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[Odyssey] Navy Battleships

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Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#461 - 2013-05-14 14:16:10 UTC
Drunken Bum wrote:
Turelus wrote:
CNR is king of PVE again? Big smile

Only people who havent flown a machariel say this ;)

You do know that Tracking Enhancers are getting nerf soon, and later the Mach (and cynabal) are getting nerfed right?
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#462 - 2013-05-14 14:16:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerick Ludhowe
MinutemanKirk wrote:

Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
Navy geddon

"Drones (bandwidth / bay): 125 / 375(+200)"


If 50 m3 bandwidth is such an improvement, how come you asking why on the geddon and not simply rejoicing at such a clearly huge buff?
Again though, it's not JUST that the difference is so little, it's the additional cost. When in demand, 400 extra mil is almost an additional plex, and I can't believe that you would think those small differences would be worth that much more. If almost the cost of my subscription for not a lot of gain isn't "objective" enough I guess I don't know what is.

I was asking "why?" because it's a non needed buff... also, the geddon is not receiving any increase in bandwidth so I'm a bit confused by your points here...

As for the price increase... The % increase is right about where all other navy ships are and the increase in performance is more or less on point as well... The navy mega will be better than it is today and it is already a rather popular Navy BS as is. I don't really see the issue here.

As for you not being objective, you weren't. You were making a "comparison" and ignoring pretty much all the improvements over the baseline hull. More ehp is a buff, another high for a nuet is a buff, over 100 more drone dps + 50m3 in utility drones is a buff. I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how you're having an issue seeing this.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#463 - 2013-05-14 14:20:13 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Destoya wrote:
Kind of sad my torp CNR got murdered; no longer any good as a herocat capital killer.

Still, I can switch right over to the navy phoon so it's not a huge deal to me.

If by "murdered" you mean "got an 11% DPS boost compared to how it is now", I guess.

I mean I don't know maybe 11% more DPS is bad in your worldview?

EDIT: I guess also 43% more alpha is bad too. Man the numbers just keep stacking up Sad

Ok, you seem to be completely dead set on saying the new CNR is better than the old one. This is completely false. Let's run down the situations that you might reasonably use a CNR. Consider:

7x Torp II, Neut
100mn MWD, LSE, Invuln, Scram, Web, Painter
Drones to taste

Assuming this all fits (I haven't checked yet), it becomes something more like this:
8x Torp II
100mn MWD, LSE, 2 Invuln, Scram, Web, Painter
Drones to taste

I'd expect it to come out with very slightly more EHP due to the extra mid slot and significantly worse DPS. I'd actually be tempted to fit a second painter over the invuln in hopes that I could push the applied DPS up a bit. However, pretty much nothing I do is going to make up for the now missing utility high slot.

Here's another fit where the CNR is just straight up worse than it used to be:

7 Cruise, RR
Hardeners, Painters, Webs, Cap Rechargers

It would become something like this:
7 Cruise, RR
Hardeners, Painters, Webs, Cap Rechargers

Again, it'd probably have similar EHP due to the extra mid slot, but would now have significantly less DPS (even applied). As it turns out, pretty much nothing it can do is going to make up for the missing utility high.

Here's another fit where the CNR is just straight up worse than it used to be:
7 Cruise, Tractor

Of course, now it becomes:
8 Cruise

Because the CNR already gets pretty good damage application, the effective DPS is about the same with the new fit. The 7th mid opens up the possibility of more painters, but at that rate you should probably just go fly a Golem - it'll be significantly better. However, now the CNR has - again - lost the utility high and must go manually fetch cans.

Basically: Fitting torps is universally worse than before. Fitting Cruise is maybe the same, but usually worse due to the loss of a utility high slot. I'd say that CCP Rise has modified the CNR such that it is implicitly tied to Cruise - but has left a mostly useless missile velocity bonus in place (it has uses with relation to PVE volley counting primarily). Just make the Cruise relationship explicit and take the missile velocity bonus away in favor of a ROF bonus and utility high slot.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#464 - 2013-05-14 14:21:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Malcanis wrote:

I'll take your word for it on this, although historically, actually fitting something in that "mandatory" utility high has been problematic in the extreme.

However I think you're underestimating the effect of the precision bonus, as well as the value of the increase effective and real alpha for PvE.

