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What are your GO TO ships and what are your thoughts on the current combat dynamics?

Major Killz
inglorious bastards.
#1 - 2013-06-06 14:37:31 UTC
Recently, since May 10 I have been experimenting. Trying to figure out the most optimal close range tech 1 cruiser and set-up for said ship; iterating on any destroyer or assault frigate set-ups I currently use and adding certain factional frigates (comet).

One thing that has been on my mind is the usefulness of active armour set-ups compared to auxiliary shield booster set-ups. Honestly @ one point it was cut and dry with regard to battleships but now I find myself moving away from the Rokh and Maelstrom towards the Hyperion. @ the same time I'm disappointed with the Cyclone changes. At-least once you fit 2 auxiliary shield booster set-up (very low damage output).

How useful have active defence set-ups been in your experience in the past 3 months?

What are your GO TO tech 1, pirate, navy or tech 2 frigates? Mine are Hawk, Harpy, Daredevil and Comet.

Has tech 1 cruisers displaced tier 1 and 2 battle-cruisers? I find with the exception of the Myrmidon, Prophecy and maybe Drake. I have no use for the other lower tier battle-cruisers.

What are your GO TO tech 1 cruisers? Mine are the Caracal and Vexor.

What heavy assault cruisers are still useful? I find the Muninn useful and I can make an argument for the Sacrilege and Maybe Ishtar.

I also plan on trying out a cruise-Typhoon. Has anyone done so yet?

- killz

[u]Ich bin ein Pirat ![/u]

Seraph Castillon
Death Metal Frogs
#2 - 2013-06-06 16:45:34 UTC
JAF Anders
Adenosine Inhibition
#3 - 2013-06-06 17:09:20 UTC
I fly mostly buffer ships, but when I do grab something with active rep, incursus comes to mind.

The pursuit of excellence and stabbed plexing alts.

The Church of Awesome
#4 - 2013-06-06 22:47:08 UTC
I don't know enough about armor fits so I'll only comment on shield.

I think less people will active tank their shield ships now due to the recent resist nerf.

I've experimented lots on the test server and tried many fits and smashed the ships together to see what happens.

CCP got it backwards.
I am more likely to use active tanks when I have high resists.

If they wanted to get people to use active shield tanks they should have buffed resists and lowered shield hp.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#5 - 2013-06-06 22:50:51 UTC
IbanezLaney wrote:

If they wanted to get people to use active shield tanks they should have buffed resists and lowered shield hp.

Yes, buff resists for the active-tanking races (Gallente, Minmatar). +1 Big smile
Danny John-Peter
The Congregation
#6 - 2013-06-06 23:04:05 UTC
My MSB/Injector Hawk, as well as my Active LML Hawk both have some good milage on them, my Dual-Rep pest again has some half decent milage on it, thats about the only active rep ships I fly.

Beyond that the rail-harpy continues to be amazing, so does the Arty wolf, faction frigs seem a little :meh: but the I have had good results in the Hookbill.

As for HACs the Zealot is amazing for anti-tackle, and the Vaga is still my go to "I need to go nano something but im unsure what" ship, primarily only because the Cyna is much less pretty.

As for T1/Faction cruisers, the ScytheFI is fun now, the Thorax is amazing too and the Cyna is a solid, if uninteresting Choice.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#7 - 2013-06-07 00:28:15 UTC
Maulus. Its combat is awesome.
Mackies Raiders
Wild Geese.
#8 - 2013-06-07 07:10:50 UTC
For cruisers, drone cruisers are fun. I like the vexor.

For frigs, I fly the firetail. It's never optimal, but always relevent. It embodies everything minmatar should be. =)

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Event Hor1zon
#9 - 2013-06-09 11:08:32 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
IbanezLaney wrote:

If they wanted to get people to use active shield tanks they should have buffed resists and lowered shield hp.

Yes, buff resists for the active-tanking races (Gallente, Minmatar). +1 Big smile

Aquila Sagitta
#10 - 2013-06-13 02:07:37 UTC
active brutix is pretty deadly ...just fit up an active navy brutix. This thing looks OP! 800dps 50k ehp w/1k dps tank
Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2013-06-13 10:39:36 UTC
For a go to T1 cruiser is say shield buffer Omen. They are fast and agile great low slots for DMG mods. Oh and scorch.

Of course that is really only applicable for small gangs and skirmish level work. For a fleet T1 the CFC ham caracal fleets are pretty over the top en masse. I suppose a similar Thorax fleet could also be viable but both cases need support ships.

