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Eve needs new space with a twist....I present Eve Deepspace Regions

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2011-11-03 10:00:36 UTC
JimmySquirts wrote:
....ready to be exploited by true adventurers with a willingness to work and meet the logistical challenge that truly existing in the deepest, darkness of space.

you mean: 24/7 gatecamps on 1(!!!) entrance + 20-30 more manual jumps with gate camps without any place to get rest between?

Well. interesting idea. But i think there will be as usual: NBSI between some ganks and lonely neutrals trying to get inside.....

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2011-11-03 10:11:49 UTC
ASadOldGit wrote:
Sir Substance wrote:

... To expand to a new system, you must first slowboat it there and build a stargate or pop a cyno...

Just skimming that story, after the slowboating, they invented jump drives that didn't need cynos, so why can't CCP supply us with something similar, even if it results in massive inaccuracy in the destination point?

You are reading things that aren't there. They never mentioned cynoless jump drives, they only mentioned jump drives. Hence my (more logical) assumption of cyno drones. Fire off a pilotless drone towards the nearest star system. You can accelerate it a lot faster then a manned ship, due to the lack of squishy people. It'll get there a lot faster.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Jaxon Grylls
Institute of Archaeology
#43 - 2011-11-03 10:16:43 UTC
An excellent suggestion and one that COULD make me desert hisec and "go west".

One thing does worry me though, logistics. If there are no permanent bases in these systems it seems to me that you would be forever shuttling backwards and forwards for supplies and to sell items/information gathered. No, I have no objection to this, after all, the early trappers in North America were forced back to something like civilisation from time to time to restock and offload their furs.

I can forsee the need for convoys and such organisation being needed and that suggests to me that these areas might only be practical for oraganised groups. That leaves the lone explorer. I can't see a large(ish) party waiting around looking through empty system after empty system. That should be the role of the lone-wolf cartographer and then he too would need a decent ship with a good sized cargo capacity.

All in all however I look forward to seeing if any of the devs pick up on this, it may just be the spur they need to get EVE firing on all cylinders again.
Zyrbalax III
Goldcrest Enterprises
#44 - 2011-11-03 10:35:04 UTC
This idea has got me thinking. A few more ideas to throw into the mix, picking up on the "stepping stones" concept:

Let's say we get a new type of signature, "Deep Space SIgnatures" (DSS). These are found way outside current system limits, and can be scanned down using scan probes (either a new kind of probe or a beefed up Deep Space Probe).

Oh, and you don't know what's going to be there until you get there; so when you make the jump to a new DSS, you might find yourself unexpectedly back in K-space, or in a DSS that's already occupied, or empty, or full of stuff too hard for your skills, or - if you're lucky - a real plum of a DSS that's going to keep you busy for a week.

DSS move every downtime - there are no permanent routes - and at any one time each DSS may have a limited number of other DSS within scan range (which may or may not connect to K-space (or W-space)). Or it may have none in range. So once you're in deepspace, you never know when you might find a route back to K-space. My preference would be to make the chance of finding a K-space exit low, so you can be stuck out there for months at a time.

I'd also suggest a limit on deepspace jumps - so if a ship is capable of deep space jumps, it can only do one per day, which means you can't go back to the DSS you just came from (because they move every downtime).

Think of a DSS as a "system" if you like - so when you get there there may be a number of things to do (there might be planets, belts, combat sites, new challenges etc), all of which have to be scanned down using regular exploration probes. Once you've exhausted the resources of a DSS, it's time to move on.

I think it would make sense to have a new kind of vessel - a deepspace exploration vessel perhaps something like an Orca, or perhaps something like the smallholding / homesteading / baseships that were suggested in the nullsec design goals discussions (two birds with one stone?)

I hope the devs pick up on this thread...
distress signals
#45 - 2011-11-03 11:12:51 UTC
Technically deep space would be the space beyond heliopause or in other words the space between the boundaries of star systems.

Knoppaz / distressSIGNALS

a capsuleer's way to insanity

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2011-11-03 11:22:23 UTC
Zyrbalax III wrote:
This idea has got me thinking. A few more ideas to throw into the mix, picking up on the "stepping stones" concept:

Let's say we get a new type of signature, "Deep Space SIgnatures" (DSS). These are found way outside current system limits, and can be scanned down using scan probes (either a new kind of probe or a beefed up Deep Space Probe).

