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[Odyssey] Navy Battleships

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Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#681 - 2013-05-15 08:15:35 UTC
Listen guys, I understand that some of you were really looking forward to being able to do 1100 DPS at 200km, but there's no way in the real world that the CNR was ever going to be allowed to be that good - and if by some freak of persuasion or oversight it did, then it would pretty soon get nerfed.

Some of you were acting like it was a done deal and you were given a firm promise of that level of performance. You weren't. Get over it.

The New CNR will be better than the current CNR. If you don't believe me, believe the market; prices are up.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#682 - 2013-05-15 08:16:40 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Deerin wrote:
Here is the main idea behind tiercide:

...and here is the relevant picture about Navy stuff

So current CNR is performing better than Golem, which is a specialized T2 ship.

After the patch it will still be a great improvement from T1, but Golem will outperform it at its specialized area.

/me looks at the picture again.

Tiercide working as intended.

They adressed CNR's shortcoming of cruise missiles for PvP. An inbuilt non-stacking target painter + very fast missiles for fast damage application. For both PvP and PvE it is a better choice than its t1 version, albeit at a higher price. The tech2 PvE ship outperforms it for PvE.

Yup. Working as intended.

I could buy into that if the CNR wasn't becoming just a ****** Golem. Roll


How should the Golem be differentiated from the CNR?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Trolly McForumalt
#683 - 2013-05-15 08:20:10 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:

I could buy into that if the CNR wasn't becoming just a ****** Golem. Roll


Is there something wrong with that necessarily?

T1 < Navy < T2 < Pirate

Isn't this how it's been in the past?

Question is - is the CNR measurably better than the T1 Raven or Typhoon? If not adjustments should be made (on both sides of that equation).
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#684 - 2013-05-15 08:24:08 UTC
marVLs wrote:
Old CNR:

New CNR:

And plenty of CPU with 3xRigor missile stats:

Stop making sense and posting facts.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#685 - 2013-05-15 08:24:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Garviel Tarrant
Liang Nuren wrote:
Garviel Tarrant wrote:

1. If you think the CNR is bad; you're terrible
2. Navy Geddon maintains its ****** gank while now being able to easily get over 135k ehp.. alright..
3. Malcanis you shitpost too much, chill.

In PVE: the new CNR is just outright worse than the Golem
In PVP: Why aren't you using a Typhoon or Fleet Phoon again?


In PVE: I would hope so, golems are expensive as ****.
In PVP: You mean other than the Raven having a better tank, more range, more spare mids and a better damage application?

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Trolly McForumalt
#686 - 2013-05-15 08:30:50 UTC
marVLs wrote:
Old CNR:

New CNR:

And plenty of CPU with 3xRigor missile stats:

Probably not the place to ask this but...

Where can I find info on how to alter EFT/pyfa for upcoming ship/module changes (I googled it but found nothing)?
Alexander Renoir
Covenant Trading Agency
#687 - 2013-05-15 08:31:25 UTC
Gimme more Cynos wrote:
Alexander Renoir wrote:
Concernig the CNR:
All I can say is, that I strongly need one high slot for a Tractor Beam. So please do not change the slot-layout nor the Rate of Fire-Bonus.
You have changed the Cruise Missile Ammunition. Thats enough.
A Tech I Raven is useless for my skillset but my ALL Level 5 Golem is also bad today (And will be bad after the CM change). The best solution for MY PERSONAL Playstile ever was the CNR. But with this change it is ruined for me. I need one free available high-slot. Thats all.
Torpedo's where NEVER EVER an option for me. Sure I have also all Level 5 in torpoedoes.. but they are useless for my playstile.

So please overthink the Rate Of Fire-Bonus and the Slot Layout. Perhaps it will be better to change back some statistics of the CM to fit again with an ROF-bonus and a 7 launcher Slot-layout. Thanks.

Do not touch the CNR as ship. Changing the ammunition is enough.
+ I see a Problem with the gone rof-bonus. Yeah! I can make damage with the new CM but if the BS in Vengeance repairs itself faster than I can shoot the new CM wont be better.
+ I Need one free available high Slot for my Tractor Beam. (Noctis is not an Option. Playstile.. you know?)

Dude, seriously.. get a Golem. Best advice you can probably get.

After all, you have the mini Golem allready.. shouldn't be much of a change (and might actually improve your missile experience).

There is just no reason to fly a CNR in PvE any longer.

Perhaps you are right. But in my eyes the Golem needs torpedoes to be really effective. My problem is the range of a torpedo. I do not salvage every mission. I often fly against Serpentis / Gurista. Looting from this NPC is waste of time. I need the tractor beam to loot some (far away from all) BS zu refine this loot and build my missiles. I am a strong Cruise Missile user. I do not like torps because of the range. But one Defender and my calculated CM launchers on a Golem would fire like a normal Tech I Raven.

