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Sensor Dampening - Which is best?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-11-05 12:35:22 UTC
I have only recently started being support in fleet with a Maulus, I have set up it's lock range to about 81km now and the dampeners work at that distance (probably not as well as they could). My mids have 2 sensor dampeners and a MWD to get the hell out if I start to annoy them too much. I am wondering, what would you say is generally the best script to load a dampener with? Nerf their resolution or range? If I'm going on a roam where I am not quite sure what I will face? What do you think it is more useful to nerf?

I know some people don't like sensor dampeners, but I did use the plain old maulus to good affect on a battle cruiser for my fleet, they got in and killed a lot of his support quickly and I nerfed his res so he could not lock quick enough. It does work if your careful.

Anyway, if you have any advice on sesnor dampening at all I am certainly all ears! Pirate

Sausages anyone??

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-11-05 13:43:26 UTC
The best sensor dampening script is ECM >.>

Reduce their range if they're far away, and their res if they're close. If you undock, then chances are they may be pretty close, so reduce their res.
If they've already locked you, then dampen their range, obviously Blink
Nerath Naaris
Pink Winged Unicorns for Peace Love and Anarchy
#3 - 2011-11-05 22:16:26 UTC
If you have ECM in your fleet, then definitely go with resolution. Those two combined are awesome.

Je suis Paris // Köln // Brüssel // Orlando // Nice // Würzburg, München, Ansbach // Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray

Je suis Berlin // Fort Lauderdale // London // St. Petersburg // Stockholm

Je suis [?]

Route One
#4 - 2011-11-06 11:35:14 UTC
If you have two damps then load one with range and one with scan, keep the same in cargo. Its insta reload anyway for scripts but this way you're only reloading once.

Hit someone with two range damps and you get stacking nerfed, same as scan damps. One of each and no nerf.

tl;dr depends, keep options open by carrying both.
Tac Mannall
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2011-11-06 19:11:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Tac Mannall
Damps are very powerful when used well in the right situations.

Since you're flying a Maulus you won't have quite as much damp power as other damp ships that can field a full three damps, that's when the stacking penalties make any extra damps useless against one target, but the ship is far from useless. My best advice as a Damp pilot myself is to get the associated skills up to at least 4 and fit some Inverted Signal Field Projector rigs to your Maulus, they're cheap and they boost your damp power by 5% per rig. If you can as well do the stacking penalty math on your damp power to get a feel for what power numbers you can throw around, range is easy but res is going to be harder.

As for how to use them, don't mix the scripts but keep both in your hold to switch when your situation calls for it. Either go both on res or both on range, you want to focus your whole ability on one area rather than weakly in both. This also means for the most part focus on one ship at a time. Like it's been said, if you've got ECM in the fleet with you, work with them and use your res dampener on their targets, the lock time increase will cover a missed jam cycle and make it much easier to keep a target out of the fight. With the right skills you can increase lock times on targets to 30 seconds or more.

If you're in a fight with no ECM and everyone has already locked everyone else up, res doesn't have much point in that instance. Instead you should look for support ships or snipers hanging off the battle, lock them up and cut down their range. One damp can shut down from 50-58% of the target's range and a second will do 50-58% of what's remaining so any remote repair ships or Falcons hanging off 70-100 kms off can be taken out of the fight permanently unless they want to close in and bring themselves into danger of the main force, or be forced to warp off. Just watch out for any drones that are sent to you, if another ship sends a flight or the target has them set to aggressive make sure you can fight them off with your own two and your high slots or be aligned out and warp if it gets too hot.

Now if you really become attached to damps, the Keres, the Arazu and Lachesis are fantastic ships to use. All three have bonuses to warp disruptor and scram range as well as damps. With good skills, the right fittings and some forethought, you can scram a target and your damps will ensure that they can't target you to stop you, making them great tackle ships.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#6 - 2011-11-06 21:18:40 UTC
Othran wrote:
If you have two damps then load one with range and one with scan, keep the same in cargo. Its insta reload anyway for scripts but this way you're only reloading once.

Hit someone with two range damps and you get stacking nerfed, same as scan damps. One of each and no nerf.

tl;dr depends, keep options open by carrying both.

Nice tip, thanks!

My 2 cents:

- targeting range damping is best against small ships
- scan resolution damping works best against large ships (BC and up)
- use ECM drones with scan res damping
