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View of a newbie

Fenris Purvanen
#1 - 2013-06-08 07:01:39 UTC
Hello! First off let me say that though some of what I have to say may come across as negative I am not raging or attempting to blast anything. The point of this thread is to just lay out my point of view and experiences so maybe I get some useful input or viable options to help change so be gentle with us newbies! Oh and I'm sorry for the wall. I didn't mean it to turn out that way so sorry.

I have been playing Eve for about...2 months of so. Not long to be sure. Definitely not long enough to even have the faintest idea of what lies in the darker corners of space. That, however is kind of the point of this thread. But first, a bit of history. When I first started EvE I figured out in the first day or so that this was not a game you could grind to level with. That didn't particularly bother me. I banged through all of the tutorial and career agent missions in short order and set off on my adventures into the great voids of space. Me being a bit a research nut led me to have an understanding about low sec and null etc. So no accidentally wandering into 0.0 for me! Nope. I determined that high sec seemed a bit to kosher for me. Ive always played on PVP servers in every other MMO I have ever played.

I knew that I couldn't do much to help in a big 0.0 fleet brawl ( zero actually) so I figured to get into 0.0, make money, and have a place I could get to know people I should go miner to start. So I used the corp finder, tracked down the biggest 0.0 mining corp I could, app'd and zoomed off to null in my little venture. Big mistake. I made the assumption that I would have the opportunity to at least tag along on fleet ops from time to time in my little tackle Rifter. Could I save the day? Hardly. Could I so SOMETHING? Maybe. The reality of the that assumption would be summed up to me quite clearly in short order. Not welcome. I showed up at every CTA and posted roam in my little Rifter only to be sent packing by the FC. Cant fly a Battleship? Go home.

The problem with going home was that our little mining system kept getting invaded by PL. Sweet! Lets go kill him *runs for his Rifter* NOPE, MUST STAY DOCKED, CORP RULE. Sigh. One clown in a cov-ops camped it for ever and mercilessly hot dropped anyone foolish enough to undock. The corps answer? Dock up and hide. The alliance's answer, you know, the guys who's ships my corp built for free with the minerals we mined non-stop was some where between "meh" and "oh well". Eventually I had enough of staying docked for days while one guy held an entire alliance's production chain hostage. It was boring. So, I packed up my little Rifter and headed back to Jita. After that I discovered I could have SOME fun by running the gauntlet to and from Jita to my home system carrying BPC's, BPO's and skill books for corp mates. My alliance had a lovely gate camp almost perma-setup at a major choke point into null and I tried to join that with my little Rifter but alas... Go home. Then the Eve mails started coming in. "Were keeping track of who is mining what and who is fulfilling our needs and who is not". Now, I get this. The chain needs food. But why would I sit around ducking in and out of dock mining my little rear off (BORING) to provide ships to guys who wont even come defend us? I don't know, but those mails suddenly made me feel like I was paying my monthly so other guys could go have fun on my back and I was stuck in some odd form of digital slavery. Thus the inevitable... I quit the corp.

Thus began the next section of my short saga. PVE content. I spent the next few weeks grinding up my standings to get access to higher level missions. Now, I'm maybe a day from level 4's. Not going to happen though. Gods that was boring too. I wanted to fight! Not shoot lasers at rocks or missiles at unthinking bots. The missions were fun enough, except it seemed like every time I deployed a drone it got shot instantly. My solution? I clearly needed to fly something bigger! So, with a bit of focused training, some PLEX, and a bit of research I landed myself a pretty faction fit CNR. Now, I KNOW my support skills blow and I have no business in such a ship and blah blah blah. Yeah, got it. But, since I'm paying for it, and playing alone who cares?

That lasted a bit. Then, the final month. I haven't undocked in about 30 days. Why bother? I sit for hours watching the recruitment channel looking for a corp I can go pew with that doesn't seem like a handful of weirdos, douche bags or elitist monkeys trying to get rich off the corp tax. Plenty come up too but its always the same..."15m sp min" "40m SP min". Sigh. I tried with a couple and even had one tell me over TS to drop hundreds of dollars in PLEX and buy a good high SP char from the bazaar THEN they would be happy take me. !@#$%^&&* I'm not going to spend that kind of money on a game I haven't even been able to determine if I like it or not!

Its the ultimate catch 22. I don't care if I die but I'm not into replacing 50 mil in implants every time, and it seems very clear due to the top heavy nature of the player base on SP that I'm not going anywhere without them for my first 6ish months. RvB? Yeah, not replacing the implants. Ah but I'll jump clone! Nope. 24 hour CD. I just do not understand what is so horrible about having a newbie in your mighty 0.0 fleet. Oh, I see, I will negatively impact your shiny efficiency rating due to frequently dying from lack of skills that I can not do anything about but keep training and lack of skill in general because I'm new. I have referred 5 people to this game now but I tell all of them. "Sign up, pay your fee, do the tutorial and career missions then quit for the next 6 months except to log in and refresh your training que because no one wants you expect to mine for them" Of course none of them listened. Now? 3 have quit and 2 are doing the same thing I am. Thus the point of view of a handful of newbies. EvE will be day.

