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Test Server Feedback

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New nebulae on the test server. Please give us your feedback.

First post
Adunh Slavy
#61 - 2011-11-04 21:36:31 UTC
Need saturation and dimness controls ... PuhLease! Very nice otherwise.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Mark Starkiller
Black Future Project
#62 - 2011-11-04 21:40:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Mark Starkiller
• Do the new nebulae show any adverse performance issues with your PC?

I didnt see any adverse performancers on my pc (i7 3,07 gHz, 8 gb ram, HD 6870, Win 7 64 bit), but on TQ i play on two monitors 3850 x 1050 res, on sisi i couldnt on two monitors...

• How do you feel about the difference in high security, low security and null sec space?

I checked delve, fountain, pureblind, lonetrek, the forge, and 3 others wich i dont remember the name :P
The nebulaes are awesome. I couldnt stop jumping around to check them as many is possible :)
Only lonetrek has to much white and for this reason is too brithe imho. You cant see the "clouds" and details like in other regions.
Otherwise i like how 0,0 , low sec and empire looks like.

edit: CQ`s looks awesome too, specialy geylante and caldari...
Nagarythe Tinurandir
Einheit X-6
#63 - 2011-11-04 21:51:19 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
CCP, the nebula are very very pretty, but we have some serious issues with them:

1. We really need more backdrops - per constellation at least. Movement through space just doesn't feel real enough without them. It seriously just doesn't feel real enough at all.

If CCP wants to get an example of what I mean, start in the system of Paala and do a direct route to Jita. Paala and Jita are ten-light years apart, and this trip crosses about 14 systems, but the backdrop does not change once. This is frankly absurd.

2. Backdrop positioning is all weird. Paala also gives us example of the positioning weirdness that's going on here. The LXQ2-T gate in Paala is in the direction of the big blue nebula I presume is central Caldari space, while the Uemon gate (which leads towards central Caldari space) is in the direction of a sandy-orange nebula which I can't identify yet. Since backdrop orientation is always the same, I can't really tell which direction my ship is facing in relation to the universe.

3. We need to be able to see the nebula on the map. The positioning of these nebulae mean nothing to us if we can't place them on the map. I know that big hour-glass explody star nebula means I'm in the drone regions, but what about that weird hazy orange one over there? All of these things mean almost nothing to me. I need to be able to see the relative size and position of these nebulae on the map for them to be meaningful.

I really hope you fix some of these issues so that we can get a better sense of where we stand in relation to the rest of space.

red it. makes totally sense.

ACE ViperWolf
#64 - 2011-11-04 21:55:51 UTC
Awesome job CCP Big smile

Very cool and a much needed addition to EVE!!! I've been thinking about this aspect of the game for a long time. Because we spend soo much time in space, I'm surprised that this wasn't looked at much earlier, and more consistently through continuous iterative improvements. I really do believe this space background environment has a huge impact on the atmosphere and feeling of the game. Really, even more time should be put into this aspect.

Anyway, I have to concur with Post #60, by Andreus Ixirus, on all counts. I really would like more backdrops per constellation. Now, if there is some sort of limitation to why this isn't possible, please give us one of your explanations with charts and graphs mixed with analysis. Because we all want this so bad, only an explanation detailing why it isn't feasable yet to have very high-quality nebulae for each constellation could suffice.

1. I see a "boxing" effect. It's that 90 degree angle which gets formed that looks like a cube.

2. Perhaps unrelated, but I get some "microstudder" as I look around. Although the FPS is showing 50-60 while in space, I notice a repeating pattern of studder in the framerate. I have a single GTX 460 2GB GPU. I'm hitting 1GB GPU RAM usage. I'm not sure how the space environment and nebulae textures are loaded into the game, but wondered if this may be a reason or roadblock to why nebulae textures aren't larger.

3. Some solar systems seem too bright or too dark. This also makes my ship look too dark. I do love the idea that high-sec is brighter, while 0.0 is darker. However, I think both extremes need to be toned down a bit.

4. Looking closely at textures of the nebulae, for example in Verge Vendor, it is a very beautiful environment that suffers from lack of detail or blockiness along its edges in the green cloud areas. I read earlier that CCP is working on its texture compression. I wonder if there will be a new graphics setting that will allow us to choose the quality level of the space and nebulae environment specifically.

How do these background nebulae changes affect the ability to use 3D glasses? Despite some minor bugs, I read somewhere that 3D glasses could help EVE look even prettier. Also more and more people are getting their dual- and multi-monitor setups. More settings with better graphics to help compensate for the increase in resolution would be very nice. Blink

Thanks for everything CCP!!!
ACE Viperwolf
Garuda Durantov
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2011-11-04 22:05:58 UTC
I really like all the the new stuff.
Xoria Krint
The Angelic
#66 - 2011-11-04 22:29:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Xoria Krint
I just jumped into Gallente space... And woha! Amazing work! No FPS drop or other issues (yet). I have to admit that the background could be a bit boring (empty) when you saw all the nebula from far away, but hey.. That's space, Can't be Christmas lights all over the place.

