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Clone costs and old vets

First post
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#341 - 2013-05-16 17:41:34 UTC
Angelhunter wrote:
Therein lies one of the major issues for me, its simply too easy to get podded in both Null and W-Space. 1 bubble and you know its gonna be a quick trip home.

yea. and this is the thing you need to keep in mind when you choose where to live and pvp.

it's like me would do lvl4s in my pimped carebearmobile in caldari space being member of minmatar militia Big smile

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

ian papabear
No Regard.
#342 - 2013-05-16 17:43:41 UTC  |  Edited by: ian papabear
well this is why you have features for systems that include number of jumps, kills, pilots docked and active, I use all this when taking routes through nullsec and what I also do is when travelining long distances in null is i stop at every few other stations and change my medical clone so if i do get caught Im not that far from desti and I always rock 3s in null, so sometimes the pod costs do add up but its nothing that breaks my wallet

if i can figure this out, so can a 100 mill sp char


Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#343 - 2013-05-16 19:30:54 UTC
ian papabear wrote:
well this is why you have features for systems that include number of jumps, kills, pilots docked and active, I use all this when taking routes through nullsec and what I also do is when travelining long distances in null is i stop at every few other stations and change my medical clone so if i do get caught Im not that far from desti and I always rock 3s in null, so sometimes the pod costs do add up but its nothing that breaks my wallet

if i can figure this out, so can a 100 mill sp char

All that information is great, but none of it is in real time as compared to that roaming group with a dictor who just rolled into your path. I fly with a lot more expensive implants than +3's at all times because i can afford to. I can also afford my clone costs without any issues.

My Issue is that with as much money as we already spend on our ships, mods, and implants, not too mention the amount of time and money we have given this game to get where we are, can we at least be given a break on our clone costs?
Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#344 - 2013-05-16 20:04:36 UTC
Angelhunter wrote:

All that information is great, but none of it is in real time as compared to that roaming group with a dictor who just rolled into your path. I fly with a lot more expensive implants than +3's at all times because i can afford to. I can also afford my clone costs without any issues.

My Issue is that with as much money as we already spend on our ships, mods, and implants, not too mention the amount of time and money we have given this game to get where we are, can we at least be given a break on our clone costs?

Many people in support of lowering clone costs claim to have no trouble paying for them. There's also more alts posting on the "remove clone cost BW" And the main issue often comes down to a sense of "justice" about clone costs; why are high SP characters being "punished" is a phrase that comes up a lot.
Six Six Six
#345 - 2013-05-16 20:15:19 UTC
Corey Fumimasa wrote:
Angelhunter wrote:

All that information is great, but none of it is in real time as compared to that roaming group with a dictor who just rolled into your path. I fly with a lot more expensive implants than +3's at all times because i can afford to. I can also afford my clone costs without any issues.

My Issue is that with as much money as we already spend on our ships, mods, and implants, not too mention the amount of time and money we have given this game to get where we are, can we at least be given a break on our clone costs?

Many people in support of lowering clone costs claim to have no trouble paying for them. There's also more alts posting on the "remove clone cost BW" And the main issue often comes down to a sense of "justice" about clone costs; why are high SP characters being "punished" is a phrase that comes up a lot.

Alts have always posted on these forums as long as I can remember (2007) although did play from 2005 although never used to visit the forums back then.

Must admit would have liked to have played from 2003, but didn't know the game existed back then.

Yeah, clone costs are too expensive, I'm glad you recognise that fact.

So when they get reduced at least you won't be too disappointed.
Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#346 - 2013-05-16 21:06:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Corey Fumimasa
Six Six Six wrote:

Alts have always posted on these forums as long as I can remember (2007) although did play from 2005 although never used to visit the forums back then.

Must admit would have liked to have played from 2003, but didn't know the game existed back then.

Yeah, clone costs are too expensive, I'm glad you recognise that fact.

So when they get reduced at least you won't be too disappointed.

Oh I'm not going to be disappointed 6, I don't think there is a special CCP monitoring department that reads through all these threads and then makes recommendation about game direction based on the most successful/persevering posters.

I participate in the forums because you can learn a lot about other gamers here; what they like or dislike and how the game makes them feel. Just good conversation if you like games.

The alts are interesting in that it hides a bit about the person behind the keyboard, that in itself says something about the them. And the tone of their speaking along with their tendencies to group on one side or the other of an issue provide several more data points.

I don't mind the alts, in actuality most people here post with an alt, even its its just one step away from their real selves =-)
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#347 - 2013-05-16 21:23:11 UTC
Corey Fumimasa wrote:
Angelhunter wrote:

All that information is great, but none of it is in real time as compared to that roaming group with a dictor who just rolled into your path. I fly with a lot more expensive implants than +3's at all times because i can afford to. I can also afford my clone costs without any issues.

My Issue is that with as much money as we already spend on our ships, mods, and implants, not too mention the amount of time and money we have given this game to get where we are, can we at least be given a break on our clone costs?

Many people in support of lowering clone costs claim to have no trouble paying for them. There's also more alts posting on the "remove clone cost BW" And the main issue often comes down to a sense of "justice" about clone costs; why are high SP characters being "punished" is a phrase that comes up a lot.

