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[Odyssey] Navy Battleships

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Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#341 - 2013-05-14 07:34:10 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
...No, its called ignoring you because you have no idea what you're talking about, the changes to both the Apoc and the Napoc are amazing, and its literally dudes like the idiot a few posts above me who's pissed he can't fit a tractor beam and you who want a cap use bonus or some crap like that on the Apoc, or even worse, the CVA guy asking for falloff on lasers

I am curious how you justify having either a low set hard limit on engagement duration based on cargo hold or needing to sacrifice 3-4 slots to have enough cap to make anything work, slots an enemy will fill up with tank/damage/ewar. It is probably hard for you to understand seeing as you are a member of the cash-flush blob alliance extraordinaire and probably don't remember what life is like without 30 Guardians at you back, personal Titan taxis in every system and any fitting option you could possibly want.

Tracking/Range is the god combo of all time, doubly so on a laser hull (for as long as Scorch exists), but what good is phenomenal gun attributes if those guns are silenced after a few minutes?
CCP said they want to revise lasers but that it won't be until some later unspecified date, so they trundle along and remove that most hated cap bonus without taking the rather harsh effects of such a move into account .. they didn't even consider it based on the timing/reasoning of the weak emergency tweaks they agreed to make to lasers, in what can only be described as an attempt to shut people up.
The now cap-bonus-less Ships will be at a severe disadvantage outside of the free-cap-for-everyone blob due to the inherent slot tax. But you likely write the Abaddon complete absence outside of the blob off as a coincidence, so nothing we lowly peons, who actually run two digit or *gasp* one digit fleets/gangs, say will ever register in your world.

Lasers have always been characterized by hard hitting, hard fitting/operation. But tweaks/revisions to other weapon systems have over the years evened out the first while the latter remained intact. Solution doesn't even have to Amarr exclusive, a +50% to effect of elutriation rigs (incl. hybrids) or any tweaks to cap modules to lessen the slot-tax solves the problem.

PS: Hope you have a desire to flood fleet comms with cap requests and unload tons of free **** on your logi pilots if you decide to keep using (N)Apocs in a fly-swatter doctrine .. because when that bonus goes byebye they will have 10x the work in front of them.
East Trading Co Ltd
#342 - 2013-05-14 07:39:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Deerin
My 0.02


Looks nice, PG buff is nice but could be better. If there is a ship that could fit a full rack of tachs and still have decent PG left for MWD and tank, it should be NApoc. So some more PG maybe.


Looks ok. Premium melting machine + .....wait does it really have 375m^3 bay??


Looks like an animal but there is a glaring problem: +1 launcher + 1 med slot = 2 CPU hogs. You need to push base CPU to 800 minimum, maybe even more. Right now this ship will have an obligatory CPU rig to be able to fit its guns and a decent active shield tank.


The real animal. It has everything a caldari pilot might ask for....and then some more. Looks borderline OP. Though I believe this should be the case for navy issue BS's. Might drop bandwidth to 50 maybe.


Looks like it is only Regular New Mega + Neut + a lot of HP which is fine by me. (Edit: Looking back at it, it is kinda underwhelming difference for a navy ship.)


Nice for Large Hybrid fanbois. CPU looks a bit low for a 6 med ship. I really liked the sentry emphasis on new domi. But not everybody did. This would be the ship for them :)

Fleet Phoon:

I LOVE IT. Nuff said.

Fleet Pest:

There are some people who have not yet witnessed an armored alpha pest fleet in action. It is a very decent doctrine and works wonders. To be able to fit it without pg mods, however, you needed to have AWU 5....which is no longer the case with the slight buff to PG. Thank you. Now please apply more PG love to regular pest so that we can have regular pests in that role too.
Roland Galahad
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#343 - 2013-05-14 07:44:59 UTC
I read through half the posts and didn't come across anything, why does the Navy Domi have 1 less slot than any of the other Navy BS's? The Scorp was "slot deficient for no reason", is the Domi slot deficient for a reason? Would it be too OP? Basically any extra slot would be helpful. I can get over it not being a better drone boat, that makes sense and I like the versatility. However being 1 slot less than all the others just doesn't make sense to me, open my eyes anyone.

