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Issues, Workarounds & Localization

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Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#81 - 2013-06-02 13:33:57 UTC
Before downtime today , i was able to stay online without problems. But now i just got the socket error again. It suprises me no DEV has responded to this. I mean since this problem is worldwide you can't blame our providers ( I have two in my house and both give the same problem ). So please someone from CCP talk to us ffs.
Pothouse Cartel
#82 - 2013-06-02 14:36:30 UTC
Nende wrote:
Before downtime today , i was able to stay online without problems. But now i just got the socket error again. It suprises me no DEV has responded to this. I mean since this problem is worldwide you can't blame our providers ( I have two in my house and both give the same problem ). So please someone from CCP talk to us ffs.

I've now been connected since dt with no issues on 3 accounts after starting EVE from the exe in the bin folder.
Bypasses the new launcher and uses the old log in screen.
Up until that point i couldn't stay connected for more than a few mins.

Might wanna try it

#83 - 2013-06-03 14:51:39 UTC
i also start the game from the exefile.exe, but today... socket closed...
Pothouse Cartel
#84 - 2013-06-03 16:16:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Tuberider
Melrakal wrote:
i also start the game from the exefile.exe, but today... socket closed...

Yeh worked fine for me yesterday now all i get on every account is 'SOCKET CLOSED'

Can't stay connected for more than 1 minute on any account Evil

Is this being addressed ? we are paying for a game we cannot play
Pirates With Wings
#85 - 2013-06-04 00:49:41 UTC
ok.. this never happened to me until today 15 minutes ago i was doing a lvl4 mission i normally cut thru like butter. "Worlds collide" lvl4 . i was flying my expensive high sec paladin 1 bil with a 3-4 bil fitting. (totally 4-5 bil) and suddently in middle of the mission i got the "socket closed popup" was able to login again after a min.. but yeah right! i was in my capsule ship gone! all gone !

i know "dont fly what you cant afford to loose - but hey!! this is ****! i wil lquit play eve if they dont sort me out on this one.
Neo Gabriel
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#86 - 2013-06-04 02:32:54 UTC
I have always had this problem since I moved into this house in 2009.

It mostly only affects EVE online, because for some reason, packet loss causes the server to drop you. It is at heart a problem in the patch the information goes through form my computer to CCP's servers, somewhere in the real world wiring and routers.

I don't know how, but CCP guys, you need to code your s**t so that missed packets does not cause people to disconnect.

It is not reasonable to push the problem to "its your problem/your ISP's problem, we have no problem", because we can't do anything about the hardware in the streets. I cant just call ATT and tell them to route me some other way, because even if I use a proxy, i still have to use theirs and other people's lines, and that is where the problem is.

You need to figure out a way so that when a client is non/responsive for some time, you just keep regularly sending and re/sending what it has missed, and the client keeps doing the same thing the other way, until there is confirmation of reception of the packets. This way the client can catch up to the server (but not the other way around of course), without having to drop connection and causing problems in game. It will be like a normal lag spike that happens in any other game.

I would really like you to fix this issue that affects A LOT of people, because if i have to deal with losing another expensive clone or ship because of this I will unfortunately have to permanently close my accounts. And its not just the losses when they happen. Most of the time it doesn't lead to it, but it is the loss of control and the feeling of helplessness that comes over me every time when the client becomes unresponsive and I can feel what is about to happen.

This is all i have to say about this. Either you fix this or I will unfortunately have to leave.
Timcoden Cordana
Cordana Inc.
#87 - 2013-06-04 04:50:28 UTC
I too just encountered this error. Got a socket error while in space, now my guy is STILL online 'afk' in space (though thankfully cloaked). I can't log back in either, stuck on Authenticating.
Titus Veridius
#88 - 2013-06-04 04:55:07 UTC

I had nothing but occasional socket closed issues in the years that I've been playing Eve. Normally they are localized issues.

Since the new eve launcher when live, I've had a ridiculous and unplayable amount of socket closed messages. I have changed no hardware, and my internet connection does not appear, at least a laymen level to be suffering in obvious ways.

