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Should a tackled ship be able to self destruct?

Shaidar Hussan
#61 - 2011-11-03 02:17:18 UTC
Cunane Jeran wrote:
Cedo Nulli wrote:
OP is a sore loser it seems ...

The idea about no "self-destruct" on ships is absolutely foolish im afraid. Heck for what its worth it should even do AOE around the ship ... but that would just open too much griefing opportunities ^^

The Jita 4-4 undock would be glorious.

Hmm, Andy? xD Pretty sure I recognise that toon's picture from Facebook.
Avedis Corporation
The Vanguard Syndicate
#62 - 2011-11-03 14:29:41 UTC
Shaidar Hussan wrote:

Anvil44 wrote:
Bernard Schuyler wrote:
Seems simple to me...

Is griefing legal? As long as that answer is "yes" that means that even PvPers can be griefed by the occassional SD denying them a KM Roll

Biggest laugh for me is how all these PvP types laugh at the tear of carebears when they get ganked in high sec. The response is "It's part of the game, if you don't like it, don't play". It's game mechanics and CCP designed it that way. That is a very fair and very valid point. I never argue against it.

Self desctruct is part of the game and if you don't like it, don't play. Let's all keep that in mind folks. Kill mail is for getting a kill. You want a little award for almost killing someone that used game mechanics to 'escape'? (By escape, in this case I mean escape being blown up by you?) Tough potatoes kids. Gotta suck it up to play in the bigs. Real Live is never about fair and fortunately neither is Eve. Welcome to the sand box.

Now excuse me while I go kill some more threatening rocks in space...Lol

Welcome to the sand box lol, melodrama much? But yeah, you want to come out to low-sec, be prepared to lose a few ships if you don't bother scouting. People shouldn't be able to avoid that with a self destruct timer that is considerably shorter than your average fight.

I've already said I don't particularly care if it denies the attackers the kill, but there should be some kind of accessible record of ships a player has self destructed. People shouldn't be able to hide their stupidity that easily in this game.

Also, yet another PvE toon? Or an alt? I'm honestly quite surprised by the number of PvE toons on the warfare and tactics forums, there have only been one or two other PvP toons so far. Is everyone just posting on their Alts or what?

PvE thank you very much. I agree with finding out what was in the self destructed ship. It shouldn't add too much additional strain to the server compared to the normal kill mails, if any.

As for your comments about posting in warfare and tactics, due to my current location (wh space - which is = to 0.0 in many aspects), I for one like to learn what I can to survive longer. Since I have to deal with possible ganking all the time, I should understand the tactics and logic behind it as well as possible, to give me the greatest chance of survival. You mentioned stupidity, thinking that only combat ships should ever be in low sec or null sec or whatever. Good luck with making that work. I've been killed being stupid enough times now that I want to make someone work for a kill against me. I will use every tool at my disposal to increase my pleasure while taking away the pleasure from those opposed to me and my style of play...just like can flippers, low-sec gankers and gate campers, corps that war dec mining corps for the lols, and so forth. If for some reason that means doing a self-destruct, then damn it I will do it. 'To the last, I will grapple with thee... from Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!' to quote the immortal Khan. Self-destruct writ large, I would say.

And as for the 'welcome to the sandbox' I see that from PvPs all the time, apparently it is only melodrama if someone opposed to your style of play says it in context with what they like to do. It is appropriate only when it is from your point of view? Come on. Keep in mind that part of the fun of Eve is that there are carebears to gank, stupid players in low/null sec, annoying gankers getting cheap thrills shooting someone unequipped/unskilled/inexperienced enough to fight back. Not to mention traders, freighters, faction warfare, mega-alliance warfare and so on.

I may not like you or your point of view but you have a right to voice it.

