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Clone costs and old vets

First post
Mirkur Draug'Tyr
#221 - 2013-05-15 16:21:23 UTC
Six Six Six wrote:
Mangold wrote:
So I managed to force myself to read more of the posts in this thread.

I am shocked.

What the **** do you guys want? Risk free pvp with losses without a meaning?

What brought me to this game was the fact that every single loss was permanent and a major setback. In the beginning (2003) even losing a cruiser was something that could make a grown man cry. Today people throw t3 ship after t3 ship in a fight and don't care a thing about the losses as ISK is plenty and easy to get. Pods are actually one of few losses people tend to care about especially if they have forgotten to upgrade their clone and lose skillpoints.

If you reduce the impact of a loss even more the meaning of pvp will decrease even more.

All the talk of "making people pvp more if the losses costs less" is just a step in the completely wrong direction. What the **** do you want? Evey single ship in game in your hangar spawn when you log in? Just log onto the test server instead.

Don't ****** ruin my game.

It's not actually your game it's CCP's and from what you have written, you've written it from your perspective. But it might shock you to know that not everyone is in the same boat as you. A reduction in the cost of clones, you would hardly even notice, whereas it could mean a big deal for other players.

I usually don't like the comparison to Hello Kitty Online, but seriously what do you want from this game? A themepark MMO where all is nice and sweet? You are entitled your own opinion, of course, but do not try to force that on everyone else.

This game was branded as a harsh environment where losses ment something. Don't change that.
Destination SkillQueue
#222 - 2013-05-15 16:32:24 UTC
Mangold wrote:
So I managed to force myself to read more of the posts in this thread.

I am shocked.

What the **** do you guys want? Risk free pvp with losses without a meaning?

What brought me to this game was the fact that every single loss was permanent and a major setback. In the beginning (2003) even losing a cruiser was something that could make a grown man cry. Today people throw t3 ship after t3 ship in a fight and don't care a thing about the losses as ISK is plenty and easy to get. Pods are actually one of few losses people tend to care about especially if they have forgotten to upgrade their clone and lose skillpoints.

If you reduce the impact of a loss even more the meaning of pvp will decrease even more.

All the talk of "making people pvp more if the losses costs less" is just a step in the completely wrong direction. What the **** do you want? Evey single ship in game in your hangar spawn when you log in? Just log onto the test server instead.

Don't ****** ruin my game.

I want to be able to choose the level of risk I take when I undock and not be arbitrarily punished because I've been a loyal customers of CCP for over a half a decade. I had this option when I started playing this game and no one had or seems to have a problem with it, so why is having the same choice available for older players a problem then?

In general I want assets I risk losing to contribute to my performance and if they don't or I don't want to risk them, I want to be given the choice to remove them and replace them with something more fitting before I undock. I'm not asking for free anything nor do I want it. I want the choice of choosing what I risk and not be prevented by game mechanics from making this choice. What I want is medical clone costs, that are SP neutral and the ability to freely choose what clone I take to battle just like I can with ships and fittings. I want choice and if your vision of this game doesn't allow it, I have no use for it.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#223 - 2013-05-15 16:35:19 UTC
Mangold wrote:
So I managed to force myself to read more of the posts in this thread.

I am shocked.

What the **** do you guys want? Risk free pvp with losses without a meaning?

yes, the whole thread looks like people want risk-free pvp.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#224 - 2013-05-15 16:38:38 UTC
Six Six Six wrote:
Mangold wrote:
So I managed to force myself to read more of the posts in this thread.

I am shocked.

What the **** do you guys want? Risk free pvp with losses without a meaning?

Don't ****** ruin my game.

It's not actually your game it's CCP's and from what you have written, you've written it from your perspective. But it might shock you to know that not everyone is in the same boat as you. A reduction in the cost of clones, you would hardly even notice, whereas it could mean a big deal for other players.

seriously i would LOVE to have free clones, removed learning implants and all this stuff.

but you should see some perspective outside of your personal interests. This makes me stand against such "big deals for other players"

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Six Six Six
#225 - 2013-05-15 16:40:14 UTC
Mangold wrote:
Six Six Six wrote:
Mangold wrote:
So I managed to force myself to read more of the posts in this thread.

I am shocked.

What the **** do you guys want? Risk free pvp with losses without a meaning?

What brought me to this game was the fact that every single loss was permanent and a major setback. In the beginning (2003) even losing a cruiser was something that could make a grown man cry. Today people throw t3 ship after t3 ship in a fight and don't care a thing about the losses as ISK is plenty and easy to get. Pods are actually one of few losses people tend to care about especially if they have forgotten to upgrade their clone and lose skillpoints.

If you reduce the impact of a loss even more the meaning of pvp will decrease even more.

All the talk of "making people pvp more if the losses costs less" is just a step in the completely wrong direction. What the **** do you want? Evey single ship in game in your hangar spawn when you log in? Just log onto the test server instead.

Don't ****** ruin my game.

It's not actually your game it's CCP's and from what you have written, you've written it from your perspective. But it might shock you to know that not everyone is in the same boat as you. A reduction in the cost of clones, you would hardly even notice, whereas it could mean a big deal for other players.

I usually don't like the comparison to Hello Kitty Online, but seriously what do you want from this game? A themepark MMO where all is nice and sweet? You are entitled your own opinion, of course, but do not try to force that on everyone else.

This game was branded as a harsh environment where losses ment something. Don't change that.

Well if you had read other threads recently, you might have realised I don't like theme parks, not much into MMO company generated content either. If this game became a theme park I wouldn't be playing it. Reduction in clone costs doesn't worry me at all in respect to theme parks as I know that has nothing to do with it. What I'd be more worried about, is the side games I've heard about, although I've not heard that much about them yet.
Six Six Six
#226 - 2013-05-15 16:44:36 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Six Six Six wrote:
Mangold wrote:
So I managed to force myself to read more of the posts in this thread.

I am shocked.

What the **** do you guys want? Risk free pvp with losses without a meaning?

Don't ****** ruin my game.

It's not actually your game it's CCP's and from what you have written, you've written it from your perspective. But it might shock you to know that not everyone is in the same boat as you. A reduction in the cost of clones, you would hardly even notice, whereas it could mean a big deal for other players.

seriously i would LOVE to have free clones, removed learning implants and all this stuff.

but you should see some perspective outside of your personal interests. This makes me stand against such "big deals for other players"

You're another one that's over reacting, nobody is talking about free clones. Well I say nobody, there was 1 post I've seen that mentioned it and I gave a reason why I think that's not a good idea.

It's not about making clones cost nothing but it is about reducing their costs.
Adunh Slavy
#227 - 2013-05-15 16:47:22 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
yes, the whole thread looks like people want risk-free pvp.

No, we, want to make the choice of how much we risk. Right now I am forced to risk a 32 million ISK clone. I don't get a choice.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#228 - 2013-05-15 16:50:06 UTC
Six Six Six wrote:

You're another one that's over reacting, nobody is talking about free clones. Well I say nobody, there was 1 post I've seen that mentioned it and I gave a reason why I think that's not a good idea.

It's not about making clones cost nothing but it is about reducing their costs.

personally i seen a lot more (note: there is LOTS of threads about this).
- free clones
- cheap clones (cheaper than now)
- 1 mil for clone
- complete removing of clones
- player made clones (everybody know what would it be don't we?)
- many clones in one station + insta-free JC inside 1 station
- etc....

so nope. Not "noone". Add here learning implants (which is too be removed as people want) and you have an idea....

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#229 - 2013-05-15 16:51:25 UTC
Adunh Slavy wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
yes, the whole thread looks like people want risk-free pvp.

No, we, want to make the choice of how much we risk. Right now I am forced to risk a 32 million ISK clone. I don't get a choice.

choices you have:
- security of system you are in (high/low/WH/0.0)
- ship you are in
- fitting of your ship
- purpose of your ship/fitting
- your actions (past and future)

should i continue?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Akiyo Mayaki
Caldari State
#230 - 2013-05-15 16:52:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Akiyo Mayaki
The dumb thing is that this "isk sink" is forced upon people who live in nullsec. People in high and low security space really should not lose their pods.

nerf hisec


Six Six Six
#231 - 2013-05-15 16:58:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Six Six Six
March rabbit wrote:
Six Six Six wrote:

You're another one that's over reacting, nobody is talking about free clones. Well I say nobody, there was 1 post I've seen that mentioned it and I gave a reason why I think that's not a good idea.

It's not about making clones cost nothing but it is about reducing their costs.

personally i seen a lot more (note: there is LOTS of threads about this).
- free clones
- cheap clones (cheaper than now)
- 1 mil for clone
- complete removing of clones
- player made clones (everybody know what would it be don't we?)
- many clones in one station + insta-free JC inside 1 station
- etc....

so nope. Not "noone". Add here learning implants (which is too be removed as people want) and you have an idea....