Oh, and the new font is amazing! And I though that i needed glasses....

Sexy nebulae
Anarchy Inc.
#67 - 2011-11-04 23:08:28 UTC  |  Edited by: schurem
The bright ones most definately need toning down. Its space. Stars. Think night. But thats just an opinion.

Fact is, the interface uses the color white for almost all conveying of information. The brackets, the text, all of it. It needs some modicum of contrast if you do not want complaints of headache inducing squinting.

In my opinion regions like sinq laison, khanid, essence, the citadel have got it right. pretty. distinctive. but backgrounds! You cant have a background so bright it drowns out engine flames, laser beams, explosions and the text and symbols describing them.

So tone that gorgeous **** down a little, you bunch of overenthousiastic viking boys!

.... You can't take the skies from me.

Oberine Noriepa
#68 - 2011-11-04 23:22:41 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
CCP, the nebula are very very pretty, but we have some serious issues with them:

1. We really need more backdrops - per constellation at least. Movement through space just doesn't feel real enough without them. It seriously just doesn't feel real enough at all.

If CCP wants to get an example of what I mean, start in the system of Paala and do a direct route to Jita. Paala and Jita are ten-light years apart, and this trip crosses about 14 systems, but the backdrop does not change once. This is frankly absurd.

2. Backdrop positioning is all weird. Paala also gives us example of the positioning weirdness that's going on here. The LXQ2-T gate in Paala is in the direction of the big blue nebula I presume is central Caldari space, while the Uemon gate (which leads towards central Caldari space) is in the direction of a sandy-orange nebula which I can't identify yet. Since backdrop orientation is always the same, I can't really tell which direction my ship is facing in relation to the universe.

3. We need to be able to see the nebula on the map. The positioning of these nebulae mean nothing to us if we can't place them on the map. I know that big hour-glass explody star nebula means I'm in the drone regions, but what about that weird hazy orange one over there? All of these things mean almost nothing to me. I need to be able to see the relative size and position of these nebulae on the map for them to be meaningful.

I really hope you fix some of these issues so that we can get a better sense of where we stand in relation to the rest of space.

I agree with everything here. Furthermore, I would like some more information on this post from t0rfi.

CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
So you will be downloading 201 megs, which are then compressed, I can't tell you the exact compressed size at this time. The maps were authored at twice the resolution we are delivering them in, and they are compressed. Ofc, they look much better uncompressed and in full resolution, so we might offer those as an optional download at some point in the future, for the die hard astronomy addicts with space on their hard drives and video ram to spare.

It would be amazing if you released an uncompressed pack. Please do this!

Jiji Hamin
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2011-11-04 23:29:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Jiji Hamin
as somebody who has just spent almost 2 hours zooming around eve in an inty, holy damn, these are just too good to be true. Besides the minor technical issues like the blockyness of the skybox resolution when you zoom in at them or the occasional skybox corner for example... they are pretty much everything I could have hoped for. Also Lonetrek is SO bizarre, and the Cloud ring looks weird as hell from Placid... but I think I'm into it. Also, heimatar/domain are both extremely beautiful. +1million.

Edit: after much exploration, my only concern beyond the technical ones mentioned above is how some minmatar station/stargate infrastructure looks in the new sky boxes. I am out front of a Minmatar Industrial Station in Metropolis and it looks almost completely pitch-black... But not all are problematic. I just warped to a different Minmatar station and it seems fine...
Sviesta Fabrika
#70 - 2011-11-04 23:42:02 UTC  |  Edited by: kniede
Realy slow bulk data loading ( ~ 20 times slower then Tranquality) when EVE client starts.
Proxima Fleet Systems
#71 - 2011-11-05 00:03:00 UTC
Loved it so far. I'm sure it's going to look awesome when you're done. Some nebula's could be tuned down a bit, and the empty patches need more stars imo.

OT, hahahahaaaaa the tornado is a total pwnmobile on SiSi at the moment. <3 it though, but I can't imagine it staying this way.
Gallifrey Industries
#72 - 2011-11-05 00:07:23 UTC
These Nebula are simply jaw dropping, truely a worthy addition to Eve

It looks like they were taken using the Hubble Space Telescope.

Serious props on this one guys, really takes Eve to a new level!!!

Only criticism I have is that ships appear a touch too dark with the new shadowing system, I understand this in terms of the look you're going for but I also like to be able to see my ship!!!
Jagur Azizora
Amarr Empire
#73 - 2011-11-05 00:13:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Jagur Azizora
The new nebulae look really good. Although I have only been from 6-C via Sanctum to Dodixie, then on to Rens. I've seen no performance degradation so far. This is a big improvement on the previous state of the art. In particular it should be possible now to predict to some degree the destination of a kspace wormhole by the nebula you can see through it.

One concern is that there are a bunch of astronomical features that should really be visible in appropriate places. An example that came up in the Singularity channel was the Ginnungagap, which should really be visible at least from the eastern end of Metropolis (Odebeinn and Erindur). Another that comes to mind is the pulsar that gives Period Basis its name, though I haven't checked there yet.

