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Machiavelli's Nemesis
Angry Mustellid
#101 - 2013-06-04 16:53:45 UTC
Ingame issues preventing OGB whiners from getting their own OGB to level the field:






OGB is awesome and they should let teams in alliance tournament use up to 3 of them and stuff <3
Colt Blackhawk
#102 - 2013-06-04 17:19:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Colt Blackhawk
Machiavelli's Nemesis wrote:
Ingame issues preventing OGB whiners from getting their own OGB to level the field:






OGB is awesome and they should let teams in alliance tournament use up to 3 of them and stuff <3

Should I become a psychopath only because others are?
In my opinion: no.

[09:04:53] Ashira Twilight > Plant the f****** amarr flag and s*** on their smoking wrecks.

Lucius Regall
#103 - 2013-06-04 19:08:18 UTC
Colt Blackhawk wrote:
Lucius Regall wrote:
Colt Blackhawk wrote:
Lucius Regall wrote:
I'd rather my enemies' alt fly an OGB than a cloaking Falcon or logi.

I would always prefer the falcon idiot.
1.) He will be on km. Ogb isn´t.
2.) Falcon idiot can´t enter novice and small plexes :D

The falcon example was just the most obnoxious form of ECM. Replace it with cloaking griffin to cover the novices and smalls.
Let's go through a few sceneriones:

You warp into a novice to engage a hostile. He scram/webs you and griffin uncloaks. Chance of survival? Almost none.

You are in a novice and a hostile warps in. He engages you and you suddenly notice t1 throw away logi on D-scan, who is soon into your plex as well. Chance of survival? Almost none.

You warp into a hostile that has an OGB booster. Chance of survival? If you are a skilled pilot who does research on his foe and knows how to counter fit, your chances of survival are actually pretty good.

In the end it all comes down to a simple mathematical truth: 2 > 1. Two accounts have an advantage over one account. My advice is simply this: be careful what you wish for.

Is that serious?
Show me your uber counterfit of a non boosted ship vs a loki and tengu boosted hawk^^
I prefer the cloaky griffin because he will be on km.
Plus you still maybe have a small chance to burn out or what I once did kill the papertank griffin when jam fails. That chance usually doesn´t exist vs a 4500m/s hawk with 16km scram range.

Example: I once engaged an incursus in a kitey condor. Just for fun although I knew I wouldn´t break his tank. That idiot was boosted and scrammed me from 16 or 17km^^
If he would have had a cloaky griffin instead I would have prolly burned out.
OGB gives you simply tooooooooooo big benefits for the really small risk.

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#104 - 2013-06-04 19:37:54 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Pipernelli Spacemitt wrote:
So the solution to faggots having booster alts is for everyone to go get a mandatory probing alt?

No thanks.

The solution to someone having something you dont is to complain about it until they remove boosters?, titans?, supercaps?, pirate implants?, drugs? afk cloakers? etc.

Personally, i just fought a kitsune, vengeance, slicer and merlin with my algos. Have a guess if i wouldve fought if i didnt have boosts (rhetorical).

After that i fought 11 assorted frigates and destroyers with the same algos. Have a guess if i wouldve fought if i didnt have boosts (rhetorical).

IMO boosters increase pvp levels for everyone apart from the scrubs who only post with alts of forums and others who barely pvp at all.

I can't speak for everyone else but I generally try to be surprised only once by someone's OGB alt. After that I will add them to the my watchlist. My decision to engage after that point depends on whether or not I have an OGB myself. You may get a quick burst of PvP activitiy that lasts for weeks or even months - there are lots of stupid people after all - but as WT in the warzone day in and day out come to know you and your alt many will simply choose not to engage. Or to ECM/Logi blob.

As for 'against the odds' - you can still do that without the OGB alt. In the old days you had to actually separate them and apply a high DPS boat and GTFO before the rest of them arrived. I know it's not the same as being John J. Rambo but it required skill unto itself and in it's own way was much more rewarding.
Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#105 - 2013-06-04 19:49:52 UTC
Lucius Regall wrote:
Colt Blackhawk wrote:
Lucius Regall wrote:
I'd rather my enemies' alt fly an OGB than a cloaking Falcon or logi.

I would always prefer the falcon idiot.
1.) He will be on km. Ogb isn´t.
2.) Falcon idiot can´t enter novice and small plexes :D

The falcon example was just the most obnoxious form of ECM. Replace it with cloaking griffin to cover the novices and smalls.
Let's go through a few sceneriones:

You warp into a novice to engage a hostile. He scram/webs you and griffin uncloaks. Chance of survival? Almost none.

You are in a novice and a hostile warps in. He engages you and you suddenly notice t1 throw away logi on D-scan, who is soon into your plex as well. Chance of survival? Almost none.

You warp into a hostile that has an OGB booster. Chance of survival? If you are a skilled pilot who does research on his foe and knows how to counter fit, your chances of survival are actually pretty good.

In the end it all comes down to a simple mathematical truth: 2 > 1. Two accounts have an advantage over one account. My advice is simply this: be careful what you wish for.

No. People who use cloaky ECM would be preferable to track over the '17 OGB' mentioned in the OP. And quite frankly many of my friends fly missile boats and carry a few rounds of auto-targeting missiles. They cause comical ends to many, many griffins.

As for the throw away logi - if you fit right you can disengage or overwhelm the target with DPS before the logi lands. OGB alts bolster the performance of many modules by over 50% while minimizing sig radius and boosting resistances to absolutely stupid levels.
Ginger Barbarella
#106 - 2013-06-04 21:01:58 UTC
Pipernelli Spacemitt wrote:
So the solution to faggots having booster alts is for everyone to go get a mandatory probing alt?

No thanks.

Such anger... you should seek professional help to assist you in managing that anger.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac