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Wars against new player friendly corps

Fractal Muse
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2013-05-10 15:54:37 UTC
It's a big universe. Go where he isn't.

You know the names of every pilot in the corp that war dec'd you - so put them on a watch list and watch for them in local.

Other than that, go about your EVE activities like normal.

Adunh Slavy
#102 - 2013-05-10 16:14:25 UTC
Fit a few frigs, insure them and go fight and have fun with it, or sit in a station and don't have fun.

Target your enemy and shoot him. If you land a hit, declare victory for that fight and smack talk. "Hah, I shot you! you suck, can't even defend your self from a noob! lol LOOOSER!" Don't worry about your ship melting around you. You're six days old, you're going to loose the fight.

Everyone dies in Eve and gets stuff blown up. The sooner you learn this, the lot less expensive it'll be when you die later.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

XS Tech
#103 - 2013-05-10 16:16:41 UTC
Zak Breen wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Zak Breen wrote:
Some people are just dicks and have nothing better to do.

I sympathize with you but posting this on the forums will do nothing but bring out the "EVE is hard" crowd that loves to circle jerk that fact all over each other. My advice is to simply ignore the guy - put him on your watch list and when he comes online, keep an eye out in local and never go back into a system he knows you might visit. Remember, it costs HIM money to keep the war open.

Look at that...

Another future war target in the same thread.

You should really clean yourself up from all that circle jerking - it's starting to smell.

You might consider educating yourself about Cannibal Kane.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Equinsu-Ocha Warthog
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2013-05-10 17:54:38 UTC
Adunh Slavy wrote:
Fit a few frigs, insure them and go fight and have fun with it, or sit in a station and don't have fun.

Target your enemy and shoot him. If you land a hit, declare victory for that fight and smack talk. "Hah, I shot you! you suck, can't even defend your self from a noob! lol LOOOSER!" Don't worry about your ship melting around you. You're six days old, you're going to loose the fight.

Everyone dies in Eve and gets stuff blown up. The sooner you learn this, the lot less expensive it'll be when you die later.

that is great advice, i havent been reading the posts for a cupple of hours because i've been making myself an army, so far i've made 6 atrons fitted as tacklers, 3 Navitas fitted with 3 remote reppers and im now working on my 3 EW ships.. so far my 9 ships has cost me less than 6 mil, ofcourse they suck, anyone with a t1 frig with meta 4 fits could solo each of them, but i have 9 now. not im going to keep them in my hangar, and give them away to corp mates who wants to go hunting with me.
these war targets are screwed.

thank you all for constructive criticism, it has taught me a lot, especially the guys who contacted me in game to give me even more advice.

then thoes who say i gave up and just went to the forums and waited for CCP to help me out, yes that was the original goal, that didnt mean i had given up, that was me outsmarting the war targets, even tho you saw it as cowarding. i recruited help! that guy who has found 2 future war targets in here, dont be a douchbag and wardec my corp, i dont want that, but instead, find me in game and ill duel you, bring your t2 fitted daredevil and blow a 600k isk atron out of the skys and feel big about yourself, your epeen must be tiny, i'd happily donate a ship to make you feel big and strong.

 - A-10 Thunderbolt II

Zak Breen
Breen Enterprises
#105 - 2013-05-10 19:30:50 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Zak Breen wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Zak Breen wrote:
Some people are just dicks and have nothing better to do.

I sympathize with you but posting this on the forums will do nothing but bring out the "EVE is hard" crowd that loves to circle jerk that fact all over each other. My advice is to simply ignore the guy - put him on your watch list and when he comes online, keep an eye out in local and never go back into a system he knows you might visit. Remember, it costs HIM money to keep the war open.

Look at that...

Another future war target in the same thread.

You should really clean yourself up from all that circle jerking - it's starting to smell.

You might consider educating yourself about Cannibal Kane.


Maturity, one discovers, has everything to do with the acceptance of not knowing.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#106 - 2013-05-10 19:42:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
Equinsu-Ocha Warthog wrote:
...nerf hisec tears...

If you don't want to be wardecced, stay in an NPC corp.


Join a corp that can defend itself (and you).



