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Unscheduled downtime - Friday, May 31st, 2013

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Black Wormholes of Apocrypha
#101 - 2013-05-31 12:26:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Poegeryn
Green Sur wrote:
I can see most of you have not played Star Trek Online. The down time on here compared to there is nothing.

One of the reasons why we dont play STO. We play eve online instead, because their servers are rock solid.
Melinko Shadowlord
Greystone Ind.
#102 - 2013-05-31 12:28:06 UTC
Here's an Idea, - Take some of that 300,000 X $20 = $6 MILLION bucks p/mo, and get a backup server. Raid them together, and when changing things around, leave one of them alone, so us clients can use it while you find out if the changes work or not..
It would save you having to tell us we get no compensation for your more than once per year failures. :D

Oh, and alternate the down-times, so the other half of the world can get good resources without having to play at 4 in the morning..
Major Floor
F.U.N. Inc.
The Ancients.
#103 - 2013-05-31 12:34:24 UTC
Melinko Shadowlord wrote:
Here's an Idea, - Take some of that 300,000 X $20 = $6 MILLION bucks p/mo, and get a backup server. Raid them together, and when changing things around, leave one of them alone, so us clients can use it while you find out if the changes work or not..
It would save you having to tell us we get no compensation for your more than once per year failures. :D

Oh, and alternate the down-times, so the other half of the world can get good resources without having to play at 4 in the morning..

Rage quit already.

@CCP Thanks for the updates. :)
Jed Clampett
#104 - 2013-05-31 12:34:46 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
Steijn wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
Steijn wrote:
Why did u bring TQ up 15 minutes early when this problem has existed for at least 2 hours? This should have been looked at during the scheduled DT.

Derp - the problem probably didn't exist until they brought the servers up after downtime.

Any more sage advice for people that already know how to do their jobs better than you?

I would check your facts before you start making comments that are false. There were numerous dcs, socket closures, occurences of lag etc. etc since 0900 at least.

Apologies for calling you out - I did just say "probably" though. The servers worked just fine for me up to downtime, so my POV was different from yours.

I still say CCP knows how to run their servers better than the "experts" in the forums though. If they shut down the servers, no one can connect, and they can't trace unknown connection problems then, can they?

Yup users are free gerbils and lab rats. But FYI CCP should be able to connect their own in-house test network to their outbound link. That way they can see the whole round trip to know if its problem on their end or generic Internet.

I suspect bringing servers up had lots more to do with upper management wishful thinking that problem might just die away on its own or better yet lost program bits on server were responsible and everything would be fixed by reboot.

Considering the typical time for real debug efforts -- attempting to fix it by reboot is where you typically start. At most you waste 15-30 minutes and eliminate problem being memory bits temporarily flipped by radiation etc. ECC memory only takes care of so many flipped bits per word.
Lady Areola Fappington
#105 - 2013-05-31 12:36:34 UTC
Melinko Shadowlord wrote:
Here's an Idea, - Take some of that 300,000 X $20 = $6 MILLION bucks p/mo, and get a backup server. Raid them together, and when changing things around, leave one of them alone, so us clients can use it while you find out if the changes work or not..
It would save you having to tell us we get no compensation for your more than once per year failures. :D

Oh, and alternate the down-times, so the other half of the world can get good resources without having to play at 4 in the morning..

Wow, you really know absolutely nothing about how database clusters work, do you?

Hint #1: It's not "a server". It's hundreds of blades all hooked together, with assorted support hardware attached.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Jed Clampett
#106 - 2013-05-31 12:40:22 UTC
Melinko Shadowlord wrote:
Here's an Idea, - Take some of that 300,000 X $20 = $6 MILLION bucks p/mo, and get a backup server. Raid them together, and when changing things around, leave one of them alone, so us clients can use it while you find out if the changes work or not..
It would save you having to tell us we get no compensation for your more than once per year failures. :D

Oh, and alternate the down-times, so the other half of the world can get good resources without having to play at 4 in the morning..

