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Dear CCP TY for the great grav (oh ore) site screwover of 2013 from all explorers everywhere.

Gordon Esil
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2013-06-04 15:56:05 UTC
Ruskarn Andedare wrote:
Haulie Berry wrote:
Dear CCP TY for the great grav (oh ore) site screwover of 2013 from all explorers everywhere.

Hi. I'm an explorer, and I love this change.

I love it for itself, and I love it even more for the tears it's extracting.

There are many explorers who are not also filthy mining peasants.

And there are many explorers that used to be paid rather well for the location of good grav sites

I got an explorer alt, used to make 100+ million isk from each grav site I find
After the expansion I logged in, warped to the site I found before the patch and...

Hulk, Hulk, Hulk, Covetor, Harbinger

I did not like it, but I have to live with it... probably will go to low and find some better ores there or maybe get to null if I managed to find a good system there

While I'm still not happy with that, but it did happen and I'll have to live with it Blink
Unit CA108AF
Unit Commune
#22 - 2013-06-04 15:57:42 UTC
I unsubbed my mining alts. I suggest you do the same. Vote with your wallet and show them you don't need Eve.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#23 - 2013-06-04 15:59:36 UTC
1) train for a sabre
2) find null systems with industrial upgrades
3) ???????
4) profit
Dimple Dallocort
#24 - 2013-06-04 16:00:40 UTC
Could this change be the best thing to happen to Eve, So many salty miner tears! it's fish n chips tonightTwisted
Vardaugas Family
#25 - 2013-06-04 16:00:55 UTC
So, with all those mining alts unsubbing, less ore will be mined with maintained demand resulting in higher mineral prices.

brb, buying a few trillion trit.
Pipernelli Spacemitt
#26 - 2013-06-04 16:03:27 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
So, with all those mining alts unsubbing, less ore will be mined with maintained demand resulting in higher mineral prices.

At which point the **** will come derping back to their belts.
Gordon Esil
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2013-06-04 16:06:40 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
So, with all those mining alts unsubbing, less ore will be mined with maintained demand resulting in higher mineral prices.

brb, buying a few trillion trit.

Actually that will balance stuff Lol
With the Tritanium/Pyerite added to nullsec ores, those 2 will get lower on prices, with people mining them getting fewer their prices will be more stable in a good way Twisted
Karak Terrel
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#28 - 2013-06-04 16:07:08 UTC
This is a really bad change. Until now I often found miners in w-space mining in some grav site. To sneak up on them without them noticing me was fun and not the easiest thing to do. I don't say it was supper challenging, but there was always the possibility they spot the probes in the 5-10s it took me to pin the site after I narrowed it down with d-scan.

Now I fear there will be no more miners as it is just too risky and a free kill for everyone. And even if there are still miners, you just completely killed the fun I had scanning them down.
Empire Manufacturing
#29 - 2013-06-04 16:11:40 UTC
The easy to find ore anomalies are the best thing that could have been added to this update. Now I can mine in peace.

Every week-old Venture/Procurer/Retriever toon now see's the easily accessible sites and are like "OMG! It's Omber! It's Omber!" which keeps them from swarming the belt I'm in and going out of their way to target the same rocks I'm on even though I'm on the complete opposite side of the belt far away from the warp-in point.

The ore anomalies are also high-sec gank magnets, which again, works out pretty great. Maybe not so much for new miners, but I digress.

Anyway, CCP, you get a heartfelt 10/10 from me.
National Institute of Mental Health
#30 - 2013-06-04 16:17:35 UTC
I kind of agree that people investing time, effort and SP in previous hi-sec grav sites just got the shaft. However... this is expected anytime CCP performs a skill or mechanic change. Someone is going to lose out. I really hope you don't think that you and people who ran gravs are the only people getting the shaft from Odyssey.