The answer is NOT more hisec nerfs. Calling for nerfs will make more people want to shoot you in the face.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#107 - 2013-05-10 19:48:50 UTC
Equinsu-Ocha Warthog wrote:

that is great advice, i havent been reading the posts for a cupple of hours because i've been making myself an army, so far i've made 6 atrons fitted as tacklers, 3 Navitas fitted with 3 remote reppers and im now working on my 3 EW ships.. so far my 9 ships has cost me less than 6 mil, ofcourse they suck, anyone with a t1 frig with meta 4 fits could solo each of them, but i have 9 now. not im going to keep them in my hangar, and give them away to corp mates who wants to go hunting with me.
these war targets are screwed.

thank you all for constructive criticism, it has taught me a lot, especially the guys who contacted me in game to give me even more advice.

Your attitude has improved since your first post, you now have the right idea, when you lose your ships, and you will lose them, PM your opponent, he may be willing to tell you where you went wrong in your tactics and fit. Don't forget to offer up a GF in local.

i recruited help! that guy who has found 2 future war targets in here, dont be a douchbag and wardec my corp, i dont want that, but instead, find me in game and ill duel you, bring your t2 fitted daredevil and blow a 600k isk atron out of the skys and feel big about yourself, your epeen must be tiny, i'd happily donate a ship to make you feel big and strong.

You would do well to actually speak to Cannibal Kane instead of insulting him, he specialises in asymmetrical warfare and space terrorism, and may well be able to offer advice, or even help.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#108 - 2013-05-10 19:58:42 UTC
Equinsu-Ocha Warthog wrote:
...This is where the fun stops...
Perhaps the fun has ended, but this is where EvE truly starts. Up till now you have been choosing your path... what you do, but that is only part of EvE... a smaller part. The true heart of EvE is adapting to what other player force onto you.

Another player or group of players are forcing you to adapt. If you adapt, EvE will be fun again.
Tshaowdyne Dvorak
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#109 - 2013-05-10 20:23:57 UTC
Your corp has the wrong attitude about this situation. You were war decced because your enemy believes your corp is weak and easy pickings. They're probably right. The proper attitude to have is to look for them instead of waiting for them to look for you. If you realize that your corp won't back up its players with force and take the dec as a sign that you are going out to have some fun at the expense of a corp dumb enough to dec you, your corp has nothing to teach you about PvP. Your corp should be making them wish the war they started could be over sooner so they can go back to shooting at people who are too lame to ever shoot back.

Since you feel like "but... it's for the rookies!" then you should probably be getting the indication that a corp who can't teach their newbies isn't a corp worth being in. There are lots of much stronger corps out there who can teach you how to play this game and take on new pilots all the time. Ditch your corp full of zeroes and go fleet with some heroes.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#110 - 2013-05-10 20:32:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Vimsy Vortis
Your 26 man corporation is at war with a 1 man corporation that consists entirely of 1 guys in a vagabond and his CEO alt. That's not something that is difficult to deal with, even with low SP characters.

If you and your 25 buddies can't deal with that then you have no business being in a corporation.
Ryu Ibarazaki
#111 - 2013-05-10 20:34:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryu Ibarazaki
Equinsu-Ocha Warthog wrote:
that guy who has found 2 future war targets in here, dont be a douchbag and wardec my corp, i dont want that, but instead, find me in game and ill duel you, bring your t2 fitted daredevil and blow a 600k isk atron out of the skys and feel big about yourself, your epeen must be tiny, i'd happily donate a ship to make you feel big and strong.

Hey man, you haven't done much space-violence in EVE yet so I think most people will give you a pass on that comment. What you're going to discover, if you choose to fight, is that the people you shoot and get shot by tend to be the ones you respect the most. Unless you know... they are cowards.
Linna Excel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2013-05-10 20:34:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Linna Excel
This is why:
1. You don't leave the newbie corp until you have people who can help protect you
2. You don't leave the newbie corp until you are ready for war-decks
3. You try to keep one alt in a different corp so you can still do something

You might want to just leave your current corp and rejoin it after the war is over. BTW, are any of your corpmates on? If so, why aren't they in your system trying to bail you out?
Zephyr Corp
#113 - 2013-05-10 20:52:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Zephyrial
Okay, I will admit I haven't read much of this thread, so maybe the ideas are already in here....

1) If you can get out of station and into warp w/o him tackling you, you can run all over the known (hi sec) universe and he won't be able to touch you. Pods are amazingly hard to tackle. You also learn quite a bit about the mechanics of undocking, when to warp, timers on stargates, etc. I am assuming you have nothing plugged in your head and the clones at your level are still free? So podding is absolutely, utterly free if that is the case. Leave your ship safely in station and see if you can escape his camp. If you do get podded, you will reappear wherever you clone is, which might be far away and allow you to play elsewhere.

