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Woot, woot. Now even easier to get out of a war dec.

First post
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#61 - 2013-05-14 20:02:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Andski
Mara Villoso wrote:
Bat Country's killboard and the results of Burn Jita 2 prove hisec isn't the least bit safe. They are clear indicators that wardecs are totally unnecessary for the goal of making sure that every pilot, everywhere is subject to violence.

And the targets for Burn Jita were usually braindead freighter pilots who end up AFK for hours on the Jita gate in Perimeter

That's hardly a benchmark

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#62 - 2013-05-14 20:07:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Minmatar Citizen160812
LHA Tarawa wrote:

Just need one place holder to hold open the "real" corp and keep the POSes fueled until we can all come back.

You do know a war includes being able to knock down your PoSes? Who's going to defend them the people in the NPC corp? You're a moron.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#63 - 2013-05-14 20:08:50 UTC
Mara Villoso wrote:

Bat Country's killboard and the results of Burn Jita 2 prove hisec isn't the least bit safe. They are clear indicators that wardecs are totally unnecessary for the goal of making sure that every pilot, everywhere is subject to violence.

We hit less than 0.0001% of all frieghter traffic a day.

Its more likeley that your toaster will explode today than someone ganking you.
Mara Villoso
Long Jump.
#64 - 2013-05-14 20:38:34 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Mara Villoso wrote:

Bat Country's killboard and the results of Burn Jita 2 prove hisec isn't the least bit safe. They are clear indicators that wardecs are totally unnecessary for the goal of making sure that every pilot, everywhere is subject to violence.

We hit less than 0.0001% of all frieghter traffic a day.

Its more likeley that your toaster will explode today than someone ganking you.

I'm not sure that matters. The point stands: ganking doesn't require a wardec. Another excellent example is James315. He's done quite well for himself without firing a weapon (pure genius btw).

As a practical matter, with the exception of POS takedowns, wardecs serve no purpose. The only people who are affected by wardecs are those with a POS, an attachment to their corp name/history, and the clueless. The only "fix" would be to tag wars to the individual, which will simply drive people out of the game or into NPC corps. Remove NPC corps and it just drives them out of the game. Those people are never going to fight. Nothing anyone does is going to change that. You have to make them want to fight, and, despite the hopes of many, defending their assets doesn't make them want to fight anymore than they do now. If you give them no outs, they're gone. Love them or hate them, they aren't ever going to fight you. Hamstringing CCP's cash flow out of some weird desire for ideological purity is just silly.

I once floated a crazy idea about different corp types. The basic idea was that, if you want to fight in hisec, you are a target to all other fighters in hisec. Flag your corp as Combat and you can shoot all other Combat corps and they can shoot you. You could choose not to be a combat corp, but there were penalties, chief among them, no anchoring POS's and no weapons (i.e. no missioning/ratting either). If you look at the current Safety button feature, it is but a step away from that. If you're willing to fight, take the safety off. Anyone with safety off can fight or be fought. Want to run missions? You'll have to put it on yellow safety, and if you actually fire your weapons at anything (npc or pc) you pick up the yellow flag. Want peace? Flip it to green. But you can't activate weapons or combat drones. If you wanted to tie it to POSs, then make it so that a POS can only be anchored by corps in which all safeties are set red and then lock corp members into the red setting as long as the POS remains up or they quit the corp. That would mean the POS could be attacked by anyone with a red setting.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#65 - 2013-05-14 20:45:17 UTC
Ganking isn't a solution to a broken war mechanic. It's a crazy association, and you'd need to know absolutely nothing about either to make it.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Vincent Athena
#66 - 2013-05-14 20:46:52 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Lady Ayeipsia wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Unless in the next blog wars start instantly this is a pants on head move.

Plus, awoxers can no longer be trapped in a corp for an extra day by giving them a useless role.

Can you indefinitely lock someone in your corp by giving them new roles every time they drop the one they have?