Also I do not like the Navythron nerf. If anything could the near useless utility high and launcher be switched to a n extra medium slot if you are dead set on preventing any Gallente BS from having a full load out. I feel like not adding an 8th high is to preserve the Vindi as the undisputed DPS king but if the Hyperion is losing it's highs then at least let the Navy Mega have a full set. I understand that because of the increased fire rate change it would be a massive DPS increase, so why not change the fire rate bonus to something else (I dream of a Gallente sniping boat, like the Mega of old, but alas Gallente shall never have an optimal bonus) like a falloff bonus or maybe even the old damage bonus.
Animal Nitrate
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#344 - 2013-05-14 07:51:40 UTC
I'm pretty sure we elected the CSM to be spokesmen and representatives for the community, we didn't vote you in as game designers. Less of the holier than thou and more listening to your community please.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#345 - 2013-05-14 07:56:17 UTC
Turelus wrote:
CNR is king of PVE again? Big smile

Now that I read that I might have to buy one and name it Elvis...

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#346 - 2013-05-14 07:59:00 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:

PS: Hope you have a desire to flood fleet comms with cap requests and unload tons of free **** on your logi pilots if you decide to keep using (N)Apocs in a fly-swatter doctrine .. because when that bonus goes byebye they will have 10x the work in front of them.

Just for giggles, how often do you think you have to inject with an injector?

I mean you shouldn't be MWDing around the entire time with guns blazing, and the current Napoc with 3x heatsinks and 8x MP II's can fire just its guns for THIRTEEN MINUTES with a MWD fit and not turned on.

With the bonus removed I would estimate that you can fire for around 8 minutes without needing a SINGLE BOOSTER

And then you inject once and BAM, 6 more minutes of CONSTANT FIRE.

All of this takes into consideration that you're never actually firing the entire time, sometimes your guns wont ever activate on a target because the other 36 BS in your fleet already evaporated the target, sometimes you've been warped to reposition.

With a full load of cap booster charges ina Napoc you can have somewhere between 40 minutes and an hour of constant fighting, and thats being VERY conservative.

That cap use bonus isn't near as powerful as you might think , RR Geddons had really long fights running all its guns and a Large RR, Abbadons the running 8 uncapbonused guns, fighting for hours, the Napoc will be no different than those, you wont be screaming for cap from your logis, you'll learn to inject every 6 minutes or so for about 20 injections.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#347 - 2013-05-14 08:00:01 UTC
I have to say this caught me by surprise, I honestly didn't expect you to do the navy battleships in this go. As per usual, one by one:


Apocalypse Navy Issue: Oversized T1, just like the current version. I was actually tempted to "downgrade" my alt's Apocalypse to T1 because the tracking + optimal + scorch is amazing, now I'll just get to keep the navy version instead. APPROVED.

Armageddon Navy Issue: I had hoped that you will not have turned this into a fully blown drone boat and you did not disappoint. Now with extra drone bay to make a true drone/laser hybrid. APPROVED.


Raven Navy Issue: Both disappointed and impressed here. On the one hand, I was really looking forward to long range overpowered battleship slaughtering CNR that the old thing would have become with the new cruise missiles. On the other hand, I knew that hull was to be nerfed eventually and I already feared the day. Then I come in here, terrified in what was to become of my beloved bird of prey - only to find this... this... this beautiful thing! /tears of joy/ First, 8 launchers, rejoice! It's less of a damage boost against large targets than the old CNR was about to be, but the damage application will be shiny, meaning it'll melt targets of very different sizes. Even more, the extra mid slot adds either a boost to tank or an extra utility, which will definitely come handy. APPROVED, +100, SIGNED, etc.

Scorpion Navy Issue: Essentially, this is now a 200k ehp beast with pre-boost CNR dps, ouch. Gotta have to test it on SiSi, but I feel like it might be a tiny bit too powerful. Then again, the new CNR and Typhoon easily beat its missile dps, so it just might be fine. APPROVED


Megathron Navy Issue: Same turret DPS as the T1 version, though with an extra high for a potential dps boost from a launcher (yeah, not gonna happen) or a utility high. Other than that, a bit faster and a bit tankier than a T1, with a larger drone bay. Overall, I think it's going to be enough to make it viable, but it's also a bit boring, so ABSTAINED (I can't reject it, as I've already approved the Apocalypse above which has a similar deal with T1, but I can't approve it either, because Apoc is simply a more fun ship).

