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how much of your fortune in EvE is invested in plex?

First post
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#41 - 2013-05-25 12:35:55 UTC
I would advice you to try and be more civil in your tone of replies, but I assume such advice would be ignored..

So: "Please proceed sir!"

Harry Forever
#42 - 2013-05-25 12:55:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
I would advice you to try and be more civil in your tone of replies, but I assume such advice would be ignored..

So: "Please proceed sir!"

you could not imagine how i would talk if that forum would be more open, this political correctnes is something I hate a lot about the world, I will say it the way I need to say it, and just that you know, I'm holding back a lot already to assure my threads do not get closed, is it right to hold back stuff, no, I don't think so, thats not good for this forum and not good for this world, because everything comes out someday, the easy or the hard way

I'm ok that you do things different, I dont think its good, but do it like you want, but please be so open and let people make their own decisions and not tell them what to do and how to act, there is always a reason behind it, you can judge only yourself
#43 - 2013-05-25 13:06:08 UTC
So then harry how much isk have you invested in plex and how much of a total % is that from your own NAV ?

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Harry Forever
#44 - 2013-05-25 13:14:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
flakeys wrote:
So then harry how much isk have you invested in plex and how much of a total % is that from your own NAV ?

like mentioned already I'm new to the game I do not have so much ISK to buy lots of plex, If i would have it I would spend all my isk in special ships i want and all the rest ISK into Plex, i would not hold more than 5% ISK, would say 30% ships and stuff and all the rest in Plex

I do not think that I will be able to stock up on ISK so fast that i can buy at the prices of today, however if i manage to get everything rollin i will do that, in case plex go up in price before that, lets say to 1-2 billion then i would buy some plex with real money and sell it on the market, and the ISK made out of that i would invest in carriers probably
#45 - 2013-05-25 13:39:20 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
Harry Forever wrote:
flakeys wrote:
So then harry how much isk have you invested in plex and how much of a total % is that from your own NAV ?

like mentioned already I'm new to the game I do not have so much ISK to buy lots of plex, If i would have it I would spend all my isk in special ships i want and all the rest ISK into Plex, i would not hold more than 5% ISK, would say 30% ships and stuff and all the rest in Plex

I do not think that I will be able to stock up on ISK so fast that i can buy at the prices of today, however if i manage to get everything rollin i will do that, in case plex go up in price before that, lets say to 1-2 billion then i would buy some plex with real money and sell it on the market, and the ISK made out of that i would invest in carriers probably

So , you don't have enough to even buy a few plex.
You have no decent experience in eve trade otherwise you would have enough isk to speculate in plex.

Tell me what gives you the drive to tell people in here who made a lot of isk over time what is a good investment.And to take it a step further what gives you the drive to tell some of these people who have proven themselves in trading that they are either not using their brains and/or doing it the wrong way?

Also who is your main or how old is he ? If you answer me this IS your main then just don't even reply to my other questions regarding your reasoning at all.

I honestly want to know what the idea behind that is if not just trolling?

To give an example i myself would not go to the shipss/fits part of the forum and tell anyone how they should fit the ultimate gankboats.Not that i never do/did pvp but i would think my advice there would not be worth much compared to those who do have a LOAD more experience in it then me.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#46 - 2013-05-25 13:42:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Caleb Ayrania
So let me answer you funny question, and explain why its stupid.

You are in the MD forum section. That means the people that discuss the details of EVE economy. Quiet a lot of rather experienced and knowledged people..

PLEX in EVE as an investment would best equate to a mediocre BOND in real life portfolios.

It might secure you value, but as an investment its totally useless. You can ofc trade it actively on a market and make money on margins, but that is besides the point. I assume you know and understand the difference between trading a financial product and investing in it mid and long term.

So as a value in EVE if you are actively playing, and even if you are investing long term its practically worthless.

You are welcome to go and actually look at the data yourself there are plenty of sources to give you good historic data.


So expect most people to answer in the spirit that they see your question.. as a joke, a troll, or as a noob question. take your pick..
Harry Forever
#47 - 2013-05-25 13:47:18 UTC
flakeys wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
flakeys wrote:
So then harry how much isk have you invested in plex and how much of a total % is that from your own NAV ?

like mentioned already I'm new to the game I do not have so much ISK to buy lots of plex, If i would have it I would spend all my isk in special ships i want and all the rest ISK into Plex, i would not hold more than 5% ISK, would say 30% ships and stuff and all the rest in Plex

I do not think that I will be able to stock up on ISK so fast that i can buy at the prices of today, however if i manage to get everything rollin i will do that, in case plex go up in price before that, lets say to 1-2 billion then i would buy some plex with real money and sell it on the market, and the ISK made out of that i would invest in carriers probably

So , you don't have enough to even buy a few plex.
You have no decent experience in eve trade otherwise you would have enough isk to speculate in plex.