This conversation has been had. Go look up the old CNR vs Cruise Golem threads. The missile precision bonus is very much outweighed by the extra raw damage. You're really just being Baddy McBads in this thread, and I'm kinda disappointed in you. :)


Ed: Except for the Optimal+Tracking conversation. I don't know if I approve of the NApoc not having a damage bonus, but I'm not gonna deny it being a total monster in the fleet combat Grath is looking at. It might even be pretty boss in PVE, but the raw damage output seems too low for my taste.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Klingon Admiral
#465 - 2013-05-14 14:24:23 UTC
Oh my, all the ignorance in this thread.

The CNR will be more effective than a Golem, and that for one simple reason:

All Navy Ships will receive 50 extra calibration in Odyssey.

This means that the CNR can fit rigs just like a normal T1 ship could, and you could, for example, go with the following rigs:

Large Bay Loading Accelerator II (+15% RoF, which will be calculated on front of the stacking penalty)
Large Warhead Flare Catalyst I
Large Warhead Flare Catalyst I

The two flares will give the CNR a total bonus of 32,35% to it's missile's explosion velocity ... which is actually better then the "mere" 25% bonus of the Golem. True, the Golem has stronger TPs, but the CNR has it's nice explosion radius bonus, and nothing stops the CNR from fititng some TPs too. This results in actually BETTER damage application compared to a Golem, unless the Golem decides to fit at least one Flare or Rigor, in which case it will hit slightly better than the CNR. While costing more ISK.

Sure, the Golem will probably still be at an advantage in torpedo setups, but I suspect that their popularity will fade oncy the Cruise Missile changes hit.

As for PvP, listen to Grath and Malcanis, please.
Deathwing Reborn
#466 - 2013-05-14 14:28:12 UTC
I am HIGHLY disappointed that the Dominix is not receiving the new T1 bonuses. Please pass those along. I wanted to fly the Navy Domi with the tracking bonuses.
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#467 - 2013-05-14 14:29:51 UTC
Gimme more Cynos wrote:
...The problem is, that the proposed "tracking" buff for missiles just doesn't cut what the raven lost on potencial DPS. The application bonus is (on the PvE-side) only useful against Elite cruisers and frigs on a proper fitted CNR...
The question is.. did CCP propose the massive buff to Cruise Missiles already knowing they were going to adjust the CNR or were they separate designs?

PS. I would prefer the ROF bonus personally.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#468 - 2013-05-14 14:30:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Klingon Admiral wrote:
Oh my, all the ignorance in this thread.

The CNR will be more effective than a Golem, and that for one simple reason:

All Navy Ships will receive 50 extra calibration in Odyssey.

This means that the CNR can fit rigs just like a normal T1 ship could, and you could, for example, go with the following rigs:

Large Bay Loading Accelerator II (+15% RoF, which will be calculated on front of the stacking penalty)
Large Warhead Flare Catalyst I
Large Warhead Flare Catalyst I

The two flares will give the CNR a total bonus of 32,35% to it's missile's explosion velocity ... which is actually better then the "mere" 25% bonus of the Golem. True, the Golem has stronger TPs, but the CNR has it's nice explosion radius bonus, and nothing stops the CNR from fititng some TPs too. This results in actually BETTER damage application compared to a Golem, unless the Golem decides to fit at least one Flare or Rigor, in which case it will hit slightly better than the CNR. While costing more ISK.

Sure, the Golem will probably still be at an advantage in torpedo setups, but I suspect that their popularity will fade oncy the Cruise Missile changes hit.

As for PvP, listen to Grath and Malcanis, please.

A few comments:
- Malcanis and Grath don't see the utility of utility high slots in PVP. Grath is so focused on fleets that I can kinda see his perspective. Malcanis is just being abnormally bad today.
- The math between 1 rigor and 2 flares is basically even. This means that the Golem's BLA II, Rigor I is pretty much equivalent.
- The Golem's bonus is to explo velocity, not radius. The CNR's bonus is very slightly better, but massively overpowered by the TP bonus.

Basically: The Golem can already do what you're excited about, except it does it significantly better. We have a good base line for the best the new CNR can possibly pan out - and that baseline is worse than today's CNR.