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

DRGaius Baltar
Caldari State
#2 - 2013-06-08 07:04:00 UTC
Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-06-08 07:09:12 UTC
faction warfare is great for frigate / cruiser combat. mostly frigates.

join the militia and find a corp while there.

red vs. blue is great too if they're still around.

Recruitment channel is the worst place to find a corporation.

Don't give up, what you seek is out there. and it's as much fun as you imagine it could be.

EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
cowdensno1 lee
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2013-06-08 07:17:24 UTC
What times are you on mate?
Im about a month in and could use a wee bit company doing missions
And seriously, some older guys take this way too serious and treat new guys like skivys and slaves.
It scares away new players. New players keep eve alive. No new players? No eve in short order.
But of course if you have played 2yrs 3mths for example youve earned that 'right'
See you in space :D
Fenris Purvanen
#5 - 2013-06-08 07:20:01 UTC
DRGaius Baltar wrote:

I apologize profusely for testing the limitations of your gnat like attention span. Roll

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

Fenris Purvanen
#6 - 2013-06-08 07:21:03 UTC
Ris Dnalor wrote:
faction warfare is great for frigate / cruiser combat. mostly frigates.

join the militia and find a corp while there.

red vs. blue is great too if they're still around.

Recruitment channel is the worst place to find a corporation.

Don't give up, what you seek is out there. and it's as much fun as you imagine it could be.

This was inspiring Big smile I figured I would get slammed by trolls and people yelling at me to get off their lawn lol.

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

Fenris Purvanen
#7 - 2013-06-08 07:21:55 UTC
cowdensno1 lee wrote:
What times are you on mate?
Im about a month in and could use a wee bit company doing missions
And seriously, some older guys take this way too serious and treat new guys like skivys and slaves.
It scares away new players. New players keep eve alive. No new players? No eve in short order.
But of course if you have played 2yrs 3mths for example youve earned that 'right'
See you in space :D

I usually on since I work from home. As a result I tend to keep the client logged in a good chunk of the day.

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

Sevastian Liao
DreamWeaver Inc.
#8 - 2013-06-08 07:22:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Sevastian Liao
The tone of your post doesn't really come across as "just laying down your experiences", but ok.

Your experience sounds like it comes down to "Can't find the right group of guys to fly with". Joining the wrong type of corporation in the first case, and relying too much on the recruitment channel in the second. I've taken a look in the channel - and it's reminiscent of a cesspool, you're not going to find the people of your choice there. Try settling into / solo flying around in lowsec/nullsec/wormhole space for a bit, chat up the locals, introduce yourself, get to know them. The type of guys you're trying to fly with generally won't be the type to advertise all over the forums and the recruitment channel.

Oh, you might get still blown up a couple times in the process though. So that's probably not going to change. Some of them might actually invite you to join them only after your ship/pod's a smoking wreck.
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-06-08 07:24:46 UTC
Fenris Purvanen wrote:
Interesting point of view

However, I can safely tell you you got no luck on your first corp/alliance, that happened and still happens to everyone around.
You can't assume all your corp/alliance experiences will be the same just because the recruitment tool lead you to "x" or "y" whatever corp/alliance that is no good.

Newbbies are awesome in fleets, you put a couple of those with more experienced players camping the gates while the large group is doing stuff and newbbies will die a lot but they'll do tons of important stuff, PIN DOW the pesky badies !!
They don't need to make bazillion isk a month so taxes get in, they need to learn the game first and this means help them get the bases of pvp, give them free frigates so they can die again and again and again and still come back to the fight "x" jumps away.

Often those newbies get nice rewards from FC's or players because they did a good job, it's so dam fun to get newbies in your fleet (the moment they learn to listen and stop blahblahing all the time).
Some bad corp/alliance doesn't like them or can't make them play and get the game I'd say it's nice !! -they're creating their own future enemies and I WILL help them get their revenge at some point, some isk and motivation: think how hard you will kick them in the nuts when you'll pin down one of their caps worth billions isk, sweet revenge is sweet.l

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

#10 - 2013-06-08 07:26:10 UTC
Militia is where you should go. Frigs and destroyers are the most used ship there.
Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2013-06-08 07:30:22 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that, dude. Keep your chin up. There are good outfits out there, they're just hard to find.
Ace Uoweme
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2013-06-08 07:33:03 UTC
Fenris Purvanen wrote:
I knew that I couldn't do much to help in a big 0.0 fleet brawl ( zero actually) so I figured to get into 0.0, make money, and have a place I could get to know people I should go miner to start. So I used the corp finder, tracked down the biggest 0.0 mining corp I could, app'd and zoomed off to null in my little venture. Big mistake. I made the assumption that I would have the opportunity to at least tag along on fleet ops from time to time in my little tackle Rifter. Could I save the day? Hardly. Could I so SOMETHING? Maybe. The reality of the that assumption would be summed up to me quite clearly in short order. Not welcome. I showed up at every CTA and posted roam in my little Rifter only to be sent packing by the FC. Cant fly a Battleship? Go home.

EQII and WoW heroic raid guild mentality. Sure join our guild, but if you want to raid with us come skilled and geared. Ugh

That reminder in EvE is upsetting.

