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"King of Low Sec" - Fly your flag over CCP HQ by blowing stuff up!

First post First post First post
Caius Argentis
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#361 - 2013-05-11 02:57:25 UTC
This thread is golden...
Caius Argentis
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#362 - 2013-05-11 02:57:41 UTC
ISD Cyberdyne
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#363 - 2013-05-11 03:00:50 UTC
5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

Please remember to adhere to the forum rules. Thanks.

ISD Cyberdyne

Lieutenant Commander

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Azran Zala
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#364 - 2013-05-11 03:26:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Azran Zala
Im probly not going to post much more on this topic, but:

Truth be told, Snuff were not trying to win any competition, but just rolling around blowing stuff up like we normally do on a any given day, much like PL where likely doing the same, which excluding the fights involving ccp, still landed us in top 5 possition.

It just so happend, that we also creamed a ccp fleet that came past while we were camping a gate, and later cynoe'd in & creamed their second fleet when it took a nip at our bait elsewhere... after the night was over one of us who'd been tracking killboards, took notice, that we were in the lead for this comp. And we got gigglely. And pre-empted the outcome.

Now. simply put as a single corp we can only manage so many fights (or ganks).
Two of our fights and two-thirds of our final blows value that night happend to be CCP looses (mostly their snake implants, their tech2 loot is neglegible).

We thought nothing of it being ccp, since the rules never said anywhere that kills against CCP players dont count.
In actual fact the rules stated "All kills regardless of circumstances". According to the rules, we won.
But an amendment to the results was made by ccp after the fact, this is no different from rigging the results of an election tbh.
(I wander if they do that with the CSM?)

So butt-hurt, maybe a little, but shocked at the ninja - decission to exclude dev losses, definitely.

Fact is... killing the ccp fleet was not easier than taking on another player fleet, and had as much risk of losses to us.
(seriously trying to tackle BCs moving at 3000 m/s with dev hack resists...)
And their loot and their snake implants had real isk values and are availible on the market. Regardless of how THEY aquired them.

As for PL ... well they sat in 10% tidi shooting a thousand frigates and crap who were not in any kind of organised fleet and where too busy shooting a nyx at 1 gun cycle every 5 minutes to notice they where getting alphed.
Totally elite pvp there. Bravo to them. Well deserved win, none the less.
#365 - 2013-05-11 03:30:02 UTC
Hello friends!

My name is JEFFRAIDER and I am the official Pandemic Legion Head Diplomat. After a meeting with our leadership team I have been directed to make two public statements in regards to this. For reference, present at the leadership meeting were myself, Elendar (Flag FC), Elise Randolph (Head FC), Shadoo (Backup FC), Kearl (Alliance Executor), Phalanx III (Head of Logistics), Grath Telkin (Supercapital FC), Alidean (Sniggerdly Vice-CEO) and BlueMajere (North Eastern SWAT Vice-CEO).

First Public Statement to CCP:

Dear CCP,

We would first like to thank you for this fun event and wonderful prize! While we are gratified to have won, we certainly understand the controversy in your decision. I am sure had your fleet been in the system with the event rather than specifically attacking URINE Alliance, you would have felt more comfortable in allowing the CCP kills to count. Since you didn't really give other entities the same chance to engage your fleet, we understand your decision. Once again, thank you!

Second Public Statement to URINE Alliance:

Dear URINE Alliance,

We won.

After hours of combat versus EVE players we managed to do three times the damage to all of low-sec as your alliance. We won, and those of you who aren't us lost. Big time.

For those of you keeping score, it's Pandemic Legion: 1, URINE Alliance: 0.

Over 1000 enemies melted under the purifying lasers of Elendar's FLAG-WINNING Fleet, so once again, in case you were wondering who won and who lost this year, we are the clear-cut victors. You are the losers. In fact, I would go so far to say that we absolutely f*cking wolloped you.

Now I'll admit, winning was very fun. It was fun for two reasons. 1) We got exactly what we wanted - every single little bit. And 2) winning means that we got to watch other people lose, people we admittedly have no respect for and really enjoy watching get upset.

To the victors go the spoils, I suppose.

Not only that, the process of winning was fun. It was also pretty easy. Surprisingly so! All we had to do was murder One Thousand (1000) enemy ships over a 3 hour firefight outnumbered 1700:100. Us owning has been working for years, so we did it again, and it paid off, and we won.