2) Make a point to waste as much of his time as possible. Stay logged on in station, but go read a book, do laundry, make dinner, take a shower, whatever. Maybe undock in your pod and go re-dock in another station in system. Do NOT log off when you go to bed/school/work/whatever.

3) Do not say a single solitary word to him. You seemed to already have done this, but now he knows he is making you unhappy. Do not ever give anyone the satisfaction. The silent treatment. Even if you die in your pod (or ship) do not utter a word. Griefers (or noob corp dec'rs) thrive on tears. Even if they are not truly 'tears', he will see them that way. If he tries to chat, don't refuse, just leave it in a little window in the corner. He won't know if you are even there or not. OR even better (and this has worked), set your CSPA fee (is there still one?) to a high number and accept the chat, forcing him to give up some isk (1 mil used to be the max?).

4) Create a trial account (not sure on the current rules re: this) and play on the trial toon for a while. If you go to the same station, I think you can trade goods directly in station and can also keep an eye on the dec'r if you want. If you don't want to create a trial account, create a second toon on your existing account and play on it. Eventually, if you stick with the game, you will be using at least two, if not all three, of your accounts anyway.

Finally, on the overall issue of protecting the noob, then the noob has to also be prevented from being useful. If you were in a larger corp, you could be very effective currently as a scout or even a tackler. Would it be 'fair' to protect you as a noob while still allowing you to be an effective asset?

Btw, a Vagabond (properly fit) is a frigate killer extraordinaire...don't bother sending suicide frigs at it.

Even when you have 6 months or a year or whatever under your belt, unless you have enough buds with you, you will spend a lot of time holed up in a station waiting out a war target. Practice now :).
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#114 - 2013-05-10 22:47:57 UTC
My highsec wardec/mercenary corp has, on several occasions had new players in it. In fact when we formed it we were all pretty new.

As a new player friendly organization it should be against the rules to declare war on us.

OP is dumb.
DeAira Skord
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#115 - 2013-05-10 22:52:38 UTC
I get killing someone for profit, but isn't clubbing seals rather sociopathic and cowardly?
Skeln Thargensen
#116 - 2013-05-10 23:09:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Skeln Thargensen
DeAira Skord wrote:
I get killing someone for profit, but isn't clubbing seals rather sociopathic and cowardly?

yes, but while you can live by that you can't make other people. and this game does appeal to those who favour douchebaggery and asshattery it cannot be denied.

much better to call them CHEAP though.

forums.  serious business.

Equinsu-Ocha Warthog
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2013-05-10 23:19:46 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
My highsec wardec/mercenary corp has, on several occasions had new players in it. In fact when we formed it we were all pretty new.

As a new player friendly organization it should be against the rules to declare war on us.

OP is dumb.

well, as a new player i didnt think of that. i never said my suggestion was a perfect fix, i didnt even say it was a fix, it was just a suggestion, and you've missed my point completely. you're pretty dumb to assume that. however im not going to try and explain the issue here, because you're clealy oblivious to the real issue here.

 - A-10 Thunderbolt II

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#118 - 2013-05-10 23:45:35 UTC
DeAira Skord wrote:
I get killing someone for profit, but isn't clubbing seals rather sociopathic and cowardly?

Since the advent of this game, there are a lot less new cars getting keyed, less dogs being shot with pellet guns, and less incidence of road rage brought on from people matching the speed of a slow truck while blocking the passing lane and pointing and leering at the people stuck behind them.

CCP means "Crowd Control Productions" for a reason. Here there be.... asshats who, where there no litterbox to play in, would be messing things up in the real world where it's already hard enough to "have anything nice" or go from point A to point B without finding yourself wishing for a nuclear war or global plague.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Cream Pie Carpet Munchers
#119 - 2013-05-11 00:21:30 UTC
stfu and gtfo
Lenda Shinhwa
Bad Touches
#120 - 2013-05-11 00:44:23 UTC
Equinsu-Ocha Warthog wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
My highsec wardec/mercenary corp has, on several occasions had new players in it. In fact when we formed it we were all pretty new.

As a new player friendly organization it should be against the rules to declare war on us.

OP is dumb.

well, as a new player i didnt think of that. i never said my suggestion was a perfect fix, i didnt even say it was a fix, it was just a suggestion, and you've missed my point completely. you're pretty dumb to assume that. however im not going to try and explain the issue here, because you're clealy oblivious to the real issue here.

I can only assume now that you were sent to the forums to troll for more wardecs.