Not before. Once you select "drop roles" no new ones can be given to you. And with the new system its irrelevant.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#67 - 2013-05-14 20:48:14 UTC
Mara Villoso wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mara Villoso wrote:

Bat Country's killboard and the results of Burn Jita 2 prove hisec isn't the least bit safe. They are clear indicators that wardecs are totally unnecessary for the goal of making sure that every pilot, everywhere is subject to violence.

We hit less than 0.0001% of all frieghter traffic a day.

Its more likeley that your toaster will explode today than someone ganking you.

I'm not sure that matters.

When you say things like high sec is not safe it kinda does matter.

War decs are ments to be there so you dont lose a ship when you attack someone. There are many reasons for going to war but the system is so broken there is very little point. Even a POS can be immune to wardecs.
LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2013-05-14 20:48:28 UTC
Kult Altol wrote:
Enjoy your epic scroll of corp history. Nothing says your loyal like joining 7 corps a week.

MyCorp1, MyCorp2, MyCorp3, MyCorp4.... yeah,. that screams "disloyal".

LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2013-05-14 20:51:44 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

War decs are ments to be there so you dont lose a ship when you attack someone. There are many reasons for going to war but the system is so broken there is very little point. Even a POS can be immune to wardecs.

Wardecs allow two groups of people that are interested n fighting, to engage in combat in high sec without CONCROD, suspect/criminal, sec status, etc.

It is not meant to camp people into station so long that they just up and quit the game.

Vincent Athena
#70 - 2013-05-14 20:56:21 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Wardecs should follow players until the war ends.

That would not get the results you want (assuming you want to shoot the player). The player will play an alt carefully kept in an NPC corp for the duration of the war.

If you change the rules about NPC corps and wars, the player will play a different game for the duration of the war.

Bottom line: You cannot force someone to log in. For many players PvP combat is a big pile of stress they just do not want in their life, much less in a recreational activity, and they will avoid it.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

Frozen fanfiction

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#71 - 2013-05-14 20:56:37 UTC
LHA Tarawa wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

War decs are ments to be there so you dont lose a ship when you attack someone. There are many reasons for going to war but the system is so broken there is very little point. Even a POS can be immune to wardecs.

Wardecs allow two groups of people that are interested n fighting, to engage in combat in high sec without CONCROD, suspect/criminal, sec status, etc.

It is not meant to camp people into station so long that they just up and quit the game.

That's an original interpretation of "war".

And by "original" I mean "you made it up".

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#72 - 2013-05-14 20:56:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Corey Fumimasa
I edited and ended up with a double post. I'll delete this one and leave the one latter on.
Some Rando
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-05-14 20:57:09 UTC
LHA Tarawa wrote:
Wardecs allow two groups of people that are interested n fighting, to engage in combat in high sec without CONCROD, suspect/criminal, sec status, etc.

So economic warfare is out of the question? No way for people who are better at fighting to stop you from research/manufacturing at your POS? No way to "legally" blow up your ship and steal your goods?

CCP has no sense of humour.

LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2013-05-14 21:02:15 UTC
I hope that whatever CCP envisions for beyond Odyssey, with players taking over the roles the empires do now, includes a massive rework of the corp, alliance structure, sov, security status, etc.
Zephyr Corp
#75 - 2013-05-14 21:07:02 UTC
An apparently novel idea would be to war dec someone that will fight back? Then the war dec is not 'pointless', only the war decs against non-PvP industrial corps?

Maybe I misunderstand it, but the whine here is that you cannot dec and painlessly gank players that decide they don't want to be ganked?

A corp with a POS will possibly be impacted - long research jobs can be interrupted, as can long manufacturing jobs for T2 ammo. Maybe you just needed a moon in the local system to put up your own tower, so you dec'd someone so they would take theirs down and make space for yours? Sometimes, a corp has grown their total number of members or had their standing changed to the point they cannot re-anchor their tower, even though the location may still be available. Finally, some players will be unable to un-anchor their towers (or just unaware) in the 24-hour window....
Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#76 - 2013-05-14 21:08:05 UTC
Meytal wrote:
Corey Fumimasa wrote:
I don't think that the purpose of a wardec is to destroy a corp. I wonder what it was originally envisioned as.