God, it feels good to win. It just feels really, really good.

Take a look at this face. This is the face of a winner. If that makes you angry, look in the mirror because that's the face of a loser. A huge, unequivocal loser.

I bet you're not ready to give up yet. I bet you think you can be King of Low-Sec next year. You can't. I certainly welcome you to try - because I enjoy winning- but trust me, nothing you do is going to change anything. What’s going to happen is I’m going to keep on winning, and you’re going to keep on losing. That’s just how it’s going to be from here on out. Because that’s how it’s always been.

I won. You lost. Bye.

Pandemic Legion
Pepper Gets in the Iron Man Suit to Save Tony But Dies Trying Coalition

(messiah is killeon as well BTW)
phalanx III
Pandemic Legion
#366 - 2013-05-11 03:31:47 UTC
God I love you
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#367 - 2013-05-11 03:31:55 UTC

I won. You lost. Bye.

gfs all around
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#368 - 2013-05-11 03:34:54 UTC
In case you were concerned I feel at this point it would be wise to say that the above smugpost has a spoiler.

You have been warned~
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#369 - 2013-05-11 03:37:47 UTC
Hello friends!

My name is JEFFRAIDER and I am the official Pandemic Legion Head Diplomat. After a meeting with our leadership team I have been directed to make two public statements in regards to this. For reference, present at the leadership meeting were myself, Elendar (Flag FC), Elise Randolph (Head FC), Shadoo (Backup FC), Kearl (Alliance Executor), Phalanx III (Head of Logistics), Grath Telkin (Supercapital FC), Alidean (Sniggerdly Vice-CEO) and BlueMajere (North Eastern SWAT Vice-CEO).

First Public Statement to CCP:

Dear CCP,

We would first like to thank you for this fun event and wonderful prize! While we are gratified to have won, we certainly understand the controversy in your decision. I am sure had your fleet been in the system with the event rather than specifically attacking URINE Alliance, you would have felt more comfortable in allowing the CCP kills to count. Since you didn't really give other entities the same chance to engage your fleet, we understand your decision. Once again, thank you!

Second Public Statement to URINE Alliance:

Dear URINE Alliance,

We won.

After hours of combat versus EVE players we managed to do three times the damage to all of low-sec as your alliance. We won, and those of you who aren't us lost. Big time.

For those of you keeping score, it's Pandemic Legion: 1, URINE Alliance: 0.

Over 1000 enemies melted under the purifying lasers of Elendar's FLAG-WINNING Fleet, so once again, in case you were wondering who won and who lost this year, we are the clear-cut victors. You are the losers. In fact, I would go so far to say that we absolutely f*cking wolloped you.

Now I'll admit, winning was very fun. It was fun for two reasons. 1) We got exactly what we wanted - every single little bit. And 2) winning means that we got to watch other people lose, people we admittedly have no respect for and really enjoy watching get upset.

To the victors go the spoils, I suppose.

Not only that, the process of winning was fun. It was also pretty easy. Surprisingly so! All we had to do was murder One Thousand (1000) enemy ships over a 3 hour firefight outnumbered 1700:100. Us owning has been working for years, so we did it again, and it paid off, and we won.

God, it feels good to win. It just feels really, really good.

Take a look at this face. This is the face of a winner. If that makes you angry, look in the mirror because that's the face of a loser. A huge, unequivocal loser.

I bet you're not ready to give up yet. I bet you think you can be King of Low-Sec next year. You can't. I certainly welcome you to try - because I enjoy winning- but trust me, nothing you do is going to change anything. What’s going to happen is I’m going to keep on winning, and you’re going to keep on losing. That’s just how it’s going to be from here on out. Because that’s how it’s always been.

I won. You lost. Bye.

Pandemic Legion
Pepper Gets in the Iron Man Suit to Save Tony But Dies Trying Coalition

(messiah is killeon as well BTW)

post of the year
Luke Simstantinou
Guild of Independent Pilots
#370 - 2013-05-11 03:38:05 UTC
*popcorn eating gif*
#371 - 2013-05-11 03:40:51 UTC
God damn Jeff.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#372 - 2013-05-11 03:57:09 UTC
Hello friends!

