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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Naomi Hale
#1 - 2013-05-28 22:36:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Naomi Hale
In response to my post in another thread, this is more what I would have liked Archaeology to be like...

You discover something and scan it

Which leads to...

Using science and industry skills to study it and narrow down other linked sites

so you...

Fly there and discover more clues

which then goes to...

More exploration of New Eden's history, landmarks and scenic vistas

and so on and so on, until...

The resulting data and notes from your search are turned into interested factions, thus leading to rewards, standing, knowledge and a feeling of accomplishment

Added future features...

Incarna lab to study discoveries


Cartography room to view results and plan your next move.

(Thanks to CCP, Bioware, Square-Enix and Relic for some of the art)

Not suggesting you change the existing idea or implement this, just saying, in an ideal world, this is what I would have liked EVE Achaeology to be like.

PI Archaeology link idea further down

I'm Naomi Hale and this is my favourite thread on the forums.

Vesan Terakol
Trollgrin Sadface
Dark Taboo
#2 - 2013-05-29 00:50:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Vesan Terakol
If it also includes a chance to find Sajuuk, I'm totally backing you!

Now, aside from Homeworld, I'd love to see archeology being actually different from hacking - all the year I've been playing EVE i kept wondering why we have 2 different modules that happen to do precisely the same, but just bear different names.
Archeology/hacking now - find site, kill rats, lock box, push button and wait.
Archeology/hacking in a couple of weeks - find site, push button, complete mini game and then chase after stuff, flying in space.
I still don't see a reason to carry 2 "different" modules :(

I like your idea of finding, lets call it notes and photos for the purpose of simplicity - those are a rather good way of introducing little bits of lore to an MMO. If you could every time get a new piece, some of which maybe connected to each other like a jigsaw puzzle and each set tied to a particular area - that would be fun to do - every time being tingled by the prospect to find the last piece you need for something. Of course, such "notes and pictures"would take significant development time in order to provide sufficient variety, so they should be best kept at minimal size, so new cane produced at regular basis, without taking much resources, best allocated elsewhere.
Scuzzy Logic
Space Spuds
#3 - 2013-05-29 12:52:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Scuzzy Logic
You know, the hacking mini-game, despite its flaws, is quite addicting and I find that EVE would only profit from modular, re-useable projects like these for various professions. Adding this and maybe 1 more minigame for research or something would be the sweet spot.

I fully endorse this idea/product.

Ves, carrying 2 different modules wouldn't anger me if they each had their own different minigame. Hale's proposition would have me waste a midslot on a lot of my ships by the off chance I find something interesting in a mission or encounter site.

Theres no reason evidence should be linked to probing.

Clues should drop by as a bonus reward (think included in the scenery, which you'd have to analyze) for doing various missions and professions in a given area for so long that you finally get all the clues to complete your archeology project for Region X.

For example, have the hull drop in mining missions, the engine module in an encounter mission, the main hull in a gas site and the black box in a hacking site.
Hell, you could have a courrier mission where you'd be carrying a clue and have to chose to keep the clue and forfeit the mission or do it as usual.
Then, afterwards, have the players assemble the clues in Incarna to create a bookmark to a site (could be hacking, encounter or anything else) which would have a small treasure trove of goodies (from a tower BPO to a storyline mod to a half-freighterful of tritanium or synth boosters. Nothing economy-wrecking, but still fun to loot as a bonus to the other things you were doing.)

This would help deter overspecialisation in favor of people doing all the things New Eden has to offer.

Worst case, people trading clues (hello local station market boosts) will stimulate people to go to different places to do their missioning and not just mission hubs. I'd love to do the l3 Missions in SoE space (Sanctuary has no L4s, go go gadget recycling dead game content) if it meant I got a treasure cache of fun stuff after doing a dozen encounters, hacking sites and missions in their space. Doesn't mean I'd go live there, but I'd have fun going.