Dominix Navy Issue: Essentially the Gallente variant of the Scorpion, relatively high dps and exceptional tank, otherwise unchanged from a dual weapon boat that it is on TQ. APPROVED.


Typhoon Fleet Issue: Remains versatile, but also gains some dps. In missile configuration it has slightly higher potential dps than the CNR, but less application and loses on range - this makes it an interesting reversal from T1 hulls. It keeps the large drone bay from before, meaning it might be able to offset some of the CNR's advantage against smaller targets. Missile boat to missile boat, I think the CNR is slightly better overall, though part of Typhoon's advantage is its unpredictability in fitting. The projectile version will be just as awesome. APPROVED.

Tempest Fleet Issue:

I'm struggling to find a reason to use this. I mean, it will make a decent armor alpha ship, but that's about it and I fail to see how that's sufficient a role to make it popular. For everything else, there are better options. REJECTED.

Overall: you did a good job on most hulls. Megathron could use a slight update, just to make it a bit shinier and the Tempest needs to be looked at. other than that, thumbs up.
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#348 - 2013-05-14 08:00:12 UTC
Animal Nitrate wrote:
I'm pretty sure we elected the CSM to be spokesmen and representatives for the community, we didn't vote you in as game designers. Less of the holier than thou and more listening to your community please.

No, they absolutely don't have to listen to you when you're flat out wrong about things.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#349 - 2013-05-14 08:02:39 UTC
Animal Nitrate wrote:
I'm pretty sure we elected the CSM to be spokesmen and representatives for the community, we didn't vote you in as game designers. Less of the holier than thou and more listening to your community please.

You'll be pleased to know that we didn't do any game designing in this case. The changes were presented to us by CCP and we gave feedback on them in our capacity as your representatives. The changes were then adjusted or left in place according to that feedback process.

In this thread alone, "the community" has complained both that the Fleet Typhoon is "useless" and "grossly OP". Similar dichotimies are presented for the other ships. Which view should we be representing, in your view of the CSM?

I get to be "holier than thou" because I actually read the changes and thought about them in light of the other changes that are being presented, and I took a few moments to apply some thought as to how current fitting doctrine could be adapted to make optimal use of the new ships.

Other people simply looked at one single facet of the change constellation and flipped their ****, ignoring little things like actual numbers and the rest of the ship's stats. Being "holier" than that isn't difficult. It's easy, a duty and a pleasure.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Gimme more Cynos
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#350 - 2013-05-14 08:06:44 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:

Correct, you're not hitting them for full damage. I understand that you don't understand the missile damage formula but I'm trying to explain it in the terms that might get through to you

I understand that you are full of crap and unable to do the math. It's either this, or you are just another failfit pilot. Ofcourse, you might just talk about resists as the reason for your lack of your knowledge, but no sane person would count them in while talking about damage application as you can't change them anyway.


No, thats not why you'll hit them harder, and I honestly can't see how you get out of bed in the morning and dress yourself since you literally have no idea how your own ship works.

The reason is infact the raw-damage boost, just go out in a proper fitted raven, and see what this is doing with cruisers. One Volley and they are at less than 10% Armor..


I own one, of just about every BS, currently missing a Navy Scorp, Bhaalgorn and Nightmare, thanks for the suggestion I can't wait to use it after these changes as it will literally be a monster, you know, like everybody who isn't a mission running clueless pubbie

Oh, you OWN one.. here's something new for you - owning doesn't equal flying.
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#351 - 2013-05-14 08:08:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Grath Telkin
Gimme more Cynos wrote:
Grath Telkin wrote:

Correct, you're not hitting them for full damage. I understand that you don't understand the missile damage formula but I'm trying to explain it in the terms that might get through to you

I understand that you are full of crap and unable to do the math. It's either this, or you are just another failfit pilot. Ofcourse, you might just talk about resists as the reason for your lack of your knowledge, but no sane person would count them in while talking about damage application as you can't change them anyway.