My name is JEFFRAIDER and I am the official Pandemic Legion Head Diplomat. After a meeting with our leadership team I have been directed to make two public statements in regards to this. For reference, present at the leadership meeting were myself, Elendar (Flag FC), Elise Randolph (Head FC), Shadoo (Backup FC), Kearl (Alliance Executor), Phalanx III (Head of Logistics), Grath Telkin (Supercapital FC), Alidean (Sniggerdly Vice-CEO) and BlueMajere (North Eastern SWAT Vice-CEO).

First Public Statement to CCP:

Dear CCP,

We would first like to thank you for this fun event and wonderful prize! While we are gratified to have won, we certainly understand the controversy in your decision. I am sure had your fleet been in the system with the event rather than specifically attacking URINE Alliance, you would have felt more comfortable in allowing the CCP kills to count. Since you didn't really give other entities the same chance to engage your fleet, we understand your decision. Once again, thank you!

Second Public Statement to URINE Alliance:

Dear URINE Alliance,

We won.

After hours of combat versus EVE players we managed to do three times the damage to all of low-sec as your alliance. We won, and those of you who aren't us lost. Big time.

For those of you keeping score, it's Pandemic Legion: 1, URINE Alliance: 0.

Over 1000 enemies melted under the purifying lasers of Elendar's FLAG-WINNING Fleet, so once again, in case you were wondering who won and who lost this year, we are the clear-cut victors. You are the losers. In fact, I would go so far to say that we absolutely f*cking wolloped you.

Now I'll admit, winning was very fun. It was fun for two reasons. 1) We got exactly what we wanted - every single little bit. And 2) winning means that we got to watch other people lose, people we admittedly have no respect for and really enjoy watching get upset.

To the victors go the spoils, I suppose.

Not only that, the process of winning was fun. It was also pretty easy. Surprisingly so! All we had to do was murder One Thousand (1000) enemy ships over a 3 hour firefight outnumbered 1700:100. Us owning has been working for years, so we did it again, and it paid off, and we won.

God, it feels good to win. It just feels really, really good.

Take a look at this face. This is the face of a winner. If that makes you angry, look in the mirror because that's the face of a loser. A huge, unequivocal loser.

I bet you're not ready to give up yet. I bet you think you can be King of Low-Sec next year. You can't. I certainly welcome you to try - because I enjoy winning- but trust me, nothing you do is going to change anything. What’s going to happen is I’m going to keep on winning, and you’re going to keep on losing. That’s just how it’s going to be from here on out. Because that’s how it’s always been.

I won. You lost. Bye.

Pandemic Legion
Pepper Gets in the Iron Man Suit to Save Tony But Dies Trying Coalition

(messiah is killeon as well BTW)

Gold. Pure gold.
Manks Girl
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#373 - 2013-05-11 04:21:50 UTC
Hello friends!

My name is JEFFRAIDER and I am the official Pandemic Legion Head Diplomat. After a meeting with our leadership team I have been directed to make two public statements in regards to this. For reference, present at the leadership meeting were myself, Elendar (Flag FC), Elise Randolph (Head FC), Shadoo (Backup FC), Kearl (Alliance Executor), Phalanx III (Head of Logistics), Grath Telkin (Supercapital FC), Alidean (Sniggerdly Vice-CEO) and BlueMajere (North Eastern SWAT Vice-CEO).

First Public Statement to CCP:

Dear CCP,

We would first like to thank you for this fun event and wonderful prize! While we are gratified to have won, we certainly understand the controversy in your decision. I am sure had your fleet been in the system with the event rather than specifically attacking URINE Alliance, you would have felt more comfortable in allowing the CCP kills to count. Since you didn't really give other entities the same chance to engage your fleet, we understand your decision. Once again, thank you!

Second Public Statement to URINE Alliance:

Dear URINE Alliance,

We won.

After hours of combat versus EVE players we managed to do three times the damage to all of low-sec as your alliance. We won, and those of you who aren't us lost. Big time.

For those of you keeping score, it's Pandemic Legion: 1, URINE Alliance: 0.

Over 1000 enemies melted under the purifying lasers of Elendar's FLAG-WINNING Fleet, so once again, in case you were wondering who won and who lost this year, we are the clear-cut victors. You are the losers. In fact, I would go so far to say that we absolutely f*cking wolloped you.