Tell me what gives you the drive to tell people in here who made a lot of isk over time what is a good investment.And to take it a step further what gives you the drive to tell some of these people who have proven themselves in trading that they are either not using their brains and/or doing it the wrong way?

Also who is your main or how old is he ? If you answer me this IS your main then just don't even reply to my other questions regarding your reasoning at all.

I honestly want to know what the idea behind that is if not just trolling?

To give an example i myself would not go to the shipss/fits part of the forum and tell anyone how they should fit the ultimate gankboats.Not that i never do/did pvp but i would think my advice there would not be worth much compared to those who do have a LOAD more experience in it then me.

I was just asking them how much they did invest in plex, the assumption that I was telling them soemthing between the lines was created on their side, however my assumption is plex is undervalued and i will invest in plex, I'm completly fine if you and others don't...

the bigger problem however is that some people seem to have an issue with what I do for myselfe and they now are scared they did something wrong, thats why the discussion did unfold in this direction, honestly I'm completely fine if you don't buy any plex and you are just hording your ISK, cool for me
Harry Forever
#48 - 2013-05-25 13:50:08 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
So let me answer you funny question, and explain why its stupid.

You are in the MD forum section. That means the people that discuss the details of EVE economy. Quiet a lot of rather experienced and knowledged people..

PLEX in EVE as an investment would best equate to a mediocre BOND in real life portfolios.

It might secure you value, but as an investment its totally useless. You can ofc trade it actively on a market and make money on margins, but that is besides the point. I assume you know and understand the difference between trading a financial product and investing in it mid and long term.

So as a value in EVE if you are actively playing, and even if you are investing long term its practically worthless.

You are welcome to go and actually look at the data yourself there are plenty of sources to give you good historic data.


So expect most people to answer in the spirit that they see your question.. as a joke, a troll, or as a noob question. take your pick..

the question is so stupid for you but still many think and discuss for hours about it, I wonder why...
Harry Forever
#49 - 2013-05-25 13:54:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
So let me answer you funny question, and explain why its stupid.

You are in the MD forum section. That means the people that discuss the details of EVE economy. Quiet a lot of rather experienced and knowledged people..

PLEX in EVE as an investment would best equate to a mediocre BOND in real life portfolios.

It might secure you value, but as an investment its totally useless. You can ofc trade it actively on a market and make money on margins, but that is besides the point. I assume you know and understand the difference between trading a financial product and investing in it mid and long term.

So as a value in EVE if you are actively playing, and even if you are investing long term its practically worthless.

You are welcome to go and actually look at the data yourself there are plenty of sources to give you good historic data.


So expect most people to answer in the spirit that they see your question.. as a joke, a troll, or as a noob question. take your pick..

and just to mention a BOND is something where you just get money for it, if the money is worthless the bond is worthless, Plex is not something where you get money for it, Plex is a 30 day subscription and therefore the most valuable asset in the game, how much ISK can you do with a 30 day subscripiton, just calculate for yourself and you will find out where the prices of Plex will be someday

however, just hold on to your ISK if you are convinced Plex is worthless, I'm cool with that
Invisible Exchequer
#50 - 2013-05-25 13:56:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhivre
Harry Forever wrote:

the bigger problem however is that some people seem to have an issue with what I do for myselfe and they now are scared they did something wrong, thats why the discussion did unfold in this direction, honestly I'm completely fine if you don't buy any plex and you are just hording your ISK, cool for me


So anyone who doesnt agree with your newly discovered way to print isk is scared they did something wrong?

One of the things you, as a smart intelligent bunny should have figured out with your multitude of posts by now is that there is no "right way" to play eve.

In MD there are as many different ways of making isk as you can think of and probably a load that never crossed your mind....very few people jump on a bandwagon cos they see someone elses way of playing. Usually you take a look, decide it doesnt suit your playstyle and then continue with what you enjoy doing.

There are people who do market manipulation, others think that is :effort: and do station trading, others hate that and do regional slow sales...others do crazy industrial stuff, others move stuff to small outposts to control a region, others reproc/refine, some speculate, some do bulk trade, some do plex flipping, some do plex gouging, some do inter regional hauling, some do intraregion hauling, some never undock, some spend the entire day in space....some live in null and play with markets based on logistics, some live in Low and supply the needs there, some live in trade hubs in high, some live in regions most of us have never heard of.

So yes, everyone saying your idea does not have legs are just scared that they did not see the opportunity in plex until now. Although, I hear there is this real world virtual currency that no one has heard of called BitCoins, if you invest now, you can get in on the ground floor
Harry Forever
#51 - 2013-05-25 14:04:59 UTC
Rhivre wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

the bigger problem however is that some people seem to have an issue with what I do for myselfe and they now are scared they did something wrong, thats why the discussion did unfold in this direction, honestly I'm completely fine if you don't buy any plex and you are just hording your ISK, cool for me


So anyone who doesnt agree with your newly discovered way to print isk is scared they did something wrong?