At least 10 people in my 60 man corp, are complaining of the same issues occuring following the new launcher going live. Unless I've missed a CCP post in this thread, it appears that the statement at this point is that this is most likely a local problem. However, 1/6th of my corp seems rather larger than normal level of problems.

Patch occurs. Game becomes unplayable. Logs show nothing.

I hope you guys are seriously looking into this and not writing this off. You've got about a month of the game being entirely unplayable before I unsubscribe all accounts. In the mean time, I will be trying everything I can, on my end to be sure this is indeed not a local issue.

Titus Veridius
#89 - 2013-06-04 05:39:19 UTC

Now, the launcher starts logging in, and freezes on authentication.

Connection Timeout - The server failed to acknowledge the client's response to the server's challenge within a reasonable amount of time

Gallente Federation
#90 - 2013-06-04 05:44:16 UTC
If you guys are not watching the other threads. Everyone who got the socket closed and then cant log back in, your accounts are still online. If you had ships in space they are still in space.
Caldari State
#91 - 2013-06-04 05:59:18 UTC
I am in the east coast USA and I have very reliable cable internet. I cannot log into Tranquility.
I just called my brother who is still in game with no problems. He says that I am still logged in.
Thankfully, I was just browsing contracts while docked when the socket closed on me. Something
is awry with the client and not with the networking as far as I am concerned.
Pirates With Wings
#92 - 2013-06-04 10:51:17 UTC
have you guys ever heard that anyone would have got compensaced for a shiploss caused by this socket closed issue ? couse i really hope i will ! i played this game since 2004 but this is my absolutely last day if they dont sort me out on this
Shelly Mac
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#93 - 2013-06-04 13:56:14 UTC
Roofius wrote:
have you guys ever heard that anyone would have got compensaced for a shiploss caused by this socket closed issue ? couse i really hope i will ! i played this game since 2004 but this is my absolutely last day if they dont sort me out on this

Iv not heard of them returning a ship because of socket errors...

So...can I have your stuff?
Pirates With Wings
#94 - 2013-06-04 15:21:34 UTC
Shelly Mac wrote:
Roofius wrote:
have you guys ever heard that anyone would have got compensaced for a shiploss caused by this socket closed issue ? couse i really hope i will ! i played this game since 2004 but this is my absolutely last day if they dont sort me out on this

Iv not heard of them returning a ship because of socket errors...

So...can I have your stuff?

what stuff? i just lost it all =(
Ashendie Via
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2013-06-04 16:48:13 UTC
Like others this is "Socket Closed" error is happening in intervals of 5-30mins to me. Again only after the Downtime yesterday (06/03).

I've re-installed EVE, Rebooted router, re-installed network card, checked open ports, updated GFX drivers, etc etc yet it makes no difference.

Very rarely did I ever get this error up until the downtime after the DDoS attack yesterday. Its not my ISP, Computer, EvE client or network.

I tried changing the port to 3724 and still no Joy.

Pirates With Wings
#96 - 2013-06-04 20:01:35 UTC
i just heard.. a friend of mine also lost hes 1.7bil ship exaclty in the same way =(
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2013-06-05 02:53:44 UTC
Same. Every time I log in after about 3min I get the socket closed error. Very frustrating. I would love to be able to play this game for a reasonable amount of time.
Tyler Chapman
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2013-06-05 03:57:50 UTC
I to have been getting this issue i am pretty new but i subed before the retribution pack and never had this once. After that was deployed i get it all the time. Ive lost 3 mining barges because of this idk how to fix it as im not good with the technical stuff hahaXD. But why hasn't a dev posted here we pay for this we should be seeing some sort of reply.
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#99 - 2013-06-05 09:13:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Lloyd Roses
Edit: way to many disconnects :<
#100 - 2013-06-05 09:47:14 UTC
Yeah this happening several times in a session for me-every day since new launcher was implemented.I can have clients closing-1 will stay up.Lost a few ships so far because of it.
I want to think the problem is at my end but-meh-so many comments on forums-several corpmates having same issue-i see a Hiatus from Eve on the horizon =\