You see? Golem is not needed because I do not loot / salvage very often. The range of a torp-golem is not enough for me. I love the range of the CM. I want to decide to kill at 92km or 24km to use the tractor. But a CM-Golem is just LOL.
Best solution was ever a CM-CNR with one tractor. But this will be changed soon. If I fly the new CNR with 7 launcher and one tractor like I have ever done; this new ship would be horrible bad.
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#688 - 2013-05-15 08:38:29 UTC
The **** is wrong with you people. Cruise missiles are getting seriously buffed, Raven is gaining application at the loss of almost no dps and you're complaining that these ships are going to be worse at doing the already **** [urine?] ******* easy lvl 4 missions?

Seriously? what the ****?

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

#689 - 2013-05-15 08:39:52 UTC
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
Where can I find info on how to alter EFT/pyfa for upcoming ship/module changes (I googled it but found nothing)?
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#690 - 2013-05-15 08:43:21 UTC
Mr Renoir,

I feel that it is polite to notify you of the fact that your personal mission running preferences are completely irrelevant in balance discussions. Internet spaceships should not be designed according to your private needs, but to fit in their position in the game.

This is to suggest that you should come up with more universally applicable arguments against the presented CNR changes.


Senior Troll
New Eden Polite Forum Trolls Association


Roman Sichko
Grandfather's in armchair
#691 - 2013-05-15 08:44:27 UTC
IrJosy wrote:
I don't use my navy domi with guns can you please change it to be like the regular domi with the drone optimal/tracking bonus?

Yes, please, all we want optimal/tracking bonus for navy domi drones, not turret bonus.Sad
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#692 - 2013-05-15 08:46:14 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
marVLs wrote:
Old CNR:

New CNR:

And plenty of CPU with 3xRigor missile stats:

Stop making sense and posting facts.

Better alert ISD

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#693 - 2013-05-15 08:47:24 UTC
Garviel Tarrant wrote:
The **** is wrong with you people. Cruise missiles are getting seriously buffed, Raven is gaining application at the loss of almost no dps and you're complaining that these ships are going to be worse at doing the already **** [urine?] ******* easy lvl 4 missions?

Seriously? what the ****?

The CNR will do 11% more raw DPS with Cruise Missiles after Odyssey.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Pattern Clarc
#694 - 2013-05-15 08:59:37 UTC
Caldari Prime

Ex CSM member & Designer of the Tornado. Gallente - Pilot satisfaction

Karig'Ano Keikira
Tax Cheaters
#695 - 2013-05-15 09:04:24 UTC
To try and argue my point again:

-> If you think the CNR is bad; you're terrible
- no point in arguing it is / will be bad; obviously it will get better after changes, problem is not in absolute performance of new CNR, problems are following:

1) identical bonuses to Golem:
- there are reasonably few battleships based on missiles, why make two of them virtually identical?
- making it 'better phoon' and 'worse golem' is imo simply lazy move, it could be made much more interesting ship by giving it advantage and disadvantage(s) compared to other ships in its class
- if you can sit in golem, there is no reason whatsoever to sit into CNR; currently these two ships have strengths and weaknesses and outperform each other in different scenarios - that is good design; after change CNR will simply be inferior in every aspect in every scenario - that is bad design

2) relative decrease in performance compared to Golem, SNI, new Raven, new Phoon:
- again, not problem by itself - it still outperforms regular Raven and Phoon (as it should considering it is navy ship)
- however it makes CNR boring - it is basically cheap man's golem - not good role for a ship;
- also its performance vs SNI (which also tends to be cheaper) is dubious making point of using it in PvE and PvP dubious in itself - perhaps it can be used as torp platform as SNI as cruise, but not so sure about it, especially due to fitting problems of torps on it

-> How should the Golem be differentiated from the CNR?
let's assume it should be differentiated from Golem, so problem here is how:

few ideas:
- a) give it slight damage increase; needless to say, 8 bonused launchers are probably regarded as overkill by devs, so drop it to 7 launchers and give it slight bonus to dps, let's say 5% to damage: this will put its effective dps to 8.75, bit under 10% over golem (that shouldn't be overkill considering all other stuff golem has) and give it bit more alpha, perhaps making it more interesting PvP (and I doubt effect will break the game); as a tradeoff drop its damage application bonus
-> this will pretty much leave it in role it is in now, not bad considering it has its place now
- b) make it real attack battleship:
- up its mobility and lower its sig
option I:
- drop its range bonus, give it explosion velocity bonus (so it has both velocity and radius bonuses)
-> now we have something new and interesting, battleship capable of scary damage application with cruises and torps; I still doubt it will hit cruisers and frigs well (at least unless they are webbed and painted) so it won't really break anything
option II:
- trade damage application for missile flight time (so it has double range bonuses)
-> idea here is to give it ability to shoot torps really far, giving it potential for scary damage output on medium range [keep in mind its damage will still be at raven level and below current CNR level torp-wise, so it is not THAT scary]; however it trades for it with crappy damage application of torps
option III:
- drop it to 6 launchers, trade range for damage (7.5% per level, perhaps 7%) leave it with two utility highs
- up its fitting so it can actually fit neuts in highs
-> idea here is to make it more attack
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#696 - 2013-05-15 09:07:43 UTC
Pattern Clarc wrote:
Ersahi Kir wrote:
CCP Rise wrote:
Hey guys

I've been watching the thread closely, and I really want to post something because I would hate to think you feel ignored. The problem is, I'm really not sure what to tell you! The discussion here seems extremely passionate, but for almost every ship and topic there are people arguing both sides. I think overall thats a good sign, and I feel good about the ships as a whole.

