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Help pos setup defense

smiith357 franzon
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-05-15 20:52:52 UTC
Hi, we are in c4 worm with c2 static entrance, any best setup to pos defense ?

Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-05-15 21:00:22 UTC
Maybe some ECM. Couple guns. Scram neut.

Seriously you are safe. Highly unlikely anyone is going to kick you out.
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#3 - 2013-05-15 21:14:26 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Maybe some ECM. Couple guns. Scram neut.

Seriously you are safe. Highly unlikely anyone is going to kick you out.

If someone wants to kick you out... THEY WILL KICK YOU OUT.

If you don't know what to fit, fly around a few POS's in C2's and C3's and ask yourself.

"If I had a fleet of 12 guys in Oracles, would I bash this POS and how hard would it be?"

If the POS literally looks like HELL for a group to kill, copy that setup.


Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#4 - 2013-05-15 21:21:31 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:

If the POS literally looks like HELL for a group to kill, copy that setup.

That's what Chinese POS manufacturers do!
Van Ketris
Elusive Dilemma
#5 - 2013-05-15 21:29:21 UTC
My stance is that a caldari pos with jammers is by far the least likely to get taken down. You can setup a pos to have guns, neuts, and all kinds of things, and it'll deter people as it should, but there are ways to counter everything except pos ECM. Furthermore, you can not get capitals into a c4, without building them, so the dread which is the easiest counter to PoS ECM isn't viable for them without weeks of warning to you.

Here is a link to my setup more/less.

You can offline hardeners, and get rid of jammer/webs on this setup to increase the amount of jammers, and I'd say in many cases that is a good call, especially the web/scram. But this is already enough ECM to deter most anyone from attacking your pos, and it will take them a very very long time to kill it even if they find a way. I like having web/disrupt because if I'm active and someone ends up outside of my pos it can let me kill them. And it scares people from fighting on my pos more so than without.

Hope that helps.

Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#6 - 2013-05-15 21:47:09 UTC
Definately go for a large tower. I personally perfer Amarr for the extra powergrid. x6 of each ECM type at least, probably more. At least 6 small turrets, and then go mental with the mediums. If you're really serious about staying, add in loads of extra offlined guns and ECM, ready to be onlined as the others fall. Attackers really hate that! Be sure to space them out to avoid area damage getting them in groups, and have them all around to cover all the potential attack vectors (top, bottom, left, right, forward and back). Be sure to have some webs and scrams in there to stop them from doing hit and runs!

Personally i wouldnt recommend dampners or neuts. Though the neut can be extremely effective, its large power requirements means its often better to just have more guns.

There are plenty of examples of this Death-Star style setup to be found via Google. Best of luck. Cool

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-05-15 22:10:05 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Maybe some ECM. Couple guns. Scram neut.

Seriously you are safe. Highly unlikely anyone is going to kick you out.

If someone wants to kick you out... THEY WILL KICK YOU OUT.

You are missing the relevant point.

It's a C4/C2.
Cage Man
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2013-05-15 22:52:39 UTC
Large tower, lots of ECM, some nuets webs and some arty's. having a POS gunner or 2 is a must. But as said, only time you C4 POS is going to get jumped on is if you really **** someone off, they really not that popular. You better of in the C2 side of that then you can farm the connecting C4. Even being in a C5 and not running the capital escalations if you can't is better if you have the numbers. C3 is better for smaller groups. My experience anyway.
Jita GnaGna
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-05-16 07:28:32 UTC
Van Ketris wrote:
My stance is that a caldari pos with jammers is by far the least likely to get taken down. You can setup a pos to have guns, neuts, and all kinds of things, and it'll deter people as it should, but there are ways to counter everything except pos ECM. Furthermore, you can not get capitals into a c4, without building them, so the dread which is the easiest counter to PoS ECM isn't viable for them without weeks of warning to you.

Here is a link to my setup more/less.