Finally let's not forget the T1 EWAR boats. BB and cele both can be brutal in any fleet comp.
Devon Weeks
Asteroid Mining Industries
Salt Mining Industrialists
#12 - 2013-06-15 07:12:49 UTC
I'm one of those that loves the do or die philosophy of a good blaster boat. Thoraxes, Deimos, Brutix, blaster Mega, and Proteus are my favorites. That being said, I've experimented with some others recently. I could honestly make the Curse one of my new favorites as well as the Damnation (my all-time favorite looking hull in the game). Shields, even with the ASB, have never been my style. I like the capacitor-free buffer tanks.
RaVeN Alliance
#13 - 2013-06-15 15:40:24 UTC  |  Edited by: RavenPaine
Though I haven't flown one in a long while, the first Cruiser I think of is the Rupture.
In my early years I had great success with them. Great tank is what I remember in brawling situations.

As for the Phoon, I consider them a brawler also. I can't imagine anything but a Torp fit Phoon.

Edit Here:
The original post asked about "Thoughts on current combat dynamics."

EVE seems to have evolved into 'Frigates Online', and I see the reasoning. They are cheap, fun, and if flown right, are dangerous.

I have to say though, with the biggest population it's ever had, I'm sad about this evolution.
I wish it was fun for me...but it's not.
Machiavelli's Nemesis
Angry Mustellid
#14 - 2013-06-15 19:49:44 UTC
Frigates - meh, whatever is going spare. I don't think I even have any T1 frigates fitted atm.
Dessies - Algos looks like an artichoke with blasters.
Cruisers - fleet stabber. It's still a nice versatile ship even though it took a bit of a hit in the last round of balancing.
Battlecruisers - Originally the 'cane until they ruined it, now the Myrm in literally any sensible configuration AND/OR one of my sneaky hulltanked versions.
BS - Fleetpest (pre-odyssey, i have yet to explore all the possibilities but i've heard good things about the new fleetphoon).

Pax Thar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2013-06-15 21:23:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Pax Thar
Frigate - Tristan is a straight beast with a full flight of lights

Cruiser - Vexor has huge ehp and DPS, need I say more?

BC - Brutix or Cane can both be buffer to active pretty well and the brutix DPS really shines.

BS - Tempest is versatile and have the two utility highs for heavy neuts.

Yes I think BCs are lackluster right now but I still use them sometimes. T1 frigs and cruisers are the best bang for your buck with the Tristan and Vexor dominating the brawlers.
Major Killz
inglorious bastards.
#16 - 2013-06-15 22:04:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Killz
RavenPaine wrote:
Though I haven't flown one in a long while, the first Cruiser I think of is the Rupture.
In my early years I had great success with them. Great tank is what I remember in brawling situations.

As for the Phoon, I consider them a brawler also. I can't imagine anything but a Torp fit Phoon.

Edit Here:
The original post asked about "Thoughts on current combat dynamics."

EVE seems to have evolved into 'Frigates Online', and I see the reasoning. They are cheap, fun, and if flown right, are dangerous.

I have to say though, with the biggest population it's ever had, I'm sad about this evolution.
I wish it was fun for me...but it's not.

Yes there are alot more frigate pilots and frigate fleets than there use to be. However I see it as a natural progression. The quality of pilots and set-ups have improved. The disparity or gap between "NOOB" and "ELITE" has been shrinking considerable. As well as the time it takes to go from "NOOB" to "ELITE". I feel that trend started 2 years ago. I believe the player base is just more informed than it use to be. Which has lead to better fleet compositions and other things. I see that in small and large scale engagements too.

I don't believe I fly battle-cruisers and battleships less than I use to. I have always adapted to whatever is being used around me. So @ the moment I fly alot more frigates than anything else. However, I could fly around in battle-cruisers alot more if I wanted to. It would just mean less killz and more risk.

[u]Ich bin ein Pirat ![/u]

Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#17 - 2013-06-15 23:51:39 UTC
Regarding 'combat dynamics' : I believe the changes to T1 cruisers and frigs are a bit too skewed towards making every fleet > 3 ships require Logistics.

It used to be more of an even exchange of value, especially when decent logistic capability was only T2 cruiser logi (worth a fair bit of ISK) making their use more specific ; Now every kitchen sink fleet uses the current cheap T1 logi - and they are so effective
(especially for their cost) that they have become almost a necessity.

This is a bad thing IMHO because PVP becomes too predictable. It is like playing rock, paper, scissors where rock beats everything.

T1 logi need a nerf, or DPS needs a buff if you ask me, which you did, so cheers.

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#18 - 2013-06-16 00:37:41 UTC
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
T1 logi need a nerf, or DPS needs a buff if you ask me, which you did, so cheers.

A major reason I fight in frigs and dessies so much is the high dps to EHP ratio, which means logi isn't as effective as it is in cruisers.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#19 - 2013-06-16 00:43:24 UTC
IMO the T1 logi makes T1 armor fleets work against nano-kitey shield. At least at the T1 cruiser level I think they have everything balanced out quite well so far.
Plato Forko
123 Fake Street
#20 - 2013-06-16 01:51:12 UTC
Vyktor Abyss wrote:
T1 logi need a nerf

one already exists, it's this cruiser called the celestis.
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