I suspect it was something like:
- Griefer Corp see Carebear Corp carebearing
- Griefer Corp wardec Carebear Corp
- Carebear Corp mobilize for war!
- Carebear Corp stop carebearing and roll out combat ships to fight Griefer Corp in glorious battle

...edited for space...

I'm not sure the devs envisioned carebears v pvpers in the beginning. Maybe they did! bastards!!! But lets assume that the Devs have a good idea of why and how gamers do what they do. And that they tried to balance things in a way that encouraged both sides to interact.

Wardecs cause the conflict averse to hide. They will not fight.
But their extra-staion infrastructure is at risk, or at least offlined for the duration of the wardec.

So maybe the purpose of wardecs is to keep players who don't want to engage in the game limited from a production standpoint. The builders have a huge advantage in a game that is based on player made items; that advantage leads to profit and accumulation of wealth that PvPers do not have access to.

So the wardecs either prevent the wealth from being realized in the first place or they push some of that excess ISK from the bears to the pvpers; creating interaction that did not exist before and benefiting both types of player.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#77 - 2013-05-14 21:09:37 UTC
Zephyrial wrote:
An apparently novel idea would be to war dec someone that will fight back? Then the war dec is not 'pointless', only the war decs against non-PvP industrial corps?

Maybe I misunderstand it, but the whine here is that you cannot dec and painlessly gank players that decide they don't want to be ganked?

If the possibility of being shot at is too much for you, you're playing the wrong game, period.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#78 - 2013-05-14 21:11:07 UTC
Some Rando wrote:
LHA Tarawa wrote:
Wardecs allow two groups of people that are interested n fighting, to engage in combat in high sec without CONCROD, suspect/criminal, sec status, etc.

So economic warfare is out of the question? No way for people who are better at fighting to stop you from research/manufacturing at your POS? No way to "legally" blow up your ship and steal your goods?

You can't force me to undock, so no, you can't blow up my ships or stop me from running jobs at my POS.

The war dec, as it exists, just forces me to change corps as soon as the dec comes in. Still doesn't let you launch an economic war against me.

ANY mechanism that could be created that let you launch an economic war against players, would simply result in many, many players quitting the game. So, NO, CCP is not going to allow that.

Out produce them. Mine the rocks before they get them. Manufacture and sell below their cost.

Just because you are better at fighting does NOT mean you get to harass others to the point that they will want to quit the game.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#79 - 2013-05-14 21:11:41 UTC
LHA Tarawa wrote:

Wardecs allow two groups of people that are interested n fighting, to engage in combat in high sec without CONCROD, suspect/criminal, sec status, etc.

It is not meant to camp people into station so long that they just up and quit the game.

Crushing a corp you are at war with is ment to happen. If people cant work together and just stay in station then that corp should be destroyed and the players go and find a better corp. Even if wardecs worked people wouldnt be forever camped into stations, this is yet another silly idea the spineless have.
LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#80 - 2013-05-14 21:13:38 UTC
Andski wrote:
Zephyrial wrote:
An apparently novel idea would be to war dec someone that will fight back? Then the war dec is not 'pointless', only the war decs against non-PvP industrial corps?

Maybe I misunderstand it, but the whine here is that you cannot dec and painlessly gank players that decide they don't want to be ganked?

If the possibility of being shot at is too much for you, you're playing the wrong game, period.

Possibility, sure.

Probability? I don't think you are paying attention. CCP clearly wants all kinds of players, PvPers AND carebears.

It amazes me how many people so badly misunderstand this.

Maybe EVE was originally about being a cold, harsh place where you were constantly in danger, and the weak dropped the game. It is not that any more. It is now a game designed to support many play styles, and all kinds of players.