I think learning implants should go, they should have gone when the learning skills went. I'd rather people invest that isk saved on combat implants if they want a slight edge. At least that way you can fly what you can afford to lose, without having to consider a loss in training time when compared to PvEers. It will also mean you won't have to keep jumping back to training clones.
Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events
#232 - 2013-05-15 17:06:15 UTC
I can't help but to think about the op we had last night. We were on a gate waiting for a minute while I did something and some guys started jumping through the gate in pods and shuttles.

of course we blapped them all and one of the guys calls out on comms, "BRING ME SOME BACON.... MAMMA JUST COOKED SOME EGGS!"

What some of you are still not quite getting is that (at least how I see it) part of the reason for higher pod costs for vets was to level the playing field a bit so that younger players weren't perpetually disadvantaged by the mere fact that they were younger.

So ... suppose pod costs are zero for everyone. How you get that leveling effect back in?

I suggested moving it to insurance and got the comment that it wasn't fair because vets lose more ships and they shouldn't be made to pay more or take higher risks and blah blah.....

But it's not the vets who need to "catch up"

You want to find a way to "go easy" on new players at least isk wise while they learn how the game works, don't you? Maybe going hard on vets isn't the right way to go easy on newbies but there must be some way to get to a nice balance..

Six Six Six
#233 - 2013-05-15 17:17:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Six Six Six
Tinu Moorhsum wrote:
I can't help but to think about the op we had last night. We were on a gate waiting for a minute while I did something and some guys started jumping through the gate in pods and shuttles.

of course we blapped them all and one of the guys calls out on comms, "BRING ME SOME BACON.... MAMMA JUST COOKED SOME EGGS!"

What some of you are still not quite getting is that (at least how I see it) part of the reason for higher pod costs for vets was to level the playing field a bit so that younger players weren't perpetually disadvantaged by the mere fact that they were younger.

So ... suppose pod costs are zero for everyone. How you get that leveling effect back in?

I suggested moving it to insurance and got the comment that it wasn't fair because vets lose more ships and they shouldn't be made to pay more or take higher risks and blah blah.....

But it's not the vets who need to "catch up"

You want to find a way to "go easy" on new players at least isk wise while they learn how the game works, don't you? Maybe going hard on vets isn't the right way to go easy on newbies but there must be some way to get to a nice balance..

I don't know if it needs to be, newer players will always be disadvantaged until they reach a reasonable amount of sp. New players can get around the isk problem with PLEX, but not everyone has the means to do that. If a new player goes up against a vet in a 1 to 1 the vet should win. But new players will more likely engage in group PvP at least until they feel able to solo.

There is no way to balance, it never has been balanced as far back in EVE as I can remember. It's one universe full of vets, new players and those in between. If you really want balance, then the whole game would need redesigning and I doubt any serious EVE players would want that.

Edit: The other thing about lowering the costs of PvP (lower clone prices and removal of learning implants) means that people will be able to afford to experiment sooner with PvP and exploration into hostile territories. Just making PvP more affordable is not turning it into a theme park.
Mirkur Draug'Tyr
#234 - 2013-05-15 17:28:26 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
Mangold wrote:
So I managed to force myself to read more of the posts in this thread.

I am shocked.

What the **** do you guys want? Risk free pvp with losses without a meaning?

What brought me to this game was the fact that every single loss was permanent and a major setback. In the beginning (2003) even losing a cruiser was something that could make a grown man cry. Today people throw t3 ship after t3 ship in a fight and don't care a thing about the losses as ISK is plenty and easy to get. Pods are actually one of few losses people tend to care about especially if they have forgotten to upgrade their clone and lose skillpoints.

If you reduce the impact of a loss even more the meaning of pvp will decrease even more.

All the talk of "making people pvp more if the losses costs less" is just a step in the completely wrong direction. What the **** do you want? Evey single ship in game in your hangar spawn when you log in? Just log onto the test server instead.

Don't ****** ruin my game.

I want to be able to choose the level of risk I take when I undock and not be arbitrarily punished because I've been a loyal customers of CCP for over a half a decade. I had this option when I started playing this game and no one had or seems to have a problem with it, so why is having the same choice available for older players a problem then?

In general I want assets I risk losing to contribute to my performance and if they don't or I don't want to risk them, I want to be given the choice to remove them and replace them with something more fitting before I undock. I'm not asking for free anything nor do I want it. I want the choice of choosing what I risk and not be prevented by game mechanics from making this choice. What I want is medical clone costs, that are SP neutral and the ability to freely choose what clone I take to battle just like I can with ships and fittings. I want choice and if your vision of this game doesn't allow it, I have no use for it.