Ed: Amusingly the Golem even has the alpha that Malcanis is so excited about. I'm mildly amused by his insistence that the new CNR is so amazing considering the Golem's been in game forever. Lol

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Antagonistic Tendencies
#469 - 2013-05-14 14:32:52 UTC
Seems like mostly solid changes to me and brings back some of the more powerful setups... for a price.

Only concern I'd have is that the navy mega seems to have a little bit too low base armor HP.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#470 - 2013-05-14 14:36:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Liang Nuren wrote:

Here's another fit where the CNR is just straight up worse than it used to be:
7 Cruise, Tractor

Of course, now it becomes:
8 Cruise


Which makes it better for blitzing missions and doing null sec PVE. That tractor only helps ...if you tractor stuff and in 5 years I've never seen anyone who uses on in null sec put a tractor beam on one. Being able to kill scramming npc frigs in null sec very quicky before a neut can land and scam you (especially since Forsaken Hubs is getting scramming frigs) is pure gold.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#471 - 2013-05-14 14:42:21 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Liang Nuren wrote:

I thought you might be trying to compare damage without the benefit of webs/painters. Well, yes, if you flew your Raven like a total incompetent before you'll be better off now. The rest of us will be worse.


Even with a target painter the Raven out-performs the Typhoon against sub-battleships. Unless we're imagining a scenario where the Typhoon pilot brings one and the Raven pilot doesn't...?

MinutemanKirk wrote:
mynnna wrote:

930 DPS with Gardes (realistically, use sentries with longer range, but it's still a lot of dps), 150k EHP, aligns in 10 seconds, moves at 1033m/s, has a heavy neut if things try to go to zero on you, and only needs booster 150s at a minimum to be cap stable.

It's kinda good. Might be slightly disadvantaged in solo/small gang compared to the Vindicator, but it's a fine fleet ship.

You realize that the T1 version can do all of that (with a nearly identical setup) with the only differences being two less sentries, less buffer and no neut right?
Certainly not enough to warrant the additional 300-400 mil of the navy variant.
I also don't understand why people are trying to compare it with the vindi. It can't get anywhere near the DPS of a Vindi without an 8th turret (even by sacrificing tank for many magstabs) and has no web bonus. The whole reason why I'm upset the suggested navy mega is because there is such little difference from it's T1 counterpart.

I've looked at the normal mega. Fleet fit it gets way less EHP, 75m3 drone bay means you can run warriors and EC-600s or three sentries instead of a full flight of sentries and EC-600s, it's slower, and worst of all, it's currently immensely difficult to fit. It may be the same ship writ large and thus not "sexy", but it's undeniably a lot stronger.

And the navy variant will probably cost 200-250m more, not 300-400m more.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Gimme more Cynos
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#472 - 2013-05-14 14:43:52 UTC
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
Gimme more Cynos wrote:
...The problem is, that the proposed "tracking" buff for missiles just doesn't cut what the raven lost on potencial DPS. The application bonus is (on the PvE-side) only useful against Elite cruisers and frigs on a proper fitted CNR...
The question is.. did CCP propose the massive buff to Cruise Missiles already knowing they were going to adjust the CNR or were they separate designs?

PS. I would prefer the ROF bonus personally.

I'm totaly aware that this might have been the case, however, the CNR has nothing for PvE which makes it better over their competitors with these changes, and that is what bugs me along with the fact that it will have 1 3/4 of useless bonus's for PvE...
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#473 - 2013-05-14 14:49:30 UTC
Gimme more Cynos wrote:
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
Gimme more Cynos wrote:
...The problem is, that the proposed "tracking" buff for missiles just doesn't cut what the raven lost on potencial DPS. The application bonus is (on the PvE-side) only useful against Elite cruisers and frigs on a proper fitted CNR...
The question is.. did CCP propose the massive buff to Cruise Missiles already knowing they were going to adjust the CNR or were they separate designs?

PS. I would prefer the ROF bonus personally.

I'm totaly aware that this might have been the case, however, the CNR has nothing for PvE which makes it better over their competitors with these changes, and that is what bugs me along with the fact that it will have 1 3/4 of useless bonus's for PvE...