Dr NAthan
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#63 - 2011-11-03 15:47:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr NAthan
The Bear08 wrote:
Good evening,

I am asking this question having just tackled a White Noise Obelisk on a lowsec gate. It had a Vaga and a Tengu escorting it and there were 4 of us so we took the gateguns and engaged the Vaga whilst pointing the freighter. Once the Vaga was down we turned our efforts to the Obelisk since the Tengu was doing pitiful DPS. I didn't actually see the self destruct message pop up but the pilot must have initiated it almost as soon as he was tackled him. Needless to say, he self destructed whilst in low structure X

I feel that if a ship is tackled, it should not be able to initiate the self destruct procedure. I am aware that there would have to be a slight change in mechanics in order to stop griefer's holding down ships for indefinite periods of time.As it is now, if the pilot wishes to escape then they can eject and warp.
Perhaps having a self destruct mechanism on capsule's only would be a possible solution.

What do you think?

Forget these trolls, they roam the forum to disagree with anyone who has an opinion or suggestion.

I completely agree with this suggestion, the EvE world is too safe as it is, why should a Pilot who has been caught by another ship be able to bail and deny the aggressor his prize even thought he has the ship locked down? not to mention the planning/hunting/intelligence that may of been involved.

Caps are bad for this also, it's just another crappy mechanic if you ask me. Some dude here said something along the lines of "it's a ship, ships should be able to self destruct" seriously, these people are taking the game way too seriously. here is the solution to this stupid approach.

Warp Scram/Disruptor added description "prevent operation of a targets warp drive including the self destruction of warp cores"


I hate these bullshit real life interpretations to a game.

My moto is, you got caught, deal with the consequences, you know? that phrase about action have consequences in EvE thing everyone goes on about all the time.

More killmails would be a good thing for this game.

This idea should be took seriously in some shape or form.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2011-11-03 15:57:04 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
[quote=March rabbit]how can it be possible to small ship (even n00b ship) can disrupt electronics and engines of a ship 100000x times bigger?

On the subject of warp disruption, it's a very specific thing you're doing preventing them from forming the field necessary to travel faster than light. I'm assuming that would be some sort of "bubble", a field surrounding the ship that allows it to move through space. Bubbles are vulnerable to even very small holes.[/qoute]
heh. just imagine power needed to make this "bubble". And how big power will you need to break it....

simple phisics.....

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2011-11-03 16:04:00 UTC  |  Edited by: March rabbit
Shaidar Hussan wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
From RL: take a small 1.5V battery and try to do anything with power-network of your town. You can try anything but you will not disrupt it until you get into MAIN REACTOR and blow it from inside Lol

From RL: Try moving faster than the speed of light Big smile

Speed of a light and limit to moving is only a modern theory. It exists just because theory of Einschtein needs it to be logical Lol

This is like moving by legs, horse, car and airplane. You have limit of speed? You switch your engine.

And we already have "different engine" than plain linear moving. It has name "warp drive" Lol

Dr NAthan wrote:
The Bear08 wrote:
Good evening,

I am asking this question having just tackled a White Noise Obelisk on a lowsec gate. It had a Vaga and a Tengu escorting it and there were 4 of us so we took the gateguns and engaged the Vaga whilst pointing the freighter. Once the Vaga was down we turned our efforts to the Obelisk since the Tengu was doing pitiful DPS. I didn't actually see the self destruct message pop up but the pilot must have initiated it almost as soon as he was tackled him. Needless to say, he self destructed whilst in low structure X

I feel that if a ship is tackled, it should not be able to initiate the self destruct procedure. I am aware that there would have to be a slight change in mechanics in order to stop griefer's holding down ships for indefinite periods of time.As it is now, if the pilot wishes to escape then they can eject and warp.
Perhaps having a self destruct mechanism on capsule's only would be a possible solution.

What do you think?

Forget these trolls, they roam the forum to disagree with anyone who has an opinion or suggestion.

I completely agree with this suggestion....

it makes you "not a troll" Cool

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Avedis Corporation
The Vanguard Syndicate
#66 - 2011-11-03 17:27:40 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
[quote=March rabbit]how can it be possible to small ship (even n00b ship) can disrupt electronics and engines of a ship 100000x times bigger?

