negative feedback. You have successfully alienated a sh*t-ton of veteran players while constantly trying to coerce new players into the game. Making everything accessible to players on day 1 is complete utter madness. That only leads to failure when there isn't any older players around to give positive encouragement. Changing things just for the sake of making a change is not good, especially when it already works great.

I definitely don't like the path this game has taken over the past couple of years. Each new expansion is turning this game into Grief Online.


I think this one hit the nail on the head. Frankly it's not surprising when you consider renaming modules that are color coded to make it 'easier', the introduction of ABC's and T3's, and now the elimination of an entire profession in eve, all while stealthily buffing CFC as an entity. Somewhere around the pre-Incarna era, CCP gave up all pretense of pretending they hadn't become yet another cash grabbing whore of a company, and frankly I'm tired of it. I mean hell, the reason they gave for changing resistances was 'we like round numbers'. What kind of logic goes into that? Since Incarna and monoclegate, I have desubbed from 7 accounts, to 1 account, and now the last account has been desubbed. Maybe CCP will have an alcoholic moment of clarity and come back into the light before my sub runs out, but I doubt it, as it has become very clear that CCP is content being just like Sony and every other crap company.
Penny Ibramovic
Wormhole Engineers
#632 - 2013-06-11 20:19:25 UTC
The scanner overlay is not much fun to see when I have just jumped back through a wormhole to get away from a six-ship camp, HIC included, hell-bent on blowing the crap out of my polarised Loki.

I have to move away, cloak, and assess my circumstances, and the overlay sweeping around my view and putting blobs everywhere is really rather distracting. It's definitely not the time to be caring about anomalies in the system.

Maybe the overlay functionality can be moved back to the old on-board scanner, activated only when a capsuleer initiates it. There has got to be a better way than the overlay to introduce new pilots to exploration than to show it to everyone all the time.
Carol Krabit
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#633 - 2013-06-11 20:47:32 UTC
Kor Kilden wrote:

Where is this option?

It's under general settings, bottom of the middle column. The "sluggishness" (bad wording perhaps) that I referred to was clicks that didn't register when clicking overview items, in space icons and locked targets. Maybe you guys have a different problem.
Korbin Valenroth
Mom's Friendly Industrial Company
#634 - 2013-06-11 21:46:04 UTC
And now for something completely different, a compliment. I would like say that I am impressed with the system jump cut scene. The fewer loading windows the better and just like with the revised nebula effects it does make traveling more organic and less mechanical. Good job.
Hawk Hegirin
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#635 - 2013-06-11 21:49:52 UTC
Please guys remove the fact in wormholes that new sigs are instantly shown. It is ruining the element of surprise for PVP and most people can simply watch for a new signature in there wormhole, and bail once there is one. Though you could do this before, more work was needed, you would have to have probes out and you would constantly have to hit SCAN, something people never really did.

It really affects the WH gameplay now because at this point we've had several people run back to there PoS as soon as we open up the wormhole. It ends up being a bit of a pain.

Please change this back at least for new wormholes. It's fine for basic signatures but wormholes shouldn't be instantly detected. ;(
Sidre Kaye
#636 - 2013-06-11 21:51:40 UTC
Hawk Hegirin wrote:
Please guys remove the fact in wormholes that new sigs are instantly shown. It is ruining the element of surprise for PVP and most people can simply watch for a new signature in there wormhole, and bail once there is one. Though you could do this before, more work was needed, you would have to have probes out and you would constantly have to hit SCAN, something people never really did.

It really affects the WH gameplay now because at this point we've had several people run back to there PoS as soon as we open up the wormhole. It ends up being a bit of a pain.

Please change this back at least for new wormholes. It's fine for basic signatures but wormholes shouldn't be instantly detected. ;(

Even a short (1 Minute) delay would be fine. Promotes skill to catch and effort to evade.
Hawk Hegirin
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#637 - 2013-06-11 21:53:07 UTC
Sidre Kaye wrote:
Hawk Hegirin wrote:
Please guys remove the fact in wormholes that new sigs are instantly shown. It is ruining the element of surprise for PVP and most people can simply watch for a new signature in there wormhole, and bail once there is one. Though you could do this before, more work was needed, you would have to have probes out and you would constantly have to hit SCAN, something people never really did.

It really affects the WH gameplay now because at this point we've had several people run back to there PoS as soon as we open up the wormhole. It ends up being a bit of a pain.

Please change this back at least for new wormholes. It's fine for basic signatures but wormholes shouldn't be instantly detected. ;(

Even a short (1 Minute) delay would be fine. Promotes skill to catch and effort to evade.

I would say more like 5 or 10 mintues to update signatures, or they can use probes like pre-expansion to get a fast update.
Korbin Valenroth
Mom's Friendly Industrial Company
#638 - 2013-06-11 22:02:47 UTC
Photon Ceray wrote:
New Jump Effect:

it's a small thing but immersion breaking IMHO, every time I jump the tunnel is blue, even when the environment in the origin system and destination system are both greenish/golden, why is the tunnel blue? it just doesn't fit!

I know it's easier said than dont, but as I said, this is immersion breaking. Please try to make it so that it takes the colors of the origin and destination into account. the best would be if the beginning of the tunnel takes the colors of the origin and transitions into the colors of the destination!

Eh you could just chalk it up to "warp field mechanics". Not exactly a deal breaker.
Korbin Valenroth
Mom's Friendly Industrial Company
#639 - 2013-06-11 23:15:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Korbin Valenroth
Rek Seven wrote:
Korinne, make your point and then get on with your life. This is a feedback thread and your spamming is doing nothing to help any situation people may be experiencing.

Second the motion. After hours of scanning the feedback forums a fact that struck me is that few people offer alternatives (like the one above) or solutions, hence critical thinking.

As an example , people don't like the undock button moving. I get it, but there needs to be a reason to keep it in the old spot other than "its always been there". Logically, "its always been this certain way" is a terrible reason for or against any kind of change. The best arguement I've heard in favor of moving it back is that a key feature of the station needs to be more permenent, I.E. not in a window.

Lastly, it would help everyone here to report bugs ingame where there is a system setup to accept them.
Snapper Pumpkinpuss
Sarano Planetary Goods Distribution
#640 - 2013-06-11 23:35:34 UTC
Well i guess i just need to keep posting ....You guys screwed the pooch here ...this is stupid ....the can thing sucks and i could tolerate that but you ruined my train with pimpin t3s but nothing new when i first got on i cross trained to caldarie and you nerfed missles then nefed drakes then this ...seems like someone is following me around .......never mind the low and null sec comments cause there in the CLUB so they can play down there i dont want to play with them or go there i have a nice evening right where im at ...yes i pay USD to play...Sandbox right? so why would you mess up my side of the box annd for what purpose...

Look IM PAYING YOUR SALERIES TOO i would like to play also now i grind it out for not as much ....i dont want to go take a t3 in low and loose 3 billion ...Maybe thats why alot of peeps dont do it ???? because ( going out on a limb here ) they dont go cause they dont want to loose 3 + bill in 10 seconds to some teenagers???????cant dodge a 40 peeps gate camp i dont care if JESTER i have to suck up to some kids to play ???? not in this life time........if the sand boxs is so big why pimp the clean side ????

Oh its an mmo whatever that means ? you sould come down and loose your ship cause your not in the club ...NO WTF

but like my kids you guys cant admit you screwed up and wont change it ....grow up