Oh, and you don't know what's going to be there until you get there; so when you make the jump to a new DSS, you might find yourself unexpectedly back in K-space, or in a DSS that's already occupied, or empty, or full of stuff too hard for your skills, or - if you're lucky - a real plum of a DSS that's going to keep you busy for a week.

DSS move every downtime - there are no permanent routes - and at any one time each DSS may have a limited number of other DSS within scan range (which may or may not connect to K-space (or W-space)). Or it may have none in range. So once you're in deepspace, you never know when you might find a route back to K-space. My preference would be to make the chance of finding a K-space exit low, so you can be stuck out there for months at a time.

I'd also suggest a limit on deepspace jumps - so if a ship is capable of deep space jumps, it can only do one per day, which means you can't go back to the DSS you just came from (because they move every downtime).

Think of a DSS as a "system" if you like - so when you get there there may be a number of things to do (there might be planets, belts, combat sites, new challenges etc), all of which have to be scanned down using regular exploration probes. Once you've exhausted the resources of a DSS, it's time to move on.

I think it would make sense to have a new kind of vessel - a deepspace exploration vessel perhaps something like an Orca, or perhaps something like the smallholding / homesteading / baseships that were suggested in the nullsec design goals discussions (two birds with one stone?)

I hope the devs pick up on this thread...

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2011-11-03 11:23:23 UTC  |  Edited by: March rabbit
Zyrbalax III wrote:

.... So once you're in deepspace, you never know when you might find a route back to K-space. My preference would be to make the chance of finding a K-space exit low, so you can be stuck out there for months at a time.

I'd also suggest a limit on deepspace jumps - so if a ship is capable of deep space jumps, it can only do one per day, which means you can't go back to the DSS you just came from (because they move every downtime).
Think of a DSS as a "system" if you like - so when you get there there may be a number of things to do (there might be planets, belts, combat sites, new challenges etc), all of which have to be scanned down using regular exploration probes. Once you've exhausted the resources of a DSS, it's time to move on.

planets => PI
belts => ore
combat sites => stuff

As long you can't set up POS or outpost there you don't need PI.
As long you can't set up POS or outpost there you don't need minerals because you can't manufacture anything.
Ore is a very large by size. So you can't mine in deepspace because you "can be stuck there for months". Let's say you can fill your cargohold in a day... And what's next?

Combat sites can't give you stuff in noticeable amounts because of cargohold capacity and "stuck for months".

So here is the question: what would you want to be able to get there?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

#48 - 2011-11-03 12:01:16 UTC
Basically boils down to a party doing dungeon crawling, like in RPG games.
Both, casual friendly or you can crawl as much as your stamina/environment will allow.
Random loots and stuffs (ala Diablo) will keep the interest going.

Now adapt the above to EVE's space context, you have some massive potential for a new area of gameplay.
WH came close but is too predictable and comes at a hassle (imo).
If they wrap it around the Incursion PUG concept, it'll give even more reason for folks stick and play EVE.
Lord Wamphyri
Starside Lost
#49 - 2011-11-03 12:36:10 UTC
Aggressive Nutmeg wrote:
What about warpdrive malfunctions that throw you into Witchspace?

Ah, those were the days. Big smile

That was the first thing I thought of when I read this thread!

I remember in Frontier you could force a mis-jump in your hyperdrive that left you in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps a similar mechanic could be used with Stargates?

My thought is that you could have a module that disrupts the stargate jump process and drops you in the middle of deep space between the two systems you were jumping between.

With the amount of Stargates and systems in New Eden you could potentially have thousands of deep space areas Smile


Zyrbalax III
Goldcrest Enterprises
#50 - 2011-11-03 13:05:26 UTC
March rabbit wrote:

planets => PI
belts => ore
combat sites => stuff

Once you can't set up POS or outpost there you don't need PI.
Once you can't set up POS or outpost there you don't need minerals because you can't manufacture anything.
Ore is a very large by size. So you can't mine in deepspace because you "can be stuck there for months". Let's say you can fill your cargohold in a day... And what's next?

Combat sites can't give you stuff in noticeable amounts because of cargohold capacity and "stuck for months".

So here is the question: what would you want to be able to get there?

