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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Gamers Corner - [GCUX]

Mirak Nijoba
Gamers Corner
#1 - 2011-10-20 21:09:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Mirak Nijoba
Welcome to the Official Gamers Corner Recruitment Thread.

Gamers Corner is a Corp that is Dedicated to Helping Players out in the Eve-Universe. Train New Players to Fly Safely, yet Wrecklessly; Have a Good Time; Explore Their Options; and to Show Them The Limitless Expanses of EVE. We Accept members of all interests and encourage members new and old to do what they like.

Currently Recruiting Pilots interested in:
Mission Running
Industrial Hauling
Industrial Production
Mining Operations
PVP Roaming
Planetary Interaction
Incursions (Soon)


We are Located in Deltole - 4 Jumps Out from Dodixie.(Gallente Space Trade Hub) - It's no Jita but it gets the job done. Great Space for Mining / Missioning / Plex Running / Planetary Interaction / Epic Arcs?


Gamers Corner is Currently Focusing our Recruiting Efforts on: Planetary Interaction.

Yes, that's right, I said Planetary Interaction. It is a very extensive Skill. Not one that should be gone into lightly as it can be costly. However, I believe that I have found a way to ease the burden on most the problems that come up with PI.

You may still think that PI is a Waste of Time; However, I can assure you that it could possibly the easiest money you'll ever make. It may even get to the point of Plexing an Account every month. Initially you will not be making the most you can. Given a little time, about 10-20 days worth, you should be making substantial gains with the least ammount of work that Eve-Online probably has to offer.

Average Time to login to your Pi-Character and Just Check the Status. Around 5mins.
Average Time to Manage a Planet. 5-10 Minutes Per Planet.
Average Time to Haul Stuff and Create a Contract. 10 Minutes.
For everything else There's Gamers Corner.

5 Minutes Per Day for 6 Days. = 30 Minutes
5-10 Minutes Per Planet Per Every 6 Days = 30-60 Minutes.
10-15 Minutes to Haul and Contract every 6 Days

Total Time Average - 1-2 Hours Per Week. (After Intial Start Up)

Possibility of Making 100-200Mil Per Week. (If Calculations are Correct)

Thinking about it. You're making a minimum of 50Million Per Hour and a Maximum of 200million Per hour. It'll probably be the easiest ISK you'll make without Trading.

Sure you can run a Mission and make about the same rates. However, that requires a lot of Work. A few Clicks and very little time spent in space doing PI. I'd say it's worth it.


If you're Interested in Getting Started in PI. or doing Better than you currently are. I have some Tips.

1. The Hardest Part is the Set-up stage.
2. The Second Hardest Part is Buying/Selling the Products.
- Gamers Corner Hopes to make this Stage the Least Worrysome.
3. Keep Updated on Trends
4. It doesn't hurt to do a little Research.
5. Extraction is the Easiest, but not always the Most Profitable.

Mirak Nijoba
Gamers Corner
#2 - 2011-10-22 12:07:08 UTC
---Some of the Possible Jobs---
1. Extraction
2. Production
3. Speciality Extraction/Production.

1. Extraction. (It's like AFK mining but less time Consuming)

It's Simple, Pick a Resource and Go. Setting up Your Planet However is a bit more Tricky.

I suggest Dropping Your Command Center Close to a Hot Spot as it will make finding your Extractors Easier in the Long Run.

Picking a Product with a lot of output doesn't always mean it's the best cash. Those Products typically have the lower cost due to the high volumes and can be a bit tough to sell on the market.

Picking a Product with the least output, again, doesn't always mean it's the best cash. Because you have to be able to make the most ISK for your time, should that be your goal.

It's always best to Extract a Product that you have an immediate buyer for. Especially if you want to save alot of time. However; you might make a bit more money selling it on the market at a slower pace.

Pick a Hotspot and sit on it. - The more you decide to follow the richest spots, the more isk you spend, the more time you spend and the lesser ammounts of ISK per hour you stand to make.

2. Production. - Investing in your Planets.

If you plan on setting up a production planet. Temperate and Barren Planets are the suggested ones as P4 Products can currently only be produced on these planets. I would suggest finding a place without hotspots for any product or pick a place on the most available resource, as you'll be less likely to interfeer with someone else.

Investing in your Production Planets can be quite Expensive to do; However, if you can buy at a set price and always have stock, You'll make Quite a Bit of Money.

This is a lot less troublesome than Extraction, however depdending on your setup This can force you to do something everyday.

To Save Time, Always keep your Customs Office Stocked Up with as much as you can to prepare for your next cycle.

Mine is 36 hours and takes up 20km3 of space. (5km3 for the outgoing product) It Costs 2 Cycles worth for the Mineral Costs of a Full Run to do it this way; but if you're constantly keeping some in station ( a weekly Supply ) then you'll spend less time per cycle sorting things out.