One of the things you, as a smart intelligent bunny should have figured out with your multitude of posts by now is that there is no "right way" to play eve.

In MD there are as many different ways of making isk as you can think of and probably a load that never crossed your mind....very few people jump on a bandwagon cos they see someone elses way of playing. Usually you take a look, decide it doesnt suit your playstyle and then continue with what you enjoy doing.

There are people who do market manipulation, others think that is :effort: and do station trading, others hate that and do regional slow sales...others do crazy industrial stuff, others move stuff to small outposts to control a region, others reproc/refine, some speculate, some do bulk trade, some do plex flipping, some do plex gouging, some do inter regional hauling, some do intraregion hauling, some never undock, some spend the entire day in space....some live in null and play with markets based on logistics, some live in Low and supply the needs there, some live in trade hubs in high, some live in regions most of us have never heard of.

So yes, everyone saying your idea does not have legs are just scared that they did not see the opportunity in plex until now.

people always start discussing my ideas when theirs are flawed, its just how it goes, I'm completeley confident in what I'm doing, trust me... the others always freak out about what I'm saying because it does not fit in their plans, its the panic of wrongdoing but not accepting it... if you are on the wrong side of an investment you loose and nobody wants to loose
Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#52 - 2013-05-25 14:05:23 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

the question is so stupid for you but still many think and discuss for hours about it, I wonder why...

This is the internet.. you must be new here!

Also *Popcorn*

A great past time while actually making isk, something the people frequenting this forum is well versed in, is reading forums and sharing funny pictures..

Here is one for you

Harry Forever
#53 - 2013-05-25 14:09:18 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

the question is so stupid for you but still many think and discuss for hours about it, I wonder why...

This is the internet.. you must be new here!

Also *Popcorn*

A great past time while actually making isk, something the people frequenting this forum is well versed in, is reading forums and sharing funny pictures..

Here is one for you

if this is getting to serious for you, you might just open your funny thread then, I'm sure lots of people will join
Adunh Slavy
#54 - 2013-05-25 14:09:53 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
like mentioned already I'm new to the game ...

No, really?

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Harry Forever
#55 - 2013-05-25 14:12:20 UTC
Adunh Slavy wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
like mentioned already I'm new to the game ...

No, really?

2 words, thats a start, build on that
#56 - 2013-05-25 14:17:47 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
Harry Forever wrote:
Rhivre wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

the bigger problem however is that some people seem to have an issue with what I do for myselfe and they now are scared they did something wrong, thats why the discussion did unfold in this direction, honestly I'm completely fine if you don't buy any plex and you are just hording your ISK, cool for me


So anyone who doesnt agree with your newly discovered way to print isk is scared they did something wrong?

One of the things you, as a smart intelligent bunny should have figured out with your multitude of posts by now is that there is no "right way" to play eve.

In MD there are as many different ways of making isk as you can think of and probably a load that never crossed your mind....very few people jump on a bandwagon cos they see someone elses way of playing. Usually you take a look, decide it doesnt suit your playstyle and then continue with what you enjoy doing.

There are people who do market manipulation, others think that is :effort: and do station trading, others hate that and do regional slow sales...others do crazy industrial stuff, others move stuff to small outposts to control a region, others reproc/refine, some speculate, some do bulk trade, some do plex flipping, some do plex gouging, some do inter regional hauling, some do intraregion hauling, some never undock, some spend the entire day in space....some live in null and play with markets based on logistics, some live in Low and supply the needs there, some live in trade hubs in high, some live in regions most of us have never heard of.

So yes, everyone saying your idea does not have legs are just scared that they did not see the opportunity in plex until now.

people always start discussing my ideas when theirs are flawed, its just how it goes, I'm completeley confident in what I'm doing, trust me... the others always freak out about what I'm saying because it does not fit in their plans, its the panic of wrongdoing but not accepting it... if you are on the wrong side of an investment you loose and nobody wants to loose

Look if this char is your main and a previous thread of you does state that then either you are trolling or you are one of the most self-centered guys i ever met on the forums.Your whole posting habbit is like this as i just digged through it.Your a complete noob telling people what to do or what to change in eve while lacking every experience to do more then ABSORB advice.

So either this character is made purely for trolling purpose wich i would love to believe because if it is not then i'm starting to feel sorry for the people surrounding you.You'd annoy the **** out of me in reall life within an hour.That means a lot , trust me you haven't met my wife yet.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Adunh Slavy
#57 - 2013-05-25 14:18:18 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

therefore the most valuable asset in the game

Most valuable assets in Eve are, Trust and Knowledge. I would suggest investing in those.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Adunh Slavy
#58 - 2013-05-25 14:22:43 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
Adunh Slavy wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
like mentioned already I'm new to the game ...