Good points, but depending on nature of smallholding / base ships not necessarily idea-killers. For example, some of the smallholding ideas included small-scale refining / manufacturing modules (allowing use of local materials for replacement ammo / drones etc). And if there's a fuel requirement for setting up a smallholding then PI or ice availability may facilitate long stays in deepspace.

This is new, so let's not be limited by existing EVE constraints. Maybe you're right and we don't want PI or mining, maybe we want something only found in deepspace that's valuable and easily portable (like melted nanoribbons). Or maybe base ships have HUGE cargoholds. Or maybe Thukker nomads are already out there and you can pay them to bring stuff back to K-space for you, or use them as trade hubs in deepspace (if you can find them). Or maybe ore or PI can be used to lure deepspace star worms to you whose essential oils act as a superbooster. The only limit is our imagination (oh yeah, and dev time and computing power I guess).

Or maybe as I mused in my first post, you don't go to deepspace for the ISK, you go for the challenge. If all a player is interested in is his wallet, maybe deepspace isn't for him.
XS Tech
#51 - 2011-11-03 13:12:43 UTC
Zyrbalax III wrote:
Or maybe ore or PI can be used to lure deepspace star worms to you whose essential oils act as a superbooster.

Control the worms... and control the spice... Cool

oh wait, wrong sci-fi universe

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Shadowbane Syndicate
#52 - 2011-11-03 13:16:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Aralieus
Commander TGK wrote:
Captain Alcatraz wrote:
What made me love EVE when it started was the cold, mysterious atmosphere, the unknown. Years later 0.0 feels no more special or distant than high sec, thanks to jump bridges, jump freighters, warp to 0 and its stagnant state. EVE was EVE when alliances had to escort convoys of freighters into deep 0.0 to move supplies or build an outpost, having to defend them from ambushes, that's the spirit of the EVE I loved, a dangerous, real space odyssey.

High sec needs less ISK generated in it, and the 4 empires separated by low sec systems
Low sec needs to feel more like far west, a place for space gold diggers, caravans and bandits
0.0 needs to be more dangerous, less accessible, makes you feel you're somewhere far in space not 2-3 JBs away from empire
WHs are a step in the right direction but once you've been there 2-3 times, you've seen it all

What EVE needs in 2011 to bring more of its original spirit is more mystery, make those stories in chronicles possible for players. A great addition would be MASSIVE uncharted space around 0.0, where there is no local, no bounties, where you could make dozens of jumps into desert systems, having to take note of your route, to finaly end up discovering a jovian stations in ruins, corporations testing prototype technology, remains of civilsations unknown, traces of early / alien space exploration, a pirate / hostile lair in the middle of nowhere à la bad guys systems of Mass Effect etc. Players could map this space and sell their work, making good maps or falses ones leading their buyers into a trap.

That's the EVE I dream of

Well put


A few things that would completely ruin this would be sov and jump freighters. I don't think POS's should be such a problem, I mean if you can make it thru the logistical nightmare of actually getting one set up with proper defense and offense mods in place then you deserve it. Another thing I want to add to the brain storming going on here is how about we introduce these 'deepspace' systems as something to do with the story line. For example and purely for for example reasons unless it gets picked up is have the priate factions also explore these regions of unknown space. Yes, yes I know about wormhole space but until CCP decides to add more of the back story into it, its just a isk farm and I'm sure we can all agree to that. However going further into the dynamics of this beautiful idea (thanks OP for getting the ball rolling) let's say for instance your a lone traveler\/explorer and you did manage to enter these uncharted areas you run across another from say blood raider faction (yes I'm biased but saying BR faction here is for example reasons) and you can either decide to fleet up and explore together with an advanced AI NPC that can probe and pass on intel to you about what its found and even quite possiblly fight in the radars/mags etc etc with you. Or you can simply destroy the NPC and loot him for whatever bookmarks he may already have and learn what it is he was up to initially. So many ways we can take this but the foundation of the idea is pretty solid.

Oderint Dum Metuant

#53 - 2011-11-03 13:38:15 UTC
This seems to be perfect for a new line of T3 Battleships designed for deep space exploring.

I mean, a cruiser just don't cut it if you want to go deep into the unknown and not see empire in many weeks. There has to be a significant cargo-hold for all the supplies you will need (and loot you get) and possibility to repair, reconfigure and refit modules in space. No POS. Just ships.

And I do like the idea of real distances that takes time.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#54 - 2011-11-03 13:46:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Vertisce Soritenshi
JimmySquirts wrote:
No, it's not more wormholes or different ways to get to wormholes...

Nor is it more space connecting what we have now to "unreachable" jovian space.

Nope nothing like that....

We need new space with qualitatively different rules for exploration and development and potential for rewards.

What new rules you might ask?

1) No outposts can be constructed.

2) No NPC stations

3) No jump bridges

4) No sovereignty

5) No readily available ice products.

6 ) No anchorable bubbles

Just and full of the most bountiful set of resources in New Eden. Nowhere near the jump freighter-able, outpost infested, jump bridge traversed space we now have to deal with in balancing null sec. The best ores, rats, moon goo, and anomalies naturally occurring.....ready to be exploited by true adventurers with a willingness to work and meet the logistical challenge that truly existing in the deepest, darkness of space.

These regions would be called "Deepspace" regions, hidden from human eyes for the ages but available now for exploration by the few, the chosen, the courageous! want WH space just without the WH's?

Ummm...sure...why the **** not? But no gates either if it can't be colonized with outposts or anything else of the Wouldn't make any sense to have gates if you can't have bases.

Bounties for all!

Jenshae Chiroptera
#55 - 2011-11-03 14:17:07 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
ASadOldGit wrote:
I do like the idea of "wilder" untamed systems, perhaps binary or trinary systems, or even right smack in the middle of a stellar nursary, with proto-stars forming around you.
Perhaps even something with no warp-to points, no planets or moons, just a big 200-300 AU sphere of anoms you have to scan down - something you can truly get lost in.Blink

This is actually something that I've been thinking of as well. Having in a sense just a massive plot of space where there are no celestials to warp to. You have to rely on scanning to find objects, anomalies, sigs, etc in order to move. Like stepping stones.

Enjoy being ganked at the jump in point.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Zyrbalax III
Goldcrest Enterprises
#56 - 2011-11-03 14:27:51 UTC
Being deep space I see no reason why there's need to be a single jump-in point. With long-distance gateless travel I would have thought it would make more sense to jump into a random spot in the destination "system".
#57 - 2011-11-03 14:33:42 UTC
Zyrbalax III wrote:
Being deep space I see no reason why there's need to be a single jump-in point. With long-distance gateless travel I would have thought it would make more sense to jump into a random spot in the destination "system".

This. ^^

And then you need to find the exit back somewhere ....
Expect your ETA in empire to be a little hard to predict. Maybe you will never make it back ... there are no guarantees.
Takamori Maruyama
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#58 - 2011-11-03 14:38:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Takamori Maruyama
Add a No Local on Dead space and I'm all in
Also I posted about a alien race that act basically like the Necromorph in dead space, but in the eve case they can take control of mechanics too, perfect scenario to add em.

Oh yes , when you warp to a Dead space, you warp to random place in there.
Planet, asteroid field, anomalies and etc etc.

Loud and clear...

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#59 - 2011-11-03 14:44:14 UTC
Aggressive Nutmeg wrote:
What about warpdrive malfunctions that throw you into Witchspace?

Ah, those were the days. Big smile

Can't sleep. Thargoids will get me.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Knug LiDi
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#60 - 2011-11-03 14:45:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Knug LiDi
T2 rorqual or tier 2 mothership/titan

act like mothership from Freespace - with ability to create t1 ships, mods, ammo, drones ( assembly lines, bring bpc's please !)

so a small group can pilot their mobile station/ship with the idea of exploring while moving their beastie through deepspace

They need to mine minerals to keep fuel avail and such, so grav sites are needed along with ice in a similar vein, as they move their caravan through the area

they can find stuff out there, but can't use what they find out there. gotta bring it back to profit, but enough stuff out there to survive in your t1 ships IF you brought the right BPCs

When moving through NPC space - they'll need to stay alive - NPCs will run, regroup and attack with some intelligence

Need to make it so its near impossible for your group to be found by someone not in your immediate group, either for reinforcements or enemies. You get lost you stay lost.

Getting out should be not too easy, and not the way you came in. If you get separated from your mothership and can't probe it down (i.e. you weren't logged in for 2 days and your mothership left your area and you didn't log out while docked inside your mothership) then sac yourself back to new eden.

If only we could fall into a woman's arms

without falling into her hands