Resource fairness? You are way behind on Odyssey news. No alternating DT is needed. Ice belts to anomalies includes distributing daily resources spawned throughout whole day. You can be sure ore will follow as soon as CCP is sure how to keep amount of resources tuned between hi, lo and null sec.
F1k Anderson
Obvious Troll Corp
#107 - 2013-05-31 12:40:52 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
The Tranquility cluster has been taken offline as of 11:45 UTC in order to enable us to address several issues that have occurred this morning.

We currently have no ETA for the server to be brought back online, however we will update this forum thread as and when more information becomes available.

We apologize for this unexpected downtime, and any inconvenience it may cause.

UPDATE - 11:45 UTC - Tranquility Offline
UPDATE - 11:55 UTC - Tranquility has been brought back on line for testing
UPDATE - 12:11 UTC - Tranquility is back online

Any leads on the cause? Network issues or was it software?
Jed Clampett
#108 - 2013-05-31 12:55:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Jed Clampett
Melinko Shadowlord wrote:
Here's an Idea, - Take some of that 300,000 X $20 = $6 MILLION bucks p/mo, and get a backup server. Raid them together, and when changing things around, leave one of them alone, so us clients can use it while you find out if the changes work or not..
It would save you having to tell us we get no compensation for your more than once per year failures. :D

Oh, and alternate the down-times, so the other half of the world can get good resources without having to play at 4 in the morning..

Exactly how long do you wait between patches? How big do you allow next accumulated patch to grow?


(1) issues with patches do not always show up on day 1 or show only in presence of later pieces of total change placed in later patches. So a few days wait between patches is good but longer maybe only delaying discovery.

(2) The more you hold onto unchanged copy of software...the longer it takes to fix current bug list.

On the whole CCP does a extremely good job pushing out patches in small manageable chunks without holding back overall rate of fixes and progress - Although I occasionally question the wisdom of particular patches being passed out without extra care (especially ones with which need to evolve full in game impacts) .

I sort of got my fingers crossed about Odyssey: not so much from code standpoint as much as from viewpoint of how the in game player dynamics will resolve. CCP may well have misestimated how players will react. More fortunes could be gained and closed than expected and more POS closed. Should be exciting and after all shouldn't CCP get some thrills from the economic-political resolution as well?

P.S. CCP has not had to do it in a while but they can reload EVE to a prior day's software and data in about 6 hours if nothing else goes wrong hardware-wise. So its more a question of when things have gone so terribly wrong that fail back is required. RAID/backup sites do nothing until critical error is detected.
Maia Moirai
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#109 - 2013-05-31 12:58:49 UTC
Green Sur wrote:
I can see most of you have not played Star Trek Online. The down time on here compared to there is nothing. On this game you do no have the lag or the emergency maintenance that they do. It is like every other day. Also when the server goes down over here you know that the problem is going to get fixed. On Star Trek Online they just make things worse. They add content without fixing the problems they already had so this new content adds even more problems. I am glad that these people take pride in making a great game for us to play.

STO is responsible for me coming back to Eve. I joined STO and was having a reasonable bit of fun. It reminded me of all the fun I had playing Eve a few years before, except it was free, and I've been a lifelong Trekkie, so I thought it was a better choice for me. I had just made Captain and got myself a Defiant-class ship, which I had been looking forward to since I joined. But the day I got the ship there was a bug in which you couldn't assign bridge officers to your ship, so I couldn't take my shiny new Defiant out for some pew-pew.

In my boredom, I reinstalled Eve and began a trial, just to make sure it would run on my current laptop and that I still liked it. Within a few hours I had reactivated my account. STO probably fixed that bug the next day, but I've never logged in to find out.
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#110 - 2013-05-31 13:10:12 UTC
Melinko Shadowlord wrote:
Here's an Idea, - Take some of that 300,000 X $20 = $6 MILLION bucks p/mo, and get a backup server. Raid them together, and when changing things around, leave one of them alone, so us clients can use it while you find out if the changes work or not..
It would save you having to tell us we get no compensation for your more than once per year failures. :D

Oh, and alternate the down-times, so the other half of the world can get good resources without having to play at 4 in the morning..