On the subject of warp disruption, it's a very specific thing you're doing preventing them from forming the field necessary to travel faster than light. I'm assuming that would be some sort of "bubble", a field surrounding the ship that allows it to move through space. Bubbles are vulnerable to even very small holes.[/qoute]
heh. just imagine power needed to make this "bubble". And how big power will you need to break it....

simple phisics.....

Hmm...I'm no physicist but I just wonder...if you call the warp a 'field' perhaps or a 'bubble' no diff really. But imagine that for it to work on your ship for example, it requires a certain balance within the field. All a warp disruptor does is create 'ripples' within the field or bubble, throwing it out of balance. Thus the whole 'entering warp' fails. Again, just an idea. Not necessary that size makes a difference for it to work, merely balance of the waves.

I may not like you or your point of view but you have a right to voice it.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2011-11-03 17:44:09 UTC
Anvil44 wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
[quote=March rabbit]how can it be possible to small ship (even n00b ship) can disrupt electronics and engines of a ship 100000x times bigger?

On the subject of warp disruption, it's a very specific thing you're doing preventing them from forming the field necessary to travel faster than light. I'm assuming that would be some sort of "bubble", a field surrounding the ship that allows it to move through space. Bubbles are vulnerable to even very small holes.[/qoute]
heh. just imagine power needed to make this "bubble". And how big power will you need to break it....

simple phisics.....

Hmm...I'm no physicist but I just wonder...if you call the warp a 'field' perhaps or a 'bubble' no diff really. But imagine that for it to work on your ship for example, it requires a certain balance within the field. All a warp disruptor does is create 'ripples' within the field or bubble, throwing it out of balance. Thus the whole 'entering warp' fails. Again, just an idea. Not necessary that size makes a difference for it to work, merely balance of the waves.

well. yea. however if you make system out of balance you don't stop it. You just make system unstable thus it can do something anyway.
For this example ship with not fully disrupted warp bubble will be able to warp (with unknown destination) or blow or anything you can imagine. This is how balance work. To stop process fast (and with warp disruptors/scramblers and webs we have exactly it) you need to have enough power.

Just imagine nuclear reactor. It works around of balance. Break balance and it will simply blow or get cold. But speed of it will depend of how much power you gave to it.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Avedis Corporation
The Vanguard Syndicate
#68 - 2011-11-03 17:50:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Anvil44
march rabbit wrote:
Anvil44 wrote:
Hmm...I'm no physicist but I just wonder...if you call the warp a 'field' perhaps or a 'bubble' no diff really. But imagine that for it to work on your ship for example, it requires a certain balance within the field. All a warp disruptor does is create 'ripples' within the field or bubble, throwing it out of balance. Thus the whole 'entering warp' fails. Again, just an idea. Not necessary that size makes a difference for it to work, merely balance of the waves.

well. yea. however if you make system out of balance you don't stop it. You just make system unstable thus it can do something anyway.
For this example ship with not fully disrupted warp bubble will be able to warp (with unknown destination) or blow or anything you can imagine. This is how balance work. To stop process fast (and with warp disruptors/scramblers and webs we have exactly it) you need to have enough power.

Just imagine nuclear reactor. It works around of balance. Break balance and it will simply blow or get cold. But speed of it will depend of how much power you gave to it.

Good point. Though I would hope that my warp drive would shut down instead of jumping or blowing. Failsafes.

Since warp is not possible once a disruptor is activated perhaps warp disruptors cause a 'disturbance in the force' or something, which prevents the warp field/bubble from forming. Yeah, I could live with that explanation.

I may not like you or your point of view but you have a right to voice it.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2011-11-03 20:13:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Aqriue
I find it funny that self destruct is such an issue. On one hand you can go gangbang a hulk and laugh it off ruining the hulk pilots day but if someone self destructs its not fair cause it ruins yours? And you feel entitled to a killmail as proof you ruined someone's day by causing them to self destruct when the person causing the destruction of their own ship knows he is ruining another person's day without proof unless they rage on the forums about it. It works both ways, grief or get griefed you can't always give it without getting it in return.

