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[Odyssey] Tech 1 Battleships - Gallente

First post
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2641 - 2013-06-03 09:57:42 UTC
TehCloud wrote:
ExAstra wrote:
Borderline OP Hyperion is best Hyperion. Don't care if they won't make fleet doctrines for it if I can rampage across low sec with it.

Wouldn't call it borderline OP, you can't field Ogre IIs unless you forsaken any chance of ever killing a frigate and you already lost some DPS with the 2 less turrets.

It will be one hell of a solo BS though.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Hyperion has 50m3 extra bay (after fitting 5x heavies) and a heavy nuet. The ship also has received a low slot that if used for a dmg mod allows the 6 turret hyperion with 50% dmg bonus to dish more than the old 8 turret hyperion of the past in armor setup.
Echoes of Silence
#2642 - 2013-06-03 11:24:01 UTC
TehCloud wrote:
I dare to say that boosters and probably a slaveset were involved in that fight.
But yes, it is one extremly strong ship if active tanked.

The Tank is strong, but the DPS aren't that great. But I happily trade some DPS for a utility high. A Heavy Neut can be worth so much :)

Can't wait for the changes to happen :3

/edit: forgot Off-Grid Boosters.

It's entirely possible. Though on Duality I never lost in a 1 on 1 with my Hyperion to another battleship, even some that were fitted specifically against me. My fit was slightly unconventional but hell did it work.

Even so, boosters aren't too uncommon for small gang pvp, where the Hyperion still shines brightly. I don't think it will see much use in large fleets but the Megathron I am almost certain will be seen more in large fleets, albeit it may not become a staple.

Or probably won't, rather.

Save the drones!

Mother Drone
Transcendent Breed
#2643 - 2013-06-03 11:51:08 UTC
ExAstra wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
I dare to say that boosters and probably a slaveset were involved in that fight.
But yes, it is one extremly strong ship if active tanked.

The Tank is strong, but the DPS aren't that great. But I happily trade some DPS for a utility high. A Heavy Neut can be worth so much :)

Can't wait for the changes to happen :3

/edit: forgot Off-Grid Boosters.

It's entirely possible. Though on Duality I never lost in a 1 on 1 with my Hyperion to another battleship, even some that were fitted specifically against me. My fit was slightly unconventional but hell did it work.

Even so, boosters aren't too uncommon for small gang pvp, where the Hyperion still shines brightly. I don't think it will see much use in large fleets but the Megathron I am almost certain will be seen more in large fleets, albeit it may not become a staple.

Or probably won't, rather.

Two things: Duality. Arranged 1vs.1. Nothing more to say about your "experience".

Now start playing "real" EvE low-sec and come back ...
Pr0 tip for all wannabe EFT warrior: even an awsome solo battleship is worthless when solo battleship fights are non existent / instant death.

Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2644 - 2013-06-03 12:59:34 UTC
Mother Drone wrote:

Two things: Duality. Arranged 1vs.1. Nothing more to say about your "experience".

Now start playing "real" EvE low-sec and come back ...
Pr0 tip for all wannabe EFT warrior: even an awsome solo battleship is worthless when solo battleship fights are non existent / instant death.

Hyperion is good for lowsec in its current form and will be amazing after the odyssey changes... I don't know how you could say "now start playing "real" eve low-sec" ect ect... The reality is that the hyperion has every little advantage an active armor tanker could have. It's got a massive tank, good dps 1k-1.1k, a utility high for nueting frigates, and 50m3 spare bay for dealing with frigs or for ecm drones....

I guarantee you that you will be seeing many "solo" Hyperions after the patch. I also guarantee you that taking a Solo fit hyperion with pills will be anything other than "instant death". The survivability shown by the new hyperion against multiple bs, some fitting nuets, is a great indicator of it's overall worthiness in it's role.
Guardians of the Dodixie
#2645 - 2013-06-03 13:08:57 UTC
Hyperion will NOT be awesome for solo pvp in lowsec for one special reason:

It lacks a midslot.
You either have to play without a propmod, allowing you to fit neutrons, or you play without ECCM, which means a griffin alone could be your demise.

On paper, the ship is awesome, but ingame it's easy to counter. A still remains aa strong ship, but as I said it's easy to counter.

My Condor costs less than that module!

Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2646 - 2013-06-03 13:22:47 UTC
TehCloud wrote:
Hyperion will NOT be awesome for solo pvp in lowsec for one special reason:

It lacks a midslot.
You either have to play without a propmod, allowing you to fit neutrons, or you play without ECCM, which means a griffin alone could be your demise.

On paper, the ship is awesome, but ingame it's easy to counter. A still remains aa strong ship, but as I said it's easy to counter.

So wait, 6 or more mids are now required for an armor ship to be viable in solo pvp? What a ******* joke of a rebuttal....

As for it being easy to counter... Going to be far harder to counter than a Sleipnir or Maelstrom due to far more drones and a heavy nuet. Both The sleipnir and Maelstrom have done bang up jobs in lowsec.

Echoes of Silence
#2647 - 2013-06-03 14:18:52 UTC
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
Hyperion will NOT be awesome for solo pvp in lowsec for one special reason:

It lacks a midslot.
You either have to play without a propmod, allowing you to fit neutrons, or you play without ECCM, which means a griffin alone could be your demise.

On paper, the ship is awesome, but ingame it's easy to counter. A still remains aa strong ship, but as I said it's easy to counter.

So wait, 6 or more mids are now required for an armor ship to be viable in solo pvp? What a ******* joke of a rebuttal....

As for it being easy to counter... Going to be far harder to counter than a Sleipnir or Maelstrom due to far more drones and a heavy nuet. Both The sleipnir and Maelstrom have done bang up jobs in lowsec.

Leave it man, the changes are going through regardless of what they believe. They can whine as they like.

Save the drones!

Bouh Revetoile
In Wreck we thrust
#2648 - 2013-06-03 18:48:56 UTC
I guess a ship will never be OP enough for some people to be worth flying...
Perihelion Olenard
#2649 - 2013-06-03 21:29:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Perihelion Olenard
TehCloud wrote:
Hyperion will NOT be awesome for solo pvp in lowsec for one special reason:

It lacks a midslot.
You either have to play without a propmod, allowing you to fit neutrons, or you play without ECCM, which means a griffin alone could be your demise.

On paper, the ship is awesome, but ingame it's easy to counter. A still remains aa strong ship, but as I said it's easy to counter.

Sounds like you need to hop in a navy Dominix if you really need six mids to solo in an armor-tanking ship.
Guardians of the Dodixie
#2650 - 2013-06-04 05:38:30 UTC
Perihelion Olenard wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
Hyperion will NOT be awesome for solo pvp in lowsec for one special reason:

It lacks a midslot.
You either have to play without a propmod, allowing you to fit neutrons, or you play without ECCM, which means a griffin alone could be your demise.

On paper, the ship is awesome, but ingame it's easy to counter. A still remains aa strong ship, but as I said it's easy to counter.

Sounds like you need to hop in a navy Dominix if you really need six mids to solo in an armor-tanking ship.

All I'm saying with that is, you will get killed easily, because you have to either fly without a propmod, or without eccm, if theres a BB or a Falcon and you have no eccm, the fight's already over.

My Condor costs less than that module!

Echoes of Silence
#2651 - 2013-06-04 11:17:52 UTC
The fight's also over if you get hot dropped, or run into a really well organized gate camp. Or a small gang with heavy logistics support. Or a 50 man frigate fleet.

Better not undock, I guess.

Save the drones!

Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#2652 - 2013-06-04 12:25:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerick Ludhowe
TehCloud wrote:
Perihelion Olenard wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
Hyperion will NOT be awesome for solo pvp in lowsec for one special reason:

It lacks a midslot.
You either have to play without a propmod, allowing you to fit neutrons, or you play without ECCM, which means a griffin alone could be your demise.

On paper, the ship is awesome, but ingame it's easy to counter. A still remains aa strong ship, but as I said it's easy to counter.

Sounds like you need to hop in a navy Dominix if you really need six mids to solo in an armor-tanking ship.

All I'm saying with that is, you will get killed easily, because you have to either fly without a propmod, or without eccm, if theres a BB or a Falcon and you have no eccm, the fight's already over.

Dude, the fight is more or less over in any ship if you're solo and a hostile gang you're fighting has heavy ecm support....

You're just bringing up over the top extremes in an attempt to disprove that the Hyperion is going to be beast mode solo ship...

