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Odyssey: The Big Lie - Let's bring back exploration in exploration.

First post
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#41 - 2013-05-26 18:43:09 UTC
It's been done. W-Space.

Jump into a wormhole and forget about the exit. Go straight ahead.

You will find temporary paths to attack an enemy. Hisec exits that will help your logistics. Traverse chain of wormholes to find yourself in a desolate corner of null that could prove to be quite profitable for the expedition - or dangerous.

What most people demand it would seem is more pve content, possibly unmapped and procedurally generated. The issue is in no way that can work - it will result in several easily predicted outcomes.

- Content too unpredictable vs. reward given. Requires massive investment of time and ISK to tackle. Remains largely worthless to the general population.

- Content adequate to reward, profitable - large amount of players do it long enough to exhaust and document all possible variants. Optimal ship fittings are created and status quo returns just like now - scan site, open eve wiki, prepare accordingly.

- Content too easy vs. reward - mechanic becomes farmable like FW and content becomes exhausted even faster.

If sites drop something exclusive to them, we end up with a demand driving prices up and increasing worth of running. Eventually this commodity may make the sites worth running and people will flock to them - again, finding an optimal setup to farm them. Estabilished wormhole operations are a perfect example of this case - content is hard and reward big. Everything eventually became documented and farmable - with capital escalations being used to achieve maximum reward.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Sante Ixnay
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2013-05-27 00:04:15 UTC
Chihiro Chugakusei
Fortune Hunters - Navy Operations
#43 - 2013-05-27 00:58:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Chihiro Chugakusei
Exploration needs an overhaul to become relevant to solo players. It is too limited, the interface is still too shady, and there are too many wormholes cluttering up every system.

Please make it so that the ratio of regular sites to wormholes is at least 3:1. So that running into regular sites (gravimetric, archaelogy, etc) are more common than running into wormholes. Also add more exploration sites in every system, and make some of them randomized with the weekly server down period.

Some actual exploration quests would be nice too. These should be quests that are triggered by finding something, for example using your code break or archeology thing, and following it up by either transporting the item to a station, or tracking down another exploration site that is only visible to you when the quest is accepted.

Seriously, exploration could be so much fun. Wormholes are not, and should not be everything that it is about.

Keep it up, +1

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#44 - 2013-05-27 02:04:51 UTC
Chihiro Chugakusei wrote:
Exploration needs an overhaul to become relevant to solo players. It is too limited, the interface is still too shady, and there are too many wormholes cluttering up every system.

Please make it so that the ratio of regular sites to wormholes is at least 3:1. So that running into regular sites (gravimetric, archaelogy, etc) are more common than running into wormholes. Also add more exploration sites in every system, and make some of them randomized with the weekly server down period.

Some actual exploration quests would be nice too. These should be quests that are triggered by finding something, for example using your code break or archeology thing, and following it up by either transporting the item to a station, or tracking down another exploration site that is only visible to you when the quest is accepted.

Seriously, exploration could be so much fun. Wormholes are not, and should not be everything that it is about.

Wormholes are more common in hisec. In fact, in null security space it's more common to run into a mag/radar/combat/grav than a wormhole.

And they are actually improving the interface.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

CCP Bayesian
#45 - 2013-05-27 09:26:56 UTC
Pertuabo Enkidgan wrote:
CCP Bayesian wrote:


Hey Bay, while you're here; Were Landmarks considered for this expansion? like, Divinity's Edge, Pool of Radiance, etc

Yes, although there is a lot of content creation work involved in populating the Universe with more landmarks and lore. That's not to say we shouldn't do it but is a case or prioritisation and resources.

EVE Software Engineer Team Space Glitter

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2013-05-27 10:38:57 UTC
Exploration, finding something new, not missions with additional tasks before - probing. I don't see any other move here other than randomized content ( maybe named t2 modules, oh yes, the hated fe. brutal enectron blaster of armor (+2% dmg, +2% armor) when it comes to structures, mobs and loot. If something isn't properly randomizes, it will stay the same. I go to agent maybe i get that or that mission - i go probe maybe i get that or that probespacearea - mission.
Chirality Tisteloin
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2013-05-27 11:40:25 UTC
CCP Bayesian wrote:

Yes, although there is a lot of content creation work involved in populating the Universe with more landmarks and lore.