Is it hard to understand that you are already given 2 minutes to destroy a ship so you should plan accordingly around that so much as the pilot of the ship that destructs should plan around bringing an scout. One = Other, so if you don't have enough DPS or a scout who is the idiot? Oh wait, its both of you. When the ship is destroyed, its gone either way by it being your hand or the hand of the pilot and kill mails are not required as proof it is destroyed. Its gone in that firey explosion so you should accept tthat you forced someone to self destruct so much as the other person accepts the ship is gone and flipping the bird in the process.

Self destruction isn't escaping the risk, its accepting it and denying the enemy in the process a record of achievement. Logoffski and succeeding is escaping risk completely because they knew they could, now you are going to see alot more caps self destructing post winter with the logoffski not working and bringing back the nullsec warfare you all loved before the blob on blob action of super carriers became the norm.

You asked CCP to dumb down EVE (yes, making things easier to kill is dumbing it down so suck it up you got what you wanted as it gets closer to WoW) by making caps easier to destroy with the limitations they are putting on it, you cannot have everything in EVE otherwise why cannot hulk pilots have stronger ships or CONCORD not giving insurance for ganks? Someone want something but someone else is always saying "You cannot have it."
#70 - 2011-11-03 20:51:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Soporo
To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee!


White Noise,eh? My experiences with some of them up North (a while back): They will stick their thumb in your eye if they can, however they can, and it's a scraggly, rough, hangnailed thumb too.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H.L. Mencken

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2011-11-04 00:11:10 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
The Bear08 wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
The Bear08 wrote:
What do you think?

grow some balls and engage real targets?

sorry but you asked Oops

I'll just let that freighter pass through next time.

Also, I've popped a fair few of you guys recently,so many in fact that you dropped a Nyx on us when we had 3 BC and a Loki. Or don't you guys count as real targets?

me is only 1 person Cool and i wasn't killed for quite some time....
And i haven't nyx (yet).

So i have no ideas who were that guys you killed Lol

he thinks shadow of death is a 20 man alliance
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#72 - 2011-11-04 00:22:37 UTC
Aqriue wrote:
You asked CCP to dumb down EVE (yes, making things easier to kill is dumbing it down

No, allowing supercaps to magically disappear to avoid certain doom is dumbing it down.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2011-11-04 02:08:37 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Aqriue wrote:
You asked CCP to dumb down EVE (yes, making things easier to kill is dumbing it down

No, allowing supercaps to magically disappear to avoid certain doom is dumbing it down.

And you still had 15 minutes to do it in prior the nerf if they shot at you then "pulled the plug". 15 minutes is again more then enough should you have the numbers of people pull it off, they just had a really big hitpoint buffer. Again, people were pulling it off because they knew you didn't have the numbers to kill them and you didn't figure that out. Its not like loggofski was instant in seconds, you had the 15 minute window duration. Now they cannot escape so you have all the time in the world.....still if you lack numbers to do it in 15 minutes it would of been impossible but now you can do it on your own time. Sounds like it got easier for you, regardless of a cap disseappering or not.

Even if they didn't change the logoff and you exclude it that mechanic, super carriers and titans still got dumbed down further. They reduced hitpoints 20%, removed drones, and made the largest caliber weapons not able to hit the smaller ships. Why? Cause a massive blob of super carriers could own anyone else not flying another blob of super carriers and the bitchwhining started. How does CCP fix that? Dumb it down and make them easier to kill by removing those drones for self defense from smaller ships, making them easier to kill by having less hitpoints, and nerfing their ability to one shot anything in game with a DD. You do relize, that by requiring smaller ships to defend you CCP is giving Titans a weakness very much like a 2 meter thermal vent about the size of a local land rodent. Still sounds like it was dumbed down to me for the whiners shouting "I CAN'T KILL IT! CCP PLEASE HELP ME YOUR OUR ONLY HOPE!" cause you were not flying super caps or star destroyers but cruising around in cheaper X-wings and hoping the son of the bad guy shows up to save your ass cause he can bring balance to the universe by taking out the death star.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#74 - 2011-11-04 03:14:19 UTC
Aqriue wrote:
And you still had 15 minutes to do it in prior the nerf if they shot at you then "pulled the plug". 15 minutes is again more then enough should you have the numbers of people pull it off, they just had a really big hitpoint buffer. Again, people were pulling it off because they knew you didn't have the numbers to kill them and you didn't figure that out.