I posted about in the mission forum to get some input there. You'll be interested in this post
Klingon Admiral
#474 - 2013-05-14 14:52:56 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
- The math between 1 rigor and 2 flares is basically even. This means that the Golem's BLA II, Rigor I is pretty much equivalent.
- The Golem's bonus is to explo velocity, not radius. The CNR's bonus is very slightly better, but massively overpowered by the TP bonus.

Basically: The Golem can already do what you're excited about, except it does it significantly better. We have a good base line for the best the new CNR can possibly pan out - and that baseline is worse than today's CNR.


Ed: Amusingly the Golem even has the alpha that Malcanis is so excited about. I'm mildly amused by his insistence that the new CNR is so amazing considering the Golem's been in game forever. Lol

- I ran calculations, comparing the hit quality of the CNR with that of the Golem against the following targets:

"Frigate": 360 m/sec; 29m sigradius
"Cruiser": 160 m/sec; 190m sigradius
"Battleship": 140 m/sec; 400m sigradius

In this calculations, the CNR had 2 Flares fitted, the Golem 1 Rigor, in addtion both ships utilized 2 PWNAGEs.

T1 Missiles vs Frig: 14,07% CNR; 14,87% Golem
T1 Missiles vs Cruiser: both ships hit for full damage
T1 Missiles vs BS: both ships hit for full damage

Fury Missiles vs Frig: 6,9% CNR; 7,3% Golem
Fury Missiles vs Cruiser: 79,8% CNR; 85,5% Golem
Fury Missiles vs BS: both ships hit for full damage

As seen, the better damage application really only affects cases that should not occur in PvE. Of course, Torps are a completely different affair, but a Torp-Golem can be quite exhausting from time to time.

And two flares because of my OCD. =D
#475 - 2013-05-14 14:58:37 UTC
Pattern Clarc wrote:
The explosion radius and velocity bonus should be rolled into one for the navy raven tbh.

ok then reduce to 7 launcher hard points and add a rof bonus.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

#476 - 2013-05-14 15:01:23 UTC
can someone give me a tldr of the last 12 pages i am too hungover to read them...

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

el cowboy
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#477 - 2013-05-14 15:04:25 UTC
I think the Navy Domi not getting the tracking bonus is stupid. You all made a good choice making the normal Domi a full drone boat, why not follow with the Navy version? Does not make any sense to me.

The Galente changes are weak all around in my opinion.
Elsa Nietchize
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#478 - 2013-05-14 15:05:16 UTC
Is there a reason the Navy Mega isn't any different from the regular mega essentially except for drone bandwidth?
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#479 - 2013-05-14 15:07:05 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Destoya wrote:
Kind of sad my torp CNR got murdered; no longer any good as a herocat capital killer.

Still, I can switch right over to the navy phoon so it's not a huge deal to me.

If by "murdered" you mean "got an 11% DPS boost compared to how it is now", I guess.

I mean I don't know maybe 11% more DPS is bad in your worldview?

EDIT: I guess also 43% more alpha is bad too. Man the numbers just keep stacking up Sad

Ok, you seem to be completely dead set on saying the new CNR is better than the old one. This is completely false. Let's run down the situations that you might reasonably use a CNR. Consider:

7x Torp II, Neut
100mn MWD, LSE, Invuln, Scram, Web, Painter
Drones to taste

Assuming this all fits (I haven't checked yet),....-Liang

Check. Torp-fitting a CNR is an excercise in frustration and faction CPUs.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Gimme more Cynos
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#480 - 2013-05-14 15:07:21 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Gimme more Cynos wrote:
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
Gimme more Cynos wrote:
...The problem is, that the proposed "tracking" buff for missiles just doesn't cut what the raven lost on potencial DPS. The application bonus is (on the PvE-side) only useful against Elite cruisers and frigs on a proper fitted CNR...
The question is.. did CCP propose the massive buff to Cruise Missiles already knowing they were going to adjust the CNR or were they separate designs?

PS. I would prefer the ROF bonus personally.

I'm totaly aware that this might have been the case, however, the CNR has nothing for PvE which makes it better over their competitors with these changes, and that is what bugs me along with the fact that it will have 1 3/4 of useless bonus's for PvE...

I posted about in the mission forum to get some input there. You'll be interested in this post

Yep, I'm interested in them, but that's only half the data, so I'm going to wait to see if stoicfaux can provide more data. Anyway, thanks :)