Sometimes it does feel like a bit of a punishment, i have played since 2003, won't ever hide behind an alt, and will always speak my mind.

i like what CCP has done in terms of making the game more new player friendly, but most of the subs in this game are long term players and their alt accounts. A change as simple as lowering clone costs will only make the majority of players happy.

Perhaps if not even reducing the cost of all clones as much as say one you hit 80m or 100m SP's the clone cost doesn't go any further beyond that point? Not too mention that a say 40m SP character specialized in a ship that a 140m SP character can fly the exact same suffers less of a loss than the 140m SP player when podded. How exactly is that fair?
Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#348 - 2013-05-16 22:10:35 UTC
Angelhunter wrote:

Sometimes it does feel like a bit of a punishment, i have played since 2003, won't ever hide behind an alt, and will always speak my mind.

i like what CCP has done in terms of making the game more new player friendly, but most of the subs in this game are long term players and their alt accounts. A change as simple as lowering clone costs will only make the majority of players happy.

Perhaps if not even reducing the cost of all clones as much as say one you hit 80m or 100m SP's the clone cost doesn't go any further beyond that point? Not too mention that a say 40m SP character specialized in a ship that a 140m SP character can fly the exact same suffers less of a loss than the 140m SP player when podded. How exactly is that fair?

Its fair because the 140 million char is bringing more to the table in terms of options that the younger player will have to guess about.

For instance a 1 year old in a myrm may be pretty good, but you can make a good guess that he has good armor skills, good drones, and if he is a pvper will have auto cannons a pve guy will have rails. Thats just what he is going to have skilled up.

The 140 million char could have anything under the hood; passive shield with medium neuts, artillery, and speed mods to a straight up blaster basher x3 rep fit. This unknown is worth a lot from a tactical standpoint. And in order to balance things somewhat you need to have some kind of points, in the case of Eve it is clone costs.

Its not the best way to balance things, but its one of the few game mechanics that does. If they want to remove it I think we need to talk about other balances first.
To Be Me
#349 - 2013-05-16 22:18:39 UTC

thumbs up if you like :))))

Caldari State
#350 - 2013-05-16 22:20:40 UTC
The hypothetical arguments about what a vet ought to have (monetary, experience, or otherwise) don't even constitute an argument, really. Either vets (and players in general) respond to incentives and calculate their behavior based on the punitive cost adjustment of their clones, or they don't.

Even if the cost is negligible, it is still effectiely a disincentive to pvp for a portion of the population. So either disincentives don't matter and clone costs should be able to go as high as ccp wants for the purpose of pulling more isk out of the economy, or they do matter and this is a terrible place for an isk sink.
Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#351 - 2013-05-16 23:24:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Corey Fumimasa
OfBalance wrote:
The hypothetical arguments about what a vet ought to have (monetary, experience, or otherwise) don't even constitute an argument, really. Either vets (and players in general) respond to incentives and calculate their behavior based on the punitive cost adjustment of their clones, or they don't.

Even if the cost is negligible, it is still effectiely a disincentive to pvp for a portion of the population. So either disincentives don't matter and clone costs should be able to go as high as ccp wants for the purpose of pulling more isk out of the economy, or they do matter and this is a terrible place for an isk sink.

Its pretty small as a sink and reduction of the cost will probably lead to more pod death anyway, so it should even out. Clone costs as a sink is a pretty minor issue.

The issues that I have seen with merit for keeping or raising clone cost either revolve around;

-Normalizing the feeling of risk for pilots of different skill levels. This is the hard core PvPers who want glorious kills with big numbers that will hurt. They want Eve combat to remain scary and dangerous because they enjoy it that way. That group will often point out that the cost for Eve combat has come down over the years as ever denser sources of ISK have been uncovered and pushed into the economy. So in real terms the clones and the loss of combat in general is less than it was 5 or 6 years ago.

-The cost on high level clones is one of the few balancing factors for new players v older players. Power creep and mudflation are 2 of the biggest problems in closed game worlds like Eve. CCP has kept inflation down to a dull roar. But power creep is starting to become serious despite Eves broad and fairly shallow skill tree. And players being overly distanced in terms of power levels is far more damaging to PvP than cost of combat being a few % points off for one group or another.

The idea that clone costs are punishment is a perception, all the arguments for lowering clone cost follow this trend.

The inability of less powerful players to have an impact on more powerful ones is a quantifiable value that should be addressed before the lesser issue of percieved injustice.
Caldari State
#352 - 2013-05-16 23:34:57 UTC
Corey Fumimasa wrote:

The idea that clone costs are punishment is a perception, all the arguments for lowering clone cost follow this trend.

Punishment being your loaded substitute for disincentive, which is indeed the case. The argument doesn't change based on relative cost or your choice of words. You either have some mechanic that encourages pvp or you have something that discourages pvp. It's that simple.

Six Six Six
#353 - 2013-05-16 23:35:56 UTC
Corey Fumimasa wrote:
-The cost on high level clones is one of the few balancing factors for new players v older players..

I really don't even see that as a factor, balancing how?