This really works at any scale. Two fleets of similar sizes meet. One completely routs the other and successfully tackles or bubbles most of the other so they can't flee. The solution? Log off and what ships they can't destroy disappear in 15 minutes. It's MAGIC!

No matter what excuses you make for that, it's a silly mechanic that has contributed to the proliferation of supercaps that led to the problem we have today.

Aqriue wrote:
Even if they didn't change the logoff and you exclude it that mechanic, super carriers and titans still got dumbed down further. They reduced hitpoints 20%, removed drones, and made the largest caliber weapons not able to hit the smaller ships. Why? Cause a massive blob of super carriers could own anyone else not flying another blob of super carriers...

It's not "dumbing down", it's balancing. CCP said their original intent for titans was for there to be a few. Now (according to the sources I've read) there are hundreds. They wanted titans to be superweapons, not fleetships. Basically supercaps were not Working As Intended and they are correcting that.

Aqriue wrote:
How does CCP fix that? Dumb it down and make them easier to kill by removing those drones for self defense from smaller ships, making them easier to kill by having less hitpoints, and nerfing their ability to one shot anything in game with a DD. You do relize, that by requiring smaller ships to defend you CCP is...

...making fleet warfare in Eve much more realistic. Ever since we started building specialized combat ships, we have used mixed fleets so that the small, nimble ships could assist and protect the large ships that carried the heavy guns. In real life there have always been drawbacks to building massive ships with massive guns, one of the primary ones being that they are vulnerable to small ships able to outmaneuver them. Look at the make-up of any successful naval fleet since cannons were put on boats and you'll find mixed fleets.

Had the Japanese fielded all carriers or all battleships in WW2, it would have been a rather short engagement. It would make sense for Eve to reflect that need for diversity in fleets.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Shaidar Hussan
#75 - 2011-11-04 08:40:15 UTC
Anvil44 wrote:

PvE thank you very much. I agree with finding out what was in the self destructed ship. It shouldn't add too much additional strain to the server compared to the normal kill mails, if any.

As for your comments about posting in warfare and tactics, due to my current location (wh space - which is = to 0.0 in many aspects), I for one like to learn what I can to survive longer. Since I have to deal with possible ganking all the time, I should understand the tactics and logic behind it as well as possible, to give me the greatest chance of survival. You mentioned stupidity, thinking that only combat ships should ever be in low sec or null sec or whatever. Good luck with making that work. I've been killed being stupid enough times now that I want to make someone work for a kill against me. I will use every tool at my disposal to increase my pleasure while taking away the pleasure from those opposed to me and my style of play...just like can flippers, low-sec gankers and gate campers, corps that war dec mining corps for the lols, and so forth. If for some reason that means doing a self-destruct, then damn it I will do it. 'To the last, I will grapple with thee... from Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!' to quote the immortal Khan. Self-destruct writ large, I would say.

And as for the 'welcome to the sandbox' I see that from PvPs all the time, apparently it is only melodrama if someone opposed to your style of play says it in context with what they like to do. It is appropriate only when it is from your point of view? Come on. Keep in mind that part of the fun of Eve is that there are carebears to gank, stupid players in low/null sec, annoying gankers getting cheap thrills shooting someone unequipped/unskilled/inexperienced enough to fight back. Not to mention traders, freighters, faction warfare, mega-alliance warfare and so on.