Some jumps cause a rather abrupt change in nebula. For example moving from Sinq Laison to Heimatar; in Egghelende you can see the red Minmatar nebula in the distance, but when you jump to Siseide, suddenly you're in the middle of it. It should ideally be more gradual.

edit: Also confirming bulk data download makes logging in very slow.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2011-11-05 00:33:43 UTC  |  Edited by: bassie12bf1
Tizona wrote:
updating now..

I don't know if this is still an issue, but the Covert Jump Portal Generator won't activate and appears as a passive module on the Sin.

I don't about the other ships because I can't fly them.

You use the Jump portal generator in the same manner as jumping the ship to a cyno, but using the bridge option in the right click menu.

I've noticed there are some regions appearing to be completely devoid of nebulae only having a few far distant ones, most notibly 0.0 regions further from high sec..
subtle turtle
Doozer Mining Cartel
#75 - 2011-11-05 01:11:34 UTC  |  Edited by: subtle turtle
subtle turtle wrote:
The new nebulae are very pretty, but I agree with the comment above that they lack a bit of depth. I think that they are so bright that they are almost overwhelming to the rest of space, which pushed them to the foreground. Maybe muting the colors a bit or giving them a bit of opacity would help? It's certainly not game-breaking, and the designers did a great job (they are really beautiful and make for a very rich environment), but a little tweak may be needed here and there.

I would like to revise this statement. I left the staging system in Syndicate to explore a bit, and WOW. Amazing! The new backgrounds really do anchor you to a place in space, and make you feel immersed in the universe in a way that was really missing before (although I didn't realize it was missing). Even when I was new to eve I never spent time traveling around just LOOKING at things, and I found myself bouncing happily from region to region, just staring at the nebulae. EXCELLENT WORK, CCP!
I would like to add that I had my resolution maxed at 1680x1050 (all my monitor will take), HDR and AA on, and all textures maxed, and my HD5770 (not the newest card, but still not bad) handled it all like a champ. A few slow downs in transitions, but I usually have more of those on Sisi than I do on TQ, and I assume that things will be optimized a bit prior to final roll out. CQ still stresses the system a bit, but it's playable to be sure.
Anarchy Inc.
#76 - 2011-11-05 01:33:16 UTC
just made it out into nullsec (querious). beautiful. this is space. i want all of the game to look a variation on this.

.... You can't take the skies from me.

Jiji Hamin
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2011-11-05 01:51:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Jiji Hamin
schurem wrote:
just made it out into nullsec (querious). beautiful. this is space. i want all of the game to look a variation on this.

i would highly recommend checking out placid, outer ring and cloud ring. But yeah, the south is quite beautiful. Also, as far as dark space skyboxes with nebulae in the distance, I loved Solitude. But the south weirds me out. there was this upside-down mushroom cloud looking thing and i thought it was a region that I could get to but now I realize that it must have been the pool of radiance in the middle of stain because stain/catch is where it's biggest. if you're down in that area tell me what you think...

also, i am a huge fan of heimatar/domain.

lonetrek is a little out of control.

can anyone tell me about the drone regions? are they just pitch black void empty space? right now I'm sitting around and fapping to cloud ring/outer ring, but when i finish up I am going to hit the road towards the north to see for myself but it's gonna take forever to get there.

ps i love the people in this thread who think there is a simple Cartesian geometry to the eve cluster.
Lenore Leelu
Obsidian Dynamics
#78 - 2011-11-05 02:23:01 UTC
I would love to look at your nebulae, but my character is in a wormhole, and after launching core probes and hitting map, I'm greated with a black screen (no probe cubes and arrows)(no solar system). I am therefore unable to scan my way out to look at them.... sad face.
Neptune Shard
#79 - 2011-11-05 02:28:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Rozhkov
Honestly, I like the slightly darker appearance of the ships, at least for now. The lighting is a bit more natural, realistic I suppose. When you look at Saturn through a telescope, you don't see the rings shadowed by the planet, there's hardly any/if any light at all landing on the object.

MOST importantly!

I want to meet these people that generated the nebulae! Show us the computer! Show us how they did it and how much effort they put in! These are gorgeous!

Oh, and btw, the nebulae shimmer while in warp, but the stars stay stationary, they don't shimmer.

I absolutely demand to "meet the chef!"
Jiji Hamin
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2011-11-05 02:37:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Jiji Hamin
Lenore Leelu wrote:
I would love to look at your nebulae, but my character is in a wormhole, and after launching core probes and hitting map, I'm greated with a black screen (no probe cubes and arrows)(no solar system). I am therefore unable to scan my way out to look at them.... sad face.

use the moveme channel

also, the north of 0.0 is phenomenal. clearly your art department worked really hard on fade :P but I'm loving pure blind/tribute, I'm thinking they are even purdier then the south (but not cloud/outer ring, nothing beats those two)