Oh... the "protection" you spoke of in W-space was non-existent. People that live in that system BM'd the grav shortly after its creation. You were never safe from them. Newcomers simply d-scan and drop combats. It seems you're ignoring a new warning system, however. Instant, automated notification when a new sig appears... like when a new wormhole opens into your system.

Judging your post as a whole I think CCP responded before you posted... H.T.F.U.

Welcome to EvE. Can I haz your stuff?
0Lona 0ltor
Adeptio Gloriae
#31 - 2013-06-04 16:20:41 UTC
Funny the low sec system I'm in has 4 free belts 2 ice & 2 roid, not a single ship.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#32 - 2013-06-04 16:25:16 UTC
Karak Terrel wrote:
This is a really bad change. Until now I often found miners in w-space mining in some grav site. To sneak up on them without them noticing me was fun and not the easiest thing to do. I don't say it was supper challenging, but there was always the possibility they spot the probes in the 5-10s it took me to pin the site after I narrowed it down with d-scan.

Now I fear there will be no more miners as it is just too risky and a free kill for everyone. And even if there are still miners, you just completely killed the fun I had scanning them down.

What are you, simple?

They are quicker to find and thus easier to neut, board, capture, bind, torture, exsanguinate and pulp.

My Tainted Claret tanks on the Dragoon will have to be expanded considerably now.

As will my holding pens.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

The Frog Pond
#33 - 2013-06-04 16:30:13 UTC
Interesting, I never got the feeling anyone cared about the high sec grav belts. I never did them because in the time to find them and move my carp to mine them, I could have just as much or more isk sitting in the standard belts.

Still not really a fn of this change but we'll see. I think most mining systems in null will just end up getting bubbled to hell. :\

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Karak Terrel
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#34 - 2013-06-04 16:31:30 UTC
Nycodemis wrote:

Oh... the "protection" you spoke of in W-space was non-existent. People that live in that system BM'd the grav shortly after its creation.

What matters is that it "appeared" to be "save" and this encouraged mining under unsave conditions.
Argel OTF2
The Free Republic of OTF2
#35 - 2013-06-04 16:51:17 UTC
I have to say that even though I'm on board with a lot of this Odyssey stuff, the grav changes make absolutely no sense on in any way. I don't mine but I can appreciate how valuable a decent grav site was in the past, and how impractical it is to mine in low/null
Tenchi Sal
White Knights of Equestria
#36 - 2013-06-04 16:57:06 UTC
Its called the world of warcraft effect. In order to bring in more casual gamers, you have to dumb down the mechanics or some aspects of it. This is a perfect example.
Gordon Esil
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2013-06-04 17:12:05 UTC
Zifrian wrote:
Interesting, I never got the feeling anyone cared about the high sec grav belts. I never did them because in the time to find them and move my carp to mine them, I could have just as much or more isk sitting in the standard belts.

Still not really a fn of this change but we'll see. I think most mining systems in null will just end up getting bubbled to hell. :\

I do (before the patch) grav sites in the same system I mine normally in it only, I never bother to go to nearby systems and scan for grav sites because that is more time as you said to move your mining ship and get there then bring the ore back to home...

That was an awesome income, but I guess now I have to share it with others...
Cascades Mountain Operatives
#38 - 2013-06-04 17:14:02 UTC
HTFU and hire mercs to wardec them if it is the same corp all the time.

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Cascades Mountain Operatives
#39 - 2013-06-04 17:15:19 UTC
Tenchi Sal wrote:
Its called the world of warcraft effect. In order to bring in more casual gamers, you have to dumb down the mechanics or some aspects of it. This is a perfect example.

no, you friggen pathetic wannabe-elitist

this is why:

Zifrian wrote:
Interesting, I never got the feeling anyone cared about the high sec grav belts. I never did them because in the time to find them and move my carp to mine them, I could have just as much or more isk sitting in the standard belts.

Tedium and difficulty are not the same thing, if you don't realize this then STFU about game design.

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#40 - 2013-06-04 17:24:03 UTC
It is mining pvp now. fastest miner will get best rewards
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