As far as rewards go, maybe a SoE would have a prototype stabilized wormhole/jump bridge to Jita only useable by people who completed a relic, which would collapse after 10 days or so of being discovered, making repeating the process every week or so feel rewarding while keeping the novelty of getting it once. various regions would have various bonuses, like Thukker Space giving a broken down trit convoy, blood raider space dropping an implant cache, Sansha having a trove of slave-labour-manufactured PI and guristas having a lump of stolen caldari disassembled ships. Now just do the same thing for various regions in empire factions (not every region needs this, try to increace traffic in western Amarr space near the EVE gate for example) and you're set.
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#4 - 2013-05-29 15:13:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Humang
Excellent presentation, well done.

On topic, it seems a bit complex and a lot of effort to complete. But I do like the "clues that lead to clues" concept, it plays into what I think of when someone says "archaeology" very nicely.

I would suggest a method to scan all items on-grid to find anomalies, use an analyser on the object (another mini-game maybe), then launch into the "clues to clues" concept, use the same process on the next site as described before, that eventually leads to a reward.

Lots of potential, just possibly complex to integrate.

EDIT: Now that I think of it, that discovery codex is an awesome idea.

AFK cloaking thread Summary - Provided by Paikis Good Post Etiquette - Provided by CCP Grayscale

Tramlaw Trub
Adventure Science Industries
#5 - 2013-05-31 07:17:46 UTC
Saw this in the original test feedback thread and was in love with the idea. I do come and go in Eve, but man this would sure make me stick around a while, especially if there was some sort of PI and/or Dust tie-in for planetary wreckage/sites. I imagine it could even fit in with the dynamic/branching mission work hinted at so long ago its probably mostly forgotten.

Progression could be interesting too with say 2-5 step discovery in hi-sec (highly populated, safe and explored) to a multi-branching adventure requiring choices, dead ends, and heavy cooperation to "solve" in low/null (less populated/explored space). It would even allow folks to use their exploration skills to find clues and possibly have them contract/group with folks that have high science/invention skills to work out the analysis (fun and interesting mini-games all around, ofc). With multiple vectors for "starting" the discovery, you could even get a nice bit of alternative (and not so alternative) pvp as you race other explorers/teams to the discovery.

What's really exciting is if the underlying system is relatively generic enough, this system coupled with live events would be an amazing way to introduce new content/expansions. As explorers, we should run into the weird/new stuff first, right? Cool
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#6 - 2013-05-31 07:30:28 UTC
I like the general idea and kudos for the quality mockups. Also, nice one for your qualifier at the end of your post. Good idea, well presented and not pushy.

Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#7 - 2013-05-31 08:02:27 UTC
Just posting to say I fully support the idea.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

Naomi Hale
#8 - 2013-05-31 09:32:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Naomi Hale
Tramlaw Trub wrote:
Saw this in the original test feedback thread and was in love with the idea. I do come and go in Eve, but man this would sure make me stick around a while, especially if there was some sort of PI and/or Dust tie-in for planetary wreckage/sites. I imagine it could even fit in with the dynamic/branching mission work hinted at so long ago its probably mostly forgotten.

Progression could be interesting too with say 2-5 step discovery in hi-sec (highly populated, safe and explored) to a multi-branching adventure requiring choices, dead ends, and heavy cooperation to "solve" in low/null (less populated/explored space). It would even allow folks to use their exploration skills to find clues and possibly have them contract/group with folks that have high science/invention skills to work out the analysis (fun and interesting mini-games all around, ofc). With multiple vectors for "starting" the discovery, you could even get a nice bit of alternative (and not so alternative) pvp as you race other explorers/teams to the discovery.

What's really exciting is if the underlying system is relatively generic enough, this system coupled with live events would be an amazing way to introduce new content/expansions. As explorers, we should run into the weird/new stuff first, right? Cool

For Dust and Planetary tie-ins I figure that capsuleer's could hire dust troops (with contracts) to secure crash/dig sites, raid storage facilities and Empire museums for relics, data and artifacts, attack other capsuleer's station storage or CQ for their data or relics (capture, hold and extraction gameplay, of course the only way another player would know you had something worth stealing is if you are careless in who you tell Lol).