Let the players create the content. Let them build structures and artifacts that can be explored by other players. Let us settle in deadspace pockets (see my post above). Would be considerable effort up-front but then you get content creation for free.

Look at the success for the Neverwinter Foundry as an example.

Cheers! Chira.

See you at my blog:

CCP Bayesian
#48 - 2013-05-27 12:45:58 UTC
Chirality Tisteloin wrote:
CCP Bayesian wrote:

Yes, although there is a lot of content creation work involved in populating the Universe with more landmarks and lore.

Let the players create the content. Let them build structures and artifacts that can be explored by other players. Let us settle in deadspace pockets (see my post above). Would be considerable effort up-front but then you get content creation for free.

Look at the success for the Neverwinter Foundry as an example.

Cheers! Chira.

Yup I agree but there is a rich lore to EVE that also can and should be represented.

EVE Software Engineer Team Space Glitter

Chirality Tisteloin
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#49 - 2013-05-27 15:18:03 UTC
CCP Bayesian wrote:

Yup I agree but there is a rich lore to EVE that also can and should be represented.

Absolutely. Once you have a content creation system to build hideouts in space you can give it to your authors, team illuminaty and GMs. This team will have access to more assets and scripting tools than the players but will use the same fundamental engine to build sites.
Lore also is represented by what building blocks players get to play with. Use environmental storytelling instead of characters to convey lore.


See you at my blog:

Adunh Slavy
#50 - 2013-05-27 21:08:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Adunh Slavy
CCP Bayesian wrote:

Yup I agree but there is a rich lore to EVE that also can and should be represented.

True, but don't let that hold things back too much. Lore is the backdrop, player actions are the story.

Take Schmata Bastanold's post in this thread,

That is exploration.

Open the map and unflatten it, find The Myridian Strip. See that big open empty space under the Myridian Strip? What if in that big empty space there were a few solsys nodes running in that space. Players could get into those nodes from the adjacent solar systems. Where the nodes meet, if a player moves far enough over the boundary, use a system transition and place them in the adjacent node.

All ya need for lore is to say that was the home space of the enter_favorite_name_rat_name_here. Though in all honesty, you don't need to. Create the space, design a relatively simplistic method of procedurally generated anomalies ore and ice belts. Let players anchor anything they want, where ever they want. Allow them in that area to warp using manually entered Cartesian coordinates and just let players go nuts. Maybe it takes a player a couple of days to manually warp that distance, so what.

No Sov, No borders, no gates, no limits, no rules.

More crazy and amazing stories will come out of there than lore could create in a year, and at much less cost.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Stellar Forge Industries
#51 - 2013-05-29 01:13:37 UTC
CCP has been swearing up and down, since the announcement of the expansion, that this will be the time we get to explore new stuff. There was a flurry of rumors and theorizing on what this could be: "Jove space?" "More wormholes?" "They said exploration will be different, so maybe it's a new type of space with its own rules!"
Up to Fanfest I was hopeful, and then as I sat there at the keynote when you guys praised Odyssey as the second coming that will reinvigorate exploration, I realized that this is not what we all expected.
Technically CCP didn't lie, didn't make promises that weren't delivered. But we were mislead, we were lead to believe in things that never actually happened. Instead we received fixes that were not required - I liked my scanning just fine, I consider myself a good sig hunter and a good combat scanner: dropping probes and scanning down the target before it hits dscan - now newcomers get bumped up to my level due to "press this button for half the job" mechanic.

I am not happy.

CCP Bayesian wrote:
AutumnWind1983 wrote:
That'd be great if that's anything at all like what you're doing. But CCP is not giving us anything procedurally generated. You're taking something that's not broken, adding a terrible minigame to it, calling it gold, and telling us we should be happy about it. I'm not finding anything I wasn't finding before with this new game, I'm just doing it in a way that's sure to get old and annoying in less than four years that it'll take CCP to make any changes to it. You're dodging actual issues because they're hard and asking us to be happy about it.