No, thats not why you'll hit them harder, and I honestly can't see how you get out of bed in the morning and dress yourself since you literally have no idea how your own ship works.

The reason is infact the raw-damage boost, just go out in a proper fitted raven, and see what this is doing with cruisers. One Volley and they are at less than 10% Armor..


I own one, of just about every BS, currently missing a Navy Scorp, Bhaalgorn and Nightmare, thanks for the suggestion I can't wait to use it after these changes as it will literally be a monster, you know, like everybody who isn't a mission running clueless pubbie

Oh, you OWN one.. here's something new for you - owning doesn't equal flying.

Ok then bright guy, tell me how missile damage works, show me the math.

EDIT: All the math, as in the full missile damage formula.

You say I don't know what I'm talking about, why dont you tell me how missile damage works and is applied to a target. Feel free to use actual numbers in the formula, you can even use example ships, in example situations.

EDIT EDIT: If it makes it better for you I can even supply you with the fitted ships and stats of each to use as an example.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#352 - 2013-05-14 08:18:27 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
In this thread alone, "the community" has complained both that the Fleet Typhoon is "useless" and "grossly OP". Similar dichotimies are presented for the other ships. Which view should we be representing, in your view of the CSM?

Your own. You weren't elected to be blind messengers of the people, you were elected because you are hopefully smart enough to figure these things out on your own. That's why I will occasionally disagree with CSM viewpoint, but I'll never disagree with you thinking on your own.

As for you, Nitrate, you should do the same. If you think you're smarter, you're free to run for CSM next year.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#353 - 2013-05-14 08:19:31 UTC
Gimme more Cynos wrote:

The reason is infact the raw-damage boost, just go out in a proper fitted raven, and see what this is doing with cruisers. One Volley and they are at less than 10% Armor..

And with the CNR, one volley and they'll be dead. So instead of 2 volleys taking 6 seconds each, you'll need 1 volley taking 8 seconds. This is equivalent to a 50% increase in effective DPS.

Yeah I'm sorry we were only about to get you a 50% effective buff, but life is hard, you know?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#354 - 2013-05-14 08:22:23 UTC
Dont correct him yet, i want to see his missile numbers using all the appropriate data

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#355 - 2013-05-14 08:24:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcanis
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
In this thread alone, "the community" has complained both that the Fleet Typhoon is "useless" and "grossly OP". Similar dichotimies are presented for the other ships. Which view should we be representing, in your view of the CSM?

Your own. You weren't elected to be blind messengers of the people, you were elected because you are hopefully smart enough to figure these things out on your own. That's why I will occasionally disagree with CSM viewpoint, but I'll never disagree with you thinking on your own.

As for you, Nitrate, you should do the same. If you think you're smarter, you're free to run for CSM next year.

In fairness to Nitrate, he's also upset by the huge sig increase for the Navy Geddon. Candidly I didn't see the reason for such a big nerf to the ship and I personally argued against it. But we're representatives, not ~game designers~, and after the person who is the game designer took on board my feedback, the sig increase was reduced a little but left in place for reasons that were good and sufficient to him (CCP Rise can explain this increase more fully if he so chooses).

I know Nitrate personally and actually he is smarter than me. In this case he's also over-reacting and wrong.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#356 - 2013-05-14 08:27:33 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
Just for giggles...


And what do you think those numbers will look like outside a buffered blob that barely moves after being shat out by a Titan .. you know when you have to manoeuvre and your armour doesn't magically reappear at the press of HELP! button?

I have no doubt it will perform as expertly as the Abaddon, even more so with the tracking .. in the blob. Problem arises outside said blob when the degree of self-sufficiently is much, much higher and every inch/slot/joule counts.

Mordus Angels
#357 - 2013-05-14 08:28:19 UTC
Interesting. Pity about CNR nerf tho - while the signature bonus will be certainly interesting I'm not sure that will be enough of a bonus to make it good enough with missiles against some of the alternatives. For example navy typhoon with its greater speed, higher base damage and godly drone bay with missiles, plus has couple of utility slots on top of that.