PI could have planetside research and computing structures that boost your analysis speeds as you split the data processing between facilities and planetary based radio telescopes and cartography labs that add bonuses to finding sites in space. These could also, possibly, be subject to Dust troop attack, especially the larger corp district based versions of the structures.

The branching mission thing is why I mentioned in my feedback post (here) something like this being easier to implament after CCP beef up the Epic missions, PI, Incarna, Lore and the new Hacking as it would feature the same or similar elements within archaeology to complete a project and linking them will be easer to implament.

This system could be very skill and time intensive and work on individual leads for/from discoveries could be handled by groups or corps. A solo pilot could still do it, just at a slower rate.

The ideas are limitless really... I may need to do more mock-ups.

(P.S. Thanks to all for their kind words and support Big smile)

I'm Naomi Hale and this is my favourite thread on the forums.

Tramlaw Trub
Adventure Science Industries
#9 - 2013-05-31 19:07:31 UTC
Naomi Hale wrote:

For Dust and Planetary tie-ins I figure that capsuleer's could hire dust troops (with contracts) to secure crash/dig sites, raid storage facilities and Empire museums for relics, data and artifacts, attack other capsuleer's station storage or CQ for their data or relics (capture, hold and extraction gameplay, of course the only way another player would know you had something worth stealing is if you are careless in who you tell Lol).

Oh the opportunities for the spies!

Naomi Hale wrote:

PI could have planetside research and computing structures that boost your analysis speeds as you split the data processing between facilities and planetary based radio telescopes and cartography labs that add bonuses to finding sites in space. These could also, possibly, be subject to Dust troop attack, especially the larger corp district based versions of the structures.

Love the idea. Perhaps something along these lines could even be pulled off in the nearer term:

  1. Discovery leads to some planet-based clue
  2. Hire mercs to secure the site (DUST PVE option along with the drone stuff?)
  3. Site secured, drop a small temporary pi setup including "base camp" pins with "dig site" radials like extractors. Optionally add the need for research assistants and scientists as "fuel" and/or for additional bonuses
  4. artifacts and clues extracted and shuttled to POCO or launched and retrieved from orbit
  5. profit??

Naomi Hale wrote:

The branching mission thing is why I mentioned in my feedback post (here) something like this being easier to implament after CCP beef up the Epic missions, PI, Incarna, Lore and the new Hacking as it would feature the same or similar elements within archaeology to complete a project and linking them will be easer to implament.

This system could be very skill and time intensive and work on individual leads for/from discoveries could be handled by groups or corps. A solo pilot could still do it, just at a slower rate.

I think the solo players role here could easily fit into a sort of freelance explorer, finding small subsets of larger discoveries and selling the (still valuable) artifacts, salvage, and clues to others to carry out the rest. It still gives the solo and small group players a way to participate without having to do all the organized group stuff they'd rather avoid. It would be neat to have a dedicated archaeologist player able to even contract bits and pieces of the discovery process to these small/solo groups while pursuing the bigger payoff at the end of the discovery. Emergent, interactive, and comes kinda close to player run missions maybe.

Naomi Hale wrote:

The ideas are limitless really... I may need to do more mock-ups.

Please do; they're really awesome and inspiring. If I'm still subbed and you run for CSM on an exploration platform, you've got my vote.
Jonas Sukarala
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-05-31 19:12:50 UTC
maybe archaeology could be planet based instead i.e.
you have to warp to the planet and then by magic you are transported to the planet in ... oh wait WiS doesn't work yet.... mmm...