Similarly, CCP failing to use resources that you have, like talking to the CSM to get feedback, when making major change to something like scanning. Obviously this is extremely frustrating to watch you guys have to do extra work when you intend to improve things but you could have saved yourself by using the tools you already had

This is a thread to talk about what exploration could actually be in EVE so I'm not going to address off-topic scattergun complaints. There are feedback threads in the Test Server forum to give feedback on the stuff in the current expansion.

Not targeted at you exactly but this is just the first post that's not contributing constructively.

I'm a non-native English speaker and even I can see you taking a perfectly legit concern and the reasons for it (though not as well structured as it could have been), and dismissing it as off-topic rumbling in hopes of discrediting his complaints without directly tackling it. And yes, you are targeting him personally - you didn't have to quote his post to make a point. You're firing back at him, you're frustrated; because people are unhappy, and because you've slipped and now people are calling it as they see it: You're full of ****.
This isn't a face to face conversation, it's a forum thread: People can go back and quote what you said word for word, all the backpedaling in the world can't change what you said.
Stranger Skies Collective
#52 - 2013-05-29 14:14:48 UTC
CCP Bayesian wrote:
AutumnWind1983 wrote:

This is a thread to talk about what exploration could actually be in EVE so I'm not going to address off-topic scattergun complaints. There are feedback threads in the Test Server forum to give feedback on the stuff in the current expansion.

Not targeted at you exactly but this is just the first post that's not contributing constructively.

What should exploration be? Exploration should be difficult and fraught with peril in grand EvE tradition. It should require both in-game and out-of-game skills, backed up with practice and determination. It should offer rewards that are in line with the work required. It should allow emergent gameplay and (in line with current CCP goals) let players generate the storylines and as much of the mechanics as feasible. There should be a clear progression for new players. It should be beautiful to look at and absolutely deadly, just like exploration in real life.

Congratulations, you're done!

...and in a few days you'll have screwed it up. It was work to find signatures and took experience to know which ones are most profitable and interesting, now you've replaced work and experience with a flashy and distracting visual effect that puts signatures front and center. You've messed with the skill requirements to decrease the benefit of specializing, and you've messed with the in-game setup to reduce the amount of player skill necessary to safely deploy and set up probes. You no longer need to practice and test probe setups to learn how to get the most bang for your buck or determination to keep scanning that 5th system after the first 4 came up dry. At the same time you've pulled a bait-and-switch on the reward mechanic (oh, sucks to be you; not enough guys in fleet means that dark blood tower bpc that you were all waiting for is dust in the wind) and added yet more flash in the form of a clickfest that takes the game out of the hands of players and back into the hands of CCP. By making probing so easy, you've made the explorer progression (t1 scanner -> covops -> t3 -> daytripper -> c1/c2 ->c3/c4 ->c5/c6) stagnant - why train for a covops when your magnate lets you scan down everything in highsec? At the same time, though, that magnate doesn't have a cloak so jumping into that wormhole is super dangerous and maybe I should just stay here where it's safe. The new radar sites don't look bad, so props for that, but there's not even the danger of your fragile scanning frigate getting popped by the red crosses.

All of this is to say that sometimes constructive criticism has to be, well, criticism.

Now, to recommendations. The skill changes suck but skill changes always suck - fine, keep 'em. The modules are fine, who cares. Make fewer cans, let them fly away, but make them slower and give them the same despawn as the site as a whole; if a player wants to go chase each one down, fine. Give us back the ability to launch individual probes; in general, stop telling me how I'm supposed to play the game. The system scanner is annoying but pretty, so go ahead and keep it. Add real danger back into the sites by putting the rats back in highsec radars, and make the rats aggressive enough that cloaking devices are useful. Get rid of the cute mini-game, it's boring and adds nothing to the story; the "minigame" for exploration is spamming d-scan to make sure some guy in a Tengu isn't on his way to kill you.