Now I'll admit, winning was very fun. It was fun for two reasons. 1) We got exactly what we wanted - every single little bit. And 2) winning means that we got to watch other people lose, people we admittedly have no respect for and really enjoy watching get upset.

To the victors go the spoils, I suppose.

Not only that, the process of winning was fun. It was also pretty easy. Surprisingly so! All we had to do was murder One Thousand (1000) enemy ships over a 3 hour firefight outnumbered 1700:100. Us owning has been working for years, so we did it again, and it paid off, and we won.

God, it feels good to win. It just feels really, really good.

Take a look at this face. This is the face of a winner. If that makes you angry, look in the mirror because that's the face of a loser. A huge, unequivocal loser.

I bet you're not ready to give up yet. I bet you think you can be King of Low-Sec next year. You can't. I certainly welcome you to try - because I enjoy winning- but trust me, nothing you do is going to change anything. What’s going to happen is I’m going to keep on winning, and you’re going to keep on losing. That’s just how it’s going to be from here on out. Because that’s how it’s always been.

I won. You lost. Bye.

Pandemic Legion
Pepper Gets in the Iron Man Suit to Save Tony But Dies Trying Coalition

(messiah is killeon as well BTW)

I think I might be slightly in love with this post :swoon:
Markus Dixon
Gallente Federation
#374 - 2013-05-11 07:07:37 UTC
It sounds as if Urine Alliance is upset because Littlefinger poisons Joffrey.
I mean, I would be upset as well, but....c'mon.
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#375 - 2013-05-11 07:11:25 UTC
After reading all the tears in this thread, I am reminded of the grief Jon Snow felt when Ygritte died.
Markus Dixon
Gallente Federation
#376 - 2013-05-11 07:14:16 UTC
gazarsgo wrote:
After reading all the tears in this thread, I am reminded of the grief Jon Snow felt when Ygritte died.

It was an arrow through the heart, was it not?
Just like the pain I feel every day.
Zloco Crendraven
Shadow Cartel
#377 - 2013-05-11 07:25:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Zloco Crendraven
Hello friends!

My name is JEFFRAIDER and I am the official Pandemic Legion Head Diplomat. After a meeting with our leadership team I have been directed to make two public statements in regards to this. For reference, present at the leadership meeting were myself, Elendar (Flag FC), Elise Randolph (Head FC), Shadoo (Backup FC), Kearl (Alliance Executor), Phalanx III (Head of Logistics), Grath Telkin (Supercapital FC), Alidean (Sniggerdly Vice-CEO) and BlueMajere (North Eastern SWAT Vice-CEO).

First Public Statement to CCP:

Dear CCP,

We would first like to thank you for this fun event and wonderful prize! While we are gratified to have won, we certainly understand the controversy in your decision. I am sure had your fleet been in the system with the event rather than specifically attacking URINE Alliance, you would have felt more comfortable in allowing the CCP kills to count. Since you didn't really give other entities the same chance to engage your fleet, we understand your decision. Once again, thank you!

Second Public Statement to URINE Alliance:

Dear URINE Alliance,

We won.

After hours of combat versus EVE players we managed to do three times the damage to all of low-sec as your alliance. We won, and those of you who aren't us lost. Big time.

For those of you keeping score, it's Pandemic Legion: 1, URINE Alliance: 0.

Over 1000 enemies melted under the purifying lasers of Elendar's FLAG-WINNING Fleet, so once again, in case you were wondering who won and who lost this year, we are the clear-cut victors. You are the losers. In fact, I would go so far to say that we absolutely f*cking wolloped you.

Now I'll admit, winning was very fun. It was fun for two reasons. 1) We got exactly what we wanted - every single little bit. And 2) winning means that we got to watch other people lose, people we admittedly have no respect for and really enjoy watching get upset.

To the victors go the spoils, I suppose.

Not only that, the process of winning was fun. It was also pretty easy. Surprisingly so! All we had to do was murder One Thousand (1000) enemy ships over a 3 hour firefight outnumbered 1700:100. Us owning has been working for years, so we did it again, and it paid off, and we won.

God, it feels good to win. It just feels really, really good.

Take a look at this face. This is the face of a winner. If that makes you angry, look in the mirror because that's the face of a loser. A huge, unequivocal loser.