I hope to have enough people in the corp who are willing to extract materials so we can offer spcialized orders to help out our Production Members. This will take a lot of time to get started, but save a lot of time for both those extracting things and those producing things.

The Corp may also set up a Chain Supply all the way from p1 - p4.

We'll buy P1-P4 and Supply P1-P3.

We'll Sell P4 Products to Corp Members interested in Trading / Utilizing them for other purposes.

3. Specilization. (Extraction/Production)

This is a Crucial Yet Time Consuming Part of being in the PI Business.

Extraction is the Hardest to Try and Set-Up as to be able to offer a good enough range on Extraction, You'd have to spend a lot of money changing over to the next product to be Extracted. Even More if you're not set-up on any planets that offer that Product.

However, If you're good enough at this then Extracting those Products will be no problem and probably earn a bonus if doing said specialization for the Corp.

Production - Is the Most Time Consuming to set-up for different lines, However, If you've set up Production on 2-3 Planets then it's just alot of route setting to deal with due to changing production lines. I'd rather just set up routes to be running right than setting up on a whole nother planet.

Producing Specially Requested Items can be for short spurts or long term, if there is a lack of supply and high demand. It can vary on the profits due to changing buy/sell costs. It's likely that your costs will be reimbursed should you not make a profit off of making a product for Gamers Corner.
Mirak Nijoba
Gamers Corner
#3 - 2011-10-22 12:09:20 UTC

|Training Plans |

Phase 1 SKills.

Remote Sensing I
Remote Sensing II
Remote Sensing III
Command Center Upgrades I
Command Center Upgrades II
Command Center Upgrades III
Command Center Upgrades IV
Interplanetary Consolidation I
Interplanetary Consolidation II
Interplanetary Consolidation III
Interplanetary Consolidation IV
Remote Sensing IV

Takes 9 Days 17 Hours - No Implants - Even Spread Attributes.

Training These Skills will get you Basic Scaning abilities. and Will give you 5 Planets with the Necessary Skills to set up decently no matte what you're goal is to achieve.

Phase 2 - Advanced Scanning Skills.

Planetology I
Planetology II
Planetology III
Planetology IV
Advanced Planetology I
Advanced Planetology II
Advanced Planetology III
Advanced Planetology IV

8 Days 9 Hours - No Implants - Even Spread Attributes.

Train These Skills if you Plan on Extracting, It will get you better yields and help you find out how to best set up for the products you're about to Extract.

Extra Stuff Goes Here. - FAQ/Post Replies.

Nothing New Yet.
Mirak Nijoba
Gamers Corner
#4 - 2011-10-23 03:42:26 UTC
Still Looking for People Interested in Extraction. It's good for all those unused Characters on your Acct.
Mirak Nijoba
Gamers Corner
#5 - 2011-10-24 00:48:19 UTC
Recruitment is Still Open. Looking for any new or old pilots.
Mirak Nijoba
Gamers Corner
#6 - 2011-10-26 01:59:30 UTC
New Additions to my Worksheet Coming Soon. (Will probably set up a Forum Topic for it, when I'm ready for it to go Public.)
Mirak Nijoba
Gamers Corner
#7 - 2011-10-29 01:45:57 UTC
Just Found out that Your Extractors "Survey" can lie to you. ... If you're not getting the Promised Amount, it might be due to someone else Extracting Where you are Extracting at.

There is also a New thing Coming out. Customs Offices Controlled by US and Taxable by our Corporations. So you might want to get an idea of what it will cost to use your Low or Below Sec Customs Offices. ^_^
Mirak Nijoba
Gamers Corner
#8 - 2011-10-31 06:20:42 UTC
Changed up the Recruiting Drive. Looking for More Active Pilots more than just PI. But I have a lot of knowledge about PI. ^_^
Gravitas Moque
Independent Trade and Exploration Corporation
#9 - 2011-11-02 14:20:39 UTC
Gamers Corner still recruiting ;)

fridge is stocked, I even baked cookies Lol
Gravitas Moque
Independent Trade and Exploration Corporation
#10 - 2011-11-03 13:15:39 UTC
ok, fridge re-stocked

and I baked a fruit cake, cookies went well Smile
Mirak Nijoba
Gamers Corner
#11 - 2011-11-04 07:38:27 UTC
The fruit cake wasn't as rock hard as i thought it would be. ^_^
Gravitas Moque
Independent Trade and Exploration Corporation
#12 - 2011-11-04 16:16:31 UTC
don't diss my baking, starting my Christmas fruitcake prep this weekend - soak dried fruit in Port & Brandy until fruit absorbs it all. Top up with Port & Brandy every few days until it absorbs no more, then add to cake mixture.

i have to make a second cake just for the kids Lol