Fix POSes. You've heard this for years, I don't care if it's hard, it's the clear next step in making wormhole life (the end state for most explorers) interesting, exciting, and enjoyable. Fix loot drops out of player structures so that players can make and destroy each others' loot pinatas instead of relying on CCP to spawn cans; making CHAs and SMAs hackable could help and would bring the hacking mechanic out of pure PvE and into the wider game. Make POSes easy to administer. Give daytrippers a ship that fits through a C1 and can act like a temporary POS (think triage mode on a midget orca) as a way to encourage exploration of unknown space, a tradeoff between flexibility and safety.

Replace pre-defined probe formations with a user-generated library, then have new players create the spread and pinpoint formations as part of the explo tutorial. It gets you to the same place but makes the new player understand the *reason* behind those formations instead of just blindly clicking. Have the probe launcher fire as many probes as are required for a given formation (up to 8) so I can create a 1-probe "formation" if I feel so inclined. Balance this by drastically reducing the base flight time of a probe and create a skill that increases that time (e.g. 10 minutes base flight time, 10 minutes additional for each level of "Scan Probe Tuning" or whatever, for a maximum of 1 hour) so that I still have to be smart about managing my probes. I don't care if it's hard to make the library, it's the difference between CCP giving me the tools to play *my* game and CCP dictating the way I'll play *their* game, and that difference is what makes EvE special.

And then make a pledge, a solemn oath, with pinky swears and signatures in blood, never to touch the exploration system without talking to the players first.

You'll be done.


Also, listen to Autumn. He's damn smart and cares a lot about Eve - belittling him and ignoring his comments is non-constructive and petulant.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#53 - 2013-05-29 18:49:41 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
For things to explore, we can always look at what is actually out there in the real world. For example:

Real asteroids are isolated from each other. Even in the asteroid belt they are on average a million kilometers apart. To some extent we already have these: Whenever you find an anomaly or signature that has asteroids its like finding one of these RL rocks.

Comets. Most are out in the far solar system and are single isolated bodies. There are most likely millions per solar system. Procedurally generated, they would always be a new discovery.

Rogue planets. Estimates range from 2 to 100,000 of these floating between the stars for every star. Imagine building some sort of scanning array for finding one, then having to fly out thousands of AU to get to it. By going from one to the next we could even get interstellar travel without gates.

Player built space stations. Let us build them at all sizes and at (almost) all locations and space will be full of stuff to find.

But we need stuff to be there to make it worth finding them. The content quickly become documented and repetitious if there is not enough of it and its not expanded. (Oh look is a type 3 rogue planet. The guide says we need to do X, Y, and Z to claim it, and then we get A, B, and C). A huge amount of content is a huge amount of work. A player can find, do, and document a site in maybe 1% of the time it took CCP to make the site.

I wonder if there could be a way for players to add missions and exploration sites to the game. That is I write a mission, CCP approves it and adds it to the list. I pay Aurum to CCP to cover their time. When any player does it I get ISK. Not sure if that could work....... but it sure would cause an explosion of content.

Superb Ideas, I love the idea of a player owned station that can be anchored anywhere such as at a safespot and as such scannable. I would love one of these a small modular station that only my friends and I can access unless I make it public and add it to the local market system so that I can stock it with goodies and sell from my own station (at this point it could appear on the overview and be a warpable destination like an npc station).

How about making a proper pirate port by making it so that only people with a negative security rating could dock and use my facilities. Ultimately though I would like these places to be conflict drivers with faction navy rats appearing to attack it and my clientele, not to mention 'law enforcement player characters' who get a bounty for destroying it. That's emergent gameplay

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Stranger Skies Collective
#54 - 2013-05-29 20:05:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Antangil
There was stuff here, but it disappeared.

Short response is that if I can put a POS anywhere, it makes it easy to set up gate camps or bubble traps backed up with POS guns; put a HIC and a POS between two gates and blap everything that lands. Putting scannable stations in safespots renders them bookmarkable and therefore unsafe. Connecting POSes to the market system creates a number of hilarious scenarios in which I take your ISK and then use my POS defenses to blow you up; your wreck will give me the loot i need to set up more sell orders. Setting up a mechanic where mass numbers of NPC battleships (necessary for a POS-bashing fleet) attack a defended position opens the possibility for exploit-level farming opportunities. Allowing POSes to be anywhere could significantly increase system loading time and network loads for both client and server. POSes suck anyways and shouldn't be given any greater utility until they're fixed.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#55 - 2013-05-29 22:07:30 UTC
Antangil wrote:
There was stuff here, but it disappeared.