Then it's easy. Stop training and you wont need more expensive clones. Or just don't buy new clones and the costs of your pods will decrease over time....

Seriously, the options are there. You just need to choose.
Mirkur Draug'Tyr
#235 - 2013-05-15 17:29:43 UTC
Adunh Slavy wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
yes, the whole thread looks like people want risk-free pvp.

No, we, want to make the choice of how much we risk. Right now I am forced to risk a 32 million ISK clone. I don't get a choice.

Have you ever had the shakes before a batlle?

Ever thought of why?
Six Six Six
#236 - 2013-05-15 17:35:12 UTC
Mangold wrote:
Adunh Slavy wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
yes, the whole thread looks like people want risk-free pvp.

No, we, want to make the choice of how much we risk. Right now I am forced to risk a 32 million ISK clone. I don't get a choice.

Have you ever had the shakes before a batlle?

Ever thought of why?

Fit your ship with expensive gear and your clone with expensive combat implants, you might still be able to get those shakes still.

At the same time more people will be able to afford to PvP.

Sounds like win-win to me.
Goonswarm Federation
#237 - 2013-05-15 17:38:03 UTC
Mangold wrote:

Then it's easy. Stop training and you wont need more expensive clones. Or just don't buy new clones and the costs of your pods will decrease over time....

Seriously, the options are there. You just need to choose.

If they're the two options, then it's very apparent that the current game mechanic is broken.

Tinu Moorhsum wrote:

What some of you are still not quite getting is that (at least how I see it) part of the reason for higher pod costs for vets was to level the playing field a bit so that younger players weren't perpetually disadvantaged by the mere fact that they were younger.

And how exactly does raising the price of a clone actually level the playing field? It just means the longer you play eve, the longer you have to grind to get back into a fight. There's no level playing field when you're actually fighting so I suspect thats not the case.

The only reason for a clone that I can sensibly see is to prevent death cloning everywhere.
Mirkur Draug'Tyr
#238 - 2013-05-15 17:38:35 UTC
Six Six Six wrote:
Mangold wrote:
Six Six Six wrote:
Mangold wrote:
So I managed to force myself to read more of the posts in this thread.

I am shocked.

What the **** do you guys want? Risk free pvp with losses without a meaning?

What brought me to this game was the fact that every single loss was permanent and a major setback. In the beginning (2003) even losing a cruiser was something that could make a grown man cry. Today people throw t3 ship after t3 ship in a fight and don't care a thing about the losses as ISK is plenty and easy to get. Pods are actually one of few losses people tend to care about especially if they have forgotten to upgrade their clone and lose skillpoints.

If you reduce the impact of a loss even more the meaning of pvp will decrease even more.

All the talk of "making people pvp more if the losses costs less" is just a step in the completely wrong direction. What the **** do you want? Evey single ship in game in your hangar spawn when you log in? Just log onto the test server instead.

Don't ****** ruin my game.

It's not actually your game it's CCP's and from what you have written, you've written it from your perspective. But it might shock you to know that not everyone is in the same boat as you. A reduction in the cost of clones, you would hardly even notice, whereas it could mean a big deal for other players.

I usually don't like the comparison to Hello Kitty Online, but seriously what do you want from this game? A themepark MMO where all is nice and sweet? You are entitled your own opinion, of course, but do not try to force that on everyone else.

This game was branded as a harsh environment where losses ment something. Don't change that.

Well if you had read other threads recently, you might have realised I don't like theme parks, not much into MMO company generated content either. If this game became a theme park I wouldn't be playing it. Reduction in clone costs doesn't worry me at all in respect to theme parks as I know that has nothing to do with it. What I'd be more worried about, is the side games I've heard about, although I've not heard that much about them yet.

So. What do you enjoy in this game then?

I took the time and searched your character on Battleclinic. To me it doesn't look like you're that interested in pvp, at least not in space. Market pvp perhaps?

In my opinion insurance should be removed, clones even more expensive and isk much more difficult to get. It's been ages (years actually) since I got a hate mail for podding someone or killing a ship. Losses just don't matter anymore and in my humble opinion that takes the edge out of the game. Don't get me wrong, I hate losing ships and pods aswell and it does hurt my wallet aswell. That's what makes this game special.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#239 - 2013-05-15 17:49:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Herzog Wolfhammer
I think the solution to this is to have an alt. Could even be on the same account, unless there is some need to have 100M SP and still need to train more.

It seems like the most logical solution given some thought. While it's nice to have a main that can fly, shoot, and tank almost everything, once you get to the realm of 50M+ SP, it occurs to you that "he who has the most SP wins" is a concept that is borrowed from "leveling" of other MMOS.