'Tech3 ships need to be put down, like a rabid dog drooling everywhere in the house, they are out of line' CCP Ytterbium Nerf missile range into place where is the TD missile change?  ..projectiles should use capacitor. ABC's should be T2 HABC and nerf web strength its still too high

Panopticon Engineering
#11 - 2013-05-31 19:32:57 UTC
Interesting idea. A few things however.

1. Some information should be useable by capsuleers, such as the creation of new technology and the like.

2. I want to feel like Indiana Jones.

The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

Naomi Hale
#12 - 2013-06-03 16:44:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Naomi Hale
Archaeology - Planetary Interaction

Concept image

Okay, an idea for PI to link into my Archaeology feature. Unlike the current PI, which I think of as industrial, this is for more science based structures.

So you start with an 'Expedition Command Centre' (or ECC) this serves the same purpose as the current command centre, providing power, CPU, limited storage and a basic launch capability, but players will be unable to place both types of commands on the same planet. The ECC also counts toward your 'Interplanetary Consolidation' skill limit. This forces the player to choose between the (somewhat) certain income of industrial PI or the riskier but more rewarding exploration and science approach.

From the ECC you can deploy a 'Survey Drone' over an adjustable area of the planet. It's purpose is to fly over the area and search for anomalies and potential excavation sites. The actual working is similar to the current PI mining survey, you plan/set the length of time the drone will be gone, the longer the survey the wider the area covered, you then place a pin at the central point of the area you wish to search.

Any discoveries will be highlighted in the planet view and notifications will be sent to the Discovery Codex (whether this happens during or only at the end of a survey is up for debate). Varying skills, time of year, sovereignty, recent system activities, current lore, planets and their location within New Eden affect the probability of a discovery.

Once you have discovered something you send out the 'Excavation Crawler', a land vehicle with a small team to pinpoint, uncover and if possible return any relics, data or clues to the ECC. Crawlers work similar to drones but with a smaller area of activity and a fixed time to complete their job, which is decided by the type of anomaly or discovery.

With both the drone and crawler, overlapping areas of activity diminish productivity (again similar to current PI mining)

Additional Buildings

Radio Telescope – Able to detect potential sites of interest in space and provide a rough location to the Capsuleer. Increased numbers, upgrades and skills narrow the results from whole regions to a few solar systems, the player then needs to fly there and probe down what the telescope detected.

Cartography Facility – Refines the possible location results from analysing relics and data. Only works for certain types of discoveries, does little on it's own but building one provides a boost to the players analysis report accuracy.

R&D Facility – Reduces the time needed to study relics and physical discoveries. Upgrading the facility increases the bonus.

Data Processing Facility – Similar to the R&D Facility but works to reduce the time needed to study data and sensor readings.

Data Bandwidth – Unlike current PI that uses transport links to move goods, the exploration PI uses data links that carry a limited bandwidth, players are able to upgrade this to match the increased data being send to and from facilities.

Finally, it should go without saying that the lower the 'Sec' of a system the higher the chance of discovery, but it can also affect the type of discovery. Empire system are move likely to provide relics and projects relating to those Empires, null and low sec have higher chances of pirate and discoveries based on EVE's wider lore and story. Wormholes and new systems reachable by player built Stargates would have higher chances of truly unknown and mysterious encounter (though wormholes do have a higher Sleeper/Talocan discovery chance).

Cartography 2nd Concept as first is unclear

I'm Naomi Hale and this is my favourite thread on the forums.

Alec Polaris
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-06-03 16:53:13 UTC
I like this idea. It would make Archaeology more of what you would expect it to actually be upon first hearing of it. I certainly thought it would be some sort of clue based adventure profession that would take me to different corners of the universe in an attempt to solve some sort of mystery. I hope they implement something like this in the future, since they have already stated that they wanted to improve the side professions and integrate them into the universe in a better way than they are currently.
Naomi Hale
#14 - 2013-06-04 22:21:20 UTC
From the depths to the surface.

I'm Naomi Hale and this is my favourite thread on the forums.