Short response is that if I can put a POS anywhere, it makes it easy to set up gate camps or bubble traps backed up with POS guns; put a HIC and a POS between two gates and blap everything that lands. Putting scannable stations in safespots renders them bookmarkable and therefore unsafe. Connecting POSes to the market system creates a number of hilarious scenarios in which I take your ISK and then use my POS defenses to blow you up; your wreck will give me the loot i need to set up more sell orders. Setting up a mechanic where mass numbers of NPC battleships (necessary for a POS-bashing fleet) attack a defended position opens the possibility for exploit-level farming opportunities. Allowing POSes to be anywhere could significantly increase system loading time and network loads for both client and server. POSes suck anyways and shouldn't be given any greater utility until they're fixed.

You no likey? I would allow pos's that can be anchored anywhere in the game for all of the above reasons, not withstanding server problems of course. New eden is not a nice place to live. The ideas can be finessed to prevent abuses and can be used to drive conflict or encourage cooperation.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Karma Chameleon Noban
Chimera Research and Development
#56 - 2013-05-30 01:13:25 UTC
Am I the only one that listened when they were all like that Odyssey was the first step in improving the unknown?

And quite frankly as an explorer, i'm happy with that first step. They got sites away from just being another form of mission running. I.E popping an endless swarm of rats. They added a simple mini game to it to keep it more involved that can probably be expanded down the down and made more complex and thought provoking.

They did a good job all round improving it this time around, there wasn't an exorbitant amount of new content. There were little bits here and there, with a massive overhaul to the features and visuals we pass through everyday to give new life to the game and help bring you more in to the game.

I feel like a lot of people were expecting a complete 100% overhaul to everything in the game.

I feel like it's a bit premature to call an expansion a misleading lie or a failure before it's even fully released.

I also don't think they were misleading us or lying at all, they said it's a first step in that direction of changes and additions.
Personally i'll wait for that first step to land and see where the second one goes before calling it a "big lie"
Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2013-05-30 04:45:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Deena Amaj
random commenting from me

Doubt many played the game, but when I think about Frontier:Elite/aka Elite 3 ,where you just decide "I'M GOING EAST... FOREVER".

Now THAT WAS EXPLORATION :). I'd elaborate more but doubt there is all too much interest in that one.

Anyhow, I must agree with the OP that there is a missing link. And there is, imo, "no real exploration" other than just a minigame that did not really evolve much over the years. And yes, I am literally saying it did not evolve much despite what was implemented so far, else we'd not be seeing this thread.

Just one thing though,
love of god, don't come with Star Trek Online's copy-paste exploration system - unless that finally changed, it only featured you going to a random system spawn which featured the same quests over and over again, just with different races.
- The only thing that makes STO fancy in this case is that it has a working WiS etc and the Foundry to work with.

There are a lot of fancy ideas to get real exploration stuff, I'm sure people already posted a few, but it is always the question if the game's engine can handle it. Basically everything that one suggests always bumps against some limit somebody suddenly says. (And who other than CCP knows the actual limits ? :D)

I'm all fancy about what was indirectly suggested as hiring writers.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Wixo Trading Co.
#58 - 2013-05-30 11:26:55 UTC
CCP Bayesian wrote:
Cailais, that's the sort of thing I mean. By more dynamic I also mean how the Universe works should be more dynamic, rather than static mission data we should allow for some procedural variation, likewise exploration and other content. This is the sort of stuff people are talking about here really.

Further the spawning of these things could change over time both as a 'natural' process of the Universe (think seasons) and based on player actions (think creating a crazy "weather controlling" laser).

Then we have the true Universe shaping things where players can actually build and blow up things in space in a more vibrant manner than they can currently.