"Oh, can get in a dessie in a day and fly roams!!!"

And waste time dying without the support skills. And being new, don't have the side income to support getting 2mil ships like candy, because as a newb you are cannon fodder (the corps that do accept newbies, don't tend to have ship replacements even on fleet roams, so until you get over 5mil in SP, you're SoL -- and that's IF they trust you enough to offer one).

_"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." _ ~George Orwell

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-06-08 07:34:20 UTC
Your old corp sucks. Name and shame please.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Mackies Raiders
Wild Geese.
#14 - 2013-06-08 07:39:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Garresh
Here's a little secret: eve isn't that difficult to play, as long as you do your research and account for risks. Since you're already doing that, you are 100% solo capable right now. Instead of playing on their terms, play on your own. Join faction warfare and fight in frigates. Or use your knowledge you gained from ferrying bpcs through a warzone to do exploration. Or hauling to null hubs in NPC sov space. Regardless, stop trying to play the corp game. Everyone I see burn out does so because they're playing someone else's game. You did fine by yourself...why do you need them?

Plus the characters and stories you make wandering solo are hilarious. I was down in red alliance space trying the new exploration sites, and me and another explorer wound up in the same site. He had a roaming PvP fleet two jumps out. I got talking and somehow got friendly in the span of 2 minutes so he didn't gank me despite having 500 mil in my cargo hold. I repaid him by teaching him the nuances of the system, and hacking the can for him since my skills were better. We split the loot.

That isn't even that uncommon. I make friends(and enemies) constantly in null and lowsec, either through good fights in faction warfare, or just hilarious happenstance or the amusing conflict of interest. Either way, solo does NOT mean solitary. You still need to be very social to make the most of things, be it networking with the locals, setting up ad hoc agreements over an exploration site, or attempting to trade Intel with those you cross paths with.

Highsec is exempt from the solo rule unless you're a social miner, ninja, pirate, or merc. Most pve content in high sec is just boring, and you'll never cross paths with another player. No conflict or cooperation. Unless you're powergaming in industry or actively in the corp building business, you will get bored in high sec.

Edit: I'm about to go to bed, but contact me tomorrow. I don't really fly with others unless I'm in the area, as I move around constantly, but I would be more than happy to provide some advice on some of the less well documented sides of eve. I like snatching new players up before they get sucked into the morass of the blob mentality. There are good corps out there, but they're far and few. Anyways, you sound like a promising soloist so hit me up.

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Fenris Purvanen
#15 - 2013-06-08 07:44:17 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that, dude. Keep your chin up. There are good outfits out there, they're just hard to find.

Thanks Monk. I actually JUST saw you talking in the recruitment channel like 30 seconds ago. You always say your looking for a "guild" and its funny watching all the feathers get ruffled. They rush to call you a noob and then look at the name and .......

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

Mackies Raiders
Wild Geese.
#16 - 2013-06-08 07:45:28 UTC
Fenris Purvanen wrote:
Psychotic Monk wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that, dude. Keep your chin up. There are good outfits out there, they're just hard to find.

Thanks Monk. I actually JUST saw you talking in the recruitment channel like 30 seconds ago. You always say your looking for a "guild" and its funny watching all the feathers get ruffled. They rush to call you a noob and then look at the name and .......

Psychotic monk is good people. His reputation precedes him.

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Fenris Purvanen
#17 - 2013-06-08 07:46:42 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Your old corp sucks. Name and shame please.

They were not bad guys and ran a successful outfit, it just was not for me. They were never assholes to me, we just did not see eye to eye.

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

cowdensno1 lee
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2013-06-08 07:47:21 UTC
Im in Osmeden (0.7). im usually on 5-10ish GMT mon to friday.
Im doing mostly security missions at level III for now
Look me up if your interested :D
Cass Lie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#19 - 2013-06-08 07:49:36 UTC
I will just say that you had bad luck going into null. It sounds like you didn't join a particularly newbie friendly organisation (which makes me wonder why they recruited you in the first place) that was quite bad to top it off. Also, joining while getting invaded by PL is pretty much the worst time possible. Not all null alliances are like that however, some of them offer plenty of support for their newbies.

That said, I second the FW suggestion. Plenty of small gang cruiser sized warfare, good isk to be made even by a newer player, no do or die CTAs.
Fenris Purvanen
#20 - 2013-06-08 07:55:13 UTC
Cass Lie wrote:
I will just say that you had bad luck going into null. It sounds like you didn't join a particularly newbie friendly organisation (which makes me wonder why they recruited you in the first place) that was quite bad to top it off. Also, joining while getting invaded by PL is pretty much the worst time possible. Not all null alliances are like that however, some of them offer plenty of support for their newbies.

That said, I second the FW suggestion. Plenty of small gang cruiser sized warfare, good isk to be made even by a newer player, no do or die CTAs.


My problem with FW as I understand it is that 1. I WILL die thus loosing my implants yet again and more importantly 2. I will loose faction standings with other empires to the point I will get blown up even attempting to leave Caldari space. Maybe I'm wrong?

In blood, Isk, or tears, I will get paid all the same.

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