No, really?

2 words, thats a start, build on that

When you become worth more effort, you shall have it.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Harry Forever
#59 - 2013-05-25 14:24:22 UTC
flakeys wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Rhivre wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

the bigger problem however is that some people seem to have an issue with what I do for myselfe and they now are scared they did something wrong, thats why the discussion did unfold in this direction, honestly I'm completely fine if you don't buy any plex and you are just hording your ISK, cool for me


So anyone who doesnt agree with your newly discovered way to print isk is scared they did something wrong?

One of the things you, as a smart intelligent bunny should have figured out with your multitude of posts by now is that there is no "right way" to play eve.

In MD there are as many different ways of making isk as you can think of and probably a load that never crossed your mind....very few people jump on a bandwagon cos they see someone elses way of playing. Usually you take a look, decide it doesnt suit your playstyle and then continue with what you enjoy doing.

There are people who do market manipulation, others think that is :effort: and do station trading, others hate that and do regional slow sales...others do crazy industrial stuff, others move stuff to small outposts to control a region, others reproc/refine, some speculate, some do bulk trade, some do plex flipping, some do plex gouging, some do inter regional hauling, some do intraregion hauling, some never undock, some spend the entire day in space....some live in null and play with markets based on logistics, some live in Low and supply the needs there, some live in trade hubs in high, some live in regions most of us have never heard of.

So yes, everyone saying your idea does not have legs are just scared that they did not see the opportunity in plex until now.

people always start discussing my ideas when theirs are flawed, its just how it goes, I'm completeley confident in what I'm doing, trust me... the others always freak out about what I'm saying because it does not fit in their plans, its the panic of wrongdoing but not accepting it... if you are on the wrong side of an investment you loose and nobody wants to loose

Look if this char is your main and a previous thread of you does state that then either you are trolling or you are one of the most self-centered guys i ever met on the forums.Your whole posting habbit is like this as i just digged through it.Your a complete noob telling people what to do or what to change in eve while lacking every experience to do more then ABSORB advice.

So either this character is made purely for trolling purpose wich i would love to believe because if it is not then i'm starting to feel sorry for the people surrounding you.You'd annoy the **** out of me in reall life within an hour.That means a lot , trust me you haven't met my wife yet.

it feels more like you have issues if others don't have your opinion
#60 - 2013-05-25 14:33:44 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Rhivre wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

the bigger problem however is that some people seem to have an issue with what I do for myselfe and they now are scared they did something wrong, thats why the discussion did unfold in this direction, honestly I'm completely fine if you don't buy any plex and you are just hording your ISK, cool for me


So anyone who doesnt agree with your newly discovered way to print isk is scared they did something wrong?

One of the things you, as a smart intelligent bunny should have figured out with your multitude of posts by now is that there is no "right way" to play eve.

In MD there are as many different ways of making isk as you can think of and probably a load that never crossed your mind....very few people jump on a bandwagon cos they see someone elses way of playing. Usually you take a look, decide it doesnt suit your playstyle and then continue with what you enjoy doing.

There are people who do market manipulation, others think that is :effort: and do station trading, others hate that and do regional slow sales...others do crazy industrial stuff, others move stuff to small outposts to control a region, others reproc/refine, some speculate, some do bulk trade, some do plex flipping, some do plex gouging, some do inter regional hauling, some do intraregion hauling, some never undock, some spend the entire day in space....some live in null and play with markets based on logistics, some live in Low and supply the needs there, some live in trade hubs in high, some live in regions most of us have never heard of.

So yes, everyone saying your idea does not have legs are just scared that they did not see the opportunity in plex until now.

people always start discussing my ideas when theirs are flawed, its just how it goes, I'm completeley confident in what I'm doing, trust me... the others always freak out about what I'm saying because it does not fit in their plans, its the panic of wrongdoing but not accepting it... if you are on the wrong side of an investment you loose and nobody wants to loose

Look if this char is your main and a previous thread of you does state that then either you are trolling or you are one of the most self-centered guys i ever met on the forums.Your whole posting habbit is like this as i just digged through it.Your a complete noob telling people what to do or what to change in eve while lacking every experience to do more then ABSORB advice.

So either this character is made purely for trolling purpose wich i would love to believe because if it is not then i'm starting to feel sorry for the people surrounding you.You'd annoy the **** out of me in reall life within an hour.That means a lot , trust me you haven't met my wife yet.

it feels more like you have issues if others don't have your opinion

I have issues with people knowing absolutely jackshit and pretending to be einstein.

That is correct.

So tell me , do you have an issue with not being the smartest kid in the class and as such need to pretend you are just to keep your ego intact and feel the need as goons like to say ''to be relevant'' ?

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.