I'm just shooting from the hip with ideas but ultimately I don't think exploration is ever a game system but the result of curiosity about something unknown. This generation of 'the unknown' occurs as a result of the emergent interaction between systems.

I also think just sneaking things in would be lovely but we need to work out ways of doing that without it being far too easy to discover. People already data mine everything that is publicly accessible. But that is a different technical problem.

I heard something a long time ago an i passed it off as eve folk law because there was never a concrete source and it sounded too good to be true....

goes along the lines of eve devs have had an expansion on the back burner for ages, called colonization or something, basically its adding in the ability to discover wormholes to new totally new systems not currently on the map - not wormhole systems but normal space.

The new systems would have no stargates or stations or anything but the ppl who colonize it would have the ability to build stargates, stations etc. They could connect up a handful of new systems they found and keep it totally private to themselves but they would then be destructible to anyone else that found them (through wormholes).

If they wanted they could connect up their stargates to the main stargate network which would put them on the map so to speak and allow all players to access their gate from a normal npc one. Once connected it would then become indestructible but at the same time they would not be able to restrict access - possibly charge a gate activation fee or something.

The lore behind these new systems would be that they are waaay out at the edge of the universe so out of cap ship jump range - until a gate is built and connected the only way in would be through wormholes and these would be too small for caps.

obviously there would be a crap load of detail to work out and stuff to consider balance wise but that sounds like utopia to me - proper exploration, colonization a sence of being the first to do something. - however as it sounds SOOO good it cant possibly true and i guess will never come to pass :(
Maximus Andendare
Rote Kapelle
#59 - 2013-05-30 16:32:50 UTC
CCP Bayesian wrote:
Cailais, that's the sort of thing I mean. By more dynamic I also mean how the Universe works should be more dynamic, rather than static mission data we should allow for some procedural variation, likewise exploration and other content. This is the sort of stuff people are talking about here really.

Further the spawning of these things could change over time both as a 'natural' process of the Universe (think seasons) and based on player actions (think creating a crazy "weather controlling" laser).

Then we have the true Universe shaping things where players can actually build and blow up things in space in a more vibrant manner than they can currently.

I'm just shooting from the hip with ideas but ultimately I don't think exploration is ever a game system but the result of curiosity about something unknown. This generation of 'the unknown' occurs as a result of the emergent interaction between systems.

I also think just sneaking things in would be lovely but we need to work out ways of doing that without it being far too easy to discover. People already data mine everything that is publically accessible. But that is a different technical problem.
+1 to this! But my question is if you have these ideas, and it's certainly plausible to think there are other rich idea-generators at CCP, why isn't this sort of stuff implemented instead of the "exploration" changes currently being implemented?

I don't think ANY Eve player would balk at the chance to truly explore the unknown--to branch out to new areas of New Eden. The fear of being lost. The excitement of the new discovery. Sharing the news with your friends and corpmates about what you learned, loot you got, area you are uncovering, etc. Those are the moments explorers--in Eve or out--live for.

I just see a massive disconnect with your ideas, CCP Bayesian, and what is actually being implemented as "exploration" changes, and I can't figure out why your version of exploration wasn't iterated more upon. Exploration should be about discovery, to me, at least; you know, a one time use stargate that you scanned down and it deactivates until its power cells are restored. Something. Anything that makes the exploration-side of New Eden more rich and dynamic would be a win for Eve, and it'd certainly make whatever expansion gets it one of the most successful.

Enter grid and you're already dead, destined to be reborn and fight another day.

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Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2013-05-30 17:08:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Alx Warlord
A good suggestion: Add a node in the exploration game that unlock a expedition, reveling the location of a harder site only accessible to you and your fleet. In other system. This site obviously have a better loot and could take to other site...

This would probably make the players to travel allot. And really explore the game.

The main Idea would be to force players to move from regions of space into lower security as the difficulty increases, until it starts leadin into WHSpace and Deeper WHSpace... Of course, it becomes really more difficult to find Specific WH systems, but if you run it quite allot, you will end up with a nice pool of systems and the small probability will start to become relevant.

Also this makes the rewards progressive with the time and effort. What makes this a meaningful profession to invest.