You really have no idea how server clusters work do you ?
You're picturing a PC box in a room somewhere, aren't you ?
HindSight Pergatory
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#111 - 2013-05-31 13:20:54 UTC
Holy smokes.. the server was down for what, an extra 45 minutes? an hour? I understand that for some this is around peak time, luckily in my case. normal maintenance happens when my head is keeping my pillow from jumping off the bed and attempting suicide, but come on now.. lets not bash CCP so easily and hastily.. there are far more worse MMO's wit regrads to downtime and not to mention I personally cant remember in the almost 4 months I have been playing that the server was offline outside of maintenance. Maybe I am just lucky but lets be fair here.. these servers seem pretty reliable to me..


Jess Semah
#112 - 2013-05-31 13:25:36 UTC
AU prime killed again.
Melgrin LeNain
Dwarven Pulsar Incorporation
#113 - 2013-05-31 13:29:30 UTC
Aaaaah ! What stress ! I was just undocking my Nemesis from a non-friendly space station in curse when I got disconnected several times :D

however, thanks to cloak, the ship's still intact. But, pfew ! That was close.

Anyway, hope the problem will be fixed soon.
Fred P
Carebears of New Eden
#114 - 2013-05-31 13:47:55 UTC
Looking at the latest comments, it seems to me like people can now log in to the game. But my launcher still launches in offline mode, as it has done since I got out of bed almost four hours ago. All my other internet related things are still working fine, so this is a bit of a puzzler. Are people logged in to the game now, or am I misunderstanding something?
Lister Dax
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#115 - 2013-05-31 13:57:03 UTC
Melinko Shadowlord wrote:
Here's an Idea, - Take some of that 300,000 X $20 = $6 MILLION bucks p/mo

Ah forum maths at work Roll
ENAs 117
#116 - 2013-05-31 14:11:19 UTC
Fred P wrote:
Looking at the latest comments, it seems to me like people can now log in to the game. But my launcher still launches in offline mode, as it has done since I got out of bed almost four hours ago. All my other internet related things are still working fine, so this is a bit of a puzzler. Are people logged in to the game now, or am I misunderstanding something?

Im logged in fine, try running ur repair tool?
Ninja Kittens
#117 - 2013-05-31 14:15:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Cataire
*beating a dead horse with something other than a stick*

they prollably only make a minimum profit running this game. they have a power bill that is probably 30% of their income. they ave payroll that might be another 30%, their internet bill omg i dont even have an idea how much their connection might cost, buisness grade t3 or some other form of fiber optic line...... and the random hardware repairs/replacements they dont tell us about.

they might make a total of 5 to 10% profit on what they charge us for having a good time. keep the forum math to a minimum and we might not have the problem of someone dividing by 0.
TorakTu Yabu
Amarr Empire
#118 - 2013-05-31 14:16:39 UTC
I logged in just fine. Thanks CCP for getting it back up as soon as you could.

Your looking at me....  Fascinating.

Fred P
Carebears of New Eden
#119 - 2013-05-31 14:22:17 UTC
ENAGIZA Thor wrote:
Fred P wrote:
Looking at the latest comments, it seems to me like people can now log in to the game. But my launcher still launches in offline mode, as it has done since I got out of bed almost four hours ago. All my other internet related things are still working fine, so this is a bit of a puzzler. Are people logged in to the game now, or am I misunderstanding something?

Im logged in fine, try running ur repair tool?

I did before writing my comment, it failed the first time, but the second time it went fine. My launcher still launches in offline mode.
Fred P
Carebears of New Eden
#120 - 2013-05-31 14:34:25 UTC
Apparently I just had to restart the launcher enough times for it to figure out that there was an update or something.