You mean losses? Even if you are talking about losses it really won't make any difference to the newer player.
Tom Gerard
Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
#354 - 2013-05-16 23:39:40 UTC

Now with 100% less Troll.

Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#355 - 2013-05-16 23:48:23 UTC
Corey you make it sound like all pvp happens between the old and the young, when in fact reality is nowhere near as cut and dry like that. Everybody fights everybody, so when high clone costs financially limit the amount of pvp that some high-SP players can do, you remove their presence from both sides of the equation in any given conflict.

The only thing that high clone costs do is make less stuff get blown up; they don't magically shift the efficiency formula in favor of newbies.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Caldari State
#356 - 2013-05-17 00:45:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Omlyn
Sounds like the only issue is getting podkilled multiple times in a day. So make the the first podkill cost the full price, the second podkill cost half price, the third podkill half again. At downtime it goes back to full price. This prevents casual use of the pod express, but doesn't limit the vet from participating in the CTA multiple times without then having to carebear for a week to recover.
Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#357 - 2013-05-17 01:28:47 UTC
OfBalance wrote:

Punishment being your loaded substitute for disincentive, which is indeed the case. The argument doesn't change based on relative cost or your choice of words. You either have some mechanic that encourages pvp or you have something that discourages pvp. It's that simple.

"Punishment" isn't my word; I took that directly from several posts in these threads. It is a feeling that is held by many people who oppose the clone cost mechanic.

To me rules and limits in a game are the individual puzzle pieces that define the play area. Disincentives for certain actions and consequences for others balanced by rewards create a dynamic that makes gaming interesting.

The game is a continual process of pushing oneself past disincentives like resource depletion in order to set up the potential for victory. The threat of failure and potential loss competing with ones attention and focus as the brass ring is just coming into view is a core component of the game. Going through this process creates the feelings of dread and exultation that are so pronounced in Eve.

So disincentives are a part of the game and must not be removed. They can be balanced by greater reward if they are too strong, but to remove them would erode what is actually a very delicate and hard to attain formula for in game dynamics.
Caldari State
#358 - 2013-05-17 01:40:09 UTC  |  Edited by: OfBalance
Corey Fumimasa wrote:

To me rules and limits in a game are the individual puzzle pieces that define the play area. Disincentives for certain actions and consequences for others balanced by rewards create a dynamic that makes gaming interesting.

And my argument is that they in-fact make the game less interesting. If you want to make a legitimate counter-argument, I would start with -why- you think that this disincentive makes the game interesting.

Yes, it is a consequence, but just because something is a consequence of your game actions does not validate it as a good mechanic worth preserving. AOE doomsday and old sov mechanics (not that the new sov. is much better) had a hell of a lot of consequences, but it wasn't making the game more interesting. It simply made the game more tedious.\

My point has been that it obviously discourages pvp, I believe that is the "interesting," part of the game. So your argument must be that discouraging pvp, to some degree, makes the game more interesting. And thus I really can't understand how you hold that position.

Six Six Six wrote:

You are wrong, it's only a disincentive for those people that can't afford to keep replacing them. If you have more isk than you know what to do with then isk becomes practically worthless to you and in those cases it's certainly not a disincentive.

And thus entereth the "all vets are impossibly wealthy," fallacy again.
Six Six Six
#359 - 2013-05-17 01:41:44 UTC
Corey Fumimasa wrote:
OfBalance wrote:

Punishment being your loaded substitute for disincentive, which is indeed the case. The argument doesn't change based on relative cost or your choice of words. You either have some mechanic that encourages pvp or you have something that discourages pvp. It's that simple.

"Punishment" isn't my word; I took that directly from several posts in these threads. It is a feeling that is held by many people who oppose the clone cost mechanic.

To me rules and limits in a game are the individual puzzle pieces that define the play area. Disincentives for certain actions and consequences for others balanced by rewards create a dynamic that makes gaming interesting.

The game is a continual process of pushing oneself past disincentives like resource depletion in order to set up the potential for victory. The threat of failure and potential loss competing with ones attention and focus as the brass ring is just coming into view is a core component of the game. Going through this process creates the feelings of dread and exultation that are so pronounced in Eve.

So disincentives are a part of the game and must not be removed. They can be balanced by greater reward if they are too strong, but to remove them would erode what is actually a very delicate and hard to attain formula for in game dynamics.

Are you still talking about shaking in your boots when your talking about in game dynamics?

How is a disincentive that prevents some people from PvPing a good thing?

You are wrong, it's only a disincentive for those people that can't afford to keep replacing them. If you have more isk than you know what to do with then isk becomes practically worthless to you and in those cases it's certainly not a disincentive.
Six Six Six
#360 - 2013-05-17 02:10:07 UTC
OfBalance wrote:
Six Six Six wrote:

You are wrong, it's only a disincentive for those people that can't afford to keep replacing them. If you have more isk than you know what to do with then isk becomes practically worthless to you and in those cases it's certainly not a disincentive.

And thus entereth the "all vets are impossibly wealthy," fallacy again.

Not at all, just because you're a vet doesn't mean to say you have plenty of isk.

But the more isk someone has above what they need the more worthless it becomes to them.