Aye, I guessed you were either PvE or an alt, and was just wondering which. If you're a pure PvE toon then kudos for not losing very many ships, especially when you're running wormholes. The stupidity comment was aimed at people jumping ships through low sec unscouted :D I'm guessing from your small number of losses you play pretty sensibly.

Stupidity is not a case of "only combat ships belong here", but that players who venture into low or null should be prepared for it. That often means scouts or an escort, jumping a freighter through a particularly dangerous low sec pipe, and jumping it in before the scouts, comes under "pretty damn stupid" in my book. Especially with such a small escort, imho their alliance and the toon in question shouldn't be able to avoid some kind of a loss being shown on their KB as a result.

I PvE a hell of a lot myself, probably more than most "pure" PvE toons, avoiding ganks to get about is part of the fun. Hell, I had to go through a high sec jump in my T3 to reach an escalation the other day Sad Now THAT was an interesting trip! Big smile But if I get caught I shouldn't be able to hide/avoid the loss, nor should anyone else.

Also, a toon said earlier he self destructed a fail fit carrier to much the same effect. I mean, seriously, he was off station in a low sec system solo in a carrier and avoided a lossmail Big smile That just isn't right.
Avedis Corporation
The Vanguard Syndicate
#76 - 2011-11-04 14:17:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Anvil44
Shaidar Hussan wrote:
Anvil44 wrote:


Aye, I guessed you were either PvE or an alt, and was just wondering which. If you're a pure PvE toon then kudos for not losing very many ships, especially when you're running wormholes. The stupidity comment was aimed at people jumping ships through low sec unscouted :D I'm guessing from your small number of losses you play pretty sensibly.

Stupidity is not a case of "only combat ships belong here", but that players who venture into low or null should be prepared for it. That often means scouts or an escort, jumping a freighter through a particularly dangerous low sec pipe, and jumping it in before the scouts, comes under "pretty damn stupid" in my book. Especially with such a small escort, imho their alliance and the toon in question shouldn't be able to avoid some kind of a loss being shown on their KB as a result.

I PvE a hell of a lot myself, probably more than most "pure" PvE toons, avoiding ganks to get about is part of the fun. Hell, I had to go through a high sec jump in my T3 to reach an escalation the other day Sad Now THAT was an interesting trip! Big smile But if I get caught I shouldn't be able to hide/avoid the loss, nor should anyone else.

Also, a toon said earlier he self destructed a fail fit carrier to much the same effect. I mean, seriously, he was off station in a low sec system solo in a carrier and avoided a lossmail Big smile That just isn't right.

While I agree with the scout point, some players do find it hard to get others to help so go it alone(stupid? maybe but that might also be a calculated risk...that they lost). Whether someone else blew them up or they self-destructed, they still lost their ship.

To add to the thought process, if I were trapped in a freighter, I could not escape, but it looked like there was a stretch of time before my ship was blown AND my wife and or kids were bugging me for something, I might initiate the self destruct because, hey, I gotta go and I am not going to wait this out. If someone finds out what I lost, fine, but they still didn't kill me, I still don't think they should get the kill mail.

It does add a little more to varieties of what can happen in Eve. It's one last counter to someone for blowing up your (quite possible very valuable) ship. But, how about a penalty similar to what happens when you lose a T3? You lose a skill level? Make a pilot think twice about self-destructing a 30 day training time skill.

There are always other options. Taking away an ability sucks but giving options, with consequences isn't so bad.

And yeah, I've been kind of lucky to not lose more ships for almost 1.5 years of living in a wh, with only the occasional jaunt to high sec for a breather. And you never know, I just might decide to go PvP some day. Always good to come into it with at least a bit of knowledge of game mechanics.

I may not like you or your point of view but you have a right to voice it.