You can offline hardeners, and get rid of jammer/webs on this setup to increase the amount of jammers, and I'd say in many cases that is a good call, especially the web/scram. But this is already enough ECM to deter most anyone from attacking your pos, and it will take them a very very long time to kill it even if they find a way. I like having web/disrupt because if I'm active and someone ends up outside of my pos it can let me kill them. And it scares people from fighting on my pos more so than without.

Hope that helps.

Easy way to take down such towers --> Bring in sentries! Ships are permajammed but don't even care about it :)
Clandestine Services
#10 - 2013-05-16 08:18:47 UTC
Jita GnaGna wrote:
Easy way to take down such towers --> Bring in sentries! Ships are permajammed but don't even care about it :)

Yes, but it's still a lot of work to keep ships alive.

OP: Basically what everybody have said; Amarr Large, lots of ECM but not without guns (mostly small & some medium) and scrams. Fill in the resist-hole with hardeners. Resists to 40% is enough.

Don't underestimate the scrams, when some scout starts to jabber about taking on a POS, thats the second question I ask; how many scrams? Get 3 of those at least, it forces any fleet to at least manage to kill some mods or sacrifice ships each time they try. Without scrams it does not cost anything to try. Too much ECM? Just warp out. Scrams forces fleets to commit.

Having one neut, one sensor-dampener and one web online also give a attacking fleet more parameters to juggle. The advice of "a little bit of everything" is a good one, but focus on ECM since its very effective, not to say OP, in C4s.

Do NOT anchor torp/cruise-batteries (makes you look like you don't know what you doing) or large guns (no dreads in there anyhow).

Do NOT have capitals floating visible. They are only a reason to go after you. They are in no way a deterrent. The knife that kills you is the one you did not see coming, keep them fitted but docked.
Jita GnaGna
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-05-16 08:34:53 UTC
Mixes with Pos-Gunners ... nothing more is need to **** off small / medium gangs. When someone want to kill your Tower he will ... but EFFORT ...
An C
#12 - 2013-05-16 16:45:08 UTC
Phoenix Jones wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Maybe some ECM. Couple guns. Scram neut.

Seriously you are safe. Highly unlikely anyone is going to kick you out.

If someone wants to kick you out... THEY WILL KICK YOU OUT.

If you don't know what to fit, fly around a few POS's in C2's and C3's and ask yourself.

"If I had a fleet of 12 guys in Oracles, would I bash this POS and how hard would it be?"

If the POS literally looks like HELL for a group to kill, copy that setup.

chris elliot
Seal Club Six
Plug N Play
#13 - 2013-05-16 18:17:54 UTC
You may find this link helpful. Talocan United - Designing a Pos
Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#14 - 2013-05-16 18:47:12 UTC
I dont get why people think lower end whs are safer when it comes to not losing your pos. Two Step provided numbers that showed the same number of POSs are removed in c2s as they are in a c5.

The best thing you can do is jams, jams, jams. Throw in a scram or two and some guns and it'll be a big pain in the ass. That said, if you are relying only on your pos to fend off attackers, then you are going to lose it.

No trolling please

An C
#15 - 2013-05-16 19:29:54 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
I dont get why people think lower end whs are safer when it comes to not losing your pos. Two Step provided numbers that showed the same number of POSs are removed in c2s as they are in a c5.

The best thing you can do is jams, jams, jams. Throw in a scram or two and some guns and it'll be a big pain in the ass. That said, if you are relying only on your pos to fend off attackers, then you are going to lose it.

Agreed. You should have as many guns/ecm/scrams as possible so that if you get attacked there will be less work for you and your corp mates.
#16 - 2013-05-17 01:51:19 UTC
Tashima wrote:
[quote=Jita GnaGna]
Do NOT anchor torp/cruise-batteries (makes you look like you don't know what you doing) or large guns (no dreads in there anyhow).

I recommend at least 4 large guns as they have range, and alpha. If you have no large guns it's possible to park 150-200 off a tower and snipe the guns with most of the group semi-afk. Also it's amusing when someone sits in a frigate "out range" from our POS, and gets poped by the large guns.

PS- Also remember to avoid grouping things tightly or you risk bombers or smart bombers taking out the group.

Former forum cheerleader CCP, now just a grumpy small portion of the community.