Lucky for us (the non idiots) it's patch day and we can start trolling the space lanes in our new 2k+ tank hyperions with over the top drone bays, utility high, and 1.1k dps.
Guardians of the Dodixie
#2653 - 2013-06-04 15:23:26 UTC  |  Edited by: TehCloud
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
Perihelion Olenard wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
Hyperion will NOT be awesome for solo pvp in lowsec for one special reason:

It lacks a midslot.
You either have to play without a propmod, allowing you to fit neutrons, or you play without ECCM, which means a griffin alone could be your demise.

On paper, the ship is awesome, but ingame it's easy to counter. A still remains aa strong ship, but as I said it's easy to counter.

Sounds like you need to hop in a navy Dominix if you really need six mids to solo in an armor-tanking ship.

All I'm saying with that is, you will get killed easily, because you have to either fly without a propmod, or without eccm, if theres a BB or a Falcon and you have no eccm, the fight's already over.

Dude, the fight is more or less over in any ship if you're solo and a hostile gang you're fighting has heavy ecm support....

You're just bringing up over the top extremes in an attempt to disprove that the Hyperion is going to be beast mode solo ship...

Lucky for us (the non idiots) it's patch day and we can start trolling the space lanes in our new 2k+ tank hyperions with over the top drone bays, utility high, and 1.1k dps.

Hyperion is a great solo ship, i never denied that. I just said it's not as awesome as people think it to be, and by no means OP, since it can be counterd easily. Almost every lowsec fights ends in ecm spam, this kills the ship, but to be fair, that kills most ships.

@ExAstra, almost every little lowsec guy has ecm either fitted, or drones, or an alt in a falcon. Being hotdropped or getting into a gang is far less frequently, though not uncommon :3

/edit: I like how people react as if I'd claim the hyperion is a bad ship, i love this ship already and now even more. I just say how it is, the ship is strong, but easy to counter.

My Condor costs less than that module!

drake duka
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2654 - 2013-06-04 16:32:41 UTC
TehCloud wrote:
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
Perihelion Olenard wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
Hyperion will NOT be awesome for solo pvp in lowsec for one special reason:

It lacks a midslot.
You either have to play without a propmod, allowing you to fit neutrons, or you play without ECCM, which means a griffin alone could be your demise.

On paper, the ship is awesome, but ingame it's easy to counter. A still remains aa strong ship, but as I said it's easy to counter.

Sounds like you need to hop in a navy Dominix if you really need six mids to solo in an armor-tanking ship.

All I'm saying with that is, you will get killed easily, because you have to either fly without a propmod, or without eccm, if theres a BB or a Falcon and you have no eccm, the fight's already over.

Dude, the fight is more or less over in any ship if you're solo and a hostile gang you're fighting has heavy ecm support....

You're just bringing up over the top extremes in an attempt to disprove that the Hyperion is going to be beast mode solo ship...

Lucky for us (the non idiots) it's patch day and we can start trolling the space lanes in our new 2k+ tank hyperions with over the top drone bays, utility high, and 1.1k dps.

Hyperion is a great solo ship, i never denied that. I just said it's not as awesome as people think it to be, and by no means OP, since it can be counterd easily. Almost every lowsec fights ends in ecm spam, this kills the ship, but to be fair, that kills most ships.

@ExAstra, almost every little lowsec guy has ecm either fitted, or drones, or an alt in a falcon. Being hotdropped or getting into a gang is far less frequently, though not uncommon :3

/edit: I like how people react as if I'd claim the hyperion is a bad ship, i love this ship already and now even more. I just say how it is, the ship is strong, but easy to counter.

These are problems with solo pvp (especially bs) in general. Any single ship is countered easily, very obvious. You have to compare it to other solo bs to see how it performs relative to them.

Hyperion will be extremely strong relative to its peers. Since solo nano-bs isn't a possibility except for mach or tempest (lol), hype will be by far the best solo bs.
Maximus Aerelius
#2655 - 2013-06-06 20:45:36 UTC
When are these going be unstickied to give Page 1 back to Player Posts? Odyssey is in and the Feedback and Issues threads are active. Why not replace these with a "Link Sticky" to those two threads?

We all know how lazy we are to go clicking...wait for it...past Page 3 of this Forum section. Blink
Leucy Kerastase
#2656 - 2013-06-30 07:27:05 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
I also want to mention here that while the drone system overall needs looking at, we here on the balance team have some short term ideas for helping the usability of sentry drones – no timeframe on them as of yet, but its something we have in mind.

^^ Still no news on this yet? Really looking forward to hearing what this is going to be like.