Overall seem interesting changes. I'm not happy with everything but overall seems decent enough so its probably balanced enough.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Karig'Ano Keikira
Tax Cheaters
#358 - 2013-05-14 08:30:29 UTC
my opinion on caldary ships [talking about PvE mostly]:

- this is de facto nerf to CNR damage (ofc it is total buff considering cruises buff, but relative to other caldary missile platforms):
-> current CNR has 7 launchers and 5% rof bonus, putting it to 7*(1/(1-0.25)) = 9.3 effective launchers [keep in mind rof bonus of 25% is actually 33% dps bonus due to rof mechanics)
-> new CNR will have 8 effective launchers, total nerf of 1.33 launchers or cca 15% missile DPS
=> result: CNR is put on exactly same dps as SNI, new raven and golem (that is 8 effective launchers)
-> clarification: 6 launchers and 25% rof bonus = 6*(1/0.75) = 6 * 1.33 = 8 effective launchers
- it does get damage application bonus and (still useless) missile velocity bonus to help offset dps loss, however, few things are problematic here:
-> golem has velocity bonus and explosion bonus and 8 effective launchers. Imo this puts these two ships into direct overlap with golem being somewhat better. Considering EVE is not built on principle of tier X+1 > tier X, this makes no sense
- +1 mid and bit of speed boosts is good, might make putting mwd or ab on it easier, so it is good, but nothing stellar really - CNR already has enough tank, enough tank w prop if you really want that and horribly slow huge ship make bit less horribly slow and huge is not really relevant

- bonuses overlapping with golem (basically ship in same class), quite significant dps nerf, minor mobility buffs, significant tank or prop buff (with possible fitting issues here, CNR already has bit tight fit);
- personally heavily against this change; it is not bad per se, but makes CNR into ship that is direct competition to golem [and does it bad] and we do not need it

- make it unique rather then forcing it into bonuses that already exist:
- examples:
- give it proper damage bonus instead of damage application bonus: this will put its dps > golem and SNI with worse damage application then golem [as it is now], making ships more distinct
-> hell, give it two damage bonuses [might be op] ,but give it nerf to damage application and tank. This would create unique ship capable of serious death rain against battleships
- if you really insist on attack role (CNR != attack role, never was, never will be unless you give it massive buff to mobility and sig), give it two damage application bonuses. At least it will make ship unique
- or: give it two range bonuses so it can shoot torps at quite good range - I am sure someone will find use for ship capable of spitting torps to 45 - 70 km
- or: just leave it as it is; it has its place now, perhaps add mid slot

- changes force CNR into ship that performs as golem and is pretty bad at it :(

- imo it was a good ship before, it is getting allaround buffs (and minor nerf to resistances), so nothing to add here; in theory it might use bit bigger drone bay, but it is totally optional
- fine ship before, better ship after, full support
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#359 - 2013-05-14 08:31:36 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Grath Telkin wrote:
Just for giggles...


And what do you think those numbers will look like outside a buffered blob that barely moves after being shat out by a Titan .. you know when you have to manoeuvre and your armour doesn't magically reappear at the press of HELP! button?

I have no doubt it will perform as expertly as the Abaddon, even more so with the tracking .. in the blob. Problem arises outside said blob when the degree of self-sufficiently is much, much higher and every inch/slot/joule counts.

yea man, my alliance and its dirty blob, they can put a whole 100 guys in fleet, not like Provibloc who stack 300 dudes up for an important timer....

You want a Hyperion, its exactly what you're asking for, it can rep itslef, and 'manoeuver' (<--the red squigly means you spelled it wrong) and is good for solo BS work, which is basically what you're asking for.

The Amarr have never had a BS that can do that (thank god) and they never should, the entire race is built around buffer tanking, so where did you get this idea that suddenly they should get some Gallente like ships?

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Tank Talbot
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#360 - 2013-05-14 08:34:02 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
For the record, "we" voiced concerns that a ship with a tracking bonus AND a range bonus was a significant risk to balance.

Am I wrong for wanting them podded over this? Lol