There are a few common concerns and I'm going to keep watching and then have a talk with the rest of the balance team in a day or two about some possible adjustments.

Thanks for the discussion - I really appreciate seeing all the different perspectives.

I just want to know who's arguing for the tempest fleet issue. I thought we had pretty much agreed that the tempest was a subpar ship that has a tiny niche between the typhoon fleet issue and the maelstrom.

Unimpressive drone bay, tight when fitting 1400's, even with double bonused turrets doesn't put out impressive damage, it just seems uninspired. Find something this ship can do that sets it apart, we don't need a sub par armor maelstrom with utility highs that it can't fill without fitting mods. Honestly, if the typhoon fleet issue had more powergrid it would kick the tempest around the block in every role it could possibly fill and be more flexible to boot.

Pretty much.

For real fleet pest is so **** that it makes my eyes bleed.
#697 - 2013-05-15 09:09:56 UTC
Why comparing CNR to Golem if Golem will be changed, like all marauders, maybe even with totally different bonuses/roles.
CCP have the long term plan and they know what they doing. Just stop posting nonsens ffs...
Kay 0ss
OCP Industries.
#698 - 2013-05-15 09:11:10 UTC
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
Oh crap I just noticed the CNR has a bonus to velocity for *only* cruise missiles (musta glossed over it).

Intended? If so that is utter rubbish. I've never seen a bonus on a ship only for rails, artillery or beam lasers. This bonus needs to apply to torps as well.

It says
+10% bonus to Cruise Missile Torpedo Velocity
I think its supposed to be
+10% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo VelocityBig smile
Gimme more Cynos
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#699 - 2013-05-15 09:20:00 UTC
Alexander Renoir wrote:
Gimme more Cynos wrote:
Alexander Renoir wrote:
Concernig the CNR:
All I can say is, that I strongly need one high slot for a Tractor Beam. So please do not change the slot-layout nor the Rate of Fire-Bonus.
You have changed the Cruise Missile Ammunition. Thats enough.
A Tech I Raven is useless for my skillset but my ALL Level 5 Golem is also bad today (And will be bad after the CM change). The best solution for MY PERSONAL Playstile ever was the CNR. But with this change it is ruined for me. I need one free available high-slot. Thats all.
Torpedo's where NEVER EVER an option for me. Sure I have also all Level 5 in torpoedoes.. but they are useless for my playstile.

So please overthink the Rate Of Fire-Bonus and the Slot Layout. Perhaps it will be better to change back some statistics of the CM to fit again with an ROF-bonus and a 7 launcher Slot-layout. Thanks.

Do not touch the CNR as ship. Changing the ammunition is enough.
+ I see a Problem with the gone rof-bonus. Yeah! I can make damage with the new CM but if the BS in Vengeance repairs itself faster than I can shoot the new CM wont be better.
+ I Need one free available high Slot for my Tractor Beam. (Noctis is not an Option. Playstile.. you know?)

Dude, seriously.. get a Golem. Best advice you can probably get.

After all, you have the mini Golem allready.. shouldn't be much of a change (and might actually improve your missile experience).

There is just no reason to fly a CNR in PvE any longer.

Perhaps you are right. But in my eyes the Golem needs torpedoes to be really effective. My problem is the range of a torpedo. I do not salvage every mission. I often fly against Serpentis / Gurista. Looting from this NPC is waste of time. I need the tractor beam to loot some (far away from all) BS zu refine this loot and build my missiles. I am a strong Cruise Missile user. I do not like torps because of the range. But one Defender and my calculated CM launchers on a Golem would fire like a normal Tech I Raven.

You see? Golem is not needed because I do not loot / salvage very often. The range of a torp-golem is not enough for me. I love the range of the CM. I want to decide to kill at 92km or 24km to use the tractor. But a CM-Golem is just LOL.
Best solution was ever a CM-CNR with one tractor. But this will be changed soon. If I fly the new CNR with 7 launcher and one tractor like I have ever done; this new ship would be horrible bad.

The Golem will soon be exactly like the new CNR.. it will have 8 launchers (4x2) and you will have the space for two tractors (!). It just gets more tank, and more damage application on top of it. The Golem is just plain better. There isn't a choice anymore...

Yeah, defenders might hurt a little, but seriously, it's barely noticable.
Gimme more Cynos
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#700 - 2013-05-15 09:21:10 UTC
marVLs wrote:
Why comparing CNR to Golem if Golem will be changed, like all marauders, maybe even with totally different bonuses/roles.
CCP have the long term plan and they know what they doing. Just stop posting nonsens ffs...

Maybe because we want to fly missile-boats in the meantime? Have you ever thought about that? Not? Oh well..