I bet you're not ready to give up yet. I bet you think you can be King of Low-Sec next year. You can't. I certainly welcome you to try - because I enjoy winning- but trust me, nothing you do is going to change anything. What’s going to happen is I’m going to keep on winning, and you’re going to keep on losing. That’s just how it’s going to be from here on out. Because that’s how it’s always been.

I won. You lost. Bye.

Pandemic Legion
Pepper Gets in the Iron Man Suit to Save Tony But Dies Trying Coalition

(messiah is killeon as well BTW)

But, but u didnt come at the top. The win was just a present from few CCP devs that are favorizing you. And it was not 100v1700. It was more like 100 vs 1rifter x1700 trying to killy a nyx.

This is what it means fighting against the odds

BALEX, bringing piracy on a whole new level.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#378 - 2013-05-11 07:26:38 UTC
Did you really just spoiler iron man 3?

**** you!
#379 - 2013-05-11 07:35:32 UTC
Zloco Crendraven wrote:
Hello friends!

My name is JEFFRAIDER and I am the official Pandemic Legion Head Diplomat. After a meeting with our leadership team I have been directed to make two public statements in regards to this. For reference, present at the leadership meeting were myself, Elendar (Flag FC), Elise Randolph (Head FC), Shadoo (Backup FC), Kearl (Alliance Executor), Phalanx III (Head of Logistics), Grath Telkin (Supercapital FC), Alidean (Sniggerdly Vice-CEO) and BlueMajere (North Eastern SWAT Vice-CEO).

First Public Statement to CCP:

Dear CCP,

We would first like to thank you for this fun event and wonderful prize! While we are gratified to have won, we certainly understand the controversy in your decision. I am sure had your fleet been in the system with the event rather than specifically attacking URINE Alliance, you would have felt more comfortable in allowing the CCP kills to count. Since you didn't really give other entities the same chance to engage your fleet, we understand your decision. Once again, thank you!

Second Public Statement to URINE Alliance:

Dear URINE Alliance,

We won.

After hours of combat versus EVE players we managed to do three times the damage to all of low-sec as your alliance. We won, and those of you who aren't us lost. Big time.

For those of you keeping score, it's Pandemic Legion: 1, URINE Alliance: 0.

Over 1000 enemies melted under the purifying lasers of Elendar's FLAG-WINNING Fleet, so once again, in case you were wondering who won and who lost this year, we are the clear-cut victors. You are the losers. In fact, I would go so far to say that we absolutely f*cking wolloped you.

Now I'll admit, winning was very fun. It was fun for two reasons. 1) We got exactly what we wanted - every single little bit. And 2) winning means that we got to watch other people lose, people we admittedly have no respect for and really enjoy watching get upset.

To the victors go the spoils, I suppose.

Not only that, the process of winning was fun. It was also pretty easy. Surprisingly so! All we had to do was murder One Thousand (1000) enemy ships over a 3 hour firefight outnumbered 1700:100. Us owning has been working for years, so we did it again, and it paid off, and we won.

God, it feels good to win. It just feels really, really good.

Take a look at this face. This is the face of a winner. If that makes you angry, look in the mirror because that's the face of a loser. A huge, unequivocal loser.

I bet you're not ready to give up yet. I bet you think you can be King of Low-Sec next year. You can't. I certainly welcome you to try - because I enjoy winning- but trust me, nothing you do is going to change anything. What’s going to happen is I’m going to keep on winning, and you’re going to keep on losing. That’s just how it’s going to be from here on out. Because that’s how it’s always been.

I won. You lost. Bye.

Pandemic Legion
Pepper Gets in the Iron Man Suit to Save Tony But Dies Trying Coalition

(messiah is killeon as well BTW)

But, but u didnt come at the top. The win was just a present from few CCP devs that are favorizing you. And it was not 100v1700. It was more like 100 vs 1rifter x1700 trying to killy a nyx.

This is what it means fighting against the odds

how come ur not king of low-sec?!

Oh wait because you never could be.

Because you're you.

And we're us.


Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#380 - 2013-05-11 07:39:22 UTC

But, but u didnt come at the top. The win was just a present from few CCP devs that are favorizing you. And it was not 100v1700. It was more like 100 vs 1rifter x1700 trying to killy a nyx.

This is what it means fighting against the odds

NOMAD please