Deepwater Hooligans
#77 - 2011-11-11 22:35:17 UTC
I think a good solution would be to extend the self-destruct timer from 2 minutes to something longer (I dunno, like 30 minutes?) if you are tackled or being aggressed. If you can't kill a ship or fleet in that timeframe you wouldn't be able to kill them anyway. And that way you couldn't grief someone by keeping them tackled forever. Don't know how hard that would be to code in vOv
The Bear08
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2011-11-12 11:26:37 UTC
Aqriue wrote:
I find it funny that self destruct is such an issue. On one hand you can go gangbang a hulk and laugh it off ruining the hulk pilots day but if someone self destructs its not fair cause it ruins yours? And you feel entitled to a killmail as proof you ruined someone's day by causing them to self destruct when the person causing the destruction of their own ship knows he is ruining another person's day without proof unless they rage on the forums about it. It works both ways, grief or get griefed you can't always give it without getting it in return.

Is it hard to understand that you are already given 2 minutes to destroy a ship so you should plan accordingly around that so much as the pilot of the ship that destructs should plan around bringing an scout. One = Other, so if you don't have enough DPS or a scout who is the idiot? Oh wait, its both of you. When the ship is destroyed, its gone either way by it being your hand or the hand of the pilot and kill mails are not required as proof it is destroyed. Its gone in that firey explosion so you should accept tthat you forced someone to self destruct so much as the other person accepts the ship is gone and flipping the bird in the process.

Self destruction isn't escaping the risk, its accepting it and denying the enemy in the process a record of achievement. Logoffski and succeeding is escaping risk completely because they knew they could, now you are going to see alot more caps self destructing post winter with the logoffski not working and bringing back the nullsec warfare you all loved before the blob on blob action of super carriers became the norm.

You asked CCP to dumb down EVE (yes, making things easier to kill is dumbing it down so suck it up you got what you wanted as it gets closer to WoW) by making caps easier to destroy with the limitations they are putting on it, you cannot have everything in EVE otherwise why cannot hulk pilots have stronger ships or CONCORD not giving insurance for ganks? Someone want something but someone else is always saying "You cannot have it."

You have labelled a gang without enough DPS as idiots, but that's fundamentally wrong because a gang cannot necessarily raise the numbers for sufficient DPS if there aren't enough guys online. However, an UNSCOUTED FREIGHTER pilot is an idiot because he doesn't have to move until he has a scout and a half decent escort, and thus the situation is avoidable for him. The point about the self destruct is that once the super cap or freighter is in trouble he has already made his mistake and should at least pay for the consequences via a loss mail.

You also say that "Self destruction isn't escaping the risk, its accepting it and denying the enemy in the process a record of achievement". If your enemy has managed to lock your ship down with a well planned trap then why should they not gain a tangible achievement? It's easy to say "oh who needs KM's, you know you forced the ship to self destruct so that's good enough" but that's not how human nature works and is why awards are giving in real life - for recognition of competency. It's not about greifing, its about gangs getting fair results.

For example, back to the original situation I described with the Obelisk. The result of the engagement was us popping 1 Vaga, me warping out in low structure after neuting theTengu point off, us losing a Geddon because another gang came through and got involved. We took the lossmails and posted them etc, but we dididnt have anything to show in return which is ridiculous because the Killboard does not reflect what happened - we don't gain a freighter kill but we DO end up with lossmails.

The self destruct/loggoski is a big issue for supercaps. They are hugely unbalanced at the moment because they get dropped on small gangs which then have to run. However, if the gang decides to bring cap support and fight then the pilot just logs and unless that gang can raise supercap support very quickly then the original supercap pilot survives. That is dumb because it doesn't require any planning or any thought from the original pilot, whereas if there was a risk then he would have to consider all circumstances before jumping in.

I know your response will be "get more DPS you noobs" and "get supercap support" but that's exactly what eve shouldn't be about. Supercaps should be rarer and used less frequently. The best PvP is subcap vs subcap and is why supers are getting nerfed.

In all honesty, do you PvP? I'd be amazed if you would put your ship into a high risk situation in which you knew you'd get lossmails if you died but couldn't get killmails.