This is what makes this game unique. A lot of new players come in and complain they can't "beat the 50M+ SP vets". But the vets who are in the know, usually from the experience of thinking they needed more SP to win and finding out the hard way that this is not the case, will tell the noob that specialization of the SP is what matters more than total SP.

In practice, this concept works. I too made the mistake of thinking that more SP is better, but while I can fly just about everything up to BS, I can only fly one ship at a time and putting one each of every weapon on an omni-tanked ship is going to be an exercise in comedy at best.

A long time ago I made a same-account alt to test the new (then) character creator and perhaps interest my GF in the game. Once I did that, I simply left the alt alone, but found that some of the advice about specialization I have seen in these forums looked good. So I specifically went about putting some training time into that alt for the use of Rifters (minmatar) with small missiles and guns and speed. I have not decided on shield or armor Rifters yet - but so far I am very impressed at how much damage this alt can do with a rifter sporting missiles and small projectiles.

And we are talking only about 5M SP here.

As much as we love to hate them, the Goons are good at helping noobs be effective with proper guidance regarding SP and they deserve credit. Look to their doctrines, which inspired my tests, for further information.

So overall, the "He who has the most SP" thing is antithetical to the SP system of Eve. Yes it's nice to have a main that can just about do everything as the "goto guy", but I find it satisfying that I have an alt that I can pop into a Rifter for cheap (clones are cheap and I can supply this alt with a million Rifters with T2 weapons) fun.

So where we have seen alts for scanning, scouting, industry, and markets, I recommend that an alt be specified for a specific role regarding a certain ship. With Rifters, per my example, there are many fits for missions and a host of "pirate fits" so I would say that you decide what you will do with the alt and then train about the best fit you can find for that role. My experience has shown me that you can start being effective at around 5M SP and that's practically nothing.

It's a lot better than spending 3-4 years carebearing and hoarding ISK waiting to "have at least 50M SP before I can do anything" and then being too bored to carry on after all that.

One of the reasons why people go off thinking they need 10s of millions of SP is due to the "requirements of nullsec". But let's think about this. What kind of corp or alliance demands such players who can fly and fit almost anything? Such would be the corp/alliance that will tell you what to fly and what to fit. There is much debate to the effectiveness of such doctrines, whether this is success or merely micro-management (with each failure, comes the need for ... more micromanagement like "if only everybody had Tactical Shield Manipulation to lvl 5 we would have not lost that BC in our last supercap hot drop on that small gang").

So we should think long and hard about the mindset surrounding SP and those who feel a need to require a certain level of SP from recruits. While I can blame leveling concepts from other MMOs, there's a lot of blame to be passed around to players and corp/alliance heads or recruiters who should know better.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Mirkur Draug'Tyr
#240 - 2013-05-15 17:50:43 UTC
Six Six Six wrote:
Mangold wrote:
Adunh Slavy wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
yes, the whole thread looks like people want risk-free pvp.

No, we, want to make the choice of how much we risk. Right now I am forced to risk a 32 million ISK clone. I don't get a choice.

Have you ever had the shakes before a batlle?

Ever thought of why?

Fit your ship with expensive gear and your clone with expensive combat implants, you might still be able to get those shakes still.

At the same time more people will be able to afford to PvP.

Sounds like win-win to me.

No, you're actually wrong. I do get the shakes and I'm all good, thank you.

It's not about people that can't afford to pvp. Every single player can afford to pvp. It's just how you choose to do it. If you don't dare undock in your ship because you have an expensive clone then it's not going to be better just to lower the clone costs. people used to whine about implants and losing them before this and then we got jump clones.

Now, lets talk about affording ships and clones. If you're doing sov warefare in 0.0 what can you do to win? Killing enemy fleets, of course, now that doesn't really hurt the players or the alliance that much. Do you seriously think a large alliance can't afford to lose hundreds of t2-fitted battleships? Just look at the killboards and evenews and look at all the faction BS people regulary use in large fleet battles. And they don't even care about losing them. Can you take sov by doing guerilla warfare and killing all their miners and ratters? Not really, people don't care of these losses. The only thing that really matters in warfare of that kind is how fast you can restock on ships and modules.

As I see it, you want to make the loss of a pod matter even less. Why should we even care about fighting then? Will it all end up about killmails? It is supposed to hurt when you lose something.

To me it looks like this game may be heading towards instant respawn in your ship and modules after death and you are one of the people pushing it in that direction.